The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

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Glenneration X
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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by Glenneration X » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:04 pm

I think the official who made the TD call was fooled by the official that was calling for a touchback. He looked like he wanted help on the call, glanced up at the other official, saw his arms start to go up, thought he was about to signal TD and followed suit. Kind of like someone who gets fooled into putting his hand out for a handshake when his friend does first only to have his friend quickly shift his hand into fixing his hair instead.

Nonetheless, these refs are just brutal.

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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by blastik » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:10 pm

I absolutely agree, the ref who signaled touchdown was looking at the other ref who was signaling a touchback. He saw the arms go in the air and made a call not based on the play, but based on his co-worker. It was plain to see even as I watched it live. Embarrassing.

Greg Ambrosius
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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:29 am


How else can you put it? It wasn't just the last call, either. The roughing the passer penalty on Eric Walden was a complete DISGRACE. So was the pass interference call on Sam Shields and the non-call on Tate's pushoff on the last play. I know that pass interference isn't called on a Hail Mary play, but that was so blatantly obvious that Tate just dared anyone to call it. It was DISGRACEFUL.

And don't get me wrong. The pass interference call on Seattle that kept the Packers' scoring drive alive was a great defensive play on third down that should have forced a punt. PI was called and called wrongly. These replacement refs can get false starts right and some of the easier infractions, but the speed of the game is just too much for these guys. Now it's affecting wins and losses, playoff matchups, possible playoff appearances. And more importantly, you no longer can trust the results of the game, which is the most important thing in pro sports. Heck, ask the NBA about that after they had difficulties with officials.

And for Roger Goodell to let the NFL statement go out saying he supported the call is adding fuel to the fire. It's an EMBARRASSMENT for him to say that there was simultaneous control of the ball. It's basically a negotiating ploy to let the Referees Association know that they are still backing these replacement refs and nothing has changed on the owners giving into the new contract. The reaction by the league and some of their owners (Jerry Jones in particular) is mind-boggling.

This is a watershed moment for the league. Let's hope they don't blow it.
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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:33 am

I compare the replacement refs to a substitute teacher at a high school. You know what happens when a little old lady comes in as a substitute teacher, right? The thugs give her a hard time, try to get away with as much as they can and just dare her to take them to the principal's office. That's what is happening in the NFL right now. As Cris Carter said, there is now holding on every play, defensive backs holding 10 yards downfield every play, every trick in the book is being used. Why? Because the players are trying to get away with everything and basically daring the officials to throw a flag on every play. It's totally out of control and the players are exasperating the situation by taking things to the limit.

I earlier wondered how safety could be a concern with the replacement refs. Well, Week 3 was a perfect example of it. The Raiders were using chop-blocks on the Steelers and getting away with it. There are more helmet-to-helmet hits without flags being thrown. There are quarterback hits, which has referees scared to the point where they are throwing flags even when they shouldn't (Walden's roughing the quarterback call last night). The league says they care about player safety; well, prove it. Get the regular refs back for Sunday's game and eat the $2 million or whatever it is to get it done. PROVE IT ROGER!!!
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Tom Kessenich
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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:34 am

There were hundreds of Tweets last night which were on the money with what a debacle this was but one of the best I saw was the following:

The Packers' record is now 1-1-WTF

Thanks Roger. You just defecated on the greatest game on the planet. That will be your legacy.
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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by Sandman62 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:43 am

Greg Ambrosius wrote:I compare the replacement refs to a substitute teacher at a high school. You know what happens when a little old lady comes in as a substitute teacher, right? The thugs give her a hard time, try to get away with as much as they can and just dare her to take them to the principal's office. That's what is happening in the NFL right now.
It's even worse than just subs Greg, as an entire school system doesn't replace ALL its teachers for the first three weeks of school. If they did, taxpaying parents would storm city hall.

Time to organize a nationwide Facebook, Twitter, etc. revolution to stop watching and attending games? But what season ticket holder is going to not go to a game that's cost them so much to buy a ticket? And seeing most of us don't have Nielsen ratings boxes on our TVs, how would the NFL even know we're not watching??? :?

This is likely why this continues. Goodell knows he and the owners are really the only ones with any leverage. :(

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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:48 am

It was unrealistic to expect the outcome to be overturned even if it is within the commissioner's jurisdiction to do so. But I never want to hear Roger Goodell speak about the game's "integrity" again. Don't sell me on that line of BS as long as you remain the commissioner. By supporting what was clearly an incorrect ruling and what turned out to be an incorrect outcome you have soiled the game in a way no other NFL commissioner has done in my lifetime. Integrity no longer has a place in this game as today's ruling clearly showed.

Oh and Roger, I hope you don't have any trips to Green Bay planned anytime soon. Not sure how folks up there will feel about you flipping them off like you did today.

Tom Kessenich
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Greg Ambrosius
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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:50 am

Sandman62 wrote:
Greg Ambrosius wrote:I compare the replacement refs to a substitute teacher at a high school. You know what happens when a little old lady comes in as a substitute teacher, right? The thugs give her a hard time, try to get away with as much as they can and just dare her to take them to the principal's office. That's what is happening in the NFL right now.
It's even worse than just subs Greg, as an entire school system doesn't replace ALL its teachers for the first three weeks of school. If they did, taxpaying parents would storm city hall.

Time to organize a nationwide Facebook, Twitter, etc. revolution to stop watching and attending games? But what season ticket holder is going to not go to a game that's cost them so much to buy a ticket? And seeing most of us don't have Nielsen ratings boxes on our TVs, how would the NFL even know we're not watching??? :?

This is likely why this continues. Goodell knows he and the owners are really the only ones with any leverage. :(
Agreed Mike. I have tickets for this Sunday's game at Lambeau against the Saints. I've been looking forward to this game for a long time. Now I don't even want to go. Dennis, my Packer-insane brother-in-law, said he wants to boycott the game. I told him the best thing we can do is support the Pack and let them know we're behind them despite what happened. I want to send a message to the NFL, but their statement backing the replacement refs has shown me that they are flipping a middle finger to the fans and letting them know that they are still kings of this jungle. NOTHING we as fans can do right now will change their stance towards the Referees Association. NOTHING.

This is another power play led by Roger Goodell. It's evident that nobody messes with this king lord now. His legacy is quickly being cemented -- a pun of words Frankie, that's all. :lol:
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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by Money » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:04 pm

I didn't think it was possible for a major sports commissioner to more despised than Bud Selig has been the last decade (sorry Wisconsin contingent). He's boo'd everywhere he goes and has been a joke of a commissioner the entire way through and remains the owners puppet.

Enter Roger "Don't I look good" Goddell and we now have two commissioners who are a complete joke. Can you imagine the receptions he''ll get when showing up at games? It will be universal, ugly and will follow him everywhere.

Whatever happened to the Commissioners office protecting anything and everything in the best interest of the games(s), regardless who (owners or players) it impacted. These guys are now just (well paid) puppets on a string for the owners.

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Re: The NFL needs to do something about these refs!

Post by CALI CARTEL » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:35 pm

Money wrote:I didn't think it was possible for a major sports commissioner to more despised than Bud Selig has been the last decade (sorry Wisconsin contingent). He's boo'd everywhere he goes and has been a joke of a commissioner the entire way through and remains the owners puppet.

Enter Roger "Don't I look good" Goddell and we now have two commissioners who are a complete joke. Can you imagine the receptions he''ll get when showing up at games? It will be universal, ugly and will follow him everywhere.

Whatever happened to the Commissioners office protecting anything and everything in the best interest of the games(s), regardless who (owners or players) it impacted. These guys are now just (well paid) puppets on a string for the owners.
You forgot Gary Bettman and David Stern, I think we're 0-4 in Pro Sports right now.

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