Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Greg Ambrosius
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Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:47 pm

Once upon a time, the high-stakes Message Boards were the place to be for the best smack talking in the industry. Hundreds of players each time came to the WCOFF and NFFC Message Boards to smack talk, brag, and make strong opinions on players for that season. It was the best social media meeting place each day for die-hard fantasy players.

Those of us in the magazine industry were jealous of these hot-bed Message Boards because magazines could never get the type of interaction that these Message Boards could provide. The WCOFF board was the place to be from 2002-07 with some of the most creative writing you'd find. I can remember going there each day and just being amazed by the creative posts and strong opinions expressed by each player.

Our NFBC and NFFC Message Boards were slightly less active, but more volatile. We had some early personalities that stole the show and give credit to Mark Srebro -- aka Gordon Gekko -- for bragging that he was going to win the $100,000 grand prize and then going out and doing it. Crazy. He drove people crazy, but we also had some feuds that made the Hatfields and the McCoys seem like best friends. It wasn't a healthy sounding board, but it sure was active.

Heck, I can remember a time when folks said they would never play with us as long as our Message Boards remained so poisonous. We understood, but we let folks go at it on the playground. We had enough to do and we let you folks police yourselves. But I do remember a day when I said to Tom that I wished there would be a day when the Message Boards were quiet and the emphasis was just on the games.

Well, that time has come. But how did it come?

It's not only our boards that are quiet these days, it's other high-stakes games as well. The WCOFF made a HUGE mistake (one of many by the new owners) when they changed from their UBB boards. We also left those boards as they were no longer serviceable, but admittedly many high-stakes players were used to the look and feel of those boards and everyone at one time was using them.

The change was a contributing factor, but honestly I think this is why the boards are less active these days, and honestly it's not a bad thing:

1. Back in the old days, we basically all prepared for the Main Event drafts. The WCOFF and NFFC didn't have any online satellite leagues until 2006 and thus the entire emphasis of the off-season was forming opinions of the player pool and bragging about your abilities. Today, people are drafting every day and if you have a strong opinion of someone, then shut up and jump in a league and draft him. Enough of the talk; put your money where your mouth is.

2. After 10 years of competition, you can smack talk all you want about your abilities, but the track records tell the whole story. Those owners who are good have won consistently in the last decade and there's no disputing the facts anymore. So bragging is down all across the board.

3. People are drafting, not posting on Message Boards.

4. There are other ways to communicate among players: Facebook, Twitter, text, etc. Friendships have been formed through our contests, but communicating to each other can easily be done on other venues.

5. DFS. Owners are also busy with daily lineups, so who has time for chit chat on message boards?

None of this is bad and none of it is a reflection of the high-stakes games. It's a sign of the times. It's part of the change that has been going on in this space for 11 years now. More drafting. Less talking. More money to win. Less to brag about. The lack of Message Board posts isn't a reflection of a lack of interest, just a maturation of the space.

I don't miss those old days, although I do miss interacting and chatting on the boards with all of you. Maybe a few responses here will create some fun banter again. Go for it, at my expense!! :lol:

Good luck all and keep on drafting. That's more fun than debating on the boards anyway. Although a debate once a week wouldn't be bad!! :lol:
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Re: Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by shark » Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:47 am

Fantastic post Greg!

Like Barry Sanders!

No end zone dances, no spiking, no high fives, no extravagant celebrations!

I will back here again!!! :D

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Re: Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by KenGill » Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:39 am

Best posting I've seen here for a while. Agree with you, Greg. There are a bunch of reasons why the boards are a lot quieter than in the past. As an old school guy I miss the old school boards which provided some entertainment and even some information on work mornings. Now, it's as quiet as a mouse on here.

To me this is another case of being careful for what you wish for, because you might get it. People used to complain about certain personalities on the boards, begging for the thought police to step in. Rather than simply going about their business.

Solution: bring back SNAKE and let him and BillyWaz stir up some controversy. At least it won't be boring.
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Marc Quitsch
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Re: Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by Marc Quitsch » Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:34 am

This is a simple answer for me. I was tired of logging on every day, only to see that my own posts were the most interesting to read here. It was getting to be a burden being the most poignant person in the NFFC,for so many years.


Along with the "old" message boards, my moniker Diesel has been put to rest. I'd rather have people know ME and not by this beast of a fantasy player. Lmao (I kill me)

Seriously, it's not just the boards. It's draft rooms. It's league chats(outside of a hometown league, I haven't seen a post outside of mine in a league in YEARS). Fantasy football has become purely business for many, and zero fun. I've made many many friends playing fantasy football, and it's because 1-we take it seriously. 2-we can take it seriously AND talk smack without becoming personal. 3-WE HAVE FUN.

This "hobby" of mine has become a business for some. Hey if that's what pas the bills, God bless you for making money on such a great sport! But I play this because 1-I love this game(and I mean the NFL AND Fantasy Football) and 2-because I can make some money doing it. In that order. I believe this order is why you see so much less(oxymoron) talk on message boards, and in draft rooms and in league chats.
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Re: Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by Sandman62 » Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:57 am

While there's likely some truth to the notion that once the board got more polite, the lack of controversy didn't attract some readers, I think another contributor is the competing interest of using the same board to promote contests. I mentioned this last year and was told "Those aren't going away": http://nffcforums.stats.com/viewtopic.p ... 51#p186098

And I do understand the need to promote contests. But if someone comes to a Message Board, maybe they're looking to read about or interact on fantasy football topics? If they're looking for a contest, why not let them go to a separate board (and/or the Countdown Page)?

Here' a summary of message board thread totals just from July 1-Aug. 12th, comparing this year and the past two years:
Year Posts Ads Ad%
2012 107 49 46%
2013 148 100 68%
2014 174 125 72%

Seems like a classic case of not being able to have your cake and eat it too? :?

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Re: Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by Glenneration X » Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:06 am

Great post Greg. The sad thing is that the message boards and constant back and forth on them is one of the major contributors to hooking me to the High Stakes experience when I first joined in 2009.

At least we still have the Live Drafts as there's no bigger contributor to keeping me involved.

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Re: Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by greenwichsttavern » Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:25 am

Great post Greg, I almost posted the other day about how quiet the boards are and wondering when they were going to pick up again being that the season is only 3 weeks away ! I was wondering what happened to the weekly Greg and Tom chat on the boards that you guys have done through the years that got a lot of people involved in asking questions and asking for your opinions. Also you guys would have a weekly chat with an industry ''expert'' but i dont see that happening either ?? The boards are quiet and it got me thinking also as to why and I really feel that its because with all the money thats on the line and the competition so strong why tip your hand to your competitors to who you like and dont like for the upcoming season ?? I can honestly say thats one of the main reasons I dont post a lot on the boards leading up to drafts. To come on the boards and post ''i would never draft this guy'' or ''i need to have this guy or ''i dont know why player A is a 6th round pk when i think he should be a 3rd round pk and I want him to be my rb1 is not a smart idea when you will be sitting next to someone a couple weeks from now and know their strategys cause you read them on the boards and your playing for big money. I admit as much as this hobby of ours is still soo much fun to me it also has become a business and investment. Those checks we write are not monopoly money and every advantage you can use in order to get back more money then you invested you should take advantage of. Just my opinion

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Re: Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by Coltsfan » Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:02 pm

This is a really good topic. I can think of several things that might be contributing to this.

1. The boards have kind of morphed into the place to go to see what drafts are available. It's funny but it hasn't even occured to me to post to try and start any kind of discussion here in quite a while.

2. People log on when there is controversy. When WCOFF was blowing up, when Snake was here, when there is some sort of problem. People flock to the boards then and fortunately there hasn't been much controversy.

3. I think this is a big reason. When I first started coming here about 10 years ago I didn't really know people. Now that I have been here for a long time I know most of the regulars and have met many of them several times. For example, yesterday I called Billy and we talked football for over a half hour. I don't have to come to the boards anymore. I just call the folks that I want to talk to as the relationships are in place.

4. There are 10 times more drafts available than 10 years ago. I chat with folks during drafts and we will email back and forth.

5. How many times can we really make fun of Tom's rankings..........????? I just feel like we have been there and done that. (Just kidding Tom!) Kind of anyways haha.

I wish there was more discussion yet I have personally done very little to encourage it so I can't blame anyone but myself. Maybe this is something that might gain some momentum moving forward. I think it would be healthy for the nffc if it did happen.


Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:50 pm

Sandman62 wrote:While there's likely some truth to the notion that once the board got more polite, the lack of controversy didn't attract some readers, I think another contributor is the competing interest of using the same board to promote contests. I mentioned this last year and was told "Those aren't going away": http://nffcforums.stats.com/viewtopic.p ... 51#p186098

And I do understand the need to promote contests. But if someone comes to a Message Board, maybe they're looking to read about or interact on fantasy football topics? If they're looking for a contest, why not let them go to a separate board (and/or the Countdown Page)?

Here' a summary of message board thread totals just from July 1-Aug. 12th, comparing this year and the past two years:
Year Posts Ads Ad%
2012 107 49 46%
2013 148 100 68%
2014 174 125 72%

Seems like a classic case of not being able to have your cake and eat it too? :?
So I killed all of the high-stakes message boards by promoting how many spots are in the next available NFFC contest? Wow, now that's some power.

Sure, we could create a different forum for those promotional posts Mike, but we believe they are helping to sell out leagues now. And besides, the WCOFF didn't have those promotional posts when their boards suffered a quick death. And FFPC doesn't promote upcoming leagues and their boards are dead as well. My post was a look at the entire industry's high-stakes boards -- NFBC included -- and it's not a coincidence that the same thing is happening across the board. Others think I hit the reasons on the mark, but sure, add our posts to one of the reasons that the boards aren't as active.

But I also post draft results every morning and not a single person responds. We write stories of our national champions and nobody congratulates the winners. We don't have any promotional posts in January, February and March, and nobody posts. But I agree with others, I'd rather have silence than the Hatfields and McCoys that we once had, and besides, this is what folks requested from our boards a few years back. Some people even said they left our contest BECAUSE of our posters.

I'm glad that some of you took the time to post. I knew I wasn't the only one thinking about this. Again, I'm not complaining and I'll continue to post draft results to spur talk about players, trends, projections, etc. Tom and I will even host a Live Chat, but last year they were slow to produce questions. But if that helps, we'll do it again. This isn't a problem I'm trying to solve, just a trend I was seeing and wondered if I was alone in wondering why. I'm glad to see I wasn't.

Happy drafting all. If that's what you're saving time on, then that's a good thing.
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David U Kennedy
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Re: Whatever Happened To High Stakes Message Boards?

Post by David U Kennedy » Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:23 pm

I have to say that I miss the debates of old. The Snake did make things exciting on the MB. I never get offended here no matter what a guy says. Its Football and is all fun for me. I think a weekly debate here would be a great thing. We should definitely give our thoughts on players after all the drafts are over. Maybe we could focus on reality football in the offseason and Fantasy during. That way nobody is tipping their hand. Then we can all go out for drinks at the Clam later :lol:

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