Classless act or good strategy??

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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by lichtman » Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:39 am

This isn't some crazy new strategy. There are plenty of leagues out there with position limits to make this sort of move difficult. This league very distinctly does not have position limits and I'm pretty sure a poll before the season would have shown most owners pretty distinctly opposed to having them.
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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by renman » Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:23 am


my position has zero to do with "morality" trust me, i have very few morals... and everything to do with being a sportsman. the game is about assembling the best players you can to put up the best numbers to beat the other guys group of players and their amassed numbers. the game is not about hoarding all the players on a certain week to force another owner to not be able to field a full team... is it within the rules, yes, i guess it is in THIS league, though other league have rules to stop this.

if this was not considered outside the realm of the game or against the spirit of the game there would not be rules in other leagues to police this... someone asked if i thought it was a classless move or good strategy... i gave my opinion... does not have to be the end of the this type of situation would come up once every 2 or 3 seasons.. it is very rare...

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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by dgamblnman » Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:57 am

renman, I hate to tell you this, but blocking happens in almost every league I have ever played in. It is a common practice, just like the pros.

Fantasy sports was created to give fat, ugly unathletic people a venue to act like a big shot, thinking they are smarter than the average Joe (Gordon ). You are a GM of a club and you make any move possible to help your team win. This also includes NOT helping your opponent.

Would you sit your RB if your opponenet has an injuried RB?
Would you not pickup a prized free agent, even if you don't need him?
Do you hope that your opponents players stay healthy?
Do you tell your opponent that his roster is not correct or that he has an injured/bye player starting?

If you answered no to all of these questions, then congratulations, you are a true fantasy owner. There are no morals, there is just smart/dumb moves (outside of collusion).

BTW- The fat, ugly, unathletic comment was meant for comic relief, not to be taken seriously. I know I am the few good looking athletes playing fatnasy sports. Though I am getting a little bit of a tire going on around the waist

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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by renman » Mon Nov 15, 2004 2:20 am


there you go again.. being one of those guys who MAKES UP something that no one else implied to give yourself a basis to argue from.

how does "would you sit your RB if your opponent did not have one" apply to this issue? it doesn't. but without you MAKING THIS UP you have nothing to use as an argument.

we are talking about ONE clear and specific unorthodox move made in a fantasy league to BLOCK someone else from being able to field a full team. and that is ALL we are talking about. someone posted a question asking what other owners thought about it. i find it to be poor sportsmanship and outside the spirit of what the game is designed to be about. others, with the "win no matter how you gotta do it man!" attitude feel otherwise. which is fine.

i have played in many leagues where there are RULES IN PLACE TO STOP THIS. thus it is a fact that in some circles this is considered inappropriate. having this opinion does not make me a bad

and i am not fat, not too too ugly, and i am incredibly athletic... so i was not

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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by richieprimo » Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:46 am

Originally posted by Primo:
Thankfully AND hopefully...END OF THREAD!!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Guess I was wrong...again. :rolleyes:
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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by dgamblnman » Mon Nov 15, 2004 6:23 am

renman, you are the one that keeps going on about this. FF is about winning and losing, that's all. You are the one comparing blocking to "chop blocks", you are the one whining about morality and sportsmanship. This is about winning and losing within the rules, end of story. I bet you answered no to all the questions

There is not a thing wrong about what happened, it was a very smart play by an owner wanting to win. I can't understand why you are on this high horse. I am sure most good owners would do the same thing to win a game. It's called being prepared and planning ahead.

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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by dgamblnman » Mon Nov 15, 2004 6:28 am

renman, I have a direct question for you, I just want a yes or no answer....

It is week 10 and you have the most WW points left in your league. You currently have 4 starting RBs and the are all in the top 20 in scoring (for RBs). There are several teams needing a #2 RB and can only field FBs or backups. A RB emerges (like Rudi Johnson last year), do you put a top bid in for the player and out muscle the other owners to get the player?

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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by Superpion » Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:56 am

Arguments have now been presented to my satisfaction and I have drawn the conclusion that the act of hogging all of the FA QBs was not a good strategy. Rather, it was an outstanding strategy. I don't think that it lacked class at all.

If an opponent did that to me, I would react by clapping my hands together and cursing his name, "You got me, you sonofa*****"

I would respond with anger and frustration, but it would be channeled towards myself for being in that position and towards my opponent for having the good sense to capitalize on my weakness.
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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by Nag' » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:42 am

Just an FYI...

Until recently, some league hosting websites like CBSSportsline and Antsports put waiver dropped players on "hold" for a certain time period (like 12 or 24 hours) before they could be picked up again. This created a loophole, or according to the people here - allowed for "brilliant strategy", of picking up and immediately dropping every player worth having, thus blocking others from picking up needed starters. It worked especially well on Saturday since the 12/24 hour "hold" lasted into Sunday's kickoff and the added/waived players could not be picked up for the week.
Although this practice was only performed be a SELECT FEW individuals, it quickly spread like a disease and was on the verge of becoming common practice. This forced the host websited to step in a make a change since, although not against the rules, most peolpe felt this practice certainly had NO PLACE among other strategies of roster management. (Antsports will manually reverse the add/drops if they are deemed malicious in nature. I was told that Sportline also has some sort of way to prevent this.)

I hope Greg and Tom are paying attention. Actually, I'm certain they have been. :cool:
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Gordon Gekko
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Classless act or good strategy??

Post by Gordon Gekko » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:51 am

Originally posted by Nag':
Until recently, some league hosting websites like CBSSportsline and Antsports put waiver dropped players on "hold" for a certain time period (like 12 or 24 hours) before they could be picked up again. i never used these sites. do they process free agents via the blind bidding process? thanks.
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