NFL Should Change Overtime Format

Ted's Cracked Head
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NFL Should Change Overtime Format

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:46 am

The Saints got kind of lucky that pass interference wasn't called on the pass play to Olsen. He would have caught that pass to give the Bears the win if he wasn't being mugged the entire time he was in the end zone.

I cannot help but wonder if that played into the equation.

I hate that a pass that is badly underthrown can create that type of gain, handing one team the win.

The Saints D looked gassed down the stretch/OT and they could not stop the run. This time the coin toss did ensure a Bears win.

This rule is archaic and needs to be addressed by the NFL. I think it will change this offseason.
My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

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NFL Should Change Overtime Format

Post by renman » Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:17 am

Odd that I posted on this exact type of play a couple months ago and it happened here in overtime.

-The pass interference rule must get addressed. I believe there should be a flagrant PI and an incidental PI. Flagrant is when the defender hits the receiver early causing the incompletion. Incidental is when a receiver is underthrown and the WR suddenly stops and initiates the contact with the defender trying to cover him. One can argue the defender gets penalized for not locating the ball, but it should not be a 55 yard penalty.

Here is another thing I want to see changed.

What does the NFL make per year? something like 70 trillion dollars? They could bail out the automakers themselves if they wanted. Why in the world does that NFL require an official ON THE FIELD to go under some silly curtain in the rain and snow among SCREAMING fans to review replays of calls that are in question?

Can't we just have a "replay official" sitting up in a warm booth with multiple monitors around him with immediate access to each play? Why can't we have one guy at each game who is responsible for this job and just radios down to the guy on the field the proper call? One of the biggest things people complained about regarding replay was how much time it took and how it altered the "flow of the game." Think of the time this would save and how much easier it would be on an official to focus on what he has to see up in the booth rather than on the field under a curtain.

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NFL Should Change Overtime Format

Post by bill » Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:57 am

Baseball umpires and football referees seem very reluctant to give up their control. They want to make the call, not someone up in a booth. I have been very frustrated over how much the umpires union in baseball has fought instant replay.

You make a good point. Walking over to the camera, standing there with fans yelling at them from a few feet away, then walking back. Seems like your idea would work better. Maybe up in the booth a ref could have 3 or 4 monitors and be able to check all the angles quicker than the ref under the curtain. I am not sure how many monitors are under that curtain.

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NFL Should Change Overtime Format

Post by renman » Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:27 am


There is one monitor under the booth and they rotate different views of the play in question. I just do not understand why we have to have the whole routine where the guy walks to the goof ball hooded contraption on the field.. among the screaming fans.. on one teams sideline... in the elements.. then takes the long walk back to the field to announce the call.

Seems more logical to have one review official sitting up in a nice warm box with multiple HD screens and immediate access to know when a call was missed... he can immediately radio down the verdict and it could take seconds... This could even be useful in situations where the officials huddle on the field unsure of what they saw or should call. The guy upstairs could radio down in seconds the right call. This is especially useful on plays inside 2 minutes that are automatic booth reviews and have nothing to do with a coaches challenge.

This isn't a knock on officials who do a great job.. the players are lightening fast.. the game is lightening fast.. and there is just way too much riding on results to leave it up to a bunch of middle aged part time employees trying to get it right.

Give them some help and streamline the process.

[ December 15, 2008, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: Renman ]

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NFL Should Change Overtime Format

Post by DukeT » Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:31 am

Overtime in the NFL??
Real easy solution: first team to score 4 pts wins. Could make the time factor unlimited or limit to one quarter as it is now. Anyone suggest this solution yet???


Posts: 9
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NFL Should Change Overtime Format

Post by DukeT » Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:34 pm

Overtime in the NFL...clarification...
Obviously...that's 4 points or more
(2 field goals, one TD, FG+safety, FG+TD)

Duke T

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