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D-Day Heroes
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I'll Chat Today At 2 PM ET

Post by D-Day Heroes » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:17 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
1. In which game does owner skill level play a more signiciant role, fantasy baseball or football

2. With W.Parker being ruled out (on Tuesday) of this week's game and the uncertainity of how long he'll be sidelined, is M.Moore (RB - PIT) worth a $100 bid this week?

3. In leagues where Buckhalter is available, is it a viable strategy for non-westbrook owners to bid heavy ($200+) on Buck to ensure that the Westy owner doesn't acquire him?

4. More td's this year, Colston or Meachem GG , let me chime in on your # 1 .

I always thought baseball was chess , compared to football as checkers.

BUT , with all the injuries these days , due to the dramatic increase in the Size , Speed , and Strenght of these ballers to day , i would say Football has become much more challenging and thus thakes much more skill.

what say U :D
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I'll Chat Today At 2 PM ET

Post by rkulaski » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:23 am

2 questions:

1. Will A Rodgers finish the season averaging over 20 NFFC ppg this season and will he finish top 7 among quarterbacks?

2. Do you think D Ward has or will work his way into a 50-50 timeshare with B Jacobs? He looked much better hitting the hole than Jacobs did last Sunday.

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I'll Chat Today At 2 PM ET

Post by Inf4life » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:27 am

TK, i know that there has been a lot of man love for EddieG early on this season for being in first place after three weeks. But do you think it is important to build a big early lead or be consistent and then shine in the playoffs??

There was a post on here that stated that in the 4 years of this contest only 1 team that has led the season in total points has won it all in the end.

[ September 24, 2008, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: Go Getta ]
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Gordon Gekko
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I'll Chat Today At 2 PM ET

Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:31 am

Originally posted by D-Day Heroes:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
1. In which game does owner skill level play a more signiciant role, fantasy baseball or football

2. With W.Parker being ruled out (on Tuesday) of this week's game and the uncertainity of how long he'll be sidelined, is M.Moore (RB - PIT) worth a $100 bid this week?

3. In leagues where Buckhalter is available, is it a viable strategy for non-westbrook owners to bid heavy ($200+) on Buck to ensure that the Westy owner doesn't acquire him?

4. More td's this year, Colston or Meachem GG , let me chime in on your # 1 .

I always thought baseball was chess , compared to football as checkers.

BUT , with all the injuries these days , due to the dramatic increase in the Size , Speed , and Strenght of these ballers to day , i would say Football has become much more challenging and thus thakes much more skill.

what say U :D
[/QUOTE]Here's how I look at it…in baseball and football let's say an owner could have a skill level of 0-100 (with 100 being the best). In football, I believe owners only need to meet a 50 skill level and then diminishing returns takes over…meaning someone with a 50 skill rating stands about the same chance of winning as someone with a 90 rating. So, in football, anyone who meets a 50 skill level can win the grandprize. Luck is the primary success factor for teams that meet that threshold.

Now in baseball, I think that number is higher. Owners probably need to meet a 80 skill level to have a shot at the grand prize. And the diminishing returns are much greater...meaning someone with an 80 skill level is still a sizable underdog to someone with a 90 skill rating. Luck plays less of a factor.
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Tom Kessenich
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I'll Chat Today At 2 PM ET

Post by Tom Kessenich » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:32 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
1. In which game does owner skill level play a more signiciant role, fantasy baseball or football

2. With W.Parker being ruled out (on Tuesday) of this week's game and the uncertainity of how long he'll be sidelined, is M.Moore (RB - PIT) worth a $100 bid this week?

3. In leagues where Buckhalter is available, is it a viable strategy for non-westbrook owners to bid heavy ($200+) on Buck to ensure that the Westy owner doesn't acquire him?

4. More td's this year, Colston or Meachem Sorry I'm late. I had to finish up a game preview for SI.com. But let's get this baby started.

1. I'd say both. You can't have success in these games without having skill. Baseball is a tougher test because the season is longer and there are more positional variables, but both games need skill to win big.

2. I'm not going to comment on specific bids but Moore will have a role. I'm not sure it will be a very big one, thought. It sounds like the Steelers really want to see what Mendenhall can do.

3. I think grabbing Buckhalter to keep him away from the Westbrook owner is a worthy strategy as long as you don't shortchange yourself in any way in the process.

4. Colston - assuming he comes back on time.
Tom Kessenich
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Post by Tom Kessenich » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:34 am

Originally posted by hammer:
Hey Tom,

1- How do you feel about Edge going forward in ARZ? Does he remain the sled-dog by default or do you think Hightower begins to cut even more into his carries?

2- Can anyone step into the #2 WR role in Cleveland? Do you see that hole as the problem with the CLE offense? Or has DAnderson regressed?

3- Chris Perry, Matt Jones and Brandon Lloyd are making legitimate contributions to their teams... is this the end of the world as we know it?

thanks 1. I think Edge will remain the primary RB but Hightower's role will continue to grow. The Cardinals like him a lot. But it is worth noting that Edge looked real good last week.

2. I see that as a major problem and I think Anderson has regressed. Plus, Braylon Edwards looks like he's half-assing it out there too. That team is a serious mess right now.

3. No crazier than seeing guys like Ryan Grant and Earnest Graham emerge as bigtime starters last year. Crazy things happen every year in this game.
Tom Kessenich
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I'll Chat Today At 2 PM ET

Post by Tom Kessenich » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:35 am

Originally posted by Captain Hook:
Tom with Burress now having appealed his two week suspension by the Giants with the NFLPA, do you think there is any chance it is reduced to one week thus not missing Week 5? I suppose it's possible. After all, this is the same league which saw Travis Henry have a confirmed failure for drugs last year and not miss a single game. I'm still trying to figure out how that happened.

But if I had to guess, I'd say Burress sits in Week 5.
Tom Kessenich
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I'll Chat Today At 2 PM ET

Post by Tom Kessenich » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:37 am

Originally posted by Sack:

Last year you gave us Ryan Grant weeks before he bacame the man. Do you attribute that to the "home team" knowledge or can you pull this of again in 2008? If so, who is the fantasy player hiding on the waiver wire that none of us fantasy owners have heard of that will impact the season? I'd like to attribute it to my "skill." How's that Gekko? ;)

I don't know if there's anybody hanging around that nobody has heard from but if I had to pick two non-starting RBs who could be huge in the second half of the season I'd pick Ryan Torain and Pierre Thomas.
Tom Kessenich
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I'll Chat Today At 2 PM ET

Post by Tom Kessenich » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:38 am

Originally posted by rkulaski:
2 questions:

1. Will A Rodgers finish the season averaging over 20 NFFC ppg this season and will he finish top 7 among quarterbacks?

2. Do you think D Ward has or will work his way into a 50-50 timeshare with B Jacobs? He looked much better hitting the hole than Jacobs did last Sunday. 1. I think Rodgers ends up in the Top 10 if he can stay healthy. But that's really the big question with him.

2. I think all three of those guys in NY can run the ball well. I think Jacobs will get most of the carries most games but Ward can play and if anything happens to Jacobs - and his running style lends itself to injury - Ward will be huge as a starter.
Tom Kessenich
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Tom Kessenich
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I'll Chat Today At 2 PM ET

Post by Tom Kessenich » Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:39 am

Originally posted by Go Getta:
TK, i know that there has been a lot of man love for EddieG early on this season for being in first place after three weeks. But do you think it is important to build a big early lead or be consistent and then shine in the playoffs??

There was a post on here that stated that in the 4 years of this contest only 1 team that has led the season in total points has won it all in the end. That's true. If it was me, I wouldn't argue with a huge lead at any time of the season. But consistency is the key. If your team puts up good numbers every week then you have a good chance to make a big move when it inevitably has a huge week.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
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