NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $55,000

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $55,000

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:39 am

We have streamlined the NFFC Post-Season contest this year to just one contest with a $150 entry fee and a $55,000 grand prize. The first 700 entrants are guaranteed spots and you can take as many spots as you'd like. This is a fun progressive contest where you get rewarded for having key players on your roster the longer the post-season goes on. Check out the Rules and grab a team or two.

Every owner gets to pick one player from each team to start the contest. You get points from eight of your players in the first round. The four players with byes get twice their point totals in Week 2, then three times their point totals if they are still on our roster in the conference championship games and then four times their point totals in the Super Bowl. Each week you get to update your roster with new players when some of your players are eliminated, but of course those players start out as 1x their weekly score until they win and advance, which in that case they go to 2x, etc. It's a fun, fun contest where each week you are adjusting your roster, but initially picking the right QBs or RBs or WRs who will reach the Super Bowl and get you 4x their scoring titles is the key. Can't wait to get this started.

Also remember that we are taking signups now, but we won't start charging these until after Christmas. Now you can easily secure your spots in the NFFC Post-Season Contest and not pay until after Christmas. Enjoy and join us for this fun contest. You could even win $55,000 for your efforts.

Here's the current signup list:

NFFC Post-Season Contest
$150 Per Team; $55,000 Grand Prize
1. John Nolan
2. louis weber
3. Jesse De Armas
4. Tom Carbone
5. John Nolan
6. John Nolan
7. Neil Bogatz
8. Neil Bogatz
10. Roger Martin
11. dan setlock
12. Matthew McClure
13. Mark Ruble
14. Mark Ruble
15. Mark Ruble
16. Dan Worthington
17. Dan Worthington
18. ronald henderson
19. Christopher Dimeo
20. Christopher Dimeo
21. George Kleemann
22. David Webb
23. David Webb
24. Margo Lundahl
26. Chad Tabler
27. Timothy Johns
28. Nick Franklin
29. Nick Franklin
30. Nick Franklin
31. Nick Franklin
32. Nick Franklin
33. Nick Franklin
34. Alan Greenberg
35. Alan Greenberg
36. KJ Duke
37. KJ Duke
38. jeffrey Cooper
39. Brian Green
40. Eric Albright
41. Eric Albright
42. Eric Albright
43. Pete Miller
44. Pete Miller
45. Pete Miller
46. Gary Knight
47. Gary Knight
48. Gary Knight
49. Gary Knight
50. ken little
51. Brian Rush
52. bill cleavenger
53. Paul Spradling
54. Jon Thomason
55. Jon Thomason
56. Neal Compton
57. Neal Compton
58. Scott Musmeci
59. Matt Hickok
60. Larry Bagiardi
61. Roger Martin
62. Frank Bagiardi
63. Robert Wallace
64. Stephen Jupinka
65. Stephen Jupinka
66. Stephen Jupinka
67. Stephen Jupinka
68. Christopher Lam
69. Ben Fils
70. Corey Harrison
71. Ted Cohan
72. Ted Cohan
73. Marc Perlmutter
74. Chad Schroeder
75. Chad Schroeder
76. Chad Schroeder
77. Chad Schroeder
78. Chad Schroeder
79. Ron Lyon
80. Troy mccrery
81. Mike Watson
82. Don Medlam
83. Don Medlam
84. Don Medlam
85. Don Medlam
86. Richard Schulenberg
87. Erik Sudigala
88. Erik Sudigala
89. Erik Sudigala
90. John Torres
91. John Torres
92. gerald akridge
93. Jon Clift
94. billy nathan
95. Russ Richenberg
96. Lonny Graves
97. Chris Buencamino
98. Michael Cole
99. Doug Gard
100. Doug Gard
101. Bryan Daniels
102. Robert Bradtke
103. Margo Lundahl
104. Margo Lundahl
105. Aaron Newman
106. bill cleavenger
107. Kevin Guers
108. Jake Wagstaff
109. justin kimbrough
110. Jay Paulinski
111. Brandon Bell
112. Brandon Bell
113. Thomas Ruelas
114. Scott Leonard
115. Robert Lang
116. john hickey
117. Thomas Kay
118. Thomas Kay
119. Thomas Kay
120. Francis Musso
121. Russell Wyatt
122. Russell Wyatt
123. Joseph Tomaro
124. Anthony Gow
125. Eric Karlovic
126. Brian Werbeck
127. roger mathews
128. roger mathews
129. roger mathews
130. roger mathews
131. James Watson
133. Jared Daniels
134. Jermie Warner
135. Richard Hope
136. Edward Rashan
137. Anthony Gow
138. William DeKlerk
139. Perry Lin
140. Perry Lin
141. Perry Lin
142. Perry Lin
143. Jim Christie
144. Jim Christie
145. Richard Hart
146. Nick O'Neal
147. John Pathe
148. Joseph DiGiacomo
150. Craig Despeaux
151. Brian Ortega
152. Ryan Erickson
153. James Hodgson
154. Tim Noll
155. Jivan Datta
156. Terry Wells
157. Ira Schwartz
158. Ira Schwartz
159. Larry Bagiardi
160. Thomas Greenwald
161. Donald McCabe
162. Robert Wallace
163. Tom Kostecke
164. TJ Dildine
165. Lee and Ream Lazaro
166. Derek Crandall
167. Stephen Mulhern
168. Stephen Mulhern
169. Cliff Williams
170. Pat Charley
171. Christopher Cosley
172. Christopher Cosley
173. Donnie Braud
174. Michael Bell
175. Nate Stephens
176. Thomas Ruelas
177. Heath Connell
178. Robby Schumacher
179. Vince Matchett
180. mike hendry
181. Stephen Fiore
182. Stephen Fiore
183. Jeff Harley
184. Richard Townsley
185. Matthew McClure
186. Christopher Gimino
187. Jules McLean
188. Jules McLean
189. Jules McLean
190. Demetrios Arvanitis
191. Martin Bedell
192. Arthur Melvin
193. Dan Kenyon
194. Mark Zepf
195. Darren Emma
196. Sal Cataldo
197. Jeremy Richman
198. Scott Sakiyama
199. Gregg Janoff
200. Gregg Janoff
201. Gregg Janoff
202. Joshua Shugart
203. Chris Frederick
204. Usman Ahmad
205. Usman Ahmad
206. Usman Ahmad
207. John Kadubec
208. Bill Gehring
209. Joe Yokshan
210. Doug Ott
211. Craig Heller
212. Max Lerner
213. Dave Clum
214. Michael Leone
215. marshall clark
216. Todd Zola
217. Thomas Ruelas
218. Derryck Valdes
219. Richard Duewel
220. Kyle McLain
221. John Fousek
222. John Fousek
223. Aaron Staver
224. Robert Lang
228. Gary Knight
229. Scott Readence
230. Gregg Sturtevant
231. Gregg Sturtevant
232. Gregg Sturtevant
233. Gregg Sturtevant
234. Gregg Sturtevant
235. Gregg Sturtevant
236. Gregg Sturtevant
237. Gregg Sturtevant
238. Gregg Sturtevant
239. Gregg Sturtevant
240. Kevin Johnson
241. Jeremy Daino
242. Doug Townsend
243. James Milkowski
244. James Milkowski
245. James Milkowski
246. James Milkowski
247. James Milkowski
248. James Milkowski
249. Jacob Lesandrini
250. Jon Dowdy
251. Clinton Eslick
252. Dennis Gahry
253. Edward Astorga
254. Edward Astorga
255. Marc Nakashian
256. Charles Bailey
257. Alex Rivas
258. Christopher Surawski
259. Shawn Jakan
260. Corey Harrison
261. Todd Whitestone
262. Dave Mohren
263. Henry Cantrell
264. Robert Lang
265. John Wong
266. Alan Greenberg
267. Alan Greenberg
268. Tony Graupensperger
269. Tony Graupensperger
270. Tony Graupensperger
271. Tony Graupensperger
272. Kurtis Homkes
273. Kurtis Homkes
274. Kurtis Homkes
275. Kurtis Homkes
276. Kurtis Homkes
277. Kurtis Homkes
278. Kurtis Homkes
279. Christopher Vaccaro
280. Christopher Vaccaro
281. Christopher Vaccaro
282. Christopher Vaccaro
283. William Sovak
284. James Watson
285. Jeffrey Schramm
286. Ante Meich
287. Brian Duffy
288. Gary Fisher
289. Thomas Ruelas
290. Chris Colestock
291. Mike Feniger
292. David Bock
293. Jason Aberli
294. Kevin Birck
295. Kevin Birck
296. Brian Harris
297. Martin Lowy
298. Glenn Lowy
299. Glenn Lowy
300. Glenn Lowy
301. Glenn Lowy
302. Glenn Lowy
303. Scott Wieland
304. Ken St. George
305. Michael Price
306. Kirk Norton
307. Adam Esmay
308. KP Mol
309. Gary Knight
310. Brent Kaske
311. Michael Makula
312. Peter Timdal
313. Andrew Robinson
314. mark brajak
315. Jared Kolpen
316. Michael OBrien
317. KJ Duke
318. Scott and Jason Zeidman
319. richard garafola
320. Charles Bedford
321. Nina Dulacki
322. Nina Dulacki
323. Thomas Ruelas
324. Steve Brunn
325. David Hughes
326. Scott Axelrod
327. Ryan mcmichael
328. Erik Emanuele
329. Jeffrey Bryl
330. Jeffrey Bryl
331. Richard Schulenberg
332. Peter Berall
333. Peter Berall
334. Peter Berall
335. Peter Berall
336. Peter Berall
337. Peter Berall
338. George Walloff
339. harold strode
340. Anthony Mayhan
341. Michael Romeo
342. Scott Spolski
343. Paul Spradling
344. Ted Neff
345. Jeff Kratz
346. Jeff Kratz
347. ronald white
348. Gerald Ferguson
349. Rob Benetti
350. Aaron Staver
351. Brian Bankowski
352. Joe Conte
353. James Bradtke
354. Mark Kriegel
355. Henry Williams
356. Kevin Blayne
357. Austin Martin
358. Craig Hart
359. Thomas Ruelas
360. billy nathan
361. billy nathan
362. Kacy Kliment
363. Paul Sparks
364. Gregory Kostern
365. Mike Whaley
366. john cosmich
367. Jeremy Jurewicz
368. Dan Hebert
369. Joseph O'Mealia
370. James Rowland III
371. Peter Badejo
372. John Roberts
373. Phong Nguyen
374. Andy Saxton
375. Michael Tremper
376. Matthew Bannister
377. james robbins
378. Jason Cappillino
379. Sean McDaniel
380. David Longood
381. Greg Knott
382. James Wimmers
383. James Wimmers
384. william ryan
385. JJ Stratton
386. Ari Benjamin
387. Ari Benjamin
388. Ari Benjamin
389. Joseph DiGalbo
390. Brandon Barnes
391. mike terwey
392. Thomas Ruelas
393. Kyle Baldwin
394. William Perry
395. Michael Secor
396. Gary Foster
397. Rob Giese
398. Frank Bagiardi
399. Ron Kraus
400. Andy Bagley
401. scott wolfer
402. Scott Jenstad
403. Jeremy Lymburner
404. David Dorman
405. Roy Ericson
406. Rich Caola
407. kelly bates
408. Mike Rinaldi
409. David Dorman
410. Mankit Chu
411. Stephen Calloway
412. Stephen Calloway
413. Matt Seltzer
414. Jim McGough
415. Jason Fitzsimmons
416. Jason Fitzsimmons
417. Dickson Kesler
418. Chris Steahle
419. Joseph DiGalbo
420. Doug McCord
421. Doug McCord
422. Rex Brown
423. Joseph DiGalbo
424. Jon Dowdy
425. Kimra Schleicher
426. Kimra Schleicher
427. Frank Ferreira
428. Peter Lukowicz
429. Darik Buchar
430. Randy Petersen
431. steve skinner
432. Michael Leone
433. Kraig Bruder
434. Alex Kaganovsky
435. Alex Kaganovsky
436. Michael Leone
437. Michael Leone
438. Andrew Diem
439. Matt Michael
440. Brian Holzmacher
441. Joe Mani
442. John Rozek
443. John Rozek
444. John Rozek
445. John Rozek
446. John Rozek
447. Al Williams
448. Michael Orsini
449. John Mohan
450. Ryan Daley
451. James Loveless
452. Michael Foresta
453. Michael Foresta
454. Guillaume Lalonde
455. corey birch
456. Rob Feil
457. Rob Feil
458. Nicholas Burnett
459. chris latka
460. John Belanger
461. David McDonald
462. Dickson Kesler
463. Dickson Kesler
464. Bobby Choe
465. Dickson Kesler
466. Phil Tan
467. Peter Clark
468. Richard Kasprowicz
469. Todd Butler
470. David Dubofsky
471. Sen R
472. Sen R
473. Tim Liddicoat
474. Gary Knight
475. Terry Lewis
476. George Melbrod
477. Christopher Lam
478. Terry Wells
479. Gregory Morgan
480. Jason Pericak
481. james zevola
482. Shelby Stewart
483. John Moore
484. Robert Dlugozima
485. Frank Ferreira
486. Billy Wasosky
487. Billy Wasosky
488. Billy Wasosky
489. Denise King
490. Marc Winokur
491. Christopher Lam
492. Joseph DiGalbo
493. Eric Wright
494. Madonna Montz
495. Jessi Page
496. Steve Stojkovic
497. Nick Franklin
498. Nick Franklin
499. Brian Magnani
500. Richard Hart
501. Rakesh Chilakapati
502. Alex Dunfee
503. Nathan Smalley
504. Rob Medaska
505. Charles Bailey
506. Thomas Blaz
507. Joe Conte
508. Michael Kosmoski
509. Thomas Carey
510. Adam Lippert
511. Lee Jupinka
512. Matthew Bayley
513. Andy Saxton
514. Donald Thompson
515. Bill Dujmovic
516. Todd Schumacher
517. William Smith
518. Jonathan Tretter
519. Abney Coleman
520. Arn Cenedella
521. Marc Lalonde
522. Chad Schroeder
523. Chad Schroeder
524. Will Lopez
525. Will Lopez
526. david makous
527. David Dorman
528. Jonathan Kent
529. Doug Strayer
530. Scott Newman
531. Steve Lerner
532. Nate Stephens
533. Justin Bogart
534. Robert Jurney
535. Robert Jurney
536. Robert Jurney
537. David DiDonato
538. David DiDonato
539. Andrew Herbert
540. Kevin Grady
541. Richard McClellan
542. Jamie Flan
543. Michael Kelstrom
544. Jeff Carlson
545. Marc Perlmutter
546. Zebb Kapp
547. Nelson Sousa
548. Nelson Sousa
549. Terry Wells
550. Stephen Ciepiela
551. Timothy Daneau
552. Timothy Daneau
553. Timothy Daneau
554. Timothy Daneau
555. Peter Petruzzi
556. Gregory Stechyshyn
557. Greg Hubley
558. seth Lehman
559. Edward Brewer
560. Michael Edelman
561. Michael Edelman
562. Michael Edelman
563. Bill Weinberg
564. Bill Weinberg
565. Bill Weinberg
566. Gary Knight
567. David Murphy
568. Robert Sargent
569. Joseph Galea
570. Joseph Galea
571. jeffrey Cooper
572. Vance Martin
573. Ryan Kelly
574. Phil Tan
575. Jason Santucci
576. Anthony Venuti
577. Shon Gordon
578. David Karnafel
579. Don Lacknett
580. Dale Sims
581. Tyler Johnson
582. Tyler Johnson
583. Anthony Venuti
584. Daren Eliason
585. Scott Tompkins
586. Richard McClellan
587. John Mohan
588. Mike Shank
589. Sally Messing
590. Kevin O'Rourke
591. Kevin O'Rourke
592. kurt kuekes
593. Anthony Trezza
594. Anthony Trezza
595. Anthony Trezza
596. Kristopher Carroll
597. Kristopher Carroll
598. Kristopher Carroll
599. Kristopher Carroll
600. Jason Pericak
601. Scott Stauffer
602. Scott Stauffer
603. Scott Stauffer
604. Scott Stauffer
605. kurt kuekes
606. adam zutler
607. Gregg Zwickel
608. Gregg Zwickel
609. Gregg Zwickel
610. Gregg Zwickel
611. Gregg Zwickel
612. Gregg Zwickel
613. Gregg Zwickel
614. Gregg Zwickel
615. james zevola
616. adam zutler
617. corey birch
618. Jim Smith
619. Jim Smith
620. Tim Beaulieu
621. craig koslica
622. Todd Buhr
623. Todd Buhr
624. Jason Turner
625. Silas Dain
626. Silas Dain
627. Jeffrey Hicks
628. James Beirne Jr
629. Billy Wasosky
630. Billy Wasosky
631. James Loveless
632. Matthew McClure
633. Jeffrey Mitz
634. adam zutler
635. Anthony Venuti
636. Christopher Gallo
637. Joseph Kalinowski
638. Marc Perlmutter
639. Stephen McCaleb
640. Stephen Ranaghan
641. Jeremy Wilck
642. John Pierce
643. MJL
644. Scottie Horton
645. Jim Pieper
646. Ken Bethune
647. Peter Wachowiak
648. Peter Wachowiak
649. Russell Prentice
650. Ron Kraus
651. Gary Wilson
652. joseph palazzo
653. Scott Tompkins
654. Chris King
655. Nicolino D'Amico
656. Stephen Jupinka
657. John Asfar
658. Richard DiMondo
659. Edward Rashan
660. david makous
661. david makous
662. Dillon Otten
663. Keith Liddicoat
664. Keith Liddicoat
665. Bill Lester
666. James Giles
667. Justin Nusblatt
668. Darius Wilkins
669. Kurt Uhler
670. Matthew Grattan
671. Mitch Lunde
672. Brian Kurrus
673. Gary Allen
674. William Mock
675. Brian Kirk
676. Larry Bagiardi
677. John Pausma
678. John Pausma
679. John Pausma
680. Ben Klein
681. Chris Killman
682. Jeffrey Kozlowski
683. Scott Atkins
684. Matthew Campanile
685. damien passalacqua
686. Jonathon Brown
687. Erik Sudigala
688. Bob Particelli
689. Bob Particelli
690. Bob Particelli
691. Barry Kohlhoff
692. gerald akridge
693. Jonathan Weber
694. Daniel Selvaggio
695. Frank Ferreira
696. Glenn Schroter
697. Glenn Schroter
698. Glenn Schroter
699. Glenn Schroter
700. Glenn Schroter
701. Derick Kee
702. Daniel Bigelow
703. Jim Nalezny
704. Thomas Harrington
705. Thomas Harrington
706. Thomas Harrington
707. Thomas Harrington
708. Thomas Harrington
709. Thomas Harrington
710. Thomas Harrington
711. Thomas Harrington
712. Thomas Harrington
713. Thomas Harrington
714. Terry Wells
715. Joe Conte
716. Kristopher Carroll
717. David Baum
718. Carlos George
719. Carlos George
720. Fred Willumsen
721. Fred Willumsen
722. Gregory Tarascio
723. Gregory Guadagno
724. evangelo lilas
725. Rob Medaska
726. Scott Atkins
727. David Hubbard
728. Scott Atkins
729. Scott Atkins
730. evangelo lilas
731. Pat Sorge
732. Pat Sorge
733. kurt paul
734. Casey Nishiya
738. Henry Soto
739. Tom Swietek
740. David Fisher
741. David Fisher
742. Mike Biggs
743. Rob Giese
744. Michael Hegarty
745. Ron Kraus
746. Josh Blumenreich
747. Matthew Shepherd
748. Scott Conlon
749. Ramon Valentin
750. Jason Jenks
751. Jason Jenks
752. Chris King
753. Kimra Schleicher
754. Randy Drum
755. Andrew Gray
756. Robby Schumacher
757. Chris Gillmar
758. David Marcus
759. Randy Petersen
760. Randy Petersen
761. Brad Coates
762. Charles Bailey
763. Ken Clark
764. adam zutler
765. adam zutler
766. Chris King
767. Dominic Cristelli
768. Matthew Shepherd
769. Glen Brown
763. Jeff Schwartz
764. Jeffrey Bryl
765. michael conrad
766. mike mills
767. Thomas Swisher
768. James Pollack
769. Steven Schiller
771. michael conrad
772. michael conrad
773. Josh Honeycutt
774. Bruce Johnson
775. donald dismuke
776. Clint McAnally
777. Milton Hodge
778. Michael Skinner
779. jerry blake
780. Michael Edelman
781. Bradley Lochowicz
782. Joe Berg
783. Artie Rastelli
784. Richard Schulenberg
785. joseph palazzo
786. Kevin Knight
787. Scott Burkhardt
788. Jeffrey Price
789. Scott Jenstad
790. Michael Tott
791. Chas Nelson
792. Bill Strickler
793. mahdi haddadi
794. Jason Aberli
795. Silas Dain
796. Bill Strickler
797. William Ott
798. James Arnett
799. Brent Barbour
800. Bill Strickler
801. Perry Lin
802. Scott Vetter
803. Greg Levitt Jr
804. Chris Schinker
805. Gary Daly
806. Ari Benjamin
807. Ari Benjamin
808. Thomas Harrington
809. Thomas Harrington
810. Thomas Harrington
811. Thomas Harrington
812. Brian Owens
813. Brian Owens
814. Brian Owens
815. Brian Owens
816. Brian Owens
817. Brian Owens
818. Charles Bailey
819. Henry Muto
820. Henry Muto
821. James Baird
822. Jules McLean
823. Jules McLean
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $50,000

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:13 pm

It's good to see that we already have 100+ entries for our NFFC Post-Season contest, which has a $50,000 grand prize. Remember that you can sign up today and not pay until after Christmas, so secure your spots now and pay later. Thanks all and good luck in what should be a very unpredictable post-season.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $50,000

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:34 am

Now over 200 teams signed up already for the NFFC Post-Season contest, with 1st place guaranteed $50,000!! Prizes are based on just over 700 teams, so don't delay if you want to secure your team. Rosters will be available early next week when the 12 NFL playoff teams are determined. Enjoy and good luck everyone.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $50,000

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:52 am

We're closing in on 300 teams right now for the NFFC Post-Season Hold 'Em Contest. It probably makes sense to put the Rules on this thread as well. Enjoy all and good luck.

Official Rules and Regulations of the
National Fantasy Football Championship
Hold ’Em Post-Season Tournament

1. Overview:
The National Fantasy Football Championship Hold ‘Em Post-Season Tournament will begin with the first wild card games on Saturday, Jan. 3, 2015 and continue through the Super Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015. Points will be accumulated throughout the playoffs and the team with the most total points wins the grand prize. Second through 20th place prizes will also be paid based on total points. Each week the number of points an NFL player earns for you will be multiplied by the number of weeks he has been on your roster, rewarding fantasy players who correctly can predict top players on this year’s Super Bowl teams. Players who have first-round byes automatically earn two times their total points during Week 2 of the playoffs.

2. Draft: Owners must manage a team of 12 players throughout the playoffs to accumulate the most league points. Owners will initially complete their roster by selecting one player from each team that qualified for the playoffs. In the second round as teams are eliminated from the NFL playoffs, owners can have as many as two players from the same team on their Hold ’Em roster. In week 3 of the NFL playoffs, owners can have three players per team from their roster and during the NFL’s Super Bowl teams can have a maximum of four players per team (for a total of 8 players).

3. Roster Requirements: Maximum of 12 players at all times except the Super Bowl (8). No more than one player per NFL team in the first round and no more than two players per NFL team in the second round. In the third round of the NFL playoffs, teams will be limited to 3 players per team (12 total players) and in the Super Bowl they will be limited to 4 players per team (8 total players).

4. Starting Lineup Requirements: Starting lineups will consist of:
• 2 Quarterbacks
• 4 Running Backs
• 4 Receivers (includes Tight Ends)
• 1 Kicker
• 1 Team Defense/Specials Team
• In the Super Bowl, rosters can consist of 8 players from any of those 12 spots.

5. Scoring: Players can accumulate points in a number of ways:
.05 points for every yard passing (works out to 1 point every 20 yards).
• 6 points for every passing touchdown
• 2 points for every 2-Point conversion
• minus 2 points for every interception
• minus 1 point for every lost fumble
• .10 points for every yard rushing (works out to 1 point every 10 yards).
• 6 points for every rushing TD
• minus 1 point for every lost fumble
• 6 points for a recovered offensive fumble for a touchdown (RB, QB, WR, TE)
• .10 points for every yard receiving (works out to 1 point every 10 yards).
• 6 points for every receiving TD
• 1 point for every reception for RBs, WRs, Tight Ends and QBs
• minus 1 point for every lost fumble
• 1 point for every extra point
• 3 points for every field goal from 1-30 yards
• 3 points for every field goal plus .10 points for every yard after 30 yards (i.e. a 47-yard field goal would be worth 4.7 points)
• 1 point for every sack
• 2 points for every interception or opponents' fumble recovery
• 6 points for every touchdown (interception return, defensive fumble return, punt or kickoff return, blocked field goal return, blocked punt return). All special teams and defensive points are awarded to the team responsible. NEW FOR 2013: Individual players who also score a TD on special teams will receive 6 points for their fantasy teams. Also, any lost fumble or “muff” on a specials team play now results in negative points for that individual player. Should a kicker, punter or field goal holder throw a pass off a fake attempt, however, the offensive output for that offensive play would go towards the individual player, not the specials team.
• 2 points for every safety
• 12 points for a shutout by the entire team
• 8 points for allowing 2-7 points by the entire team
• 4 points for allowing 8-12 points by the entire team
• 2 points for allowing 13-17 points by the entire team

6. Free Agent Acquisitions: After week one of the playoffs, you can pick up new players to fill out your playoff roster. In the second round as teams are eliminated from the playoffs, owners can have as many as two players from the same team on their Hold ’Em roster, 3 in the Championship Round, and 4 in the Super Bowl. Transactions are unlimited each week.

7. Hold ’Em Multipliers: Each week during the contest, fantasy points are multiplied by the number of weeks each player has been on your roster. So if you pick Aaron Rodgers to be one of your starting QBs in the first week of the playoffs and the Packers are a Wild Card team, you would earn his points from week one. If the Packers won that wild card game, his points in the second round of playoffs would be multiplied by two. If the Packers advanced to the NFC Championship Game, his points would be multiplied by three and then multiplied by four if the Packers reached the Super Bowl (same scenario as 2010). Any NFL player that receives a first-round bye and remains on your roster automatically has their points multiplied by two during their first game. Once one of your players is eliminated from the playoffs, you can pick up a new player for that upcoming round, but the multiplier would begin at one because you just added him to your roster.

8. Roster Time Frame: All starting rosters must be finalized five minutes before that weekend’s first playoff game. No lineup changes will be allowed after that first kickoff.

9. Number of Bid Limits: There is no limit to the number of new free agents you can add each week.

10. Tied Bids: In the event that there is a tie for the grand prize, the following tie-breakers will be used:
1. Highest score of the teams involved from the Super Bowl.
2. Highest score of the teams involved from the third round games.
3. Highest score of the teams involved from the second round games.
4. Highest score of the teams involved from the first round games.
5. Highest weekly score of the teams during the playoffs (i.e. one team had a high of 220 points and the other team’s high score was 215, the 220 would win).
6. Split the prize money in question.

11. League Structure: There is only one contest this year with a $150 entry fee and a $50,000 grand prize. The top 20 finishers at the end of the post-season will earn cash prizes. The prize breakdown is set forth in Paragraph 12 which follows.

12. Prize Breakdown:
$150 National Fantasy Football Championship Hold ‘Em Post-Season Contest
1st Place - $50,000
2nd Place - $10,000
3rd Place - $5,000
4th Place - $4,000
5th Place - $3,000
6th Place - $2,500
7th Place - $2,000
8th Place - $1,500
9th Place - $1,250
10th Place - $1,000
11th-20th Place - $500 each

13. National Guarantee: Once a participant signs up online and submits valid payment, no money will be refunded to participants or co-managers unless the Hold ’Em Post-Season Tournament is canceled. A team spot is considered filled when the entire entry fee is paid. The NFFC is not responsible for any loss or liability incurred by any participant or co-managers due to cancellation of The Hold ’Em Post-Season Tournament, including but not limited to time taken off from employment, etc.

14. Prize Winnings: If the principal team owner's prize winnings are $600.00 or greater (or any other threshold subsequently established by the IRS), the National Fantasy Football Championship (“NFFC”) must file a Form 1099 with the IRS at the end of this calendar year. We will request your social security number and signature on this form. The form contains the amount paid to you and you will receive a copy of the form for tax purposes. STATS pays the principal team owner of each NFFC team that was submitted on the entry form and you are responsible for paying any taxes that result from your cash prize; please consult your income tax advisor for filing advice. In the event that the awarding of any prizes to winners of the Contest is challenged by any legal authority, STATS reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine whether or not to award such prizes. After 12 months, any unclaimed prize will be forfeited.

15. Eligibility; Registration: The National Fantasy Football Championship is open to individuals who are at least 18 years of age (or the age of majority in your state of residence) and are a resident of the United States of America or Canada. Notwithstanding the foregoing, residents of Washington State, Louisiana, Montana, Arizona, Iowa, and Vermont are not eligible to register or play in the NFFC. All registrations must be in the full legal name of the primary team owner, though owners will have the option to add a co-manager(s).

16. Official Rules: Registration for, and continued participation in, the National Fantasy Football Championship constitutes your full and unconditional agreement to these official rules (“Official Rules”) and to STATS’ decisions relating thereto. STATS’ decisions in regards to these Official Rules and all matters pertaining to the National Fantasy Football Championship are final and binding.

17. Code of Conduct: All participants and co-managers are expected to behave in lawful, respectful and sportsman-like fashion in all online drafts, throughout the NFFC season, and during use of any NFFC website, including, but not limited to comments posted on any NFFC message board. Additionally the NFFC events, games and/or leagues may not be used for any form of gambling. Any conduct or message board post by a participant, co-manager or other person which is deemed by STATS, in its sole discretion, to be unlawful, or to have the effect of intimidating, harassing, offending or otherwise harming any other participant, co-manager, guest, or NFFC/STATS representative, is strictly prohibited. STATS reserves the right, in its sole discretion to ban any person from current and/or future participation in the NFFC and/or from use of the message boards if such person engages in any such prohibited conduct or is otherwise in violation of any of these Rules. In addition, any person engaging in such conduct forfeits any rights to a refund, as well as any potential rights to a prize award. STATS shall not be responsible or held liable to any person for damage to property or personal injury or death arising from the acts or omissions of any third parties. Any participants or co-managers who collude, or attempt to collude, or who attempts to blackmail, bribe or otherwise influence any representative of STATS/NFFC, or who otherwise attempts to sabotage the league, in an effort to alter the results or outcome of any NFFC game will be disqualified and will be prohibited from winning any prize award. If a participant is banned from participation in a current NFFC game, then STATS reserves the right, to take those actions which it sees fit, in its sole discretion with respect to such banned participant’s team. Any criminal behavior may be referred to the appropriate authorities.

18. Errors: The deadline for submitting any dispute or claim regarding the operation of any league draft is one hour after the conclusion of the draft itself; further, leaving any live draft event without submitting any dispute or claim regarding the draft constitutes your waiver of any right to challenge any aspect of the draft. You are strongly urged to double-check your lineups, trades, and free agent moves throughout the season, as STATS/NFFC will not be held liable for any errors in entering lineups, trades or free agent moves, and STATS/NFFC will not intervene or alter a transaction after lineups, trades or free agent moves are due.

19. Prize Splitting: Prize splitting amongst the principal registrant and co-managers is available, provided that the principal registrant has authorized payment to his co-managers in writing and in advance of the completion of the season. In order to authorize prize-splitting, the principal registrant must completely fill out and sign the authorization form designated by STATS (including the name and address of the co-manager(s) and the applicable prize percentage to be paid to each co-manager(s)). Both the principal registrant and each co-manager designated on a prize-splitting form will be required to fill out a W-9. No prize money will be distributed until all necessary forms have been received by STATS. Both the principal registrant and the co-manager(s) will receive IRS Form 1099 reflecting the prize money paid to each. If STATS deems, in its sole discretion, that the appropriate documentation and/or authorization has not been received, or has not been received in a timely fashion, then STATS will pay prize payments only to the principal registrant.

20. Communication and Access: All NFFC team owners must have internet access and a valid e-mail address for communication. STATS is not responsible for any issues which impede or interfere with the transmission or receipt of any transaction, including but not limited to, draft selections, trades, free agent moves and lineups. STATS is also not responsible for the failure of any telephone networks/lines, internet connections, software/hardware, or internet congestion/transmission rates.

21. Hold Harmless: Each participant and co-owner hereby releases and holds harmless STATS and its parents, affiliates, and subsidiaries, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives from and against any and all liability for any injuries, losses or damages of any kind to person (including death) and property, arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from participation in any NFFC event, game or league, as well as acceptance or use of any prize award.

22. Disputes; Limitation of Liability; Disclaimer: Each participant and co-owner agrees that (i) all issues and questions regarding the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or your rights and obligations in connection with the NFFC shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of Illinois, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules; and (ii) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with the NFFC or any prize awarded will be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, or the appropriate state court located in Cook County, Illinois; and (iii) in no event shall STATS liability to you for any and all damages, losses or causes of action exceed $250; and (iv) in no event shall STATS, its parents, affiliates, and subsidiaries, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives, be liable for any punitive, incidental and consequential damages. If your jurisdiction does not allow limitations or exclusions of liability for incidental or consequential damages, the above may not apply to you. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, EACH NFFC GAME, EVENT, LEAGUE,WEBSITE, AND BULLETIN BOARD/FORUM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IF YOUR JURISDICTION DOES NOT ALLOW FOR THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.

23. Player Eligibility: Players will be eligible at one position during the NFFC season and designated for that position before the season by STATS. Should a player move to another primary position before the start of the season, the NFFC reserves the right to give that player a second eligible position. No player will ever lose the eligibility originally designated by the NFFC, but a second position could be added if deemed necessary by the NFFC. All decisions made by the NFFC commissioner regarding eligibility are final.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $50,000

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:47 am

Now there are over 300 teams signed up and ready to go in our NFFC Post-Season Hold 'Em Contest, which starts next Saturday with the Wild Card games. You will be able to see available players to set your rosters starting on Monday afternoon once all 12 NFL playoff teams are determined. The setup will be similar to last year's, which worked very well. Lineups will lock 5 minutes before the first game on Saturday afternoon and can't be adjusted for Week 1 after that. New lineups can be set before Week 2, Week 3 and the Super Bowl during the playoffs. Good luck all and enjoy.

Sign up now to secure your team in what should be our single biggest post-season contest ever, while also providing the single biggest payout of $50,000 in our 10-year history of this contest. Should be a LOT of fun this year.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $50,000

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:16 pm

Now OVER 400 TEAMS signed up for the NFFC Post-Season Hold 'Em Contest. Great job everyone. Remember that rosters are loaded right now, so you can set your starting lineup for Week 1 as soon as you sign up. Check out our software and the player pool from all 12 teams. Select one player from each team in Week 1 and be ready for a great post-season. Thanks all and good luck.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $50,000

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:43 pm

We're closing in on 500 TEAMS tonight, so jump on in if you still want to compete for the $50,000 grand prize. Demand is solid for this post-season contest. Thanks all and good luck.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $50,000

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:33 pm

Now more than 525 teams locked, sealed and ready for the NFFC Post-Season Contest and we still have a few more days of signups to go. Don't be left behind if you want to compete for this year's $50,000 grand prize. Thanks all and good luck.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Posts: 298
Joined: Wed May 23, 2012 9:10 am

Re: NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $50,000

Post by CALI CARTEL » Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:56 pm

Much tougher this year with the 4 RB / 4 WR setup, would be nice if we could have a 3 RB / 4 WR / 1 FLEX or 3 RB / 5 WR setup with the way teams pass nowadays, there's a ton of WR's to choose between and not much at RB.

Just something that maybe could be looked at for next year, would make for some different rosters at the Conference Championship game level as well, since teams wouldn't all have the same 4 RB's.

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36392
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Post-Season Signup List: Win $50,000

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:41 pm

Now over 600 signups for the NFFC Post-Season Hold 'Em Contest. Jump on in NOW if you want a spot in this contest. Thanks all and Happy New Year!!! :D
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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