Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by BLACKHAND » Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:17 am

my take : i have met and hung out with most of these guys and think well of all of them. sometimes i think we all forget this is not the most impotant thing in our lives. we are lucky to have health and family and people dont get it till something happens to them or their family. my brothers wife just lost her baby in her 4th month. makes you think this is all bull and know what is important in argue over ff is cool but personal attacks should not be made.

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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Coltsfan » Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:50 am


I can be happy co-existing with Glenn on these boards as long as he doesn't take it to a personal level. But I do have one question for you. Will you tell us what behavior it would take for somebody to be banned?


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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by pizzatyme » Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:59 am

Taking a step back from the board has certainly lowered my stress level.
2008- Didn't finish last overall in the Classic.
2009- Didn't finish last overall in the Classic or Primetime.

Greg Ambrosius
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:18 am

Originally posted by Coltsfan:

I can be happy co-existing with Glenn on these boards as long as he doesn't take it to a personal level. But I do have one question for you. Will you tell us what behavior it would take for somebody to be banned?

Wayne I think common sense can answer that question. As I've said, I'm not trying to ban anyone from the boards or the contest, but if things got so out of hand that those actions were hurting our event, our customers and our bottom line, I think we'd come to an agreement that it's just best to part ways. We can't have others attacking good customers just for sh**s and giggles.

Some people feel attacked here. Some people feel like they are being picked on and set up as an example. Some are mad at me because they believe I do too much. Some are mad at me because they believe I don't do enough. Again, I feel our boards are very important and we do have great folks on here. But if people think leaving the board is better than checking 'em out each day, then obviously something isn't right. And I always try to grease the wheels to make them better. That's all I'm doing now.

Someone get the stock market back up near 12,000. Then we'll all be happy posters. :D
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Eddiejag » Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:57 am

Todd ZOLA IS ONE OF THE GOOD GUY'S who's time finally came winning the 1300 national auction.
He is amazing with numbers and i enjoy when Greg has him on.
Also Billy you need to just let Snake be, anytime Snake is having a promblem with anyone you jump in.
Then that's when all hell break's loose.Bill i respect your fantasy game probably more than anyone but when this happen's if tough to route for you.
Just my opinions.
NFBC (NY) auction league champion!

He who steps to me in 2005, you better realize you dont have enough jive..... TURKEY!

bald is beautiful
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by bald is beautiful » Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:51 am

Originally posted by Coltsfan:

I can be happy co-existing with Glenn on these boards as long as he doesn't take it to a personal level. But I do have one question for you. Will you tell us what behavior it would take for somebody to be banned?

Wayne Operate by this principle - if you can say what you are about to post to your mother, then feel free to post it. If you couldn't, or have any guilt or shame associated with it, then don't post it.

Sound Advice
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Sound Advice » Sat Oct 04, 2008 3:15 am

Originally posted by bald is beautiful:
Operate by this principle - if you can say what you are about to post to your mother, then feel free to post it. If you couldn't, or have any guilt or shame associated with it, then don't post it. Bald - Did you get your new AARP card? Are you still in love with Barry Manilow?
You look good in a dress and high heels. Call me Sunday when the pasta is ready. I'll bring my dirty whites.

My Sicilian mother? Guilt?
That's a grand idea.

How about if some folks would tone down the condescending rhetoric?
That does more harm on these boards than everything else put together.

Thankfully there are sites out there where I can post something in humor and not worry about if it would be OK with my mother. Some of us are actually grown up already.

I understand how Greg might feel like he's dealing with a bunch of first graders. But I will never understand the guys that WANT to be treated like one.
("Will you tell us what behavior it would take for somebody to be banned?") The short answer to that would be "Yes, you can be the hall monitor."

Don't forget to give us our homework this weekend Greg.

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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by Coltsfan » Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:05 am

Why is it that the folks who make the "tone down the condescending rhetoric" posts can't even wait for their next post to be condescending???


D-Day Heroes
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by D-Day Heroes » Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:11 am

Guys , I think the Bottom Line is , There is a Classy way to Bust Balls, and there is a Nasty Way. No Reason to Stop Busting Chops, Just do it in a Respectful Manor. Thats My 2 cents, I'm broke until pay day , Now :D
" When you are in any contest you should work as if there were - to the very last minute - a chance to lose it. "
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D-Day Heroes
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Is it a Serpent or Reptile ?

Post by D-Day Heroes » Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:40 am

Thought this might be more appropriate on this thred.

Guys , I think the Bottom Line is , There is a Classy way to Bust Balls, and there is a Nasty Way. No Reason to Stop Busting Chops, Just do it in a Respectful Manor. Thats My 2 cents, I'm broke until pay day Now

" When you are in any contest you should work as if there were - to the very last minute - a chance to lose it. "
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

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