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Yah Mule
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Post by Yah Mule » Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:43 am

Congrats to the team owners who were able to get him in round three. My friend on another board posted this and gave me permission to repost it:

It looks like Ezekiel Elliott is following Tom Brady's play book.
He has found a Texas judge willing to issue a preliminary injunction that will probably let Zeke play all of this year.
Here is a link to the decision for anyone interested:

The judge cited all of the right precedent that says federal judges really should not get involved in these cases.
And then he proceeded to get involved, deciding that Zeke did not get a fair hearing because 1) he could not access the investigator's notes, and 2) he could not cross-examine Thompson or Roger Goodell. The opinion is remarkably like the initial decision in the Brady case.

I'm not sure I understand the end game. Based on what the judge has to say in this opinion, it seems very probable that he will vacate the suspension. That Order will doubtless be appealed by the NFL to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which likely will reverse it just like in Brady's case.
But even if the Fifth Circuit affirms the judge, that would only vacate the suspension based upon a finding that the process followed in first arbitration was fundamentally unfair. There wouldn't be any ruling establishing that Zeke didn't do everything of which he was accused. There would just be a ruling that the procedure was unfair in the first go around. Nothing I can think of would prevent Roger from commencing a new process and suspending Elliott again.

I guess the idea is that the future will take care of itself. As long as there is an injunction in place, Zeke plays. And who knows what happens down the road? Maybe the NFL throws in the towel and doesn't appeal. Or maybe Zeke does what Brady refused to consider and settles his case with a reduced suspension. Who knows?

My bet remains that Zeke does time. But it doesn't look like that will happen in 2017.

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Re: Elliott

Post by KenGill » Sat Sep 09, 2017 2:00 pm

A total joke in my book.
It's also astonishing that there isn't any more conversation on this major issue on these boards. I know the boards have slowly been dying over time, but I'm still surprised.

This guy should get a major suspension and his owners should take many zeros this year.

I never lost a game. I only ran out of time. Bobby Layne
Kid....if you're going to make it in this league, you're going to have to learn to drink. Bobby Layne

David U Kennedy
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Re: Elliott

Post by David U Kennedy » Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:44 pm

Is Jerry Jones a Mason? These suspensions or lack of seem like tampering. Rothschild and Rockefeller puppetry?

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