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Post by nails » Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:16 pm

Last edited by nails on Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bring it on .

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Post by nails » Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:27 pm

Last edited by nails on Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Bring it on .

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Post by ForLoveOfTheGame » Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:52 pm

I haven't heard of any changes. Once baseball starts I'm sure you'll get an answer, it's baseball mania right now. See you in the Super Auction in Vegas! I had so much fun I want to do 2 Super Auctions in Vegas! :o

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Post by chriseibl » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:17 pm

Yep, what Jared said. I'm sure it's the busiest of times in baseball right now and though I'm not a baseball guy myself, you can bet all of the contest operators are incredibly busy at this time of year.

Rule for 2015 look the same, which is great by me. I, for one, am delighted with that and looking forward to that Super Auction as well!

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Post by nails » Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:28 pm

Last edited by nails on Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bring it on .

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Post by ForLoveOfTheGame » Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:16 pm

Whats wrong with the payouts and rules in the Super Auction?

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Post by nails » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:26 pm

Bring it on .

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Post by ForLoveOfTheGame » Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:31 pm

Well I see you deleted all your posts. Not sure what that's all about but I'll toss you my 2 cents anyway.

I've always been a fan of paying more money in the regular season. Hell, imagine blowing everyone out for 13 weeks and winning $1,500 in the Primetime overall contest to watch someone WAY below you get hot and win $150,000! I was pretty much thrown to the wolves when I suggested the regular season winner should win a lot more (think $10,000-25,000), I think Chad was about the only one who supported me. Everyone likes a lottery Mike, they all think they're going to win it apparently! It's ALL driven by the grand prize today, the bigger that is the "better" is how everyone treats it. I don't see it that way, I think you should be looking for the best way to just keep making money, not winning the lottery. At least remember here at the NFFC they focus on paying the POINTS which is the by far the biggest thing to look for in my humble opinion.

As for the Super Auction rules, I got hurt the most by the no adds as my team crumbled to ash but I've had a lot of teams in the playoffs here over the years and I wouldn't call that a normal occurrence. When it does happen it sucks bad!!! I'm still not banging the drum to have it changed but I do thinks it's something that should be discussed. I really liked the idea (from Chad maybe?) that the first place team should get a *little* more money than the second place team, second a little more than third, etc but I'm a huge fan of the regular season meaning MORE (like Billy's idea that you should get TWICE your average to start week 14). I don't understand how people justify the regular season not meaning much and we reset for a 3 week sprint. I mean you don't do that in baseball, why does it happen in football? Always confused me and no one can ever give me a reason when I ask that... besides that BIG CARROT ANYONE CAN WIN part of course...

Good luck this year! You had a helluva team in the Super so I won't complain if you decide to not get back in it! Hehe ;)

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Post by BillyWaz » Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:09 pm

ForLoveOfTheGame wrote:I really liked the idea (from Chad maybe?) that the first place team should get a *little* more money than the second place team, second a little more than third, etc but I'm a huge fan of the regular season meaning MORE (like Billy's idea that you should get TWICE your average to start week 14). I don't understand how people justify the regular season not meaning much and we reset for a 3 week sprint. I mean you don't do that in baseball, why does it happen in football? Always confused me and no one can ever give me a reason when I ask that... besides that BIG CARROT ANYONE CAN WIN part of course...
Bottom line is all these contests want DRAMA for the last few weeks, and the biggest wet dream the NFFC ever had was when Steve Luzzi (I think that is his name) won the whole thing and started in last place before the 3 week sprint. It showed that all you have to do is "get to the dance", and if things fall too can win the 1 in 64 lotto ball like the Orlando Magic and get Shaquille O Neal. ;) It is nothing against Steve (I don't even know him), but to say he was the best for that year simply wasn't true. He was the worst for 13 weeks (in points for playoff teams), but the best for 3 weeks when it counted. Good for him.....we all strive for that to be the result of our season :) I have had a total of 13 classic teams the last 11 years (one each year until 3 last year), and I am proud to say that 10 of them have made the championship round. My motto is simple.....JUST GET THERE, because NO ONE knows what will happen once that 3 week sprint starts. ;)

That all being said, the NFFC does the best job of rewarding POINTS (which we all know is the clearest indicator of the best team), and that is why I will always come back.

I for one am against the "adding players" in the playoffs. Yes, injuries and bad shit happens in the playoffs, but I think that proper planning CAN avoid MOST of it. I just don't want to have "some leagues where I have FAAB, and some I don't".

Just all my opinion of course. :)

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Post by ForLoveOfTheGame » Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:32 am

I had 8 players go down between week 13 and 14 Billy. I ended up starting like C. Patterson, L. Dunbar and N. Toon I think while playing to win the Super Auction LOL! I don't think I'd ever vote for adds to be allowed in the overall contests in weeks 14-16 but I'd definitely *consider* it for these private leagues. As you can tell, even with all the injuries I had I'm not banging the table to have adds/drops added in, it was bad luck more than anything but does show a bad rash of injuries can tank your chances to win a lot of money (I had Julio sit out week 15 ugh!).

I will say though, once the final adds/drops run it's like my personal christmas!!! Adds/drops suck so much of the fun out of fantasy football for me, I just hate them! Probably a big reason I'm not banging the table for MORE adds/drops hahahaha

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