Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

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Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by COZ » Wed May 18, 2016 10:37 pm

I think it's time we move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturdays.

In a contest where we pay a significant amount of money in entry fees, the goal should be for all of us to have the opportunity to play with an optimal line-up, to have enough time to process Friday afternoon practice and injury information, and to have time to sift through waivers without having to rush home from work on a weekday and make critical decisions.

In a contest where we only have 13 weeks of play before the playoffs, each week is critical, each line-up decision is critical and waivers and injury information often released late Friday plays a particularly important role in this decision-making process. Furthermore, in a sport and a contest where injuries play such a critical role, it is even more imperative that we be given the opportunity to adjust to late-breaking injury information, yet we have a day and a half between the 2nd FAAB deadline to setting our line-ups. In the NFBC & NFBKC, where waivers are Sunday nights with line-ups set the next day, there is less than a 24 hour gap in time. Further, the NFFC is the only contest where waivers are on weeknights, with no weekend where most people are not working and thus have more time to dedicate to processing information and doing the time-consuming waiver process. And frankly, it is a drag to have to come home from work and focus on this on Fridays with a deadline looming. Obviously, the Wednesday deadline is inevitable, but why can we not move the 2nd Waiver deadline to Saturday @1:00 PM EST just to give us a Saturday morning to process things?

I am totally in agreement with having an acceptable cut-off time so we are all not held prisoner to waivers all day Saturday, but this is a High Stakes Contest and I often feel our hands are tied by arbitrary deadlines without giving us full use of a weekend day and a sizeable gap in time between our 2nd deadline and when we set line-ups. Giving us the opportunity to have the best and most up-to-date information and moving this to a weekend day when most people have more free time and are not rushing home from work, I think would be a benefit to all of the players and improve the contest.


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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Thu May 19, 2016 12:12 am

This would be a terrible idea. College football is the event on Saturday during the football season. Don't bastardize it by forcing people to deal with NFL moves on this day. It is the only day to not worry about the NFL. Lets keep it that way.

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by BillyWaz » Thu May 19, 2016 10:11 am

While I live on the east coast (and it isn't much of a problem), I can see the Friday FAAB being a REAL pain for west coasters on Friday night. I know it is for me, because I have to tell my wife or friends...."hey, I can't go out until later because I have to allocate time to FAAB on Fridays". While Chad is more of a college football person (Saturdays), I am more of "going out to dinner/few drinks after a long week of work and/or high school football person", (Friday night). After a week of work, sometimes it is nice to unwind, and I'm not always "up" for combing the waiver wires to see if someone slipped through the cracks.

I personally would be totally fine with a Saturday deadline, and I don't think it does anything but help. There is RARELY any news on Saturday, so the people who are college football fanatics, have errands to run, etc. on a Saturday could just set it on Friday OR get up earlier on Saturday to do it.

Maybe it is an unnecessary change (I get it..."then why do it"?), but I think it is one worth discussing.

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by kjduke » Thu May 19, 2016 11:28 am

I don't watch a lot of college games, but I still like having Saturdays free to do other things, and knowing my lineup options for the weekend a day earlier.

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by hammer » Thu May 19, 2016 11:32 am

An early Saturday deadline, 8 or 10 AM EST, would be fine with me.

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by kjduke » Thu May 19, 2016 11:37 am

hammer wrote:An early Saturday deadline, 8 or 10 AM EST, would be fine with me.
Unfair to West Coast.

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by COZ » Thu May 19, 2016 12:04 pm

Cocktails and Dreams wrote:This would be a terrible idea (FOR ME) . College football is the event (FOR ME) on Saturday during the football season. Don't bastardize it by forcing people (read: ME) to deal with NFL moves on this day. It is the only day (FOR ME) to not worry about the NFL. Lets keep it that way (FOR ME).
FTFY. Just because it's a "terrible idea" for you, doesn't mean it's a "terrible idea" for all. This just allows people who actually work on Fridays to do other things on Friday evenings as Billy Waz so eloquently noted and to do the 2nd waiver period on THEIR own schedule at any time late Friday or early Saturday while still recognizing the importance of having an early deadline so we can focus on other things. Nothing about this rule would prevent those from doing their FAAB-work on Fridays.


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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by BillyWaz » Thu May 19, 2016 12:06 pm

kjduke wrote:
hammer wrote:An early Saturday deadline, 8 or 10 AM EST, would be fine with me.
Unfair to West Coast.
Agreed.......make it like 2:00 EST or something.

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by ForLoveOfTheGame » Thu May 19, 2016 2:38 pm

I really don't care bc at least in the leagues I'm in all the good players get picked up on Wed. I guess I need to join your guys leagues if you're picking good players up on Fridays :lol: It does seem if you moved it to Sat it wouldn't really hurt, if you can get all your adds/drops in on Friday then you're free to do what you want on Saturday. If you had a busy week and need some drinks Friday you can do that then put them in Sat. I don't really care either way, Friday adds that help are once a year at most for me and I think I do more leagues than anyone on this site and I never give up on teams, even last place ones. I'd by far prefer just once a week adds/drops, by far the worst part of FF to me.

I'm sure that might "hurt" some people who are really into college football (I am not) but I'm sure a Friday night deadline for a person with a son in high school is a lot worse. It's never going to be ideal for everyone.

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by BillyWaz » Thu May 19, 2016 3:07 pm

ForLoveOfTheGame wrote: I'm sure that might "hurt" some people who are really into college football (I am not) but I'm sure a Friday night deadline for a person with a son in high school is a lot worse. It's never going to be ideal for everyone.
This is exactly my point......forgot to mention usually not much left on Fridays anyhow, but if you are busy Friday, do it Saturday. If you are busy Saturday, do it Friday. Pretty much suits everyone.

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