Idea to stop deadbeat owners

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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by Quahogs » Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:47 am

Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
on a more serious note steve ...koq , you and myself are going to visit diesel in a few weeks at the hospital when he has the baby. you bring the cigars and i will bring the scotch. we will already be at the hospital so glenn will be safe. Ha Frank ! you got it :D

Before Glenn

After Glenn

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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by Diesel » Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:06 pm

Stephen, I'm at my son's TaeKwonDo class, and I laughed out loud. A slight snort too. LMAO. That was exactly what was on the table at the tailgate when we walked to the stadium!
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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by BLACKHAND » Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:18 pm

i got glenn in good hands. paid a little extra.


King of Queens
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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by King of Queens » Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:31 pm

Wow, how did I miss this thread? Freaking HILarious!!! Hey Steve, any chance you can make it to the FedEx Field Medical Center on December 4th? I hear they have an ample supply of lollipops. :D

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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by Diesel » Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:48 pm

Department of Health Report
November 5, 2011
Health Risk Release Report:

Dozens of bottle of Knob Creek Whiskey, throughout the entire Tri-State area have had traces of payote' in them. Recalls are immediate.

Guys, I drank some of this too. Maybe we never really went in the stadium. Did we trip our ballz off in the parking lot instead? Glenn, did you slip us all a "mickey"? It's all a fog to me now.
*Ranked #1 Average Fantasy Football Player in the Nation 2004-2013

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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by renman » Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:12 am

Originally posted by DoubleG:
quote:Originally posted by Renman:

However, I think it is WORTH DISCUSSING creative things we can do to lessen this problem even if it cannot be eliminated totally. Before I got attacked for daring to want to discuss this and before GG started with the mocking, some good ideas were bounced around.

Is that a bad thing? James,
Two observations...
1. People don't want to "discuss" with you because of the way your posts come off.
2. Your posts come off like an

Again, this is an observation I made. You were like this a few years ago and people were ready to quit the boards because of the way your posts come off. Please call Greg if you need confirmation.

My advice would be to think longer about the words you want to post.
[/QUOTE]Double G,

This thread is a stark reminder of why I post so much less over the last couple years as opposed to the early years of the NFFC. Now I didn't start this thread, and simply chimed in because it is a worthy topic to discuss as proven by how it comes up every year. Now I can guarantee anyone can review my handful of posts in this thread and you will find zero examples of me instigating any adversarial, hostile or abrasive dialogue.

As I sit here and see you literally politic (not sure why) for the small audience here trying to create the illusion I am the problem and try to even mention the game organizers as supporting you, lets be reminded I am still posting with the username I signed up with in 2004. A handful of others are not.

It is a reasonable topic to discuss... and before you know it someone is literally shouting down efforts to discuss it and soon later come the sophomoric mocking images that pollute and create poor message board culture. I am not saying message board pics are bad, I am saying when they are used specifically to mock and divert attention from the topic they are an example of the real problem here.

It bores me and has turned me off to these forums over the years.

[ November 12, 2011, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: Renman ]

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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by renman » Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:30 am

Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
OK folks, I guess it's time for us to step in here. This is a worthy topic of debate but unfortunately as we've talked about every other time this has come up there is no fool-proof way to handle this. Greg and I do not want to put the NFFC (or NFBC for that matter) in the position of running any team, setting lineups etc. That is not our responsibility. It is up to each individual owner to decide for themselves how they want to run their team. Once they pay the entry fee, it's their team for good or bad.

One would obviously hope that all owners would remain competitive - especially in the national events where consolation prizes are available. That's one of the reasons we offer them. And as has been pointed out many times, the fact that total points play a key role in who makes the playoffs is another incentive for people to keep battling even if their won-loss record isn't what they would hope.

It stinks when owners quit. I think we all agree with that. However, there could be a myriad of reasons why an owner set his lineup (or didn't set it) on any given week. Putting us in charge of deciding how best to run their team or who should be starting is not something Greg or I believe should be the case. Again, we prefer to remain hands off when it comes to how each league is decided. There's no question in my mind that's the best approach for us to take.

James, to address your idea about having an announcement made or a statement signed with all due respect I don't believe that will accomplish the goal you seek. I don't believe anyone begins the season with the idea of doing anything other than trying their best. It's only after the season has commenced and things go a certain way that some people may choose to bail. But on Draft Day (or before), I believe everyone enters the competition with the intent of competing to the highest degree.

I'm not going to lock this thread for now but I don't believe there's anything more to add to it at the present time. Once the season is over we can certainly revisit this as well as everything about our event to get ideas from all of you as to how we can improve things. But for now, let's move on. Sound good? Tom,

Thanks for posting and showing you guys do care about this issue. Some tried to create the sense you don't care. Let me just share a few things since those who divert attention from the real point cause confusion.

-No one is saying there is a "full proof" way to handle this. All that has been said is the topic is worth discussing among expert level fantasy football minds and maybe some good ideas can come out of it. That seems like something that should be allowed to occur on the message board right?

-Though some may have in the past mentioned it, I do not think anyone is asking you and Greg to 'run anyone's team.'

-Tom, you started your thread saying this is a worthy topic to debate. But specific people have made very clear efforts to shout that down and ruin such debate. This is followed by you saying "We have already discussed this, lets move on..."

Actually, we haven't discussed it much because certain people wont allow it. The TOPIC isn't the problem, the people trying to disrupt the topic are the problem. I am not the bad guy (not saying you said I was) for highlighting this.

As for announcements before the event. I know no one PLANS to quit before the season. What I am saying is that I would be willing to bet that most (not all) of the people who bail on their teams in an NFFC league are newcomers stepping into the high stakes fantasy world for the first time. I believe addressing this topic some BEFORE we start will lead to people thinking twice. It will result in that guy who is 2-5 and frustrated thinking back to draft day when it was explained that we all have a personal responsibility to uphold the competitive integrity of the competition. On top of that, making these kinds of issues important further PROFESSIONALIZES the NFFC and makes it stand out as dramatically different from a home league or Yahoo/ fantasy league. It creates higher sense of esteem, value and integrity with your event.

Will that FIX the problem? Of course not. Is it a good thing if even it changes the mindset of a handful of owners later in the season and results in them playing out the league?

Yes, I believe that is a good thing.

It doesn't cost any money. It doesn't require you run anyone's team. Is it the best idea that could come out of a thread like this? I certainly don't think so.

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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by Sandman62 » Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:13 am

James. You're right about the topic being worthy. But you and I are similar in that we both sometimes just don't know when to let something go. Instead, we persistently make our point - over and over - hoping to somehow "win" the battle. We should both know that sometimes that's just not going to happen and move on. It'd probably save us some grief. My 2 cents.

BTW, did anyone see The League this week? Taco is that league's absentee owner. So Ruxon went ballistic and instituted a rule that was something like "if he doesn't set his lineup this week (or for two weeks straight or something), we'll kick him out of the league". Well, a female league member's nonchalant answer to that was "It's just another wildcard". Though I don't like deadbeat owners either, there are many other luck factors in this game, and this is just one - and even one that rarely occurs or actually effects outcomes very often.

Pretty funny that she so casually dismissed it as an issue, while we're out here all worked up about it.

[ November 12, 2011, 10:18 AM: Message edited by: Sandman62 ]

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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by renman » Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:24 am


If my point is "it is a worthy topic to discuss without interruption from people trying to shout the topic down" then yes, I have made it repeatedly. I shouldn't have to. I do however get and agree with your point about beating a point to death. I have seen you do it. I have certainly done it myself. Others have too. I personally get frustrated when people invent things I never said and then argue back at the invented points that were attributed to me. Over the years when this has happened (and it happens a lot) I have repeatedly argued the point. The L Tomlinson was debate was a classic example. My point was the guy can still play and isn't "finished.' Here we are 2 years later and the guy is still playing good ball.

You just reminded me of that episode of the League. This "non issue" is such a "non issue" that it was PROFILED on the lone fantasy football television show that exists. lol

I don't even think we are "all worked up about it.' Are you? lol I don't think you are. I certainly am not. This is what happens on these message boards. People create smoke screens and take things off on tangents that create the illusion this is a huge deal. I lose no sleep over this topic. I just like talking fantasy football shop (wish it went on here more). Others then create the illusion this topic is my own personal crusade when it so obviously isn't.

"talking fantasy football" is part of what launched KDS and 3RR. Good ideas can come from expert fantasy football minds if a healthy culture of discussion is allowed and fostered. This topic should be discussed among people who think competitive integrity is important in the NFFC.

That is really my main point.

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Idea to stop deadbeat owners

Post by DoubleG » Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:17 am

Originally posted by Renman:
Now I can guarantee anyone can review my handful of posts in this thread and you will find zero examples of me instigating any adversarial, hostile or abrasive dialogue.
Below are some of your comments in this thread. Read them over again and if you are being reasonable, you can see how many of them are adversarial, hostile or abrasive. A visual of your posts is like this. A little kid who hides behind a tree who pokes people as they go by. When confronted, you plead innocent..."I didn't do was them". Please James. It's very old. Again, call Greg and he'll fill you in on the poeple who were going to boycott the boards because of the way YOUR posts come off. I don't think you are a bad guy, just maybe you should think about the words you want to use in your posts a bit b4 posting.

Some of Renman's comments in this thread...
Flex, You are missing the point.

Flex, The bigger and better question is this. Why would you be against simply discussing ways to improve on this issue/problem?

Flex, You missed the point of my question. Why would YOU be against others simply discussing ways to improve on this issue/problem?

Flex, I am honestly struggling to understand your point.

Flex, If you cannot see that, it will be difficult to have a rational discussion on the topic.

Flex, Your messages continue to show you don't get the point.

Flex, You seem to be against that discussion. Which begs one question. Why are you in the thread?

Flex, YOU look angry.

Flex, I am asking for your permission to discuss this with anyone who cares to discuss it.

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