Does Rex Ryan Ever Shut Up?

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Red Zone King
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Does Rex Ryan Ever Shut Up?

Post by Red Zone King » Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:30 am

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've had it up to my eyeballs with the media coverage of the Jets.

Let's begin by stating the obvious - J-E-T-S SUCK...SUCK...SUCK.

The team is a circus and Ryan is a clown!

They have no playmakers...lousy RB's...digruntled WR's...a whiney QB and a Pro Bowl wannabe TE. All Rex Ryan does is babble at the media about how great his team is, but like most people who talk about how good they are at something, it really means they're trying to divert attention away from the fact that they AREN'T good at whatever it is.

Why are the Jets such a story worth covering in the media? - They SUCK! Period!

We've heard enough already over the last couple of seasons that the Jets were going to the Superbowl only to be a big fat dud. Maybe if Ryan concentrated more on building his team and spent less time in front of the media spewing useless drivel, he might have a team that could contend.

They're defense is adequate, but hardly makes up for an offense that looks like a Chinese fire drill on a sheet of ice.

It's time for the media to give it a rest and cover other teams that deserve to be recognized - which is actually ALL 31 other teams.

It would be nice if Ryan would move Tebow to a RB position so we could use him in the flex position at least that way somebody would have point value from this dysfunctional team.

Jersey Dawg
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Re: Does Rex Ryan Ever Shut Up?

Post by Jersey Dawg » Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:20 pm

Dude - The J-E-T-S are going to the Super Bowl. Haven't you heard.... Rex bought them all tickets this season so they can see what it looks like in person, not just from their living rooms.

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Re: Does Rex Ryan Ever Shut Up?

Post by KenGill » Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:17 pm

The short answer is no, he doesn't shut up but I do expect them to be a little better offensively than they showed in the preseason. Sanchez did manage to throw for 26 TD's last year. They will find a way to put up some points. But playoffs? Doubt it. I see 8 and 8.
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bald is beautiful
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Re: Does Rex Ryan Ever Shut Up?

Post by bald is beautiful » Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:46 pm

No, he does not, and the worse they are the more he tries to tell us how good they are. F-A-I-L

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Re: Does Rex Ryan Ever Shut Up?

Post by ArmyofDead » Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:30 pm

Nothing wrong with positive reinforcement. Recognize what it is, and ignore it, too easy.
Would you rather have a head coach that speaks poorly about his team at any given chance?

Regardless of what he says, the games are played on the field...why care what Ryan says to reinforce his team?

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Glenneration X
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Re: Does Rex Ryan Ever Shut Up?

Post by Glenneration X » Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:54 pm

Personally, I think Ryan's being humble about the Jets chances. :)

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Re: Does Rex Ryan Ever Shut Up?

Post by JETS SB » Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:36 pm

No he isn't going to shut up and although it is frustrating, YOU and your rant are part of the reason why the Jets get so much attention. Why do you care who gets media coverage.. seriously. And its funny that you mention every part of the Jets offense but forget to mention the defense, which is the staple of this team. The offense isn't going to score many points, but they aren't built to. The Jets making the playoffs will all depend on how the defense plays. Their offense has really not changed all that much over the past 3 seasons. They have scored about the same amount of points, turned the ball over about the same, and Sanchez has been his typical mediocre self. The big difference last year, from the previous 2 pretty good seasons, was the defense and its inability to get to the QB. We will see if that has improved at all this year, but its funny how the people who complain about the Jets and the media coverage, only bring up the obvious, regarding Rex. Why exactly does the media coverage bother you?... it is how the Jets want it and complaining about it only feeds into it.... Yes, we all hope that Rex would just be quiet.. even us Jets fans, but in the end, what he says can only be taken with a grain of salt and cannot be taken seriously.

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