Satellite League Prizes

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Satellite League Prizes

Post by gotum87 » Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:33 am

Tom or Greg,

When should we expect the prizes for satellite leagues to be sent out. Getting ready to go on a long trip. Also, I did't see my hometown posted by Tom in listing of winners, so I am concerned that you don't have my address.

I am at

7322 West Lake
Perrysburg, OH 43551


Pete Winkler
$250 Aug. 25th Satellite League


This is the best run fantasy league with the best payouts and rules. I have been involved in WCOFF and WCOFF Satellite, and this blows them away. Happy Holidays.
Pete Winkler
Da Boyz
Sat. Aug. 25 6pm Satellite

Greg Ambrosius
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Satellite League Prizes

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:23 am

Pete, congrats on winning some money from us. If you are talking about the payments after Week 16, those are being processed now and our goal is to get checks cut on Friday, Jan. 4th for anyone who already has a W-9 on file. However, I know everyone that works with Tom and me on this was out of the office this week for the holidays and they won't be returning until Wednesday, Jan. 2nd. As much as I'd like to get these out in two days, I have a feeling it will be tough.

Hopefully, checks will go out the 4th. If not, they will be mailed on Jan. 11th. Congrats all.

If you have already sent in your W-9, you're good to go. If you need a W-9 or haven't done it yet, please let us know. Contact Tom at [email protected] if you need anything involving the W-9.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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Satellite League Prizes

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:13 am

Since this is something that is obviously new to you (RECEIVING a check from fantasy football.... CONGRATS! :D )

You don't have to declare ANY of your $$$ since your losses (what you put in) exceed your wins this year (you can declare everything you invested to offset ONLY your wins).

For future use if you ever win more than you invest in a season, I have always used the date on the check (i.e if date on check is December 2007, it goes towards 2007 tax year, etc.) Then again, I have heard since you played in 2007, you could still declare it for that year (if you wanted to).

That all being said, since you will receive your check in 2008, I would just declare it towards next year's entry fees.

Hope this helps. :D

[ December 29, 2007, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Satellite League Prizes

Post by Raiders » Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:44 am

Have to ask.
Is it a Mid-west thing to give up your phone number or address so easy? For so many to see?

Never understood this. :rolleyes:

[ December 29, 2007, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Raiders ]

Posts: 3285
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Satellite League Prizes

Post by Raiders » Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:12 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Since this is something that is obviously new to you (RECEIVING a check from fantasy football.... CONGRATS! :D )

You don't have to declare ANY of your $$$ since your losses (what you put in) exceed your wins this year (you can declare everything you invested to offset ONLY your wins).

For future use if you somewhow do win more than you invest in a season, I have always used the date on the check (i.e if date on check is December 2007, it goes towards 2007 tax year, etc.) Then again, I have heard since you played in 2007, you could still declare it for that year (if you wanted to).

That all being said, since you will receive your check in 2008, I would just declare it towards next year's entry fees.

Hope this helps. :D ...thanks much for absolutely nothing Mr. 0 for 12 2007 NFFC 1ST Place finishes...if you spent as much time hugging your wife and children as you inaccurately, feverishly and futility attempt to discredit The Humble Serpent through your misinformative and inaccurate posts, SNAKE suspects that you would be less of an insecure, herd-following, a$$-kissing, Serpent-stalking, babbling and bumbling buffoon...peace and harmony, Wazass...SNAKE
[/QUOTE]Just make a date and get it on already.
The funny thing is in person you guys would shake hands and hug each other. :rolleyes:

Posts: 10913
Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:00 pm

Satellite League Prizes

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:13 am

Geez, I try to help (obviously you have never been in the situation of applying fantasy winnings for tax purposes, or you wouldn't have asked) and you throw insults.

Some people simply are always on the defensive. :rolleyes:

[ December 29, 2007, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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