Eddie George Signs With Cowboys

Gordon Gekko
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Eddie George Signs With Cowboys

Post by Gordon Gekko » Sun Jul 25, 2004 3:31 pm

Originally posted by the snake:
Mr. Grekko...it's going to be a pleasure kicking your ass all over the fantasy football field in the coming year - thanks for the donation..."he who talks the loudest knows the least"... hehehe. let me sum up your post..."blah blah blah. blah blah. blah blah blah blah."
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

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Eddie George Signs With Cowboys

Post by TamuScarecrow » Sun Jul 25, 2004 3:39 pm

I agree. Walla. He's looking for a country now that will let him buy and smoke his weed hassle-free. And I agree with you about the courage. I was living in New Orleans when he was there and two years of his selfish crap was enough for them to draft Deuce and dump him after Year 3. Don't take up for him, snake. I'll bet Junior Seau, Jason Taylor, Zach Thomas would like a piece of him for walking out on them now.
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Walla Walla
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Eddie George Signs With Cowboys

Post by Walla Walla » Sun Jul 25, 2004 5:20 pm

courage and conviction. How in your twisted little mind do you apply those words to Ricky Williams??? Calling your coach from Hawaii and saying I quit and by the way I'm headed to Japan
is courage? I'd say it was someone who didn't want to go through training camp and didn't care who he let down in the process. Thats called running from responsibilty and quiting.

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Eddie George Signs With Cowboys

Post by Superpion » Sun Jul 25, 2004 10:53 pm

the snake says "the courage and conviction to follow your heart no matter what the consequences...that's admirable"

Really??? No matter what the consequences? You made that statement with no qualifications at all so I'm going to point out the flaws in your logic. Jeffrey Dahmer, the Unabomber, ******: did they not all follow their heart NO MATTER WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES? I think that most would agree that they disregarded consequences, but most would find their actions to be reprehensible as opposed to admirable. I'm not claiming that the snake supports the actions of any of those people but rather pointing out all of the many holes in his blanket statement.

Society is based on free will within the confines of not imposing on the free will of another, but the act of exercising one's own free will does not in and of itself represent courage and conviction. A single mother who takes on the responsibility of supporting her children by working 2 jobs to make ends meet shows courage and conviction. Ricky Williams left his team and fans high and dry for reasons including that he didn't want to put in the training camp work, he wanted to go off and smoke the chronic and his heart probably wasn't in it anymore. For those reasons, the Dolphins and the league probably are better off to be rid of him but that doesn't make him the good guy hero that the snake is portraying.
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Eddie George Signs With Cowboys

Post by TamuScarecrow » Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:47 am

Snake, I listened to Seth McKinney's statement last night on ESPN about his old teammate and he didn't call him courageous. He basically called him a wimp who ran out on his teammates. That's his TEAMMATE who said that and like I said earlier, I'll bet Junior, Zach, and the rest feel the same way. Courage would have been to walk away from the game before he whined about not liking the rules but not having a problem taking millions. Courage is Pat Tillman!!
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Eddie George Signs With Cowboys

Post by johnbriganti » Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:13 am

Boys, Boys Boys,

There is an old saying that goes something like,
"better to keep one's mouth shut and let everyone think your a fool, then to open it and remove all doubt"!

I'm drafting In Chicago so I'll miss out on all the paronoia in NY and Arrogance in Vegas.

Well all compete and the winner gets to woof (IN JANUARY).
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Eddie George Signs With Cowboys

Post by TamuScarecrow » Tue Jul 27, 2004 9:35 am

You're right, John. We're just killing the boredom now, but in 37 days, 20 hours, 25 minutes when the DraftMasters draft starts, the fun begins.
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Eddie George Signs With Cowboys

Post by Diesel » Tue Jul 27, 2004 9:46 am

I'm in the DraftMasters as well as the NFFC 200k Tamu...Are you heading north to New York for the drafts? P.S...I just drove through South Carolina(where it says you're from) about a month ago...Those damn Cicada Locust', that come only once every 17 years, were everywhere in your area.
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