Does Fanball own FFOC

Greg Ambrosius
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri May 07, 2010 10:27 am

Originally posted by 4D:
quote:Originally posted by FPA - Scott Atkins: ... s-own-foc/

What is going on here now?

Greg, Tom, ideas? Stan is obviously lying. Ryan said they don't own FFOC. Then again, technically he wasn't asked if Fanball owns PART of FFOC.
[/QUOTE]Ask Stan. He's answering questions on the FFOC boards and is making this assessment, not us.
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by BLACKHAND » Fri May 07, 2010 12:33 pm

i think its time to end this. could this have been handeled better....yes. but it is what it is. kill this thread and lets play some fantasy football. i think we all trust greg and tom so lets move on. THE END.

Greg Ambrosius
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri May 07, 2010 2:00 pm

Stan should clear this up. The followup posts after his post show how absurd this can get without facts.
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Route Collectors
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Route Collectors » Fri May 07, 2010 3:41 pm

I think it's time all us NFFC pioneers stand behind Greg and Tom and continue to grow the greatest game in town.
I know some of you have gotten burned in other contests and with the switch to Fanball there's naturally going to be a little uncertainty but I've been giving this some thought and here's what I've come up with.....

In year 1 of the NFFC there was an advertised 200K grand prize. As hard as they tried the NFFC just couldn't get enough entries to award such a prize. Rather than run the contest under false pretense Greg was up front well before (at least a month I think) the draft and told us because of lower than expected sign ups the grand prize had to be reduced to 100K. He also offered a full refund to anyone who didn't want to play for a smaller grand prize.

Everyone was paid as promised that year and each of the 5 years since even though the NFFC lost money in all but 1 of those years if I'm not mistaken.

We've been given free prizes....drink tix...nice venues with no add on fees not to mention opportunities to play in magazine leagues for FREE with prizes for the winners.

Here's my point...AFFL, Fantasy Jungle, Fanball, WCOFF, NFFC are all names of contests. I don't trust inanimate objects but I trust Greg Ambrosius and Tom Kessenich because after 6 years...I think they've earned it don't the rest of you?

Now how bout we stop lookin for demons in the bushes and talk some football boys!


[ May 07, 2010, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: Route C ]

Ry's Guys
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Ry's Guys » Fri May 07, 2010 4:53 pm

I think we all play fantasy football for most of the same reasons. To win money, to compete with people who love this game as much as me and to escape the b.s. of the real world.
I have played this contest for 3 years and I couldn't agree with Route C more, Greg and Tom have earned my trust. I don't know "who owns the Chiefs" (FFOC)(Slapshot reference) :D
But I'd like to know! I think it IS vital information in this uncertain industry.
What I do see and understand is that customers are not getting answers in a timely manner so as is human nature they have to come to their own conclusions.
When Ryan posted his terse response, someone questioned if it was really Ryan! Hell, that thought actually creeped into my head too. This is where we're at. As for Stan's post on that other board, that just reopens this wretched rotting can of worms. I don't know Stan, never played in his contests and I don't know what his angle would be for saying that. Hell, I don't even know if THAT is the real Stan on that MB?!?
With all we've seen in the past couple of years from Madoff to Bear Stearns and the latest J.P. Morgan why should we trust anyone?!? Those folks were all regulated (supposedly) by the SEC. Who is regulating our competitions? Nobody!
As I stated, I trust Greg and Tom, but remember Ryan is their boss. So before I put thousands of dollars into this contest Ryan needs to earn my trust! I need to hear the truth from somebody!

It's truly a shame as this has been my one and only home for Fantasy Football. It is a first rate contest run by first rate people but now I'm not sure about the owners of this contest.

My take is the truth will come out soon as I'm assuming that's part of the reason there isn't a working website for this contest only four months from the start of the season. Maybe I'm way off but because of the limited information we all our working with I'm left waiting...and maybe when it's all cleared up I'll still be here...and maybe not :confused:
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by BillyWaz » Fri May 07, 2010 5:26 pm

Originally posted by Bullgod:
I trust Greg and Tom, but remember Ryan is their boss. So before I put thousands of dollars into this contest Ryan needs to earn my trust! I need to hear the truth from somebody!

It's truly a shame as this has been my one and only home for Fantasy Football. It is a first rate contest run by first rate people but now I'm not sure about the owners of this contest.
I totally agree with what Jeff said. Greg and Tom have been fantastic for 6 years, and there isn't any reason for me to not trust THEM.

However, I have been burned by TWO different companies for over $2,500 (the stupidity of Neil Wickham at AFFL and the coward "chicken shitts" (Mike Williams and Scott Gunaca at Fantasy Jungle), so that is ALWAYS going to be in the back of my mind.

That being said, I could NEVER see Tom and Greg not paying as they have far too much pride IMO. Ryan....I have never met, and even though I think he has handled NUMEROUS incidents about as poorly as one can, I would give him the benefit of the doubt in paying out.

Something has got to change though, as this whole FFOC/Fanball issue is spinning out of control on talk shows, websites, message boards, etc. SOMEONE is not telling ALL the truth, and some of the stories simply are inconsistent and don't make sense.

Like Bullgod, I have my doubts about the owners of this contest, but NEVER has one doubt entered my mind about Greg and Tom's passion to makethe NFFC the best possible fantasy football contest out there! :D

[ May 07, 2010, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Team Legacy
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Team Legacy » Fri May 07, 2010 6:12 pm

Good to see you alive and well Billy.

[ May 08, 2010, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: FPA - Scott Atkins ]
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