Does Fanball own FFOC

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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by hammer » Sat May 08, 2010 1:46 am

In the immortal words of the late, great Slim Pickens:

What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?

Team Legacy
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Team Legacy » Sat May 08, 2010 2:04 am

Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by Bullgod:
I think we all play fantasy football for most of the same reasons. To win money, to compete with people who love this game as much as me and to escape the b.s. of the real world.
I have played this contest for 3 years and I couldn't agree with Route C more, Greg and Tom have earned my trust. I don't know "who owns the Chiefs" (FFOC)(Slapshot reference) :D
But I'd like to know! I think it IS vital information in this uncertain industry.
What I do see and understand is that customers are not getting answers in a timely manner so as is human nature they have to come to their own conclusions.
When Ryan posted his terse response, someone questioned if it was really Ryan! Hell, that thought actually creeped into my head too. This is where we're at. As for Stan's post on that other board, that just reopens this wretched rotting can of worms. I don't know Stan, never played in his contests and I don't know what his angle would be for saying that. Hell, I don't even know if THAT is the real Stan on that MB?!?
With all we've seen in the past couple of years from Madoff to Bear Stearns and the latest J.P. Morgan why should we trust anyone?!? Those folks were all regulated (supposedly) by the SEC. Who is regulating our competitions? Nobody!
As I stated, I trust Greg and Tom, but remember Ryan is their boss. So before I put thousands of dollars into this contest Ryan needs to earn my trust! I need to hear the truth from somebody!

It's truly a shame as this has been my one and only home for Fantasy Football. It is a first rate contest run by first rate people but now I'm not sure about the owners of this contest.

My take is the truth will come out soon as I'm assuming that's part of the reason there isn't a working website for this contest only four months from the start of the season. Maybe I'm way off but because of the limited information we all our working with I'm left waiting...and maybe when it's all cleared up I'll still be here...and maybe not :confused: ...hey, with all due respect, YOU need to get YOUR facts straight here as it was NOT JPMorgan Chase but rather Goldman Sachs (and at this point they are merely allegations - let the judicial system be the indicator of guilt or not)...thanks much ...what ever happened to that old American adage "innocent until proven guilty" anyway?...GK

Please, defending your boys is getting a little old. You're not adding anything to the discussion. I'm not about to get in a back and forth with you, as I've seen you (intentionally or not) derail threads numerous times in the past.

We ALL feel the way you do regarding Greg and Tom.
We ALL love the NFFC contest.
We ALL are hoping for the best.

Now let the men involved talk here to get this mess sorted out.

[ May 08, 2010, 08:33 AM: Message edited by: FPA - Scott Atkins ]
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Route Collectors
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Route Collectors » Sat May 08, 2010 2:14 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by Bullgod:
I trust Greg and Tom, but remember Ryan is their boss. So before I put thousands of dollars into this contest Ryan needs to earn my trust! I need to hear the truth from somebody!

It's truly a shame as this has been my one and only home for Fantasy Football. It is a first rate contest run by first rate people but now I'm not sure about the owners of this contest.
I totally agree with what Jeff said. Greg and Tom have been fantastic for 6 years, and there isn't any reason for me to not trust THEM.

However, I have been burned by TWO different companies for over $2,500 (the stupidity of Neil Wickham at AFFL and the coward "chicken shitts" (Mike Williams and Scott Gunaca at Fantasy Jungle), so that is ALWAYS going to be in the back of my mind.

That being said, I could NEVER see Tom and Greg not paying as they have far too much pride IMO. Ryan....I have never met, and even though I think he has handled NUMEROUS incidents about as poorly as one can, I would give him the benefit of the doubt in paying out.

Something has got to change though, as this whole FFOC/Fanball issue is spinning out of control on talk shows, websites, message boards, etc. SOMEONE is not telling ALL the truth, and some of the stories simply are inconsistent and don't make sense.

Like Bullgod, I have my doubts about the owners of this contest, but NEVER has one doubt entered my mind about Greg and Tom's passion to makethe NFFC the best possible fantasy football contest out there! :D
[/QUOTE]Good points Billy. You as much as anyone I know have a legitimate reason for concern over any contest. It sucks what has happened to you and others with prizes not being honored.

I'm just wondering why wouldn't anyone in the FF gaming industry who wants to secure the trust of their customers set up escrow funds to hold all prize money. There's nothing wrong with a little accountability up front to set everyones mind at ease.
Maybe I'll mention that in a seperate post.

Route Collectors
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Route Collectors » Sat May 08, 2010 2:17 am


As per my above post can you answer a quick question. With all the uneasiness among loyal NFFC patrons have you considered a seperate escrow fund for all prize money of NFFC contests?
If not...can you tell me why. Seems like a no brainer to me.

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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by BLACKHAND » Sat May 08, 2010 2:40 am

Tell me if im wrong but setting up an escrow does not guarentee being paid out. i could be wrong but i think there is a way out. i just dont think the entire truth will come out and as for me im just putting my trust in greg and tom. if im wrong i will spend triple the money to see ryan to get any i put this behind me and im ready to play nffc

Route Collectors
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Route Collectors » Sat May 08, 2010 2:51 am

Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
Tell me if im wrong but setting up an escrow does not guarentee being paid out. i could be wrong but i think there is a way out. i just dont think the entire truth will come out and as for me im just putting my trust in greg and tom. if im wrong i will spend triple the money to see ryan to get any i put this behind me and im ready to play nffc I think that's a question for a good legal mind like Jack Haan. I know escrow works well in real estate. Any seperation of funds has to be a good thing. I'd feel much more at ease knowing if a company like Fanball or any other contest owner went belly up that my winnings didn't sink with the same ship.

Frank ....I think most of us trust Greg/Tom but a healthy discussion is always welcome on these boards. I've been out of the loop for awhile so I'm just now catching up. Hopefully these threads will be a good source for making our contest better as they have in the past.

[ May 08, 2010, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Route C ]

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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by BillyWaz » Sat May 08, 2010 3:30 am

Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
Tell me if im wrong but setting up an escrow does not guarentee being paid out. i could be wrong but i think there is a way out. While there may be a way out, it puts A LOT more accountability on the contest operators, as they can't pull a Fantasy Jungle or AFFL and say "sorry, we spent that money on technology, our kids college funds (FJ), or wahtever".

If the money IS put aside, then there is NO TRUE REASON why the money shouldn't be paid out, even if the company completely doesn't hit their marks, encounter unexpected costs, etc.

That being said, I am not sure how much it costs to put money in escrow, so some operators probably don't want that added expense. If all this "Fanball/FFOC talk" continues, it might be in the NFFC'S best interest to escrow to alleviate virtually all concerns.

For the record, I am not THE LEAST BIT concerned about not getting paid from the NFFC. Dave Gerczak brought up a good point that Fanball is owned by Liberty Mutual which is a $3.9 BILLION business (I think that is the right amount....I apologize if that is incorrect) Regardless, there is money doubt about it!

That is the difference between the NFFC and Fantasy Jungle, AFFL, etc..... it isn't a few guys "running this out of their garage" (or a couple of complete scumbags like the Fantasy Jungle guys! :mad: ), it is backed by a HUGE amount of $$$.

[ May 08, 2010, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by BillyWaz » Sat May 08, 2010 3:39 am

Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by FPA - Scott Atkins:
quote:Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by Bullgod:
I think we all play fantasy football for most of the same reasons. To win money, to compete with people who love this game as much as me and to escape the b.s. of the real world.
I have played this contest for 3 years and I couldn't agree with Route C more, Greg and Tom have earned my trust. I don't know "who owns the Chiefs" (FFOC)(Slapshot reference) :D
But I'd like to know! I think it IS vital information in this uncertain industry.
What I do see and understand is that customers are not getting answers in a timely manner so as is human nature they have to come to their own conclusions.
When Ryan posted his terse response, someone questioned if it was really Ryan! Hell, that thought actually creeped into my head too. This is where we're at. As for Stan's post on that other board, that just reopens this wretched rotting can of worms. I don't know Stan, never played in his contests and I don't know what his angle would be for saying that. Hell, I don't even know if THAT is the real Stan on that MB?!?
With all we've seen in the past couple of years from Madoff to Bear Stearns and the latest J.P. Morgan why should we trust anyone?!? Those folks were all regulated (supposedly) by the SEC. Who is regulating our competitions? Nobody!
As I stated, I trust Greg and Tom, but remember Ryan is their boss. So before I put thousands of dollars into this contest Ryan needs to earn my trust! I need to hear the truth from somebody!

It's truly a shame as this has been my one and only home for Fantasy Football. It is a first rate contest run by first rate people but now I'm not sure about the owners of this contest.

My take is the truth will come out soon as I'm assuming that's part of the reason there isn't a working website for this contest only four months from the start of the season. Maybe I'm way off but because of the limited information we all our working with I'm left waiting...and maybe when it's all cleared up I'll still be here...and maybe not :confused: ...hey, with all due respect, YOU need to get YOUR facts straight here as it was NOT JPMorgan Chase but rather Goldman Sachs (and at this point they are merely allegations - let the judicial system be the indicator of guilt or not)...thanks much ...what ever happened to that old American adage "innocent until proven guilty" anyway?...GK

Please, defending your boys is getting a little old. You're not adding anything to the discussion. I'm not about to get in a back and forth with you, as I've seen you (intentionally or not) derail threads numerous times in the past.

We ALL feel the way you do regarding Greg and Tom.
We ALL love the NFFC contest.
We ALL are hoping for the best.

Now let the men involved talk here to get this mess sorted out.
[/QUOTE], you're RIGHT about the back and forth as I believe that I am now done here ladies and gents - have fun carrying on and I look forward to taking all of your donations in my NFFC leagues yet AGAIN! ;) ...GK
[/QUOTE]With all due respect Glenn, I think this is the 3rd or 4th time that you said "we need to move on",etc. yet YOU continue to post.

Scott is right....if you want to end this discussion, don't continue to be a part of it.

Unless you want to stop being redundant and saying the same thing over and over, I'm hoping you do what you say, and let this thread die. That, or at least add something NEW and informative ;)

[ May 08, 2010, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Ted's Cracked Head
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Does Fanball own FFOC

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Sat May 08, 2010 3:43 am

My guess: an escrow account in this situation just means they have put aside the monies in a safe place until they figure out who they need to pay. It may not mean they are going to pay you, it just means they have set aside the payouts for future use and not necessarily a guarantee that you are going to be paid.

They probably could lay it all on black when the season is over and not pay you anyway but you can take solace knowing that it was safe for a while.

Maybe Dave G can answer how the escrow thing works since he uses it as a selling point at the FFPC?

1) In the escrow account do you define that xxx of dollars are to go to the first place winner, so much for 2nd and so on or is the money just pooled waiting for you to write checks?

2) Using an escrow account, how do you guarantee that folks will be paid?

3) Are there separate escrow accounts for each individual challenge you offer or just one pool of payouts?

Just curious as to why the escrow thing is a big deal. If it is just another pool of money waiting to be dispersed, then it offers no security to the players.

Sorry to keep this thread alive but I am curious as to how the escrow account concept SECURES/GUARANTEES anything.
My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

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