Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Greg Ambrosius
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:50 pm

Money wrote:
got heeem wrote:Nothing to do with football,but I also would like to add that NFBC letting the person that came up with the rules/scoring to a new game, play in it the first year was bad.I will never play Baseball Cutline again.Should have been a lockout for year 1 for anyone making the rules/scoring up.
The real issue for me was that it was portrayed as a scoring system (by the NFBC) that would mimic the value of all players equal to or as close as possible to the rotisserie game that we currently play. In my mind I thought that was impossible and decided not to attempt to figure out the way to play it. Time has told us that it does not mimic values and positions equally. I have no first hand knowledge of this but have friends that have played and passed along their observations.

Allowing the designer of the scoring system to play is very similar to the daily game allowing their programmers to play their own games or other games with the knowledge of the public playing pool perceptions. I can assure you that that these would be my thoughts no matter who designed the scoring system.

We can call it what we want but they appear to have a winner as it was very popular.
Oh my goodness. Your obsession with KJ has gone overboard, Joe. And this thread has lost its merit to what we originally had talked about as a possible improvement for the NFFC. Time to move on all.
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Money » Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:07 pm

Greg Ambrosius wrote:
Money wrote:
got heeem wrote:Nothing to do with football,but I also would like to add that NFBC letting the person that came up with the rules/scoring to a new game, play in it the first year was bad.I will never play Baseball Cutline again.Should have been a lockout for year 1 for anyone making the rules/scoring up.
The real issue for me was that it was portrayed as a scoring system (by the NFBC) that would mimic the value of all players equal to or as close as possible to the rotisserie game that we currently play. In my mind I thought that was impossible and decided not to attempt to figure out the way to play it. Time has told us that it does not mimic values and positions equally. I have no first hand knowledge of this but have friends that have played and passed along their observations.

Allowing the designer of the scoring system to play is very similar to the daily game allowing their programmers to play their own games or other games with the knowledge of the public playing pool perceptions. I can assure you that that these would be my thoughts no matter who designed the scoring system.

We can call it what we want but they appear to have a winner as it was very popular.
Oh my goodness. Your obsession with KJ has gone overboard, Joe. And this thread has lost its merit to what we originally had talked about as a possible improvement for the NFFC. Time to move on all.
That's a very interesting take Greg and one that I certainly do not appreciate. I'll move on and refrain from any further posts.

Coyote Streakers
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Coyote Streakers » Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:25 pm

Greg Ambrosius wrote:
hammer wrote:
Greg Ambrosius wrote:I have talked with IT about this and moving to our old way of one FAAB on a Friday is doable, but changing to include cuts from the Thursday Night Game won't be a quick fix. We are looking into everything, but again it's not something we have planned right now and we already have a lot to complete before the season starts.

So the question is: Does a Friday-only FAAB that doesn't allow you to cut players from the Thursday games become more of a negative than a positive? In other words, if we can't finish one part of this does it make sense to stay with two FAAB periods?

I'm definitely not against a Friday-only FAAB. I think we all may have over-reacted to the one Thursday Night Game per week and how it's drastically changed your work week with all of your teams. But throwing out this change and not being able to program a key aspect of this request needs to be analyzed. I'm open to suggestions. Thanks.

Greg, not sure why IT has difficulties with cutting players from the Thursday games (again, that would be optimal) but since that's the deal then put me down as someone who definitely wants two (2) FAABs. The only possible compromise/tweak I see past those realities remains what Erok said about moving the deadlines back to 11:59PM
Yeah, I hear ya Matt. With our current setup it's a lengthy programming change and I would never consider one FAAB without that Thursday change. Unless I can be guaranteed of that soon -- which likely won't happen -- it would be hard to make any change to FAAB. In fact, we're probably getting too late at this point anyway for Rules changes.

I do hear folks on the FAAB deadline change. I have no problem making it later if the majority agrees. I just don't want East Coast folks staying up until midnight to make last minute changes, but that probably happens less in football than baseball where games have happened during the day. But an hour or two later is certainly a possible change if it helps the game.

Hope this helps.
This would help out a lot. Just a few hours would go along way to us west coast players who rush home for waivers to finish up. Extending the deadline would give everyone enough time to not feel rushed with Wednesday news and getting off work. I think this is a must. Thanks for considering Greg!

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by COZ » Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:44 pm

Greg Ambrosius wrote: I do hear folks on the FAAB deadline change. I have no problem making it later if the majority agrees. I just don't want East Coast folks staying up until midnight to make last minute changes, but that probably happens less in football than baseball where games have happened during the day. But an hour or two later is certainly a possible change if it helps the game.

Hope this helps.
Yes, please! Moving the deadline back a few hours would be a HUGE improvement to the FAAB process & make Wednesdays/Fridays feel much less dreaded & rushed. As a night owl, my preference would be 1:00 AM EST (or later) just to give anyone the option to do FAAB on their own schedules as much as possible. Thanks for listening & considering this.
Last edited by COZ on Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Cocktails and Dreams
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:34 pm

Coltsfan wrote:I didn't mean to come across that way Chad. It's funny because I agree with just about everything you said there. I don't like 3 RR. I still consider it the LT rule. I really dislike 6 points per passing TD as it makes H2H scoring way too random. (I don't like the -2 for interception either while I"m on the topic......once again too random as half of the interceptions aren't the QB's fault.) I'm not crazy about the drop rule but I play in so few managed leagues that I really didn't even notice it. I like KDS and they have made it better this past year by putting it in when you sign up. But regardless of this stuff I like Tom and Greg and I respect them and I trust them. The live events are incredible and I love playing here. So even though I'd prefer some things to be a bit different I'm here as well and this is where most of my money goes in 2016.

I know you didn't Wayne. From what I know of you, you are an even better guy than you are a fantasy football player, and that puts you in the elite class in my book. I certainly will always respect you and your opinion greatly. In fact, that is the reason for my long winded post(destroying all grammatical rules and paragraph usage guidelines) trying to explain that my opinion doesn't matter any more than the next guy.

Cocktails and Dreams
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:43 pm

No reason to not back it up. No news comes out in the middle of the night. Make it late enough that nobody has to be monitoring any news, and allows everyone ample time, no matter where they live, or what shift they might work. This day and age, I think everyone can get their lineups set if they know their roster when they wake up. Plenty of time before the Thursday games. Could make a Thanksgiving exception if need be to run faab a little earlier, but with fewer people working on Thanksgiving that probably would not even be necessary.

Coz: While we both would like 1 eastern on Thursday, I am not sure it would be very fair to most of the NFFC client base. A large number of NFFC players would be at work and should not be at a disadvantage as a result. They would be a too big a disadvantage IMO for making last minute changes due to breaking news. I know we don't seem to agree on very much, so hopefully you at least understand my point here. Seems like anytime between 1am eastern and 6 am eastern would be about right. Those that had night shifts could possibly get it done just before without breaking news coming in. Those working almost any other kind of shift, no matter the coast should have plenty of time to get moves in. Nobody should be impacted by not monitoring news in the middle of the night. Seems like a good move for both Wednesday and Fritday FAAB slates to me. Not sure I can think of any negatives when the entire player base is considered, other than Santos and Kuekes being even more dominant than they already are:)
Last edited by Cocktails and Dreams on Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by COZ » Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:40 am

Cocktails and Dreams wrote:
Coz: While we both would like 1 eastern on Tuesday, I am not sure it would be very fair to most of the NFFC client base. A large number of NFFC players would be at work and should not be at a disadvantage as a result. They would be a too big a disadvantage IMO for making last minute changes due to breaking news. I know we don't seem to agree on very much, so hopefully you at least understand my point here. Seems like anytime between 1am eastern and 6 am eastern would be about right. Those that had night shifts could possibly get it done just before without breaking news coming in. Those working almost any other kind of shift, no matter the coast should have plenty of time to get moves in. Nobody should be impacting by not monitoring news in the middle of the night. Seems like a good move for both Wednesday and Fritday FAAB slates to me. Not sure I can think of any negatives when the entire player base is considered, other than Santos and Kuekes being even more dominant than they already are:)
I meant to say 1:00 AM EST, not PM, my bad. Or really anytime thereafter between 1:00 AM & 6:00 AM as you indicated. Your prior points about the two FAABs are well-taken & likely the only realistic scenario as much as I wish there was no Thursday games & that we could do this all on Fridays. If we push both deadlines back, that would suffice for me and make Wednesdays/Fridays much more palatable to me, which was my original reason for posting. Whatever the majority (or rather the most vocal/powerful) & Greg/Tom decides I will play irregardless. But pushing the FAAB deadlines back would greatly improve the contest in my humble opinion. Further Affiant Sayeth Naught.

The Franchise
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by The Franchise » Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:48 pm

Greg/Tom - I gave my thoughts on the FAAB deadline a few pages back, but I wanted to reiterate my opinion one more time. I think moving both Wednesday & Friday deadlines to 1AM ET would be a great change to give the West Coast guys more time and the East coast guys that have a 100 or so leagues to create bids for.... ;)

I also think making a quick decision on Thursday player locks is important, because if you guys do decide to make the change, IT probably needs all of the 3 months that are left before the first FAAB period. My opinion is that if you want to drop a player who played in a Thursday night game on Friday, you should be able to (As long as that player was not in your starting lineup).
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by BLACKHAND » Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:01 am

Plus one on what Nelson just said. A decision should be made one way or the other. This way you will only get a couple weeks of people clapping their hands or stomping their feet. One more thought. I realize we all have a deep passion for fantasy football . It is always nice to win some money also but at the end of the day this is not life-and-death and will not change your lifestyle of the future . educated and well thought out debates are cool but sometimes these threads cross the line a little bit. I am a firm believer of taking care of things face-to-face or at least making A phone call to resolve certain situations. That's just the way I live my life but I find that most situations can be handled amicably that way. Time to make a decision of the rules here and everyone can make a choice on if they want to play .

King of Queens
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by King of Queens » Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:28 am

BLACKHAND wrote: One more thought. I realize we all have a deep passion for fantasy football . It is always nice to win some money also but at the end of the day this is not life-and-death and will not change your lifestyle of the future . educated and well thought out debates are cool but sometimes these threads cross the line a little bit. I am a firm believer of taking care of things face-to-face or at least making A phone call to resolve certain situations. That's just the way I live my life but I find that most situations can be handled amicably that way.
Works for me, too, Frank.

With that said, it certainly makes for solid entertainment. :lol:

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