Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

GOD Loves You
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Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

Post by GOD Loves You » Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:46 pm

This seems to be more complicated than it has to be.

$200 is what each team starts with to spend on 18 players, this is the AUCTION. If for some reason an owner chooses to spend less than $200, oh well, it doesn't matter because the final 8 rounds are just like a "normal" draft. If they had $20 left over, it would be just the same as having $8.

The last 8 players will be PICKED, drafted, selected, whatever you want to call it, just like normal in a serpentine draft. No one else can bid on your nominated player in the final 8. When you "nominate" a player in the these 8 rounds, you have selected them just like many of us will do in the main event or DC in a few weeks. The selected player is on your team, no one else can bid on them as this is the RESERVE DRAFT.
The site is set up for this is why there will be so-called "bidding" for the final 8 rounds.

We are all adults, all seem to be knowledgeable so we can all make sure each team has only 18 players after the auction. We can all assist in making sure each team has at least $8 left after the auction. This is to ensure they have at least $1 for each player in the reserve draft.

The commish, whomever that is, should periodically update the draft as to what each team has left in their budget and how many remaining players. Like I said, I would be more than happy to take charge and run this, but I have a 14 month old daughter who will need my attention throughout the draft. Don't care about my 8 yr old son. :D But I will make sure to keep track of everything to ensure each team only has 18 players after the auction and each team has at least $8 left for the reserve draft.

Heck to make it easy, for all who are worried.....
1.have a pen or pencil ready to use
2.print the owners list
3.draw a line across the page underneath each owners name, use a ruler if you have problems.
4.write the number 18 beside each owners name
5.move across the line, about half way across the page and write $200.

6.if unable to subtract small numbers, have a calculator handy during the draft.

Do the above, or something like it; spreadsheet or something comparable.......and then all can keep track of each team.

Team #1 wins bid on player "Doesn't matter"...for Team #1, take your writing instrument and cross out 18 and write the number 17. Team #1 now has 17 players left to win during the auction part of the draft.

Team #1 spends $23 on "Doesn't matter"..again, take pen or pencil and cross out $200 for Team #1 and write $177. This team now has $177 left to spend on 17 players for the auction draft.

Regardless of who the commish is, I will be doing something like this throughout the draft to make sure everything is done according to the rules.

To sum this up, since we will not have anyone from "fantasyauctioneer" assisting us, for this to run smoothly we should all make an effort to help out whomever the commish is. I know many will already do this so I gurantee we won't have any teams drafting 19 players during the auction draft or overspending.

$200 budget for 18 rounds
Teams will only choose 18 players during these 18 rounds.

$8 budget for 8 reserve rounds
Nominate player=draft player
No one else can bid on any player nominated during the final 8 reserve rounds. These 8 rounds are done to complete the roster.

If I missed something, please post what it was, if not, I hope this makes sense. I typed this rather quickly as I was making dinner, so please forgive me if it seems a lil scattered.

And forgive me for repeating a few things, just trying to ensure everyone understands what's going on. I just want us all to be on the same page. This is what I believe were the original intentions of the league and how it is set up.


GOD Loves You
Posts: 2260
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Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

Post by GOD Loves You » Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:31 pm

I believe the reserve draft order will remain the same as the nomination order. As far as who the commish is, I have no idea....and as far as responsiblities, I believe the commish was to contact George at fantasyauctioneer to find this out.

I think RI was the one who started this league, but he seems to be busy with Jackie Childs and Matlock!

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Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

Post by RiFF » Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:39 pm

I'm not an expert on Auction Drafts so maybe I'm missing something. This by necessity starts as an 26 round draft. After 14 rounds I have 18 players. When it comes to my turn in round 15 to nominate a player, which I believe will happen because its a 26 round draft and NOT an 18 round draft; even though I've agreed not to draft more than 18 players through 18 rounds how do I avoid getting player # 19 if no one increases the bid on the player I nominate in round 15???? Again I'm amenable to any process that will work. But let's not assume we can agree to a structure that the Auction site can't handle. I believe my example, among others, may not fit into the structure everyone seems to want to make work. If it does, and all other contingencies to this structure can fit into the capabilities of the system...great. But let's be sure it will work as anticipated.

GOD Loves You
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Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

Post by GOD Loves You » Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:45 pm

I sent an e-mail to George at fantasyauctioneer to make sure everything is peachy with what we planned and to get an answer to your question RIFF. I would think any owners who've done an auction before could answer it, but this will be my first auction, so I don't want to give an incorrect response.

[ August 18, 2006, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: GOD Loves You ]

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Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

Post by RiFF » Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:59 pm

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
I sent an e-mail to George at fantasyauctioneer to make sure everything is peachy with what we planned and to get an answer to your question RIFF. I would think any owners who've done an auction before could answer it, but this will be my first auction, so I don't want to give an incorrect response. I have never done an online auction either; that's my concern about trying to put curves into a preprogrammed process. If all can be completed in the proposed structure, great. Glad someone is attempting to confirm. Thanks.

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Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

Post by georgedp » Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:17 pm

Hi everyone,

George from FantasyAuctioneer here. Unfortunately, what RiFF said is correct. Our system can handle reserve drafts for baseball (where they are much more prevalent - this is actually the first time I've heard of a reserve draft for football), BUT it cannot for football.

I set it up as a $208 cap for 26 roster spots as per Greg's request, but I did explain that the 8 extra roster spots will be part of the auction. In other words, someone can buy his 19th player before another team buys 18 and can potentially pay more than $1 for that 19th player. While you can promise not to bid after your 18th player (regardless of how much money you have left in the cap), the system will still expect you to nominate a player when it is your turn since you have roster spots left. You also cannot pass, unfortunately. Sorry, I wish I had a better answer for you.

I suppose one workaround is to bring it back to $200 and 18 roster spots and what you can do is pause the auction right before it ends and you can conduct the reserve draft in the chat window.

I would, however, really recommend you scrap the 8 round reserve draft on Monday because a 14 team, 18 roster spot auction will already take a very long time. The auction will probably finish around 11:30 p.m. EDT. With an 8-round draft after it, you're going to finish close to 1 a.m. I've been in marathon auctions like that before and it's just not very fun at the end. Also, with 2.5 weeks before the start of the season, you'll have plenty of time to complete an email draft. That would just be my suggestion.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Good luck.


[ August 18, 2006, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: georgedp ]

GOD Loves You
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Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

Post by GOD Loves You » Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:31 pm

Thanks for being so prompt in your response George.

I for one am in favor of pausing the draft and completing the reserve draft in the chat window....or doing the reserve draft on the mb's afterwards.....or even doing an e-mail draft.

If all agreed to pick as quickly as possible, say a time limit of 10-20 seconds, we could fly through the final 8 rounds.

Whatever is easiest for everybody else is fine with me. I usually wake up for work at 2:30am, but I would be more than willing to draft as late as it took to get this done. Who's with me??

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Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

Post by RiFF » Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:46 pm

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
Thanks for being so prompt in your response George.

I for one am in favor of pausing the draft and completing the reserve draft in the chat window....or doing the reserve draft on the mb's afterwards.....or even doing an e-mail draft.

If all agreed to pick as quickly as possible, say a time limit of 10-20 seconds, we could fly through the final 8 rounds.

Whatever is easiest for everybody else is fine with me. I usually wake up for work at 2:30am, but I would be more than willing to draft as late as it took to get this done. Who's with me?? I'm agreeable to either method GLY. You seem to have been "drafted" into the quasi-commissioner role; so why don't you make the decision and lay it out and that's the way we will go.

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Aug. 21st NFFC Satellite Auction League

Post by Diesel » Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:48 pm

Hey guys...I'm not in this event, but I do have an idea...

Start with $208 per team. You can only use the $200 for 18 players...You HAVE to have $8 remaining.

When all rosters are full, with each team having an 18 man roster, you then use the last $8 for the remaining 8 players...

Have a pre-determined draft order, and after the $200 part of the Auction is over, just go by the new draft order and each person has 90 seconds to buy a player for $1. No one will counter.

For instance, God Loves you has the 1st pick in the reserve draft...He then bids $1 on JERALD SOWELL...No one counters. Going, going, Gone. NEXT. Player #2 then Bids $1 on TIM CARTER. No one counters. NEXT...etc. etc...

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