Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Sound Advice
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Sound Advice » Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:55 am

Originally posted by Go Getta:
No where in that first quote did snake admit to looking at porn.
I think bradycole was kidding.

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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by ultimatefs » Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:03 am

Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
If you forced SNAKE and Gekko off the MB...they would basically come to a screeching halt.

Controversy inspires long threads.

We'd be left with weekly ranking updates, and a few threads per week.

Try it for a'd be surprised at how boring the MB would become.

~Lance I disagree Lance.

If strict TOS were posted and penalties were enforced every time they were violated, then the board would flourish.

I have seen this on another MB that went through the same thing 2-3 years ago and the boards thrives now and many, many new people post all the time.

I don't mind Glenn's FFB posts at all, but what IS driving me (and many others I know) off these boards and ultimately away from this event is that he can personally attack someone (w/o warrant he brought my mom into a post a few weeks ago)without recourse.

Any personal attacks or hijacked threads should get a one week ban. A second offense is a permanent ban. If these rules were enforced, you'd see a lot more guys way more knowledgeable than you and I posting on these boards, but don't now because they just don't want to deal in any way with all the crap. All the crap goes away when strict rules are enforced.

That's my 2 cents.
Jules is a Dirt bag and makes my luck.

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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by williamhare » Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:03 am

With such a groundswell, will you now seek a Presidential run SNAKE ??


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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by kennorred » Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:33 am


what is thing at the end of all your post about Jules. an inside joke or a personal attack. things can be looked at by different people different ways and differences of opinion are a good thing. if everyone thought alike life would be boring.everyone on these boards are quick to attack when someone dont agree with them and some of the witty, sarcastic posts by snake I personally enjoy. Snake takes probably as much or more crap than he dishes out, but the message board should be for all.

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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Quahogs » Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:48 am

"but Duke, you're the Duke. Are you telling me you can't wipe Snake off the boards ??"

I, I can't. I don't know what it is. He talks in the 3rd person. I just don't know where to aim.
Maybe if we offer a night with Adrienne he'll just go away"

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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by BillyWaz » Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:50 am

Originally posted by kln:
Snake takes probably as much or more crap than he dishes out, but the message board should be for all. And why do you think that is kln??

If someone wants to come on here acting like they know it all it SHOULD equate to some fantasy success/$$ earned/etc.

It is comparable to me going on a golf course heckling Tiger Woods. I'm going to look like a fool doing it, and you can better believe people would let me know about it.

I am certainly not saying that people can't have opinions on here, but if I was buying stock, I would talk to the broker who has made $$$ instead of the guy who talks a "good game" but has not. ;) snake is the guy who has not, but even after you have told him 20-30 times you are not interested, he keeps trying to "sell you".

Add that into the insults he throws around, and I think it is easy to see why snake catches so much crap. It is obvious where my opinion is on this, and it seems like in the last few months, many other have reached their "breaking point" with him.

That all being said, hopefully things change for the best here on the MB.

Finally, welcome to the boards, bradycole! :D

[ October 03, 2008, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by ultimatefs » Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:51 am

Originally posted by kln:

what is thing at the end of all your post about Jules. an inside joke or a personal attack. things can be looked at by different people different ways and differences of opinion are a good thing. if everyone thought alike life would be boring.everyone on these boards are quick to attack when someone dont agree with them and some of the witty, sarcastic posts by snake I personally enjoy. Snake takes probably as much or more crap than he dishes out, but the message board should be for all. I enjoy his witty posts and relish different points of view by all. I don't enjoy the personal attacks. Do I really have to tell you how my mom died to get my point across?

I don't want anyone banned. I also don't want anyone to cross that fine line. If the fine line is clearly posted and adhered to, we never have this discussion. End of story.

How could anyone ever attack Jules? I've answered this twice before. Seems only Lance knows what a Dirt Bag is. Jules was thrilled to find out I'm one too.
Jules is a Dirt bag and makes my luck.

Greg Ambrosius
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:59 am

Originally posted by Eddiejag:
Hey Guys i have to admit too these boards wouldnt be the same with out Snake.I understand about hijacking threads and other things but that also goes both way's and others dont take the abuse he takes.Ive also meant Snake in person and we were in the same league one year and i consider Snake a friend.Greg i know you dont want to go this way so ild stop.Just wanted you to know a lot of people out their like Snakes takes. Like you said Greg nobody does fantasy football or has the passion like the Snake.
That's it just needed to say this. All good points Eddie and there's nothing wrong with hearing opinions about someone without recourse opinions from that person. :D Kind of like voting for someone without hearing the political ads from that person (or the attack ads against his opponent). :D Feel free to have others say how much they appreciate Snake.

That being said, the message board is part of the community we all enjoy as part of this contest. There are no games five days a week so we all use this as our water cooler discussion area and we all want to enjoy the opinions of everyone. Trash talking, bragging, betting against your opponents and even standing out from the crowd are all components of a good fantasy football league and should be allowed here, too.

I rarely, if ever, delete posts. I haven't censored anyone. I didn't even know how to lock posts until Tom showed me this week (he's good at doing that, though)!! :D Tom probably gets fed up with the playground B.S. more than I do because I'm always busy with other things, but when good threads are hijacked over personal feuds time and time again I get upset.

I'm not saying any single person is responsible for that because it takes two to tango and we have a lot of dances here. So I've asked to clear the dance floor and get us back to football talk this weekend. The floor is open, so get the boards back on the right course if you think they need to go that way. Talk about this week's free agent pickups. Talk about the NFL games and point spreads. Somebody lead the threads. Go crazy.

And before you know it SNAKE and EddieCoolLJ will be tangoing again. ;)
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Greg Ambrosius
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:02 am

Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
If you forced SNAKE and Gekko off the MB...they would basically come to a screeching halt.

Controversy inspires long threads.

We'd be left with weekly ranking updates, and a few threads per week.

Try it for a'd be surprised at how boring the MB would become.

~Lance Well, I think it's safe to say that Mark has revived the WCOFF boards by himself this year. Good or bad, he's taken it upon himself for whatever reason to rev those boards up the same way he started here. The only difference is this time he doesn't have Lenny there to HATE HIM!! :D Don't worry GG, I was happy to take you off his hands in 2004 NFBC and NFFC. :D You can still drink with me anytime in Las Vegas.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:07 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by kln:
Snake takes probably as much or more crap than he dishes out, but the message board should be for all. And why do you think that is kln??

If someone wants to come on here acting like they know it all it SHOULD equate to some fantasy success/$$ earned/etc.

It is comparable to me going on a golf course heckling Tiger Woods. I'm going to look like a fool doing it, and you can better believe people would let me know about it.

I am certainly not saying that people can't have opinions on here, but if I was buying stock, I would talk to the broker who has made $$$ instead of the guy who talks a "good game" but has not. ;) snake is the guy who has not, but even after you have told him 20-30 times you are not interested, he keeps trying to "sell you".

Add that into the insults he throws around, and I think it is easy to see why snake catches so much crap. It is obvious where my opinion is on this, and it seems like in the last few months, many other have reached their "breaking point" with him.

That all being said, hopefully things change for the best here on the MB.

Finally, welcome to the boards, bradycole! :D
[/QUOTE]As I said, it takes two to tango and B-Waz posting on this thread just doesn't help. I think a lot of people have said that to you Billy, but you keep being the first on the deck. Just let others speak on this subject. I think we know your opinion already.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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