Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:44 am

Good luck to everyone in Week 16 of the NFFC season. There are a lot of league and overall titles at stake this week, so good luck to everyone!!

And don't forget that we still have an NFFC Post-Season contest available when this season ends. The 8th annual NFFC Post-Season Hold 'Em Contest will be held in conjunction with our friends at and this year we have more prize money than ever before. We've raised the entries to $200, $75 and $50 and now have grand prizes of $25,000, $8,000 and $5,000. The contests are based on only 210 entrants per contest (200 in the $200 event) and we pay the Top 5 finishers. Our goal is to keep the size of the contests at a manageable level and give everyone a reasonable shot at winning. The three price levels should do that.

For more information, go to

It's great to see that we already have folks signed up for each one. I'll keep a running tally of entrants here for now and then separate the three contests shortly. Great job all and secure your spots now. You will be able to set your lineup once playoff rosters are finalized and then can change your lineup right up until the kickoff of the first game on Saturday, Jan. 5th. Rosters for Week 1 lock then. Remember, in Week 1 you pick 1 player from each of the 12 playoff teams and your points become progressive (2x, 3x, 4x) the longer those players remain on your roster. The key is picking the right players from the teams that eventually reach the Super Bowl!!

Here's the current signup lists for each NFFC/ Post-Season Hold 'Em Contest:

$200 Entry Fee
200 Spots Available
1st - $25,000; 2nd - $5,000; 3rd - $2,500; 4th - $1,500; 5th - $1,000
1. Demetrios Arvanitis
2. Jim Christie
3. Jason Perkins
4. Ed Springer
5. Erik Emanuele
6. Scott Musmeci
7. Chad Tabler
8. Peter Berall
9. Peter Berall
10. Peter Berall
11. Jon Thomason
12. Ted Cohan
13. Billy Wasosky
14. Billy Wasosky
15. Kimra Schleicher
16. Kimra Schleicher
17. Glenn Lowy
18. Glenn Lowy
19. Glenn Lowy
20. Doug Gard
21. John Heim
22. Neil Bogatz
23. Will Robertson
24. Scott Axelrod
25. Jeff Bergerson
26. John Fousek
27. Adam Kleeberg
28. Chad Schroeder
29. Chad Schroeder
30. Chad Schroeder
31. Chad Schroeder
32. Chad Schroeder
33. Neil Bogatz
34. Neil Bogatz
35. David Bock
36. Joseph DiGalbo
37. Kevin Deckel
38. David DiDonato
39. Will Lopez
40. Nelson Sousa
41. Nelson Sousa
42. Nelson Sousa
43. Joe Berg
44. Joe Berg
45. Jerrod Cleveland
46. Dave Clum
47. Alan Greenberg
48. Alan Greenberg
49. Seth Lehman
50. Michael O'Brien
51. Michael O'Brien
52. Randy Peterson
53. Rich Schulenberg
54. George Kleemann
55. Joe Anthony
56. Joe Conte
57. Tom Trezza
58. Casey Beaumont
59. Craig Koslika
60. Perry Lin
61. Don Medlam
62. Don Medlam
63. Jerry Meyers
64. Scott Stauffer
65. Scott Stauffer
66. Scott Stauffer
67. Scott Stauffer
68. Christopher Vaccaro
69. Shawn Childs
70. Joe DiGalbo
71. Jason Freels
72. Christopher Vaccaro
73. Gary Knight
74. Robert Zarzycki
75. Thomas Kay
76. Evangelos Lilas
77. Chris Miller
78. Gary Knight
79. Tom Carbone
80. Stephen Jupinka
81. Mike Rinaldi
82. Larry Schechter
83. Larry Schechter
84. Larry Schechter
85. Larry Schechter
86. Greg Schaefer
87. Kimra Schleicher
88. Robert Particelli
89. Robert Particelli
90. Robert Particelli
91. Mike Conrad
92. David Zwickel
93. David Zwickel
94. David Zwickel
95. Erik Sudigala
96. Erik Sudigala
97. Michael Zucca
98. Barry Kohlhoff
99. Ronald Eltanal
100. Dennis Gahry
101. Raj Patel
102. Raj Patel
103. Matt Bauler
104. David Hughes
105. Alex Kaganovsky
106. Alex Kaganovsky
107. Michael Medeiros
108. Iam Nguyen
109. Terrence Maharaj
110. Raj Patel
111. Doug McCord
112. Dominic Cirigliano
113. James Mack
114. Matt Seltzer
115. Jesse De Armas
116. Matthew Bayley
117. Henry Cantrell
118. Daren Eliason
119. Stephen McCaleb
120. Russ Prentice
121. Mark Ruble
122. Tony Trezza
123. Greg Schaefer
124. Greg Schaefer
125. Ken St. George
126. Darryl Lechniak
127. Darryl Lechniak
128. Michael Cole
129. Nelson Sousa
130. Nelson Sousa
131. Robert Sigle
132. Greg Schaefer
133. Jeff Oskin
134. David Fox
135. Michael Edelman
136. Richard Duewel
137. Jose Roberto Gutierrez
138. David Zwickel
139. Josh Honeycutt
140. Josh Honeycutt
141. Dustin Sumrow
142. Jason Santucci
143. Jules McLean
144. Daniel Leonard
145. Daniel Leonard
146. David Longood
147. Pat Sorge
148. Pat Sorge
149. Tom Yates
150. Tom Yates
151. Roger Mathews
152. Roger Mathews
153. Bob Smolarcyzk
154. Will Tyrer
155. Scott Sakiyama
156. Joseph Palazzo
157. Roger Mathews
158. Roger Mathews
159. Dave Martino
160. Jonathan Fox
161. Peter Miller
162. Peter Miller
163. Artie Rastelli
164. Artie Rastelli
165. Scott Williams
166. Matt Bannister
167. Rob Barshop
168. Ed Springer
169. Robert Particelli
170. Robert Particelli
171. David Fisher
172. Nelson Sousa
173. KJ Duke
174. Harry Marijinian
175. Matthew Bayley
176. Peter Timdal
177. Josh Blumenreich
178. Tom Harrington
179. Dan Worthington
180. Brian Zurichin
181. Chad Newby
182. Ryan Calderon
183. Peter Clark
184. Lonny Graves
185. Jeremy Jurewicz
186. Frank Mammola
187. Stephen Jupinka
188. Nina Dulacki
189. Ron Householder
190. Reed Kasaoka
191. Rick Lesko
192. Terrence Mailoux
193. Stephen Jupinka
194. David Levin
195. Gary Knight
196. Joe Conte
197. Joe Berg
198. Doug McCord
199. Ronald Chan
200. Nelson Sousa
201. Michael Skinner
202. Peter Miller
203. Brian Owens
204. Lewis Lipsey
205. Neil Hassett Jr.
206. Kenneth Ford
207. Stephen Fiore
208. Christopher Dimeo
209. Scott Burkhardt
210. Jack Thesier
211. Vlad Sedler
212. Russ Prentice
213. Jason Freels
214. Michael Bianchi
215. Eric Buntz
216. Wade Golab
217. Roger Gonzalez
218. Eddie Lasker
219. Scott Nelson
220. John Pierce
221. Robert Particelli
222. Glenn Lowy
223. Todd Davis
224. Michael Cole
225. Michael Cole
226. Michael Cole
227. Joe Berg

$75 Entry Fee
210 Spots Available
1st - $8,000; 2nd - $2,000; 3rd - $1,000; 4th - $600; 5th - $400
1. Demetrios Arvanitis
2. Mark Jahns
3. Jason Perkins
4. Derick Kee
5. Roger Martin
6. Scott Mill
7. Ira Schwartz
8. Jonathan Lettre
9. Gerald Akridge
10. Joseph Yokshan
11. Dan Blair
12. Don Medlam
13. Don Medlam
14. Scott Musmeci
15. Jon Thomason
16. Jon Thomason
17. Billy Wasosky
18. Billy Wasosky
19. Robert Hudson
20. Robert Hudson
21. Greg Dietzler
22. Greg Dietzler
23. John Fousek
24. Chad Schroeder
25. Chad Schroeder
26. Chad Schroeder
27. Chad Schroeder
28. Chad Schroeder
29. Jules McLean
30. Jules McLean
31. Joseph Yokshan
32. David Bock
33. Eric Tidwell
34. Bryan Dixon
35. David DiDonato
36. George Kleemann
37. Jessica Daniels
38. Rochelle Darrenkamp
39. Nelson Sousa
40. Nelson Sousa
41. Rich Schulenberg
42. Joe Conte
43. Tom Trezza
44. Josanne Barrett
45. Stephanie Smith
46. Perry Lin
47. Scott Stauffer
48. Scott Stauffer
49. Scott Stauffer
50. Scott Stauffer
51. Tom Higsville
52. Shawn Childs
53. Shawn Childs
54. Jason Freels
55. Rick Lesko
56. Gerald Akridge
57. Erik Emanuele
58. Thomas Kay
59. Jeff Clampitt
60. Alan Greenberg
61. Nelson Sousa
62. Ryan McMichael
63. Christopher Surawski
64. Christopher Surawski
65. Christopher Vaccaro
66. David Zwickel
67. David Zwickel
68. James Christie
69. James Christie
70. Richard Meckstroth
71. Matt Bauler
72. Ted Baehman
72. Jeremy Blair
73. Chad Callopy
74. Dustin Smith
75. Dustin Smith
76. Tom Carbone
77. Chris Miller
78. Jason Tilley
79. Ryan Kelly
80. Adam Kleeberg
81. Joseph DiGalbo
82. Doug McCord
83. Dayven Johnston
84. Todd Buhr
85. Todd Buhr
86. Karem Kelkay
87. Michael Piatkowski
88. Manuel Gongora
89. Daniel Polidoro
90. Seth Lehman
91. Tom Kuhns
92. David Moore
93. Chris Poulson
94. Chris Poulson
95. Sen R
96. Chad Callopy
97. Robert Sigle
98. Robert Sigle
99. Rob Silver
100. Rob Silver
101. Rob Silver
102. Rob Silver
103. Rob Silver
104. Michael Piatkowski
105. Kevin O'Rourke
106. Kevin O'Rourke
107. David Moore
108. Chris Grotweil
109. Keith Butler
110. David Zwickel
111. David Zwickel
112. Tom Yates
113. Tom Yates
114. Todd Butler
115. Matt Feely
116. Scott Jenstad
117. Robert Conti
118. Dan Maltby
119. Glen Schirg
120. Jason Steeves
121. Jason Steeves
122. Jason Steeves
123. Jason Steeves
124. Artie Rastelli
125. Artie Rastelli
126. Troy Stepke
127. Ray Morrison
128. Anthony Cifelli
129. Anthony Cifelli
130. Jerrod Cleveland
131. Jerrod Cleveland
132. Thomas Kay
133. Alan Greenberg
134. Joe Conte
135. Sen R
136. Sen R
137. Glenn Lowy
138. Glenn Lowy
139. Glenn Lowy
140. Nelson Sousa
141. Darren Emma
142. Peter Timdal
143. Jim Enochs
144. Andrew Napora
145. Antony Scuzzese
146. Edwin Twinney
147. Scott Wieland
148. Lonny Graves
149. Doug McCord
150. Doug McCord
151. Rob Medaska
152. Robert Puglisi
153. Carlos George
154. Chris Miller
155. Aaron Staver
156. Terrence Mailoux
157. Chris Vaccaro
158. Frank Mammola
159. Frank Mammola
160. Alex Kaganovsky
161. Rob Barshop
162. Maris Brenner
163. Maris Brenner
164. Glen Brown
165. Ronald Chan
166. Christopher Chase
167. Kenny Enfield
168. Frank Ferreira
169. Dennis Heath
170. Robert Jurney
171. Aaron Smith
172. Bryan Snow
173. Dan Stockard
174. James Vassallo
175. Michael McCoy
176. Richard Wragg
177. Richard Wragg
178. James Pieper
179. Doug McCord
180. Matthew McClure
181. Scottie Horton
182. Alan Greenberg
183. Greg Dietzler
184. Greg Dietzler
185. Edwin Twinney
186. Tom Harrington
187. Brian Owens
188. KJ Duke
189. Scott Burkhardt
190. Kevin Beaver
191. Andrew Nichols
192. Andrew Nichols
193. Andrew Nichols
194. Andrew Nichols
195. Lee Sparer
196. Spencer Stewart
197. Bob Smolarczyk
198. Roger Martin
199. Tom Harrington
200. Tom Harrington
201. Jason Freels
202. James Vassallo
203. James Pieper
204. Michael Medeiros
205. Luke Ellebruch
206. Michael Bianchi
207. Will Tyrer
208. Will Tyrer
209. Will Tyrer
210. James Mack
211. Glenn Lowy
212. Jeremy Jurewicz
213. Michael Edelman
214. Nina Dulacki
215. Richard Woodward
216. Chris O'Toole
217. Jeffrey Mitz
218. Matthew McClure
219. Jason Lubliner
220. Christopher Lejawa
221. Rob Kuschel
222. Christopher Kratschmer
223. Donald Dismuke
224. Jon Clift
225. Jon Clift
226. Hondell Blocker
227. Hondell Blocker
228. Jeremy Blair
229. Jason Aberli

$50 Entry Fee
210 Spots Available
1st - $5,000; 2nd - $1,500; 3rd - $750; 4th - $500; 5th - $250
1. Demetrios Arvanitis
2. Mark Jahns
3. Roger Martin
4. Matt Betaglia
5. Gary Fisher
6. Gary Fisher
7. Gary Fisher
8. Gary Fisher
9. Roger Martin
10. William Vittone
11. Mike Watson
12. Mike Watson
13. Benjamin Shriner
14. Margo Lundahl
15. Margo Lundahl
16. Margo Lundahl
17. Jackie Santucci
18. Dan Blair
19. Chris Armbruster
20. Brian Duffy
21. Brian Duffy
22. Gerald Ferguson
23. Gerald Ferguson
24. Phong Nguyen
25. Chad Tabler
26. Gerald Akridge
27. Jon Thomason
28. Billy Wasosky
29. Billy Wasosky
30. Will Robertson
31. Will Robertson
32. Duke Collette
33. Bryan Gray
34. John Fousek
35. Chad Schroeder
36. Chad Schroeder
37. Chad Schroeder
38. Chad Schroeder
39. Chad Schroeder
40. Todd Whitestone
41. Scott Cohen
42. Brian Duffy
43. Timothy Liddicoat
44. Jules McLean
45. Joseph DiGalbo
46. David DiDonato
47. John Hickey
48. Rochelle Darrenkamp
49. Will Lopez
50. Will Lopez
51. Nelson Sousa
52. Nelson Sousa
53. Jerrod Cleveland
54. Jerrod Cleveland
55. Alan Greenberg
56. Alan Greenberg
57. Richard Wragg
58. Rian Walker
59. Dean Sykes
60. Eric Hare
61. Larry Brown
62. Hondell Blocker
63. Hondell Blocker
64. Eric Albright
65. Eric Albright
66. Joe Conte
67. Josanne Barrett
68. Josanne Barrett
69. Josanne Barrett
70. Zachary Flinn
71. Dan Cruz
72. Don Medlam
73. Don Medlam
74. Scott Stauffer
75. Scott Stauffer
76. Scott Stauffer
77. Scott Stauffer
78. Ralph Byron
79. Aaron Gray
80. Eric Hare
81. John Roberts
82. Michael Waters
83. Hondell Blocker
84. Hondell Blocker
85. Hondell Blocker
86. Shawn Childs
87. Shawn Childs
88. Joe Conte
89. Joe Conte
90. Jason Freels
91. Jeffery Goodfellow
92. Doug Strayer
93. Carlos Kessler
94. Carlos Kessler
95. Carlos Kessler
96. Carlos Kessler
97. Christopher Surawski
98. Mario Aspiranti
99. Ralph Byron
100. Erik Emanuele
101. Erik Emanuele
102. John Hickey
103. Arn Cenedella
104. Arn Cenedella
105. Steve Maire
106. David Zwickel
107. Edward Driscoll
108. Todd Hallada
109. Erik Sudigala
110. Joe O'Mealia
111. Roger Martin
112. Tom Carbone
113. Marc Quitsch
114. Marc Quitsch
115. Adam Esmay
116. Jonathan Kent
117. Chris Latka
118. Matt Bauler
119. Michael Medeiros
120. Ted Baehman
121. Chad Callopy
122. Jonathan Kent
123. Seth Lehman
124. Chris Latka
125. James Pollack
126. Ramona Warren
127. Tawn Wilson
128. Jackie Santucci
129. Mark Kriegel
130. Dustin Smith
131. Dustin Smith
132. Dustin Smith
133. Justin Sanders
134. Jason Yeager
135. Roy Willoughby
136. Mark Nakashian
137. Doug McCord
138. Adam Kleeberg
139. Joseph DiGalbo
140. Jeff White
141. Chris Poulson
142. Ken Bethune
143. Joey Brown
144. David Murphy
145. David Murphy
146. James Pieper
147. Jeff White
148. Joseph Verdiccio
149. Ken St. George
150. Jeff Oskin
151. Martin Lowy
152. Jeffrey Rubenstein
153. Michael Weber
154. Stephen Jupinka
155. Darryl Lechniak
156. Darryl Lechniak
157. Michael Piatkowski
158. Michael Piatkowski
159. Scott Kreischer
160. Richard Kulaski
161. Richard Kulaski
162. Richard Kulaski
163. Jeremy Munter
164. Hugo Penilla
165. Hondell Blocker
166. David Zwickel
167. David Zwickel
168. David Zwickel
169. Chad Newby
170. Jules McLean
171. Jules McLean
172. Jeff Kohlbeck
173. Neil Caracciola
174. Tom Yates
175. Tom Yates
176. Tom Yates
177. Carole Belsky
178. Rob Feil
179. Danny Mitlof
180. Vlad Sedler
181. James Zevola
182. Garrett Velarde
183. Scott Paige
184. Scott Paige
185. Peter Lehner
186. Robert Conti
187. Mike Kizman
188. James Kirschner
189. Paul Laurell
190. Paul Laurell
191. Tony Portesi
192. Anthony Venuti
193. Henry Williams
194. Artie Rastelli
195. James Arnett
196. Anthony Cifelli
197. Jeff Hayden
198. Jeff Hayden
199. Jeff Hayden
200. Jeff Hayden
201. Scottie Horton
202. Sally Messing
203. Alan Greenberg
204. Scott Mill
205. Glenn Lowy
206. Glenn Lowy
207. Glenn Lowy
208. Hondell Blocker
209. Hondell Blocker
210. Hondell Blocker
211. Nelson Sousa
212. Jackie Santucci
213. Joseph Palazzo
214. Stuart Morris
215. Stephen Garren
216. Stephen Garren
217. David Clermont
218. Matt Jahns
219. Peter Timdal
220. Andrew Napora
221. Philip Popo
222. Edwin Twinney
223. Scott Wieland
224. Ryan Kordys
225. Scott Leahy
226. Stuart Morris
227. Lonny Graves
228. Richard Fusco
229. Kenneth O'Neil
230. John Rozek
231. Ream Lazaro
232. Ream Lazaro
233. Jeffrey Cooper
234. Jeffrey Cooper
235. Jeffrey Cooper
236. Dave Reiland
237. Joe Conte
238. Casey Beaumont
239. Rob Barshop
240. Maris Brenner
241. James Vassallo
242. James Vassallo
243. Steven Bratzel
244. Frank Caputo
245. Frank Caputo
246. Michael Cespedes
247. Frank Gibbons
248. Steve Jones
249. Kenny Stratton
250. Kenny Stratton
251. Richard Wragg
252. Matthew McClure
253. Mark Jahns
254. Joseph Verdicchio
255. Edwin Twinney
256. Michael Rosenblum
257. Mark Hesters
258. Jeff Hayden
259. Jeff Hayden
260. Jeff Hayden
261. Jeff Hayden
262. Tom Harrington
263. Tom Harrington
264. Tom Harrington
265. Tom Harrington
266. David Godfrey
267. Dale Duncan
268. Jim Corcoran
269. Jim Corcoran
270. Dale Duncan
271. KJ Duke
272. Scott Burkhardt
273. Jeff Carlson
274. Keith Liddicoat
275. Fran O'Keefe
276. Fran O'Keefe
277. Andre Warner
278. David Levin
279. David Levin
280. David Levin
281. Tom Harrington
282. Tom Harrington
283. Tom Harrington
284. Tom Harrington
285. Jason Freels
286. Derick Kee
287. Glenn Lowy
288. Jeremy Jurewicz
289. Matt Bauler
290. Matthew McClure
291. Jason Aberli
292. Jason Aberli
293. Tracy Asp
294. Shar Atik
295. Lewis Cauthon
296. Tony Cincotta
297. Richard Garafola
298. Andre Warner
299. Tyson Warm
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Here are the rules and more information for the NFFC/ Post-Season Hold 'Em Contest:

Registration can be found here:

Here are the Rules for this progressive contest, which has you working your lineup before every week's games. This is A TON OF FUN!!!

Official Rules and Regulations of the
NFFC/ Fantasy Football Championship
Hold ’Em Post-Season Tournament

1. Overview:
1. Overview: The NFFC/ Fantasy Football Championship Hold ‘Em Post-Season Tournament will begin with the first wild card games on Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013 and continue through the Super Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013. Points will be accumulated throughout the playoffs and the team with the most total points wins the grand prize. Second through fifth place prizes will also be paid based on total points. Each week the number of points an NFL player earns for you will be multiplied by the number of weeks he has been on your roster, rewarding fantasy players who correctly can predict top players on this year’s Super Bowl teams. Players who have first-round byes automatically earn two times their total points during Week 2 of the playoffs.

2. Draft: Owners must manage a team of 12 players throughout the playoffs to accumulate the most league points. Owners will initially complete their roster by selecting one player from each team that qualified for the playoffs. In the second round as teams are eliminated from the NFL playoffs, owners can have as many as two players from the same team on their Hold ’Em roster. In week 3 of the NFL playoffs, owners can have three players per team from their roster and during the NFL’s Super Bowl teams can have a maximum of four players per team (for a total of 8 players).

3. Roster Requirements: Maximum of 12 players at all times except the Super Bowl (8). No more than one player per NFL team in the first round and no more than two players per NFL team in the second round. In the third round of the NFL playoffs, teams will be limited to 3 players per team (12 total players) and in the Super Bowl they will be limited to 4 players per team (8 total players).

4. Starting Lineup Requirements: Starting lineups will consist of:
• 2 Quarterbacks
• 4 Running Backs
• 4 Receivers (includes Tight Ends)
• 1 Kicker
• 1 Team Defense/Specials Team

5. Scoring: Players can accumulate points in a number of ways:
• .05 points for every yard passing (works out to 1 point every 20 yards).
• 6 points for every passing touchdown
• minus 1 point for every interception and lost fumble
• .10 points for every yard rushing (works out to 1 point every 10 yards).
• 6 points for every rushing TD
• minus 1 point for every lost fumble
• 6 points for a recovered offensive fumble for a touchdown (RB, QB, WR, TE)
• .10 points for every yard receiving (works out to 1 point every 10 yards).
• 6 points for every receiving TD
• 1 point for every reception for RBs, WRs, Tight Ends and QBs
• minus 1 point for every lost fumble
• 1 point for every extra point
• 3 points for every field goal from 1-30 yards
• 3 points for every field goal plus .10 points for every yard after 30 yards (i.e. a 47-yard field goal would be worth 4.7 points)
• 1 point for every sack
• 2 points for every interception or opponents' fumble recovery
• 6 points for every touchdown (interception return, defensive fumble return, punt or kickoff return, blocked field goal return, blocked punt return). All special teams and defensive points are awarded to the team responsible, not the individual player. Should a kicker, punter or field goal holder throw a pass off a fake attempt, however, the offensive output for that offensive play would go towards the individual player, not the specials team. Also, any lost fumble or “muff” on a specials team play does not result in negative points for that individual player.
• 2 points for every safety
• 12 points for a shutout by the entire team
• 8 points for allowing 2-7 points by the entire team
• 4 points for allowing 8-12 points by the entire team
• 2 points for allowing 13-17 points by the entire team

6. Free Agent Acquisitions: After week one of the playoffs, you can pick up new players to fill out your playoff roster. In the second round as teams are eliminated from the playoffs, owners can have as many as two players from the same team on their Hold ’Em roster, 3 in the Championship Round, and 4 in the Super Bowl. Transactions are unlimited each week.

7. Hold ’Em Multipliers:
Each week during the contest, fantasy points are multiplied by the number of weeks each player has been on your roster. So if you pick Aaron Rodgers to be one of your starting QBs in the first week of the playoffs and the Packers are a Wild Card team, you would earn his points from week one. If the Packers won that wild card game, his points in the second round of playoffs would be multiplied by two. If the Packers advanced to the NFC Championship Game, his points would be multiplied by three and then by four if the Packers reached the Super Bowl (same scenario as 2010). Any NFL player that receives a first-round bye and remains on your roster, automatically has their points multiplied by two during their first game. Once one of your players are eliminated from the playoffs, you can pick up a new player for that upcoming round, but the multiplier would begin at one because you just added him to your roster.

8. Roster Time Frame: All starting rosters must be finalized five minutes before that weekend’s first playoff game. No lineup changes will be allowed after that first kickoff.

9. Number of Bid Limits: There is no limit to the number of new free agents you can add each week.

10. Tied Bids: In the event that there is a tie for the grand prize, the following tie-breakers will be used:
1. Predicted score of the Super Bowl game.
2. Highest weekly score of the teams during the playoffs (i.e. one team had a high of 220 points and the other team’s high score was 215, the 220 would win).
3. Highest score of the teams involved from the Super Bowl.
4. Highest score of the teams involved from the third round games.
5. Highest score of the teams involved from the second round games.
6. Highest score of the teams involved from the first round games.
7. Split the prize money in question.

11. League Structure: The league will consist of all participating teams without any limitation of the number. The basis prize breakdown is set forth in Paragraph 12 which follows.

12. Prize Breakdown:
NFFC/ Fantasy Football Championship
Entry Fees 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
$200 $25,000 $5,000 $2,500 $1,500 $1,000
$75 $8,000 $2,000 $1,000 $600 $400
$50 $5,000 $1,500 $750 $500 $250

Note: Prizes are based on 210 entries

13. NFFC/ Guarantee: Once a participant signs up online and submits valid payment, no money will be refunded to participants or co-managers unless the Hold ’Em Post-Season Tournament is canceled. A team spot is considered filled when the entire entry fee is paid. The NFFC and are not responsible for any loss or liability incurred by any participant or co-managers due to cancellation of The Hold ’Em Post-Season Tournament, including but not limited to time taken off from employment, etc.

14. Prize Winnings. If your prize winnings exceed $600.00, the winner must file a Form 1099 with the IRS at the end of this calendar year. If necessary, we will request your social security number. The Form contains the amount paid to you and you will receive a copy of the Form for tax purposes. You are responsible for paying any taxes that result from your cash prize. Please consult your income tax advisor for filing advice.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:53 am

Okay, we already have 26 teams signed up for the $50 NFFC Post-Season contest with a goal of 210 teams. Our goal is to sell out each one, so don't delay if you want to secure spots in any of the three contests. You can sign up now and set your starting lineups next week when post-season teams are loaded. Thanks all.
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Re: Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by BillyWaz » Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:41 pm


Just to make sure I did things right, teams that are signed up for this year cannot yet be seen under our account?

Just checking....thanks!


Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
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Re: Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:49 pm

BillyWaz wrote:Greg,

Just to make sure I did things right, teams that are signed up for this year cannot yet be seen under our account?

Just checking....thanks!

Correct, not until the playoff rosters are loaded. Thanks for 2 of each Billy and GOOD LUCK!!
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Team Legacy
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Re: Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by Team Legacy » Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:54 pm


Looking forward to it as always!!
Twitter: @ScottFantasy

Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:40 pm

It's nice to see that we have 100+ signups overall for the three contests, including 32 in the $200 contest. Don't wait until the very end to sign up everyone because our goal is to sell out each price level earlier than past years. Spots are definitely going faster than ever before thanks to the higher grand prizes. Thanks all for the early support and get ready for a fun, fun NFFC Post-Season Hold 'Em Tournament.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Re: Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by rkulaski » Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:24 pm

Will each contest really be capped at 200 or 210 entries? In other words, if the $50 contest has 210 signups by this Wednesday, is the contest closed or will more signups be allowed and then prize money increased?

Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:38 pm

rkulaski wrote:Will each contest really be capped at 200 or 210 entries? In other words, if the $50 contest has 210 signups by this Wednesday, is the contest closed or will more signups be allowed and then prize money increased?
We have expanded past our goals in years past and added to the overall prize pool. Since most signups come on the last two days of the contest and in bunches, it is tough to stop signups right on the exact numbers. But if one contest is short of goals and another contest has sold out, then yes we will consider closing out one or two of the contests to make sure they all sell out. Hopefully that makes sense. We want all three to do well.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
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Re: Signup Lists For NFFC Post Season Hold 'Em Contest

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:04 am

Don't forget about the NFFC Post-Season contests. You can secure your spots at Playoff teams will be decided today and hopefully we can have playoff rosters loaded by Monday so that you can set your rosters. You have until 5 minutes before Saturday's first kickoff to change your Week 1 starting lineup. Good luck all.

We already have 50+ entries for the $50 contest that awards a top prize of $5,000 and 40+ for the $200 contest that awards $25,000!! That's a nice start. Don't get left out of these contests!!!

thanks all.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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