wow - the reactionary nature of some of the people that play this game is astonishing -
727 for Willis McGahee??? That's what someone bid on him tonight in one of my Primetime leads - A guy who, A - is not even signed yet, he's taking a physical - B - could not make the Giants team and was passed over for Brandon Jacobs?? and - C - Did I mention that he has not even signed yet??
As for the Trent trade - Can we relax on the "Trent will be number one over all" next year talk please? There's two sides to every trade - He was in his SECOND year - even if the Browns were rebuilding - they just traded away their first round draft pick from a year ago - in his SECOND season - if you don't think they don't know something about Trent's ability to stay healthy - or perform at his expected standard over the long haul, then you are crazy -
Starks??? Seriously? Starks? Ummmm.... that was the Redskins Defense guys.... I think I could go 13 for 87 with 4 catches and a TD against that team - not to mention the fact Lacy is going to be back in a week or two -
Snelling? He wasn't good when he was good! - jeeez.....
Ok - off soap box - Thanks for all the donations....