FFOC Investigation

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FFOC Investigation

Post by Raiders » Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:46 am

Lightning Fast Whip

How many team do you have? Hope you win 1 Million. Good Luck


[ August 06, 2008, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Raiders ]

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FFOC Investigation

Post by LFW » Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:02 am

Raiders- I'm not a big draft league guy so I don't usually do more than 1 or 2 drafts. I usually play salary cap games with CDM and they were helping Fanball with running the site and they originally offered a 10 pack of teams for a $350 discount so I decided I'd give it a shot. A chance at 1 Million even if a very long shot does appeal to me because I have a goal to one day reach that fiqure in fantasy winnings and maybe if I get lucky that could be a short cut to that goal. I'm not much more than a slightly better than average drafter though so not expecting too much . I did have plenty of money in my CDM account and can write off fees as expenses on next years taxes though. :cool:

If this doesn't go off I guess I'd have to chase the million $ short cut through NFFC/NBC double or just keep plugging away slowly but surely year to year at CDM.

EDIT- One thing a 10 pack will show me is how good I am at drafting in 2008. Then I'll either be discouraged to draft next year or looking forward to drafting more at maybe more places at higher fees.

[ August 06, 2008, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Fast Whip ]
The TYRUNT of CDM Fantasy Sports Football Challenge and High Roller Football Contests!

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FFOC Investigation

Post by LFW » Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:05 am

Thanks, I'd need it...to beat that many in that format. Fun to dream though.
The TYRUNT of CDM Fantasy Sports Football Challenge and High Roller Football Contests!

Leroy's Aces
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FFOC Investigation

Post by Leroy's Aces » Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:08 am

I would rather not see another AFFL. Even if anyone questions my motives, here you go:

Play what you want, but I would much rather support the NFFC (as I am) or WCOFF (as I also am) than a contest that may or may not go off. I will not mention the FFPC here, but this is what I see as a player:

Fact: NFFC will go off. Players will get paid - money 100% secure.

Fact: WCOFF will go off. Players highly likely to get paid, based on entries and prior event history.

Fact: FFOC could go off. Will likely lose A LOT of money if it does. Escrow is stated, yet has not been funded. Show fantasy players the $2,000,000 prize pool (or whatever it is) in escrow with an attorney's name on it (that one can actually contact). Players MAY get paid IF the event goes off.

Fact: Real people thought AFFL had deep pockets last year and real people won $100,000 and $75,000 and HAVE NOT BEEN PAID YET AND NEVER WILL.

Imagine winning $1,000,000. Now imagine what you would feel like if the corporation that owed you that money went bust and you got squat. I would get sick to my stomach FOR you. In fact, I did get almost sick once over this (my family loves Disneyworld):

From the FOOTBALL GUYS AFFL Thread: Posted by bosco224:

Well, here I am the winner of the AFFL gold league, 75,000+1,350 for winning the championship+the waterford crystal trophy (so basically out over 80,000 dollars). I found this forum a couple of days ago and have since then been watching and wondering if Neil would ever post something to the winners. Neil your probably not ever coming on this site again, but if you do, I just want you to answer my one question. A couple of weeks before the checks were to be mailed YOU (not I EVER) contacted me (around mid January) to tell me that you would be coming to my state so you could take my picture with the trophy. You had no reason in the world to make that phone call because as you have stated you knew at that time there was no money for the winners. I had NEVER tried to contact you before this point, so there was no reason nor any pressure from me for you to even make this call. So my big question is, Why did you make that call ????????

The reason that call was so important to me is because at that point I let my guard down and for the first time since winning the money I believed almost 100% that I would be recieving it. Because as I told my family and friends (who most doubted and thought it was a scam that I could win that much money from fantasy football) that why would Neil go out of his way to contact me if he wasn't intending on paying. Of course we all know the rest of the story and obviously the pictures were never taken and I never met with Neil. I did however get in contact with Neil a couple weeks later because he never followed up with the pictures. He assured me that we would take them soon and that's when I started wondering if I would really ever get paid.

It takes a lot for me to get angry (and to sit and type and write because I suck at it) and I think that started to really happen when I found myself reading this over again last night at 3 am in the morning and here I am again at 2 am the following morning when I should obviously be exausted from last night and should be sleeping. I will probably never win something like this again and because of Neil this has become such a bad experience.

I think Neil believed he may have had a chance to fix this but he did such a bad job in contacting the winners after Feb 8th with updates and possible solutions and that's what most of the people on this site tried to tell him all along. Im not saying that he had to post here but he had an obligation to notify the winners what was going on. Every day probably at least three times a day I would check my Email and the message board hoping to get any kind of an update. The only time he responded with updates to me (and he did respond to me) was the three times I contacted him first. Maybe I'm wrong but for myself him being honest and keeping me updated would have made me a lot more sympathetic towards him. I contacted him this past Monday by email and he told me that he would be talking to somebody about the sale of AFFL that night and would keep me UPDATED. As usual its now Saturday morning and I have not heard from him because I didn't contact him for another update.

This morning I realize I will not be getting my money and my promise to my four girls that we will be going to DisneyWorld will becoming out of my own pocket. We went last year and since I told them we are going this year because Daddy won big LOL were going back. I will NOT break my PROMISE to them like he has to all the AFFL players.You try explaining to Four girls under the age of seven after weeks of planning that Neils not paying so we can't go to Disney. I'm sure other winners went out and spent money they shouldn't have because they trusted him. ( Like MAMA always said don't count youre chickens until the hatch).

Well I'm going to bed as I have said enough. one thing to also mention that I haven't seen posted any where else is he asked for our SS# for tax reasons probably for show just like when he wished us merry XMAS even though he knew there was no money. You will see me in court that is a promise. As stated by so many people on this site and I believe my lawyer also feels the same way that he will be going to jail. It's unfortunate that he has kids unless that was also just lie because they are going to be the biggest losers of all and that will be harder for them than for me to lose 80,000!

Well these are all the things I would say to Neil if he was anywhere to be found and was actually making an effort to keep people informed instead of being a sneak and hiding and lying.

I care only about fantasy players staying safe and not getting burned.
'08 NFFC Primetime Champ

Ted's Cracked Head
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FFOC Investigation

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:16 am

Well you guys got me to buy a team.

Last comment: Dave, you touched on the other challenges and I will tackle your challenge. If I had the money I would play in the FFPC because I know they will deliver more than promised. Whether I personally agree with them or not, I trust them implicitly and know they will deliver a great product. (unfortunately I have cut my budget big time and only for the second time I will also be missing the WCOFF too)

Now lets talk some football.
My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

Ted's Cracked Head
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FFOC Investigation

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:19 am

I hear the bidding war for Favre NOW includes the FFOC.
My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

Posts: 252
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FFOC Investigation

Post by LFW » Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:24 am

A lot of good high stakes draft league contests out there NFFC,NBC,FFPC,WCOFF....if I were a Big time High Stakes Draft guy this season would seem like heaven. I wish Salary Cap games were growing like Draft Leagues but we only have one $1000 entry game not 4+...you guys have it so good with so many options.

[ August 06, 2008, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Fast Whip ]
The TYRUNT of CDM Fantasy Sports Football Challenge and High Roller Football Contests!

Sound Advice
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FFOC Investigation

Post by Sound Advice » Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:57 am

Hockey coach? Cool.

I'd rather be in a league of a former hockey coach than a condescending Bush fanboy.

Now that shows severe lack of judgment for someone in a decision making capacity.

I'd take my chances with commish Stan over commish Nag any day.

Who's the senior commish going to be Leroy's? Karl Rove or Dick Cheney?

Greg Ambrosius
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FFOC Investigation

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:41 pm

Originally posted by KJ Duke:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by King of Queens:
[qb] [QUOTE]Secondly, are you in the FFOC? Because they haven't charged me for anything yet. It's hard to take somebody's money and run like the AFFL if you don't take their money in the first place. Kevin, is this true about the FFOC?? Are you saying that even though you've participated in these online drafts you haven't been charged? They are going to collect from everyone AFTER they've drafted? Please don't construe this as me insinuating anything, I'm just asking to see if this is happening to everyone or if it's just been you that this has happened to because I'm pretty sure you've drafted a few times already.

This doesn't sound right if drafts have taken place and cc's haven't been charged yet. Wouldn't you agree?? I can't imagine running a single satellite league in the NFFC before credit cards are run because obviously there would be many reasons for folks not to run the cards and I'm sure CDM understands that as well.

Just a simple answer on this point would help me understand why they would do this as it just doesn't seem common. But maybe it's an oversight for your situation or a wrong assessment. Thanks.
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