Wednesday/Friday Waivers

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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by BigBlueNation » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:04 pm

Route C wrote:
Greg Ambrosius wrote:
Old School wrote:by Old School » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:37 pm

I'm surprised that nobody has given any input on the option to just do the two Thursday teams on Wednesday night and full FAAB on Friday.

Pretty sure I did that at the top of page 4. I don't post much any more and I didn't go to Vegas so I can see why you wouldn't notice me :D
I'll respond to you Ellie Mae. I have a feeling that's where we're headed, but it will be discussed more. That's why I brought it up about the Thursday games being done on Thursday night. Just gives us another day to view practices.
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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by Quahogs » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:07 pm

Route C wrote:
Greg Ambrosius wrote:
Old School wrote:by Old School » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:37 pm

I'm surprised that nobody has given any input on the option to just do the two Thursday teams on Wednesday night and full FAAB on Friday.

Pretty sure I did that at the top of page 4. I don't post much any more and I didn't go to Vegas so I can see why you wouldn't notice me :D
You only have 4 posts, who are you that we should listen to ? :lol:

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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:07 pm

Route C wrote:
Greg Ambrosius wrote:
Old School wrote:by Old School » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:37 pm

I'm surprised that nobody has given any input on the option to just do the two Thursday teams on Wednesday night and full FAAB on Friday.

Pretty sure I did that at the top of page 4. I don't post much any more and I didn't go to Vegas so I can see why you wouldn't notice me :D
Wow, I didn't realize I could make so many grown men cry. My apologies. ;)

Jeff, so that's what Page 4 said, that you're in favor of E?? Okay, maybe it was too long-winded for me to get that, but you're now officially on the books for that one. And trust me, I recognize you even if you don't come to Las Vegas and drink with me. If everyone likes that one so much for 2013, they'll get a chance to vote accordingly. But again, this option was on the survey and to a man (and woman) the vast majority picked full FAAB on Wednesday and the mulligan FAAB on Friday. Other HSFF contests followed suit after we announced what we were doing (or maybe they already were going that way, but both are doing it the same way). Let's deal with it for this season and evaluate what's best for 2013 at season's end and act appropriately. Tom and I have already said we're listening and if we step on your toes with our responses we apologize. We really do.
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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by Jack_Bauer » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:12 pm

I love the FAAB process. I like that we get to enjoy a "mini draft/auction" every week where you have to really think about what you want to do and spend. You have to try to speculate what others might spend on a player. I am surprised to read people do not enjoy this process of picking up players during the season and managing their team(s). If it is about having so many teams that doing faab becomes "work" I can understand that. However, in higher stakes, higher prestige games (which in my opinion the NFFC is the pinnacle) I think making it as fair as possible is very important. Limiting us to one FAAB run on Weds and just hoping nothing goes wrong (that would require roster moves) over the next 4 days before Sunday Kickoff seems like no fun to me. I like the second FAAB run to protect owners in case of emergency .

Just out of curiosity. Why isn't the second FAAB run Sat afternoon instead of Friday night? I am sure there is a reason, I am just curious as to what it is. the closer the final faab is run to Sunday kickoff (without being SO close an error could not be corrected by the NFFC) the better to me.

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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by kjduke » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:39 pm

I don't recall what I voted for, but after experiencing the first few weeks, my order of preference for next season would be:

1st) wed night for thursday games only and full faab on friday
2nd) keep it the same
3rd) friday only
4th) wednesday only

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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by BillyWaz » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:59 pm

I too posted that I voted for E last year and would like it again next year.

Geez....who do you have to know or how much do you have to spend to have a voice around here??

That was a joke Greg....just trying to break some of the tension! :lol:

Route C
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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by Route C » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:49 pm

BillyWaz wrote:I too posted that I voted for E last year and would like it again next year.

Geez....who do you have to know or how much do you have to spend to have a voice around here??

That was a joke Greg....just trying to break some of the tension! :lol:
The 1st thing you need to do is learn the edit/add option (I know you've only had 6 or so years to practice) then you get a voice.
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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by Sabretooth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:52 pm

I vote for having a FAAB on wednesday for the thursday night games only and another on fri or saturday for the rest of the teams. It doesn't matter to me if it is changed this year or we wait until next year. Going forward I think this is the best option.

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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by Route C » Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:54 pm

Quahogs wrote:

You only have 4 posts, who are you that we should listen to ? :lol:
That's because I'm new around here :o

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Re: Wednesday/Friday Waivers

Post by Shrink Attack » Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:58 pm

Greg...these issues get discussed here because people are listened to here. I gave up posting on the other contest MB because any suggestions for change were greeted with derision and personal criticisms rather than constructive discussions. The Dictatorship over there makes unilateral decisions which should not be questioned by the liberal peasants.

If you want to talk about rule changes and Fantasy Football, you post on the NFFC MB. If you want to talk about alien visits to earth, media conspiracies, how Abraham Lincoln ruined this country, and call the President of the United States gross obscenities, then post on the other contest's MB. I'm not kidding...those are the dominant subjects over there, often led by the game operator himself. No thanks.

While I've cut back the number of leagues I play in, I ONLY play in the NFFC. I wouldn't ever play in any other contest. There's no reason for me to do so.
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