Dennis Miller Update (No Not The Comedian)

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Greg Ambrosius
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Dennis Miller Update (No Not The Comedian)

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue May 09, 2017 8:06 am

As many of you know, my right hand man in Las Vegas for the last decade in the NFBC and NFFC live drafts has been my brother-in-law, Dennis Miller. No, not the comedian. My Dennis really isn't that funny, but he's a great, loyal guy. Dennis is my hard working guy who in the early years set up all the boards, set the tables, worked with the Bellagio AV guys and kept me sane during a week or more in Las Vegas.

He's one of my best friends in the world and he became a guy you folks got to know as well. The camaraderie of our folks at the live drafts appealed to Dennis right away and he joined me each year as much for the friendships that he made as for the sun and fun of staying in Las Vegas. Heck, he was there with me at the Stardust, the Flamingo and now the Bellagio. He was even at the Boardwalk Casino with me in March of 2002 when I hosted the FSTA Trade Conference. Now the Boardwalk Casino is leveled to make room for Center City and the Stardust is no more as well.

Dennis has worked for me every football season since about 2007 and he worked baseball as well until two years ago. He now vacations with my sister in Florida for three months and March is tough for him to get away, but I know many of you still remember him from the baseball drafts.

Dennis came home to Wisconsin last Tuesday after his long vacation and wasn't feeling too well. He thought it was stress from the fact that his older brother is sick, so he let it go. But on Thursday when he started feeling numbness in his left arm my sister threw him in the car and took him to the Emergency Room. They discovered that he had 90 percent blockage of an artery and they installed a stint there to alleviate the problem. He is back at home and doing better, knowing that the end result could have been a lot worse.

We all feel so fortunate that this was discovered in time and that he's back on his feet. As most of you know, Dennis is healthy and fit. Heck, every day in Las Vegas he walks from the Bellagio to the Stratosphere and back. He's 66 but doesn't look like it at all. I told him it's a good thing this didn't happen in Las Vegas because if I had to give him mouth-to-mouth out there we'd have a lot of explaining to do!! :lol: But what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Denny is doing better and he wanted to keep this quiet, but I think there's a lot of lessons for all of us here. NEVER take a single day for granted. NEVER stop telling someone how much you love them. And NEVER try to toughen out the signs of a heart attack; go in immediately.

I'll shoot all good thoughts to him from everyone here and if you want to reach him directly just email me at [email protected] and I'll shoot you his contact info. I think it would pick him up to know that we're all thinking and praying for him and that he does have a second family here. He knows there are many more days ahead to hang with all of you in Las Vegas, so that's the good news. And every day we all have together is a good day.

So good news on Dennis Miller -- not the comedian -- and I'm not kidding about that. Thanks all and God Bless good health. :D
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Re: Dennis Miller Update (No Not The Comedian)

Post by hammer » Tue May 09, 2017 9:05 am

Met Dennis out in Vegas a few years ago. Nice guy. Glad to hear he's doing better. Please pass along our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

King of Queens
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Re: Dennis Miller Update (No Not The Comedian)

Post by King of Queens » Tue May 09, 2017 9:43 am

Dennis -- you had better be ready for that walk out to the Stratosphere this September! Nothing like a 7 mile walk in 95 degree heat :lol:

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, and look forward to seeing you in 4 months.

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Re: Dennis Miller Update (No Not The Comedian)

Post by RedRyder » Tue May 09, 2017 10:58 am

Dennis, you married the right woman!!! Thank goodness this was caught in time...I know you will be diligent in your rehab...looking forward to seeing you in Vegas!

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Re: Dennis Miller Update (No Not The Comedian)

Post by BLACKHAND » Tue May 09, 2017 2:44 pm

Please give Dennis my best and wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope to see him in Vegas this year.

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Re: Dennis Miller Update (No Not The Comedian)

Post by Sabretooth » Tue May 09, 2017 3:18 pm

I met Dennis a few years ago in vegas...A real nice guy. Best wishes for him!

Coyote Streakers
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Re: Dennis Miller Update (No Not The Comedian)

Post by Coyote Streakers » Tue May 09, 2017 7:41 pm

Glad to hear Dennis is doing well. Great news they caught it in time and were able to fix. Hope you feel 100% soon!

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