What is up with the people on this site?

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Sound Advice
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What is up with the people on this site?

Post by Sound Advice » Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:39 am

Snake -
Not the trash talk. They can handle that.
That just isn't why they all play.
To some it's 90% of the game, to others it's 0%.

I think Turbough was talking about being mean to newbies, acting like know-it-alls and acting like there is an exclusive club to which they don't belong.

King of Queens
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What is up with the people on this site?

Post by King of Queens » Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:40 am

I heard Rodney King wants to change his quote:

"Can't we all just talk about fantasy football?"

Gordon Gekko
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What is up with the people on this site?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:01 am

Renman - will your imaginary friends be in NY next year?
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

King of Queens
Posts: 5262
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What is up with the people on this site?

Post by King of Queens » Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:29 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
Renman - will your imaginary friends be in NY next year? What's this? No pictures of blow-up dolls?

Oh yeah, can't do that anymore :D

Posts: 658
Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:00 pm

What is up with the people on this site?

Post by TURBOUGH » Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:50 am

Originally posted by Captain Hook:
Turbough - curious why you were surprised when GG and I and some others laughed at your whiny post about adding some extra payouts more than half way through a contest because you hadn't done well enough to be in contention for the stated prizes and thus you wouldn't have "anything" to play for in the last weeks of the season?

What is Greg supposed to do - pay 13 of the 14 entrants so (almost) everyone has something to play for? There was nothing "whiny" about my post, just a simple question. It doesn't hurt to ask. Why have a consolation round then? Please answer that one. Why should we pay 3rd place or even 2nd? If you can't win your league then I guess you shouldn't get anything. C'mon dude, get real with your responses.

Captain Hook
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What is up with the people on this site?

Post by Captain Hook » Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:58 am

We should have and do have a consolation bracket
We do pay 2nd and 3rd places in each league.

Your post was asking Greg to pay 4th place so you would have something to play for. Think Not? Go back and read it!

Gordon Gekko
Posts: 7222
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What is up with the people on this site?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:01 am

Turdbird - your post asking greg to pay out additional prizes was whiney and told me that you have little class.

When you go to the movies, do you ask for a free popcorn when the movie is half over? I wish some of these MB posters had an ounce of class
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Posts: 245
Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:00 pm

What is up with the people on this site?

Post by joetreff » Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:58 am

Responding to someone's post in an elitist "your ideas are stupid" way shows more about someone's class then the initial post.

Lottery Tickets Pay Out roughly 60%
Slot Machines 84%-99%
CDM Draft and Play Football 50%!

None of which will let you "ask" them for higher payouts in the middle of playing

Turbough, suggest different payout methods for next year, not after you have entered a contest paid the entry fee, drafted and played half the year...Also you are pretty correct when it comes to the responses on this board, most have no value and are of the "get lost newbie" type from idiots who haven't won anything in 2 years.

GOD Loves You
Posts: 2260
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What is up with the people on this site?

Post by GOD Loves You » Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:00 am

Originally posted by Route C:
quote:Originally posted by renman:
quote:Originally posted by Route C:
How was that Route C? lol [/QUOTE]Well guys I turned the big 45 today so maybe my team will give me a nice present this weekend and keep me in contention.
[/QUOTE]45!!!?? Man, I thought you looked at least 55 in person. :D Have a blessed b-day Jeff!

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