Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by TR » Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:41 am

Originally posted by Coltsfan:
If I was looking ahead to QB rankings next year it might look something like this:

1. Rodgers
2. Brees
3. Brady
4. Stafford
5. Newton
6. Vick
7. Tomo
8. Eli
9. Rivers
10. Peyton????
11. Ryan
12 Roethlisberger
13. Schaub

For me there are clearly 13 guys that I would take ahead of Tebow. The QB position becomes very dicey after the top 13 QB's.

So what I think will happen is that the top 5 will be gone by mid 3rd if not even late 2nd. Then we'll see that next tier pretty much drying up by the mid 6h. The Ryan-Schaub tier will be going in the 7th and 8th rounds. This will leave one team in a 14 team league waiting at QB and taking one of the leftover QB's.

I don't see Tebow having the upside to displace someone like Schaub from this list so for me he clearly goes after round 8. Since he looks a lot like several other options that might be available at this time my guess is that he will get drafted in the 10th to 11th round.

It's funny but in my very early projections for next year I have him at QB13 but in my rankings I have him QB19. (Due to all of the risks that have been discussed here 8,000 times.)

So in my mind yes he could be a starter but that's a lot of risk to hang your fantasy football season on.

Wayne Totally agree

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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by bobsgym » Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:59 am

Originally posted by TR:
quote:Originally posted by BobSquad:
quote:Originally posted by Sandman62:
quote:Originally posted by BobSquad:
I had already read all of your median posts.

You have also made several new points that I have never heard regarding QB's fantasy value: good kickers and good defenses help QB'S in FF. Huh? They may have Helped him keep his job but they are also the reason why he never throws in the first 3 q'd. Please point me to such posts of mine?

Though I do think a good D can help a fantasy QB, simply due to getting the offense the ball back sooner. Still not sure I made that claim before.
[/QUOTE]3rd bullet point in your "check it out" link

Of course a good def "can" help but I believe that in the case of Denver it has not helped.

Fox wants to hide his QB and as long as his D keeps him within a score he is going to run on all downs. He is satisfied with 3 and outs.
[/QUOTE]You are saying both sides are being unreasonable, only the anti tebowites don't realize it. Then what does this say about your opinions....u really think any coach is satisfied with 3 and outs? bwahahaha
[/QUOTE]You apparently skipped most of my posts. Anyway, when faced with his choices, yes, I believe that he is satisfied with a number of 3 and outs.

Tebowites, of which you wish I was one, know in their hearts what drives them. You anti-Tebowites think that you are the logical unemotional ones. To quote a frequent poster: "bwahahaha"
Wayne Ellis's Waterboy

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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by bobsgym » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:09 am


Weren't you the one that thought that the Steelers were the primary reason for the record wild card ratings?

That alone proves your complete, 100%, detachment from reality.
Wayne Ellis's Waterboy

Posts: 634
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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by TR » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:15 am

Originally posted by BobSquad:
quote:Originally posted by TR:
quote:Originally posted by BobSquad:
quote:Originally posted by Sandman62:
quote:Originally posted by BobSquad:
I had already read all of your median posts.

You have also made several new points that I have never heard regarding QB's fantasy value: good kickers and good defenses help QB'S in FF. Huh? They may have Helped him keep his job but they are also the reason why he never throws in the first 3 q'd. Please point me to such posts of mine?

Though I do think a good D can help a fantasy QB, simply due to getting the offense the ball back sooner. Still not sure I made that claim before.
[/QUOTE]3rd bullet point in your "check it out" link

Of course a good def "can" help but I believe that in the case of Denver it has not helped.

Fox wants to hide his QB and as long as his D keeps him within a score he is going to run on all downs. He is satisfied with 3 and outs.
[/QUOTE]You are saying both sides are being unreasonable, only the anti tebowites don't realize it. Then what does this say about your opinions....u really think any coach is satisfied with 3 and outs? bwahahaha
[/QUOTE]You apparently skipped most of my posts. Anyway, when faced with his choices, yes, I believe that he is satisfied with a number of 3 and outs.

Tebowites, of which you wish I was one, know in their hearts what drives them. You anti-Tebowites think that you are the logical unemotional ones. To quote a frequent poster: "bwahahaha"
[/QUOTE]No chance in hell any coach is satisfied with a number of 3 and outs...if those are the options he's facing, he will be looking to upgrade the qb or just not a championship caliber coach.

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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by bobsgym » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:24 am

Do I really have to say it. Okay. Of course he is not satisfied long term with a bunch of 3 and outs. I cannot stand nitpicking semantics crap. Did you actually sit back and think 'wow this idiot actually thinks that Fox gets a satisfying feeling when sees his team execute a perfect 3 and out'?

I just don't think I'm cut out for the message boards.
Wayne Ellis's Waterboy

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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by TR » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:30 am

Originally posted by BobSquad:

Weren't you the one that thought that the Steelers were the primary reason for the record wild card ratings?

That alone proves your complete, 100%, detachment from reality. Yes and I stand by it...Steelers always in the highest rated games and the fact it went to OT only made the ratings higher. Steelers sellout every opposing stadium...why couldn't Tebow sell out buffalo? Ppl acting like he is a Jordan or Lebron type draw when that's not the case...if he's sucking it up or playing a non glamour team, he is not gonna get ratings over Pats, Steelers, Packers, etc. Next year u can believe the networks will be putting Tebow in a few primetime games...if he is playing that ugly style football and getting blown out badly in ugly losses do u think he will still be getting ratings? The previous rating high was from a playoff game in 1982 that also coincidentally went to Overtime. I am in Cincinnati Ohio...if Broncos were on bengals schedule next year...do u really think it would sell tickets faster than Steelers? I am 99 % sure it wouldn't...so yeah, Steelers are the proven and bigger draw/attraction.

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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by TR » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:35 am

I will say Steelers were responsible for just as much if not more ratings than Tebow...but ppl spinning it like he's the major reason. If it worked out so that Steelers were facing Pats this week...and Tebow vs Ravens/Texans...u gonna tell me Tebow would get higher ratings and the networks would want his game on primetime over Steelers-Pats?

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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by bobsgym » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:41 am

Of course OT and the Steelers greatly boosted the ratings, but to deny that Tebow was the primary factor is naive.

We'll see it played out this weekend. If the pats-broncs have a higher rating than NYG-GB and NO-SF then we will have our answer.
Wayne Ellis's Waterboy

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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by bobsgym » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:47 am

Unbelievable, I'm sitting at a soccer practice listening to 3 ladies that obviously (by their comments) know nothing about football, discussing Tebow. That is what you don't get.
Wayne Ellis's Waterboy

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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Post by TR » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:56 am

Originally posted by BobSquad:
Of course OT and the Steelers greatly boosted the ratings, but to deny that Tebow was the primary factor is naive.

We'll see it played out this weekend. If the pats-broncs have a higher rating than NYG-GB and NO-SF then we will have our answer. I would expect New England and GB games to have highest ratings this weekend based on the teams and their primetime slots...

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