2pm was my original idea for a super auction. Sounds dam good to me

It's an option if everyone on Saturday night would be OK with no food and limited beverage which is the plan for Saturday night with the Throwback. Plus, everyone doing the Throwback would need to agree to switch to Saturday AM and it would have to be a little earlier than that since the Classic is at 1. So probably a 9 am type of start.76erfan wrote:there are several that would only do 14 auction at 1200.
what if you made throwback 1030 am saturday and did super auct saturday night at 730 or 8?
Tom Kessenich wrote:I'm definitely game for a $2,500 auction but like Greg said finding the right time in our two days is the question. I think the best option would be to convert the Friday 2 pm 14-team auction into a $2,500 if we were going to do it. Friday night is booked with the Super and my guess is people who would want to do a $2,500 auction will be in the Super draft that night and we can't host an auction beginning at 10 pm or later that night. Same with Saturday night and the Throwback.
So what I'm thinking is if we're going to do this it would be at 2 pm ET on Friday. In order to convert that into a $2,500 league we would need people guaranteeing they will do it and no backing out. We've had a tough time selling out a regular 14-team auction the past few years in NY so I don't want to make this into a $2,500 league unless there is a lot of guaranteed interest. Sound good?
For now it will remain a $1,200 league but if you'd like to do a $2,500 at 2 pm ET email me ([email protected]) and let me know or post your interest here. I'll keep a list and if it looks like we can make this happen we'll make the switch. If folks have another idea that will work as far as day/time let me know but given everything we have in NY with two days I think Friday at 2 pm ET is our best option if we're gonna do this.