I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by botherk » Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:55 pm

Originally posted by Renman:
Did LT do something to a few posters here? Did he key someones car? Did he knock up someones sister? lolOne of these three wrote that post.

Henny Renman
Renae Tomlinson
LaRenian Tomlinson

A post with self-appreciating humor and opinions that only family can agree.
Alge? Braylon? Knowshon?
C'mon parents!

Here are some names for football players.
Ouch, Hitcha, Juke, Blitz

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by BillyWaz » Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:05 pm

Originally posted by Renman:

At least your list is reasonable. I would not agree with Addai (who I own)or Slaton. Rice (who I also own) is debateable given that going forward I still expect McGahee to be in the mix and used on the goaline. Gore is debateable too.

However, if 14 is your number it only supports my viewpoint that LT is not "done" as some gleefully like to talk about (as evidenced by this thread even being started).

Slaton and Rice are NO BRAINERS IMO, and Addai is very close to that too. Think about it like this....Rice scored 33 (I believe) last week. It would probably take LT 3 weeks to get that production. Not being able to score from the goalline that many times against KC IS a problem. Gore is simply WAY more involved.

Those 14 are EASILY on the list, and there are 6 or 7 you could make a case for.

And keep in mind, I OWN LT in a few leagues.

Saying though that he is a top 10 the rest of the way is a but much considering he has done NOTHING up to this point.

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by KenGill » Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:50 pm


8 rushes inside the 5. No TD's. Sounds like he belongs on my team.

He's a bust for this season. I won't say his career is done, maybe an offseason for his leg to heal, and some R&R, and he comes back next season to do some damage. Maybe he gets cut by the Chargers and someone else with a better O Line and more of a commitment to the run picks him up. But you can forget about it for this year.
I never lost a game. I only ran out of time. Bobby Layne
Kid....if you're going to make it in this league, you're going to have to learn to drink. Bobby Layne

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by renman » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:19 am

Originally posted by Mankind:
Nope L.T. is a HOF and one of the reasons we now have 3RR..but you must admit watching Norv giving L.T. the rock 4 straight times inside the 2 yard line and not gaining an inch was brutal to watch. While Sproles takes it to the house a few series later. L.T. is maybe a FLEX player with bye week issues..Renman not starting a hating thread but your above post is just filled with excuses for L.T. instead of just facing the plain facts that he is a medicore back now. Good Luck with L.T. the rest of the way.... Mankind,

Of course it was brutal to watch. Just like it was brutal to watch bad moments for 50 others valued fantasy football players yesterday. I am saying that anyone who has any knowledge of football or fantasy football above "typical fan" level understands that many things contribute to whether a player produces or does not produce on a play, a series, a season or even a career.

LT not scoring on that sequence isn't because "he is done." Sproles scored because no one covered him. How did Sproles do in the games LT was out? I think (as usual) people here are inventing a position I do not have on LT. I never said he was LT from 2005. I am saying he is not "done." BillyWaz made a reasonable list of players that he would prefer over LT. It was 14 RB's. I would argue a few on his list but respect his list. If being the 15th best RB in fantasy (making him an RB1) on someones team means he is "medicore" so be it.

We are debating semantics.

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by renman » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:42 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by Renman:

At least your list is reasonable. I would not agree with Addai (who I own)or Slaton. Rice (who I also own) is debateable given that going forward I still expect McGahee to be in the mix and used on the goaline. Gore is debateable too.

However, if 14 is your number it only supports my viewpoint that LT is not "done" as some gleefully like to talk about (as evidenced by this thread even being started).

Slaton and Rice are NO BRAINERS IMO, and Addai is very close to that too. Think about it like this....Rice scored 33 (I believe) last week. It would probably take LT 3 weeks to get that production. Not being able to score from the goalline that many times against KC IS a problem. Gore is simply WAY more involved.

Those 14 are EASILY on the list, and there are 6 or 7 you could make a case for.

And keep in mind, I OWN LT in a few leagues.

Saying though that he is a top 10 the rest of the way is a but much considering he has done NOTHING up to this point.
[/QUOTE]I am aware Rice is off to a huge start and had a blow up game last week. But those 33 points only count for that week. It is about what can be expected going forward. I don't expect too many more 33 point games from Rice. I think he will split time with McGahee at around a 70-30 split with McGahee getting a good portion of goaline. That is a problem if you are a Rice owner. The last couple games broke in a way good for Rice. Slaton is another fumble away from being out of games, and we all know TD's are hard to predict, so his value going forward could fluctuate since much of his production is on the strength of td's. Addai, though off to a good start, is in a timeshare too that is about 70-30. Mind you 2 months ago most here were saying Addai was "done" but now after 3 or 4 good games he isn't done...lol You mean Frank Gore who averaged 2 yards per carry yesterday en route to a 5 point game? This isn't me saying Gore is no good, but you can draw very clear parallels from Gores first part of the season to Tomlinsons. Of course there are a handful of guys who were taken in the later rounds at RB who are off to good starts.

As I said in my previous post... I only chimed in on the LT discussion/debate because a handful of people came here after week 2 saying "hahahha, I was a fantasy football genius because I avoided the LT landmine, hahahahah" when the guy was injured on a play and in a way that any RB of any age could have been hurt.

He is the main guy, on a high powered offense that currently is struggling with the offensive line. He will get most of, if not all of the goaline opportunities and just because they struggled in a goaline sequence yesterday does not mean they will forever struggle there. Fantasy football is all about what is going to happen GOING FORWARD and going forward there is reason to believe LT will be productive for fantasy football teams. You say he is a top 14 RB, I say top 10...

Assuming you and I are even close to right, that makes him a VERY valuable part of fantasy football teams going forward THIS SEASON.. and clearly not "done."

That is all I am saying and even those arguing with me are making it clear he isn't "done" this year.

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by chriseibl » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:18 am

i definitely don't consider tomlinson even in the same tier as ray rice right now. if there ends up being a td discrepency (and we haven't seen it yet) it's so far and away made up for by rice's receiving abilities.

i accidentally included turner twice but i'm sure i missed a couple of guys i would prefer over tomlinson as well, i was serious about my preference for all of those players (of course, if we were in a league that allowed trades, i would trade tomlinson for all i could get, not for the guy one up from him on my list.)

i think lt declined sharply last year (they always looked more explosive with sproles) and benefitted from being in that offense... i definitely think his situation in a high-powered offense (even without much run blocking) looks better than his own talent.

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by Quahogs » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:52 am

"There's a memo Captain to be on the lookout for icebergs"

"Ppffft. My advance scouts say they're all melted by now. Besides it's full steam ahead, I have to be in NY by Saturday for the NFFC draft. I'm gunning for Tomlinson in the 1st rd. Big season for him baby, BIG! "

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by renman » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:10 am

Originally posted by chriseibl:
i definitely don't consider tomlinson even in the same tier as ray rice right now. if there ends up being a td discrepency (and we haven't seen it yet) it's so far and away made up for by rice's receiving abilities.

i accidentally included turner twice but i'm sure i missed a couple of guys i would prefer over tomlinson as well, i was serious about my preference for all of those players (of course, if we were in a league that allowed trades, i would trade tomlinson for all i could get, not for the guy one up from him on my list.)

i think lt declined sharply last year (they always looked more explosive with sproles) and benefitted from being in that offense... i definitely think his situation in a high-powered offense (even without much run blocking) looks better than his own talent. Chris,

I will be bowing out of the LT obsession threads because it is pretty clear you guys are not going to allow me to make my basic, simple, fantasy football 101 point without continuing to argue about it or argue against positions I do not even have.

We will agree to disagree. I believe LT has value and will be a productive fantasy football RB for the remainder of the 2009 season. You, and many others think he is shot and has fallen off the map. I think he as a FOOTBALL PLAYER looks fine, and borderline good though not as good as he once was in his prime. I think several things, that have nothing to do with HIM as an RB, have contributed to his productivity level not being as good (including TD wise) as we have come to expect in the past.

When he posts some 15-20 point fantasy games will you guys be here to talk about that? I am willing to bet they are coming. Having said that, I am tired of people implying I think LT 2009 is just as good as LT 2005 when all I have said is the guy isn't "done" and even with back to back below par games I have been proven to be right.

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by Nag' » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:12 am

I just quickly browsed through this thread and thought I saw a debate on who is better: LT2 or Slaton, Gore and Rice. Shouldn't this thread be in the Non-Football forum under the topic "Comedy Gold"?
For Players. By Players.

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I Think the talk about L.T can stop now..

Post by Raiders » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:25 am

Originally posted by Nag':
I just quickly browsed through this thread and thought I saw a debate on who is better: LT2 or Slaton, Gore and Rice. Shouldn't this thread be in the Non-Football forum under the topic "Comedy Gold"? Can I pay you in cash? When I lose are bet. :mad:

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