New England Cheatriots

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New England Cheatriots

Post by TR » Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:30 pm

ESPN Outside The Lines just released more details about Spygate..most of which was already out there in Spygate The Untold Story. The public will now know the extent of the blatant cheating..Brady should have just accepted his suspension as it was retribution for Goodell destroying those tapes and sweeping it under the rug. Harrison on AFCCG in 04: "They picked up like 90, 92% of blitzes. That's like going to Vegas, throwing dice 20, 30 times and losing twice." Goodell and Kraft should both be removed from the NFL. I bet Tom Brady's really happy he followed thru with this whole thing...wave goodbye to any chance of a legacy Tommy! The biggest damage is to their tarnished legacy, that WILL stick forever!.

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Re: New England Cheatriots

Post by CoMoHusker » Tue Sep 08, 2015 3:25 pm

There sure seemed to be a ton of Brady supporters through all this. Personally, I don't think Brady's legacy takes that big of a hit. Gooddell's legacy on the other hand...
Go Big Red!

bald is beautiful
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Re: New England Cheatriots

Post by bald is beautiful » Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:04 pm

The article on ESPN was really fantastic, compelling stuff. Just unbelievable the brazen cheating by Belichick.

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Re: New England Cheatriots

Post by Dingf15 » Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:34 pm

Yeah, I'm sure that they beat the best defense in the game by filming their practices too...grow up haters, I'm tired of the whining by losers who want to blame the filming of practices for their incompetence on the field. Take it like a man or go cry to your mama.

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Re: New England Cheatriots

Post by JETS SB » Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:56 am

Dingf15 wrote:Yeah, I'm sure that they beat the best defense in the game by filming their practices too...grow up haters, I'm tired of the whining by losers who want to blame the filming of practices for their incompetence on the field. Take it like a man or go cry to your mama.
At some point in time, all of these facts have to make you Pats fans realize that nothing your team has accomplished is legit. The team is run by a man that will do anything including cheat, in order to win. The list of precautions that the Seahawks took last year, to guard against the cheaters is ridiculous. I would not be surprised at all that something comes out regarding the super bowl last year. Call us haters, your cheating team's success is tainted forever.

Coach JP
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Re: New England Cheatriots

Post by Coach JP » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:17 am

My only question with all of this, is if the Patriots were THIS bad in terms of cheating that teams took extra precautions, why did they not report them to the NFL?

I'm very leery to trust 'unnamed sources' 100% without any actual factual reports. Seems to me that a lot of teams try a lot of different things, but the Patriots tend to push the boundaries a little further than the rest. Hard to believe a team that is known cheaters for over a decade would not get called out if they won as much as they did, unless the rest of the league did it as well.

The Spygate incident was only a big deal because Belichick took a dump on Mangini's face. Mangini told the Pats not to do it 'in his house', so he took offense when they didn't listen to his warnings. If they didn't do it that day, it's possible they never get reported since other teams likely still did it as well (including the Jets).

Yes, the Patriots sound like they go to extremes, but I'm just wondering what else is out there to cause this not to blow up until 10 years later.

bald is beautiful
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Re: New England Cheatriots

Post by bald is beautiful » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:45 am

Dingf15 wrote:Yeah, I'm sure that they beat the best defense in the game by filming their practices too...grow up haters, I'm tired of the whining by losers who want to blame the filming of practices for their incompetence on the field. Take it like a man or go cry to your mama.
You must be a fan of Barry Bonds and Lance Armstring, too.

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