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Primetime Las Vegas Sept. 8 10 am PT League 2

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:54 pm
by Tom Kessenich
Here is the draft order. Good luck everyone. :)

Primetime Las Vegas Sept. 8 10 am PT League 2
1. Juan Gomez, Lauderhill, Florida
2. Michael Mohrman, Lakewood, Colorado
3. Scott Nelson, Hudson, Wisconsin
4. Dan Satinoff, Alexandria, Virginia
5. Matthew Shepherd, Napa, California
6. Henry Cantrell, Raleigh, North Carolina
7. Billy Wasosky, Richmond, Virginia
8. Bob Kildall, Anaheim, California
9. Bradley Shairson, Hermosa Beach, California
10. John Fousek, Rapid City, South Dakota
11. Scott Stauffer, Naperville, Illinois
12. Tom Williams, Aurora, Colorado