Las Vegas $650 NBC Sports Auction League

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Greg Ambrosius
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Las Vegas $650 NBC Sports Auction League

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:03 am

It's with great pleasure that we announce our first draft order for the debut NBC Sports NFFC Primetime event. Okay, so it's nomination orders for an Auction League, but it's still good!! :D Below is the nomination order for the debut Las Vegas $650 NBC Sports NFFC Primetime Auction League:

$650 NBC Sports Primetime Auction League
Friday, Aug. 29th, 11 am PST
1. Jon Clift, Lees Summitt, Missouri
2. Scott Wieland, Madison, Wisconsin
3. Silas Dain, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
4. Bill Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado
5. Andy Robinson, Alpharetta, Georgia
6. Timothy Stevens, Downey, California
7. Ted Baehman, Deerbrook, Wisconsin
8. Jim Ferrari, San Diego, California
9. Joe Rawlings, Wichita, Kansas
10. Todd Ullman, California
11. Walter Wagoner, Longmont, Colorado
12. Kevin Dukesherer, San Diego, California

[ August 24, 2008, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: Tom Kessenich ]
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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