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Predictions thread...

Post by BLACKHAND » Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:20 pm

this years bust : mjd

injury and terrible team leads to this bust.

undervalued : jacoby jones. will be a great value pick from where he is drafted.

bronze medal goes to MR.STEADY reggie wayne.

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Predictions thread...

Post by rkulaski » Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:36 pm

I have an online draft tomorrow night but will try to post Thurs, likely during the game.

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Predictions thread...

Post by jjsegura78 » Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:56 pm

One Prediction out of me: Dallas will not make it to the Superbowl.

Sorry Cowboys fans, but ESPN and NFL network have worked up this team WAY TOO MUCH this year.

Will the Cowboys be the first team to play the Superbowl in their home stadium ? NO.


Ok. Top FFB Player IMO will come out of GB (Rodgers, Jones, Jennings, and can't count out Finley)

And I believe the biggest disappointment will come out of Dallas (Miles) or Houston (AJ, Arian, JJ, or Schaub). But I hope it's Miles because I hope it's my Texans year.
Projection 2010: Either winning my Classic LV/Chicago Dual League, or making it to the Catalina Wine Mixer.

JJ Segura

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Predictions thread...

Post by mikeybok » Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:13 am

Steals of this draft

Camarillo. He is probably a top 30 WR who could break into the top ten while Sidney is out. A real steal who will probably be a starter each week. Seriously ... who's going to catch the ball in Min?

Portis. Another steal who will put up good numbers and could be had in the eighth or ninth round in most drafts. Another amazing drop.

Fred Taylor. A steal for a flex or bench player. I don't think he will get more than 45-50% of the carries here ... but he should be real consistent. A cheep reliable player who can help in bye weeks or fill in in case of injury.

QB ... Flacco if he went after the 5th, Favre

TE ... Heap ... Miller Pitt if he fell past the 7th round

[ September 08, 2010, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Brutally Ugly Yellow Tomatoes ]
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Predictions thread...

Post by mattjb » Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:19 am

Rodgers in my opinion should have been a top 3 pick - he has a monster season throwing for over 40tds and 5000 yards.

Jamal Charles' talent will make Thomas Jones a non issue and finish the year as a top 5 fantasy running back.

James Jones (not Jacoby!) will be the breakout Wr of the year.

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Predictions thread...

Post by particra » Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:52 am

Johnny Knox will score 260+ points.

Matt Schaub will be 2nd in QB points.

Pierre Garcon will have more points than Reggie Wayne.

Other than Witten, the Cowboys will be a monumental disappointment at every position

Bernard Scott will end up within 20 points of Cedric Benson

[ September 08, 2010, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Hells Satans ]

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Predictions thread...

Post by renman » Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:19 am

Well, Might as well through my view points out.

--Highly drafted players I targeted and why--

A. Peterson - I didn't get him in any league due to not getting any draft position higher than 8 in any league. But I think he is likely to explode this year and be the #1 RB. His involvement in the pass, his obvious talent, his usage on the stripe, his wanting to re-take the title as best RB in the league... I think he explodes.

Steven Jackson - I think he is the second best RB in the league. He does it all. I expect better offensive line play, a more functional offense in general, and even viable play from the young QB who has impressed me with the little things. I think he could easily be a top 5 RB this year.

Michael Turner - I think he is in much better shape than last year. I love the schedule (after game one), I think they will use him properly to make sure he is fresh down the stretch. I have seen him (and got him) in the second round and think he will out perform that easily assuming healthy (which applies to everyone).

Calvin Johnson - He is maybe my most coveted player this year. Based on how early he has been going I am not alone on this. I think he is insane talented and will have much better QB play combined with a solid offense that requires a defense give its full attention to. I see him challenging A. Johnson for the #1 wr spot.

R. White - Though not as talented as CJ, still a huge upside WR in my eyes. Ryan targets him aggressively. He fights for commands the ball. Gonzo is aging and on the downside. Not other receiver to challenge him for targets.

Tom Brady - I think he will explode again. Their style of offense, combined with a bad defense, combined with lots of weapons, combined with their lack of sportsmanship in terms of running up scores makes me think he can challenge Rodgers for #1 QB status. Sadly, I didn't get him in ANY league somehow so I have to sit back and watch his 40+ tds and repeated 300 yard games goto someone else.

Lesser tier players I like.


Flacco - I think he takes the next step this year. The pass catching RB helps.

Eli Manning - I think he will out perform is draft spot

M Stafford - I think he is a strong backup and occasional spot starter as the season goes on.


J. Best - Love the Lions offense in general

J. Addai - Not a huge upside guy, but a part of winning fantasy teams. Brown hasn't impressed and Addai will out produce his adp.

R. Brown - Ricky Williams will get a lesser percentage of the touches. Brown active in pass.

I expect Portis, Hightower, Harrison, M. Bush to out perform their draft spots.


I like Bowe, Nicks, Maclin, Harvin, Floyd, Gaffney more than the 5-8 guys projected to go ahead of them. This lead to me attacking RB's and QB's in the 3rd and 4th rounds to then re-focus on WR's in the 5th and beyond.


I think we all like the same guys.

Finley - obvious talent with explosive offense. I just never was willing to spend what it took to get him.

Celek - I think Kolb will struggle some, especially getting the ball down field and because of that I avoided D. Jackson and targeted Maclin and Celek.

Z. Miller - offense should be functional and his talent will be a focal point.

-- Players I avoided and why --

MJD - I thint that offense is pedestrian. I think that team may implode. That only player I have interest in on that team is G. Jennings to back up what I believe will be a beaten down MJD.

R. Rice - I don't like paying for last years epic numbers (same goes for Chris Johnson). I think the down field passing game will be more dynamic. I think McGahee may steal some TD's and touches. Not spending a top 5 pick on a guy in that situation. Not saying he isn't great, just saying I am not paying the price.

Many of the top 15 RB's are guys I am indifferent on.

Moreno - no chance I will take him. Hammy injuries bother me.

Beanie Wells - Bad camp, dinged up, can't pick up the blitz so hightower remains a factor.

Matthews, CJ Spiller, A. Foster all super hyped and going too high for my taste. I like Foster the best. Spiller is going to cede many touches to Jackson and Lynch.

R. Moss - Not spending a 1st round pick on a guy who scares me. I don't want him the year he gets old or melts down.

G. Jennings/M Colston - So many people command in the ball in these offenses that I know my highly drafted player can disappear in a game his team scores 35 points.

Crabtree - already alienating his teamates and organization.

Rivers - Don't have a good feel about this team. His lack of mobility worries me every year. It seems like every pass he gets off he BARELY gets off and I always feel like eventually that will haunt him.

Kolb/Cutler/Favre - I think they will struggle. They will have their moments but I don't think any of them will be dependable QB for fantasy.


V. Davis - I don't want to spend for last years huge numbers... especially when I had him everywhere last year. I never take guys I personally had at value the following year at full price.

D. Clark - offense reminding me of Saints with too many weapons and thus the ball gets spread around. Clark is great, but I don't think he is worth the round he goes in.

Gonzalez - I dont want to take him the year he gets old.

Team stuff...

I think the 49ers will make the playoffs easily.

I think the Bills will be better than expected. At least more competitive.

I think the Lions will be in some shoot outs and better overall as a competitive team.

I think the NY Jets are doomed. I would be surprised if they win more than 8 games. I could list 10 reasons why all starting with that teenager mentality, over compensating, insecure head coach.

I am a huge Steeler fan but worry about that offense because of a VERY unathletic offensive line.

I think the Houston Texans take the next step and make the post season and maybe deep into it.

I think both Jacksonville and Carolina may implode.

I think any of the four teams in the NFC East can win it. 2 games may separate the entire division. My gut says Cowboys win it and Eagles finish last.

Bengals vs Packers Super bowl.

Packers win

ps. I typed this in one sitting without proof reading... there must be 32 typos. One for every NFL team. Off to lunch.

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Predictions thread...

Post by boutrous11 » Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:18 am

Roddy White will be a top 3 wr.

Arian Foster will be a top 7 rb.

Beanie Wells will not be a top 30 rb.

Jeremy Maclin will come within 30 or so points of Desean Jackson.

Stafford will be a top 10 qb.

Favre will miss at least 2 games with injury.

Jonathon Stewart will have more points than Deangelo.

[ September 08, 2010, 12:20 PM: Message edited by: boutrous11 ]

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Predictions thread...

Post by mattjb » Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:18 am

Oh i missed out my best sleeper prediction for the season...

Tashard Choice will be the starting running back for the Cowboys by mid season.

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