Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Greg Ambrosius
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Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:09 am

Every year we like to analyze the draft data to see if there were any trends from the previous year. I apologize for not doing this immediately after last season, but I'm on it now. We know that a lot of owners moved to the back of the draft order last year through KDS, but did that strategy pay off? Let's find out through the data from last year's NFFC Primetime and Classic champions. Here's the data from the 40 NFFC Primetime league champions in 2015:

2015 NFFC Primetime League Champions and Their Draft Spots:
Erik Emanuele, Chicago - Draft Spot #10
John Pausma, Las Vegas Sept. 12 League 1 - Draft Spot #11
Philip Brubaker, Las Vegas Sept. 12 League 2 - Draft Spot #7
Chris Eibl, Las Vegas Sept. 5 League 2 - Draft Spot #4
Nina Dulacki, Las Vegas Sept. 9 - Draft Spot #2
Joseph Galea, New York Sept. 5 League 1 - Draft Spot #10
Scott Newman, New York Sept. 5 League 3 - Draft Spot #5
Chad Butterfield, New York/Las Vegas Sept. 5 - Draft Spot #9
Lee & Ream Lazaro, Online Sept. 10 Noon - Draft Spot #8
Gary Allen, Online Sept. 11 9 pm - Draft Spot #6
Emil Kadlec, Online Sept. 6 - Draft Spot #8
Larry Schechter, Online Sept. 8 - Draft Spot #2
Darren Fecich, Online Sept. 9 - Draft Spot #8
Kimra Schleicher, Online Sept. 4 - Draft Spot #7
Jared Danielsen, Las Vegas Sept. 10 - Draft Spot #3
Lonny Graves, Las Vegas Sept. 11 10 am - Draft Spot #6
Joe Berg, Las Vegas Sept. 11 6 pm - Draft Spot #5
Stephen Stith, Las Vegas Sept. 12 10 am League 3 - Draft Spot #3
Mike Weber, Las Vegas Sept. 12 2 pm League 1 - Draft Spot #4
Scott Nelson, Las Vegas Sept. 12 2 pm League 2 - Draft Spot #12
Derek Anderson, Las Vegas Sept. 5 League 1 - Draft Spot #2
Glenn Schroter, Las Vegas/Online Sept. 11 - Draft Spot #2
James Loveless, New York Sept. 4 League 1 - Draft Spot #5
Roger Martin, New York Sept. 4 League 2 - Draft Spot #9
Michael Zucca, New York Sept. 5 League 2 - Draft Spot #10
Paul Dietzman, Online Sept. 2 - Draft Spot #11
Mike Santos, Online Sept. 3 League 1 - Draft Spot #3
John Rundle, Online Sept. 5 - Draft Spot #3
Lewis Lipsey, Online Sept. 7 - Draft Spot #1
Clark Olson, Online Sept. 8 League 2 - Draft Spot #10
Mike Santos, Online Sept. 3 League 2 - Draft Spot #8
Joe Berg, Online Sept. 9 League 2 - Draft Spot #7
Josh Ferenc, Online Sept. 10 Noon - Draft Spot #4
Gary Knight, Online Sept. 11 1 pm - Draft Spot #3
Andy Saxton, Online Sept. 11 5 pm - Draft Spot #11
Pete Miller, Online Sept. 11 9 pm League 1 - Draft Spot #11
Kimra Schleicher, Online Sept. 12 1 pm League 1 - Draft Spot #1
Glenn Schroter, Online Sept. 12 1 pm League 2 - Draft Spot #2
Henry Cantrell, Online Sept. 12 5 pm - Draft Spot #5
John Bosch, Online Sept. 12 9 pm - Draft Spot #11

It's interesting to note that every draft spot had at least one NFFC Primetime league champion in 2015. Interestingly, the spot with the least number of league champions was 12, which was one of the most coveted draft spots early in the off-season. But when all was said and done, it was one of our most balanced years for draft spots. See below:

NFFC Primetime League Champions By Draft Spot:
No. 1 - 2 League Champs
No. 2 - 5 League Champs
No. 3 - 5 League Champs
No. 4 - 3 League Champs
No. 5 - 4 League Champs
No. 6 - 2 League Champs
No. 7 - 3 League Champs
No. 8 - 4 League Champs
No. 9 - 2 League Champs
No. 10 - 4 League Champs
No. 11 - 5 League Champs
No. 12 - 1 League Champ

Nos. 1-3: 12 League Champs
Nos. 4-6: 9 League Champs
Nos. 7-9: 9 League Champs
Nos. 10-12: 10 League Champs

NFFC Primetime Top 20 Finishers Through Week 13 Of Regular Season:
No. 1 - 0 teams
No. 2 - 3 teams
No. 3 - 2 teams
No. 4 - 1 team
No. 5 - 2 teams
No. 6 - 0 teams
No. 7 - 2 teams
No. 8 - 3 teams
No. 9 - 2 teams
No. 10 - 2 teams
No. 11 - 2 teams
No. 12 - 1 team

Nos. 1-3: 5 teams
Nos. 4-6: 3 teams
Nos. 7-9: 7 teams
Nos. 10-12: 5 teams

Amazingly, out of 40 NFFC Primetime Leagues, only 2 No. 12 teams made it to the Championship Round. The Top 3 teams dominated with 49 spots, led by the 3rd draft spot with 19 of 40 leagues qualifying for the Championship Round. Here's a look at those final numbers:

2015 NFFC Primetime Championship Round Qualifiers For $150,000 Grand Prize - 124 Teams & Draft Spots:
No. 1 - 15 Teams
No. 2 - 15 Teams
No. 3 - 19 Teams
No. 4 - 9 Teams
No. 5 - 9 Teams
No. 6 - 7 Teams
No. 7 - 14 Teams
No. 8 - 7 Teams
No. 9 - 8 Teams
No. 10 - 10 Teams
No. 11 - 9 Teams
No. 12 - 2 Teams

Nos. 1-3: 49 Teams
Nos. 4-6: 25 Teams
Nos. 7-9: 29 Teams
Nos. 10-12: 21 Teams

Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
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Re: Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:28 am

If you want to compare the above data to 2014, check out this link:

http://nffcforums.stats.com/posting.php ... 8&p=201791
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Re: Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by shark » Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:53 am

Hopefully, this will put to rest doing away with 3RR. It appears spots 1-3 still won the most titles :D

Cocktails and Dreams
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Re: Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:21 am

shark wrote:Hopefully, this will put to rest doing away with 3RR. It appears spots 1-3 still won the most titles :D
That was because of the pool dropping off a few picks into the 4th round in a well drafted league, and Brown and Julio scoring well. Ended up being big advantage due to tiers of players for that particular season. Without 3RR, last year the end would have had a better chance as they would have closed the tier of player in early 4th, which may not typically be the case, but it does go against what you are suggesting. While I prefer no 3RR and despise KDS when it is not implemented as it was designed, they aren't going anywhere.

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Re: Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by shark » Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:45 pm

That was because of Brown & Julio scoring well? :? :?
So if I take Brown with the 1st pick you are saying if you give me the 1st pick in the 3RD RD in a traditional serpentine draft my odds are going to be worse? :lol:

The Franchise
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Re: Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by The Franchise » Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:11 pm

shark wrote:That was because of Brown & Julio scoring well? :? :?
So if I take Brown with the 1st pick you are saying if you give me the 1st pick in the 3RD RD in a traditional serpentine draft my odds are going to be worse? :lol:

Yes, that is correct. The early 3rd pick was not a difference maker for teams in back half of draft vs picks 1-3 picking in the late 3rd rd.............. But there was what seemed to be a big drop off from the player you got in early 4th vs late 4th. Or at least there seemed to be less busts

Example: My teams that started Julio/Brown, Hopkins, Allen/Edelman (Pre-Thursday game) fared much better vs the ones that started Calvin/Green, Cobb/Cooks, TY (3RR), Charles Johnson/DJax/Agoholor/Marshall/Watkins (all in that late 4th rd range)
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Re: Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by shark » Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:23 pm


So you & I can participate in 10 leagues together in a traditional serpentine draft.
I get the 1st pick in every one & you get the 12th pick?

Who is going to win the majority of those leagues? :D

The Franchise
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Re: Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by The Franchise » Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:45 am

My point is not about having first pick in every Rd. My point was that I would have rather had the early 4th Rd pick because I felt like there was a drop off from there. You can have the first pick in Rd 3, I don't care. You can get same player at 3.12.......... But Julio/Brown plus early 4th Rd pick (that closed out a tier of players) was a distinct advantage over having pick 1.12 .......and first pick in Rd 3, because of where you picked in 4th Rd

It sounds silly, but it seemed like that's how it worked out last yr
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Re: Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by JETS SB » Fri Apr 29, 2016 10:24 am

3RR is here to stay. Love it!! And for whatever reason you don't like it, that's why there is KDS.

The Franchise
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Re: Where Did The 2015 Primetime Champs Draft From?

Post by The Franchise » Fri Apr 29, 2016 5:09 pm

JETS SB wrote:3RR is here to stay. Love it!! And for whatever reason you don't like it, that's why there is KDS.

Never said I didn't like it. No debate there. I was just agreeing with Chad that the purpose for 3RR is to even out odds vs teams picking at top of draft, but to me (just my personal feeling) it didn't seem to be the case last yr. Maybe just an anomaly. Again, I wasn't debating whether 3RR works or doesn't, just sharing my point of view for last yr. But thank you for pointing out that KDS is available to me :|
Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is.

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