Just so you know where I stand...

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Just so you know where I stand...

Post by kjduke » Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:15 am

Originally posted by Yoda's S*x Slave:
[if the snake character was allowed to post without each and every post being put under a microscope,,things wouldn't be as bad. Yoda, once you accumulate enough bad will everything you do will scrutinized. Ask Pacman about that.

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Just so you know where I stand...

Post by Raiders » Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:20 am

Originally posted by KJ Duke:
quote:Originally posted by Yoda's S*x Slave:
[if the snake character was allowed to post without each and every post being put under a microscope,,things wouldn't be as bad. Yoda, once you accumulate enough bad will everything you do will scrutinized. Ask Pacman about that. [/QUOTE]Pacman=Snake. ;)

Hard heads
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Just so you know where I stand...

Post by Hard heads » Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:21 am

That is the toughest question to answer. When do these characters become detrimental to your business? I have owned a business for 3+ years now and I have had to let go many a decent employees and ask many regular customers to not come back just based on their lack of respect for other employees and customers. Up until the recession my business thrived and I believe 100% that wise decisions to rid myself of these few bad apples has helped and not hurt me. It is up to the people in charge of this business to decide what to do. If these MB's that cause problems refuse to see what the issues are and make a change then it is up to Greg and Tom to decide what should be done. I just wish we could come to a thread and not see every one of them hijacked and turn into a hiss, I mean pissing match between those that do and don't like Snake. It has grown old and very tired. Time to go curl up in front of my TV and watch my players torcher me for one last weekend.

Oh and in case it wasn't clear KJ, i would answer the question to Quahogs as NO, you don't ignore him if he drives business away.

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Just so you know where I stand...

Post by kjduke » Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:27 am

I agree with all of that, Hard Heads. I am hoping this is the final act for these types of threads. I suspect it is close to the end where either a decision is made or more people walk.

I could live with GK on these boards if he typed in English, didn't refer to himself in the 3rd person and buried his condescending character and all remnants of it.

As for Q, now there is a nightclub act I would pay to see! :D

[ November 30, 2008, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: KJ Duke ]

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Just so you know where I stand...

Post by Quahogs » Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:53 am

Originally posted by Hard heads:

Oh and in case it wasn't clear KJ, i would answer the question to Quahogs as NO, you don't ignore him if he drives business away. The draft - snake free, bidding for FA - snake free, watching the games and enjoying your NFFC team - snake free. Venturing to the MB with print and no sound - snake filled but up to you. Leaving the NFFC because of this ?? Oh that's priceless baby. I find it crazy that someone with such limited exposure to others can drive people away from such an enjoyable pursuit. But that's me. To each their own of course.

Ted's Cracked Head
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Just so you know where I stand...

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:45 am

As far as this topic goes I believe that the users have a right to come to a MB that is respectful of the game and individuals.

There is a difference between trash talk and attack talk. When it turns personal with the use of offensive nick-names, then it is attack talk.

What part of tranny-hooker is amusing or a fun play on the "Captain Hook" moniker, to whom the comment was addressed? To me it sounds somewhat personal and an example of a poor choice of words. I consider GK/Snake to be on probation. He needed to prove that he can remain above the BS.

I told Glenn K a little while back that I hoped he would return to the board as Glenn and not snake because I thought it was his only chance to stay on the boards. I found his persona tiresome to the point that I didn't read his posts because I do not care to sift through the BS to try and see his point but that is my choice.

I also told him that when he came back he would be scrutinized and likely baited into discussions that would test his composure. Is that fair? Probably not but only he can control what he reacts to and types.

The question of whether or not this is good or bad for business goes further than just one individual.

For the record, he isn't the only egomaniac on the boards that engages in poor behavior and drives people away. I too was guilty of this. A fact that I am not proud of, I let a fellow-egomaniac who I thought was detrimental to the board cloud my decision making process. I finally decided it wasn't worth my time to be involved and that has worked well for me.

It would be nice if there were more than 10 people on the boards talking football as the topics all end up sounding the same. They all go down the same old road and that is not Glenns fault.

MB growth will take a concerted effort and investment on the part of the providers. It will also take participation free of personal attacks. That doesn't mean that "pimping" can't take place as it truly is a part of the fun of the game. It just needs to be a tad more cerebral than hissing and name calling.

Note: Jules is one of the nicest, most compassionate people I have ever met. Comparison of this thread to what she does for a living is unfair and not germane to the conversation. I agree with her totally and have no room in my life for individuals who discriminate. I am finally at the point where I will not "have it" in my life anymore. I will not sit idle and turn a deaf ear.

I just do not waste my time debating FF anymore. I will talk it but not debate it with the same people over and over and over.

Thanks Jules for posting the Angelou quote.

[ November 30, 2008, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Rob B ]
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Just so you know where I stand...

Post by stormola » Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:23 am

From a newbie's perspective who knows absolutely no one , competing in 3 sats to get the flavor and making a decision for 1 or both main's next year .

I liked snakes posts . I like characters ( evil, good , nice , god complex don't care ) I like competing with people with ego's , who is more fun to beat . If anythng were to turn me off it would be these seemingly consistent dry threads about this topic . But quite frankly I could care less about that as well because if it gets boring I just stop reading , no harm no foul . The only bad message board is an inactive one imo.

Now granted I probably would never take message board material seriouly or personally . Not saying that if you do it isn't valid we are all different .

Now it seems that defending the snake may put me in line for a leadership role in the Aryan race at San Quentin ( discalimer : the previous statement contains much sarcasm and little to no level of seriousness ) but its my opinion and I am sticking it out there .

Keep hissing snake .

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Just so you know where I stand...

Post by Riverdog » Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:08 am

spoken like a true newbie (not to fantasy football - to the NFFC message board !)
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Just so you know where I stand...

Post by kjduke » Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:15 am

ahhhh, ignorance is bliss stormola ..... no offense, you are fortunate to have missed the last 5 seasons!

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