Voting For the President

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Voting For the President

Post by botherk » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:00 am

Just Curious.
When was the last time you voted FOR a President and not against one?

It's been a long time for me. Ronald Reagan.
Alge? Braylon? Knowshon?
C'mon parents!

Here are some names for football players.
Ouch, Hitcha, Juke, Blitz

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Voting For the President

Post by RWyatt » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:03 am


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Voting For the President

Post by mikeybok » Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:01 am

wow ... depressed just thinking about the answer to that one.

even more depressing when I come up with an answer.

It was Ross Perot ... just proves I was young and stupid once.
Hakuna Matata!

Ted's Cracked Head
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Voting For the President

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:34 pm

My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

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Shrink Attack
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Voting For the President

Post by Shrink Attack » Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:40 pm

Originally posted by Rob B:
2008 Ditto
"Deserve" ain't got nothin' to do with it
---Clint Eastwood in The Unforgiven

King of Queens
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Voting For the President

Post by King of Queens » Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:23 pm

Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:
Just Curious.
When was the last time you voted FOR a President and not against one?Does voting both FOR and AGAINST count?

If so, another vote for 2008.

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Voting For the President

Post by botherk » Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:13 pm

That brings up an even more interesting question...
Was there ever a time that anybody liked both final candidates for President?
Never, for me.
Alge? Braylon? Knowshon?
C'mon parents!

Here are some names for football players.
Ouch, Hitcha, Juke, Blitz

Robert Edwards
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Voting For the President

Post by Robert Edwards » Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:36 am

Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:
That brings up an even more interesting question...
Was there ever a time that anybody liked both final candidates for President?
Never, for me. No, I cannot say I have ever liked both candidates. I voted for President Bush 1 (twice) as he clearly was the best candidate (experience, intelligence, and understood the power and principles of being a Chief Executive rather than cheerleader and sound-bite mill), and President Bush 2 in 2000 and 2004 (history will catch up to me and view President Bush 2 very favorably even though I think he caved on certain economic policy).

In 1996, I voted for every elected position on my ballot except for President as I did not think either Senator Dole nor President Clinton had the qualities necessary to my President.

Certainly President Reagan has been my favorite, but it is hard to judge the rest against the greatest President in the second half of the 20th Century (my opinion and I am saying it looking for an arguement).

I voted for Senator McCain, but really I was voting against President Obama, whom I fear (and justified) lacked the experience and personal qualities necessary to be even an effective President. Senator McCain was given the nomination, as Senator Dole, in my opinion, by those who value party over Nation. Senator McCain has served his country more than almost any in history and is a person of quality, but I do not think he would have been a good President, only better than what we as Americans have now, though ACORN and Muammar el-Qaddafi would certainly disagree. So I guess you could say that this last one was the only election I really voted "against" someone.

[ September 29, 2009, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: Phat Bustards ]
Wayne Edwards

The "other" Wayne

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Voting For the President

Post by RWyatt » Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:31 am

Originally posted by Phat Bustards:
quote:Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:
That brings up an even more interesting question...
Was there ever a time that anybody liked both final candidates for President?
Never, for me. No, I cannot say I have ever liked both candidates. I voted for President Bush 1 (twice) as he clearly was the best candidate (experience, intelligence, and understood the power and principles of being a Chief Executive rather than cheerleader and sound-bite mill), and President Bush 2 in 2000 and 2004 (history will catch up to me and view President Bush 2 very favorably even though I think he caved on certain economic policy).

[/QUOTE]Warrantless wiretapping
An unnecessary war in Iraq
Abandoning a war in Afghanistan
Turning a budget surplus into a trillion dollar deficit
A 25% drop in the market over 8 years
Presiding over the worst recession in half a century
Harriet Miers

If you are waiting to be on the right side of history, you’re gonna have a long wait.

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Voting For the President

Post by RWyatt » Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:32 am

Originally posted by Phat Bustards:
quote:Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:
That brings up an even more interesting question...
Was there ever a time that anybody liked both final candidates for President?
Never, for me. I voted for Senator McCain, but really I was voting against President Obama, whom I fear (and justified) lacked the experience and personal qualities necessary to be even an effective President. Senator McCain was given the nomination, as Senator Dole, in my opinion, by those who value party over Nation. Senator McCain has served his country more than almost any in history and is a person of quality, but I do not think he would have been a good President, only better than what we as Americans have now, though ACORN and Muammar el-Qaddafi would certainly disagree. So I guess you could say that this last one was the only election I really voted "against" someone.
[/QUOTE]As for Senator McCain; if you think he was given the nomination by his party, you better review the campaign again. John McCain is a man who was “swift boated” by his own party in 2000 and then was not given any money by the RNC in 2008 until he forced their hand by winning in early primaries. If anything, the RNC killed his chances to win the presidency. They turned a man of integrity and moderate appeal into a partisan hack. Senator McCain is a man that I respect and supported in 2000 and that I was terribly saddened to see forced to change for support from the base of the party.
I have voted for every Republican since President Reagan until this past year. But I am one of the growing numbers of people that have turned away from the Republican Party because of their increasingly exclusionary stance on issues both social and economic. There currently is no room for a moderate in the party and therefore no room for me.

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