Who is in the cellar?????

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Who is in the cellar?????

Post by Diesel » Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:26 am

Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by Diesel:
#279 here. I suck. No argument here. I hope to move up drastically soon, but right now I suck. How's that for a change of pace?Actually, it's rather refreshing! :D [/QUOTE]Glad I could make your day! LMAO :D
*Ranked #1 Average Fantasy Football Player in the Nation 2004-2013

"Fantasy sports are all about LUCK. Except when I win."

Route Collectors
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Who is in the cellar?????

Post by Route Collectors » Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:12 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
5) just because Tom stated during pre-season on more than a few occassions that Rex Grossman was the WORST QB in the NFL, does that mean that he knows nothing of pro-football

6) "compassion trumps competiton"...

I completely agree with these excellent statements. FF is alot more luck than most owners want to admit. Do your homework, study teams..coaches..players..trends..schedules etc.....and it still comes down to a series of guesses. Right now the owners who took players that aren't performing are easy targets for the dumb a$$ award. Maybe in week 10 after the byes and injuries have taken their toll the players who are currently scoring well will be crap. Does that then flip the dumb a$$ award over to those unlucky owners????? Hell no. I hope Snakes team scores 200 points a week until he breaks into the top 20. I hope my team does too...cause when it comes down to chasing the 100K...I'd rather see a dogfight among the MB clan than have it any other way.

BTW...anyone who says they saw the L.Jordan drop off coming is full of $hit IMO. Anyone who doesn't agree can F... off. :eek:

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Who is in the cellar?????

Post by TradeStar28 » Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:15 pm

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
quote:Originally posted by FISHER:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Just get out of the way everyone as this thread could get nasty. :D Maybe we can leave this as the personal Hatfield and McCoys thread that it needs to be and no other thread will get hijacked again! :D Good luck boys and have fun. Greg....what are your thoughts about Billy Wazz being #1 overall and Snake being #322 overall (dead last) [/QUOTE]Fisher, what are your thoughts about being 0-3 in 2 leagues against stiff competition???? Do you not care about the mag league as well??
[/QUOTE]G-D Loves You (someone has to)...That is a great question...I am very happy you bring this up!

BTW...I am Old Testament..."An Eye For an Eye"...With that being said, let me answer you...

I am not a big fan of satellites...I personally care about the NFFC Main. In the Snake Classic, I was actually enjoying a beautiful week @ Hershey Park with my family when the draft was taking place. I reluctantly did it just for fun and it was free as well since I referred someone new to NFFC and got $100 bux. Do I wish my team was doing better? Yea sure why not...I am a competitor....but if i don't win a game, I will not be on the cheese line in Wisconsin any time soon.

Magazine Draft II...Here I sit 0-3. The draft was right at the same time exhibition started...I sat in my office in my boxer shorts and drafted off the cuff...Again, would I like to do better? Yea, sure, why not! But don't think for one moment I would select players here that I really had on the top of my early draft sheets. Why the fugg should I give a guy like you a free ride.

Last but not least, New Roc Elite...0-3, NFFC (main team #2)...This was an experiment that cost me 400 bux (2 partners). I tried to basically draft totally different players and went a different route from the team I personally drafted in NYLEAGUE 9. Obviously that team is pretty weak and underperforms, but I am not going to cry like a lil baby over it.

All in all, I think having more than 1 team pretty much sux. Alot of you peeps here are diehards and have 5, 10, even 15...If u enjoy it then I am happy for you.

For me, when I got McNabb and Gore going for me in NY LEAGUE9 and going against them in NYLEAGUE3...It takes ALL OF THE ENJOYMENT of fantasy football out of the equation for me. I just did these to fortify my draft strategy for future years, and I think I have a winning formula. Plus it woulda been nice to take down two division titles....Not gonna happen this year.

Am I gonna give up in any other league but NYLEAGUE3? Nah, like I mentioned...I am a competitor!
2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

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Who is in the cellar?????

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:33 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
...also, just for the record, when faced with the decision between Lamont, Caddy or a WR1 at the 9 hole in NY6, SNAKE choose Lamont and still feels that all is not lost for Jordan this season just yet...SNAKE And to be fair here Snake, if I was faced with the same situation on draft day, I would have done the same thing. However, I do think Jordan's season is A MESS. He will have a 12-15 point game here and there, but 8-10 will most likely be the norm.

[ September 26, 2006, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Who is in the cellar?????

Post by TradeStar28 » Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:21 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
Fi$hHeadsSoup...this post speaks volumes on the type of fierce competitor that you actually are...NOT!...whether the outcome is good or bad, Coach SNAKE always teaches his 5 & 6 year old flag footballers the simple concept that all that truly matters is that you TRY your best!...you could certainly learn from them Fi$hface...

RC...as almost always, you seem to have a firm handle and grip on truth and reality here...

...also, just for the record, when faced with the decision between Lamont, Caddy or a WR1 at the 9 hole in NY6, SNAKE choose Lamont and still feels that all is not lost for Jordan this season just yet...SNAKE Snake, hopefully your kids have better comprehension skills than you do...because my post was not addressed to you.

Furthermore, I feel very uncomfortable about the way you seem to immediately crawl up my asss whenever I post...

Lastly, I am not keen on someone who publically threatens me on these message forums, on a consistent basis. If you have something to say...then lift your snake skin skirt, and grab your balls and say it.

Face the facts pal...Billy is #1, your arch nemesis.....yes numero uno.. And you are LAST. Stop throwing around the 20 satellites, the 8 homeleagues, the 73 mock drafts, your kids flag fantasy football league.

Be a man, and admit to all that you are weak...then we can actually have good conversation
2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

GOD Loves You
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Who is in the cellar?????

Post by GOD Loves You » Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:32 pm

Originally posted by FISHER:
quote:Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
quote:Originally posted by FISHER:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Just get out of the way everyone as this thread could get nasty. :D Maybe we can leave this as the personal Hatfield and McCoys thread that it needs to be and no other thread will get hijacked again! :D Good luck boys and have fun. Greg....what are your thoughts about Billy Wazz being #1 overall and Snake being #322 overall (dead last) [/QUOTE]Fisher, what are your thoughts about being 0-3 in 2 leagues against stiff competition???? Do you not care about the mag league as well??
[/QUOTE]BTW...I am Old Testament..."An Eye For an Eye"...With that being said, let me answer you...

In the Snake Classic, I was actually enjoying a beautiful week @ Hershey Park with my family when the draft was taking place.

I sat in my office in my boxer shorts and drafted off the cuff...Again, would I like to do better? Yea, sure, why not! But don't think for one moment I would select players here that I really had on the top of my early draft sheets. Why the fugg should I give a guy like you a free ride.

For me, when I got McNabb and Gore going for me in NY LEAGUE9 and going against them in NYLEAGUE3...It takes ALL OF THE ENJOYMENT of fantasy football out of the equation for me.
[/QUOTE]Just so you know, Jesus came to put an end to this pharisee driven doctrine. "Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I(Jesus) say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Matt 5:38-39.

Were you guys in Hershey, PA? Very cool place. I once saw an overweight woman attempting to eat the light covers on the street lights. ;)

BTW, speaking of your fam, did your wife deliver yet?

And too much info about your drafting attire! I must say though, you "I don't want to reveal my preferred players before the main" guys crack me up. No one is truly paying attention to whom you pick and then drafting based off of this. To think people are studying your drafts and using these as a basis for their draft is a lil vain. The days of one "knowing" the late round gems/sleepers is over. The majority of us know who is good and who is bad/to avoid. I don't need your help...actually, if I chose to "copy" your sat drafts, I would probably be 0-3 as well. And I don't need the mags, experts thoughts, or other owners "insights" to help formulate my draft. I know who I like and could care less what the masses think. I watch enough football to have "expert" thoughts myself. We're all human, Greg and Tom are no different than you nor I...except they are making a living off of this fantasy stuff. :D

And I thought the bad showing in the snake draft was because it was waaay to early...so which is it, you were holding back or the draft was to early? "Let you yea be yea; and your nay be nay"...James 5:12

And I couldn't agree more about having different players on different teams. I actually attempt to realitively form the same teams in all the different leagues I am. I am not a fan of watching the Mon. night game and rooting for players on one of my teams while I am rooting against the same players because they are on an opponents team in a different league. I guess this is the conundrum we "diehards" have to deal with when we play in so many different leagues.

Can't wait to see how that Mo Morris risk works out for ya!

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Who is in the cellar?????

Post by TradeStar28 » Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:52 pm

GLY...thanx for the New Testament history...I just queued up Stryper's hit "Honestly" to get the whole vibe.

Now let me clarify things for you so you are not confused...

...FISHER... is the team that was formed by my cousin, Dr. Ryan Fisher and myself in 2005. As my profile sig states, we were champs in NY LEAGUE #4. Dr. Fisher resides in Florida and I live in New York. Dr. Fisher doesn't physically come to NY for the drafts, he actually is on the phone with me from his house during the draft. He is the one who has a pregnant wife, I currently have a 3 year old daughter. He is the one who drafted Snake Classic at the last minute because I planned Hershey Park with the family. I personally drafted Mag Champs League.

Now it gets tricky....NY League #3 team consisted of our other parnter, Dave Lichtman, myself and Dr. Fisher. Lichtman physically drafted the team while on the phone with Dr. Fisher, who was on the the phone the same time with me drafting League#9.
2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

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