Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

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Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Post by Raiders » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:32 am

Diesel Inc.,

Nice write up. 100% true as well. Come one, come all and play against the very best, were the winners get paid!


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Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Post by boutrous11 » Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:56 am

I've played poker with Scott several times. Seems like a stand up guy, but this is not good.

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Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Post by BillyWaz » Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:50 am

Originally posted by GK:
...what ever happened with the AFFL owners after that 2007 fiasco?...are they in jail?...awaiting trial?...or did they get off scott-free?...anybody?...if the arm of justice did not come down swiftly and harshly it simply does not set a good precedent for future site operators to also take the money and run...rather unfortunately it seems like history has repeated itself once again with Fantasy Jungle in 2008...SNAKE The new owners of AFFL (Chicago Fantasy Sports) have done a very nice job in turning around things.

While the damage that Neil Wickham did will never fully be forgotten, I know that the AFFL DID already pay their winners from this past season's contest.

Kudos to the "new regime" over there for turning things around! :D

That all being said, it is looking more and more like there are only 2-3 high stakes contests out there that people can trust (or at least myself) they will get their money from IN A TIMELY MANNER!

And only ONE I FULLY trust.......yes, it's the NFFC! :D

[ March 04, 2009, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Post by Riverdog » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:57 am

First I have seen of this.

I won my league and am owed $1500. I was not expecting the $ as I was going to use it for 09 entries (for me and a friend). I hope this works itself out.
2008 3rd Overall NFFC Classic, Regular Season Points Champion!
2008 and 2009: WCFF Magazine experts league Champ.
2011 Gunning for a 2nd National title

Greg Ambrosius
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Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:05 am

Please keep an update on this situation on our boards if you can. Scott and Mike are great guys and they were/are building a quality game site. Heck, they were Charter Members of the NFBC and NFFC and they played every year from 2004-07 before their schedules just got too busy. I've talked with Mike several times about the future of the industry, the future of this area of the market and more. They would have been one of the last guys I would have expected late payouts from because they are players too and they understand how important that part of our business is to our customers.

I'll await an update before thinking the worst, but Mike and Scott, let's pay your winners and make whole. I know you understand how important it is to our industry. Thanks.

I will just say that one of the reasons we started the Fantasy Sports Players Association in 1999 was to protect players. At that point companies like Replica had folded contests and not paid winners. It was getting to be a trend in the industry and 12 of the biggest companies decided to form an association to put an end to this. We felt that together we could help regulate our own industry.

I thought this part of our industry was behind us, but sadly it's reappearing. The AFFL situation and Neil's stupidity still makes me mad as it really hurt our industry, taking $450,000+ right out of last year's purchases. I hope this isn't a trend or we'll lose more players who just won't trust ANYONE.

It hurts the NFFC and NFBC, even though we never have nor ever will have a problem paying our guaranteed prizes. We're not two guys banking this on our own. Tom and I are part of a major corporation partnered with NBC Sports and paying our customers will NEVER be a problem. You all have lots of choices out there and you can and should play with as many of them as you'd like. But it looks like winning isn't your only concern anymore; getting paid should be right up there at the top of your list.

I think Mike and Scott will come through for everyone. But keep me and everyone else informed here. Thanks.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Post by eddietheking » Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:52 pm

I'm surprised to hear this about the Jungle, the first year I played I won my league and received teh prize money before Xmas! Lost the playoff the next year, but then last year was a little off. They had done a good job with updates and scoring changes previously, then in 2008 no Jungle Gazette regularly, weekly updates and no responses to email, ims,, posts or anything regarding scoring.
Wonder what happened?

Too bad, I had decided not to play in the Jungle this year already, this justifies my decision.
I will say they are one group who has paid me promptly in the past more than once.

Read a previous post about the AFFL putting up a strong showing with new management. Had to laugh, I was one owner who never got paid and after over a dozen emails and them calling , frequently, to get me to play again without paying me, I swore them off too.

Real Time Sports and CDM/Fanball are fairly quick to pay and the FFTOC is great about it! The Sporting News takes forever, but eventually comes through, not yet this year but TSN is usually the last check in the mail!

Things like me make me decide early on who to play with and I've limited my entries from over the years from 30-40 teams to 20 or so last year to this year I'll probably only have a dozen.

Good luck to the winners getting paid, hope it happens for you!

Nutty Scrat
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Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Post by Nutty Scrat » Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:06 am

Never played any of the Fantasy Jungle contests but even if they do pay does anyone else think that this just may have killed their contest?

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Fantasy Jungle STILL HAS NOT PAID?

Post by 3INTBOY » Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:13 am

I've now left 3 messages for Scott, the owner of the Jungle and a few business outisde of the FJ.

He's always been very good about calling back, I consider him a friend in the business of fantasy football so the lack of communication on either the good or bad message is very concerning.

I'll ask him what's up and report it back here if I hear.

They ARE good guys, and this would be really disappointing news if they don;t pay.


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