Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Greg Ambrosius
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:10 am

Just an update on the list that I have on Page 1 of this thread: We currently have 12 owners signed up for the Wednesday $100 Mid-Season League, so contact me soon if you want in. I have a feeling we'll get two leagues for that night, but we definitely want to pick draft slots on Monday afternoon at the latest.

We're getting closer on a full Thursday league, but there are at least four owners who would do a $200-$250 league, so I'll keep tabs on that. I would love to do a $100 Thursday league and a $250 Thursday league. Could be fun.

Anyway, keep e-mailing me at [email protected] or post your intentions here. Don't call me as my voice messages are still overloaded from my Las Vegas trip. I had 60+ messages when I returned from the NFFC draft and I haven't caught up since!!! Damn, telephones! :D
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by BillyWaz » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:21 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by Route C:

Keep an eye on the snake vs. MB rivals thread.
As you can see we're trying to get something going there so keep that in mind before you form the leagues. :D I'm watching and saving spots for you guys. I can't believe the Snake is backing out of that offer! C'mon, even a snake can run one more fantasy football league, right? ;)
[/QUOTE]Managing TWO 10 team free Yahoo leagues is tough Greg!

[ September 22, 2005, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Route Collectors
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by Route Collectors » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:57 am


What's the possibility of doing a Tues night draft so BWazz can participate? That is of course assuming all other interested parties can switch days!

If that's possible maybe you can start a thread for a Tues night - snake and his NY buddies vs. the gang from Chicago.

That should allow Billy,myself,Rick,Mike,Don T and maybe Glenn KofQ and Joe Fitzpatrick or someone else against EJ,snake and whoever else from the NY crowd.

Greg Ambrosius
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:22 am

Originally posted by Route C:

What's the possibility of doing a Tues night draft so BWazz can participate? That is of course assuming all other interested parties can switch days!

If that's possible maybe you can start a thread for a Tues night - snake and his NY buddies vs. the gang from Chicago.

That should allow Billy,myself,Rick,Mike,Don T and maybe Glenn KofQ and Joe Fitzpatrick or someone else against EJ,snake and whoever else from the NY crowd. Another Billy Wasosky Memorial League!!! Does he want the 14th pick that badly! :D

Sure, no problem there. Mock Draft Central would accommodate us. If Billy is game and it would get the old Snake and some of you other guys to the table to fight this out, I'll be there. Check with Billy first and if he wants a new thread for that one, I'm game to host the league and have some fun with it. Consider it done if you can pull it off.
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Greg Ambrosius
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:32 am

Just an update: We do have 14 owners scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 28th, but we'll keep taking signups through Monday and try to get a second league going. We also have 6 owners who would do a $200-$250 league on Thursday and at least five more who would do a $100 league on Thursday. Let's keep taking signups through Monday and see how that plays out, but I have a feeling we can fill up at least one league of each. Thanks everyone.
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by ultimatefs » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:46 am

Greg, I'll do Thursday. either one.
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by Dabigu » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:50 am

I am interested but cannot do Tue or Thu, let me know what you have on Wed and I am in, $100 or $200
Some Assembly Required

Greg Ambrosius
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:53 am

Originally posted by UFS:
Greg, I'll do Thursday. either one. Got it!
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Greg Ambrosius
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:57 am

Originally posted by Dabigu:
I am interested but cannot do Tue or Thu, let me know what you have on Wed and I am in, $100 or $200 Robert, we have a $100 league on Wednesday, Sept. 28th starting at 7 p.m. EST. We'll get it set up on Mock Draft Central.com and forward you the URL once we pick the draft slots next Monday. I'll put you down for now and worry about payment later. My goal is to fill a couple of these leagues and then follow up for payment later.
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Who's Competing In The NFFC Mid-Season Leagues?

Post by Liquid_Madness » Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:01 am


do we have to sign up for Mock Draft Central or do you give us a link...

plus we are definetly doing a Thursday right?

I'm fired up!
2006 Draft:
Edge, Dunn, Duckett, M. Anderson, R. Moats, D. Davis
Roy Williams, J. Walker D. Jackson, Troy Williamson, R. Ferguson, P. Price, Si. Moss
A. Brooks, D. Brees
J. Stevens TE
L. Tynes K
NE Def

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