Conditional bid bug?

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Conditional bid bug?

Post by Sandman62 » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:47 am

Yes, I guess they "fixed" it, but they did so by simply requiring that each cond'l bid you add must be for < the lowest cond'l bid you already have.

This is not a very user-friendly solution, IMO. Why shouldn't I be able to add a cond'l bid for whatever amount I wish, the move it up/down as I wish?

For example, say I have a bid in on player A for 200, plus a conditional bid for player B for 50. Then later in the week, I decide that there's another player C that I'd actually want more than player B. As far as I can tell, I would have to put in a cond'l bid for C for < B's current bid. Then I guess I could edit C's bid amount to be what I actually want? Then move C above B?

Even worse, what if I want the priority to now be A, C, B,... but I want their amounts to be 200, 50, 100? Will that even work?

This process is entirely too confusing. I appreciate that you expect to have it fixed in a couple weeks. But as you I'm sure are well aware, most of the hot wire prospects surface in those first few weeks.

[ September 11, 2008, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Sandman62 ]

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Tom Kessenich
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Conditional bid bug?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:56 am

I'm not sure I follow Mike. You don't have to make two bids for the same player. If you bid $50 for Player C today and then tomorrow morning you decide you want to spend $100 on him, you can just go in and edit the amount. The computer will automatically move that player above Player B if Player B has a lesser amount. Make sense?
Tom Kessenich
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Conditional bid bug?

Post by Sandman62 » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:45 pm

Sorry for the confusion Tom. No, I meant if player C was a different player.

So if I already had a 200 bid on A and a 50 bid on B, then later decided to bid on a new player (C), but didn't want to bid less than the lowest bid so far (50)... I'd have to put in a bid of 1-49 on C, then edit C's bid to 100.

[ September 12, 2008, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: Sandman62 ]

Greg Ambrosius
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Conditional bid bug?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:15 am

Originally posted by Sandman62:
Sorry for the confusion Tom. No, I meant if player C was a different player.

So if I already had a 200 bid on A and a 50 bid on B, then later decided to bid on a new player (C), but didn't want to bid less than the lowest bid so far (50)... I'd have to put in a bid of 1-49 on C, then edit C's bid to 100.
Correct, that's how you'd have to do it because the computer processes bids in the order of their dollar value.
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Gordon Gekko
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Conditional bid bug?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:33 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Yup, we're on this. STATS is going to convert the FAAB process to what we have in baseball and that will be done before Week 3 at the latest. thank goodness. the faab process in baseball took three steps forward, but the faab process here took 3 steps back. glad to hear it's being fixed.
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Conditional bid bug?

Post by Sack » Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:22 pm

They still don't have it working. Bottom line - it was a pain in the ass to enter the bids and it doesn't have to be this way.

They were told about this last week, sorry - they dropped the ball.

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Tom Kessenich
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Conditional bid bug?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:28 am

Can you guys tell us precisely what problems you encountered? I entered bids for the KP Auction league and didn't have any problems. It went very smoothly, so I'm not sure what problems people might have encountered. If you could let us know that would help a lot. We'll get the info to STATS and have them look at it.
Tom Kessenich
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King of Queens
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Conditional bid bug?

Post by King of Queens » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:32 am

Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
Can you guys tell us precisely what problems you encountered? (1) General slowness

(2) 3 or 4 screens to submit each bid

(3) don't like the multiple screens for each position. If I want a player whose name begins with the letter "T," I have to guess which page he's on (Page 5, 6 or 7)

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Tom Kessenich
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Conditional bid bug?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:34 am

There is a search function for any player you want to locate Glenn. That's what I used. But keep the feedback coming and I'll get all this to STATS.
Tom Kessenich
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Gordon Gekko
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Conditional bid bug?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:12 am

Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
Can you guys tell us precisely what problems you encountered? I entered bids for the KP Auction league and didn't have any problems. It went very smoothly, so I'm not sure what problems people might have encountered. If you could let us know that would help a lot. We'll get the info to STATS and have them look at it. tom - tell STATS we want it EXACTLY like it is for baseball. that's as close to perfect as i've seen.
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