NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Greg Ambrosius
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NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Sep 29, 2017 2:49 pm

We have the best fantasy sports community in the industry when you consider the die-hard players we have in football, baseball and basketball. This community of players competes year-round in multiple sports and battle for some of the highest prizes in the industry.

And what do our players like to do most? DRAFT.



The best part of fantasy sports is drafting and we know that. EVERYONE loves to Draft.

So with our new ownership group at SportsHub Technologies, we came up with a way to provide drafts all season long. Starting next week, we will be offering NFFC Daily Drafts on the SportsHubTech site. These will actually be DFS contests where owners form their rosters in a regular draft format. We will offer 5-team contests and 10-team contests and rosters will consist of 9 players per team.

Here's the best thing: We will use NFFC scoring for this format, so you won't have to recalculate values for the players you use in the NFFC. Not only is that familiar but rosters will be consistent as well. Your 9 players will consist of:

Flex (WR, RB, TE)

We are going to offer these drafts in two formats: Sit 'n Go's that start as soon as a league is full. So if we offer a 5-team league, it starts as soon as we get five signups. If we offer a 10-team Sit 'n Go, it starts as soon as we get 10 teams. We can do these any day of the week because we'll offer Thursday-Monday contests and Sunday-only contests. We also will offer draft formats with set draft times, like Thursday at 6 pm ET, Friday at 9 pm ET, Saturday at 10 pm ET and Sunday at 11 am ET. In those leagues, you will be able to sign up for them in advance and start at the draft time.

We ran some test leagues recently and the 5-team Sit 'n Go's can be done in less than 20 minutes; the 10-teamers in less than 40 minutes. Our price points out of the gate will be small so that everyone can test out our new draft room and feel comfortable with the format. We'll offer $25 and $50 contests before offering some larger price points in the coming weeks. But we'd love to have folks check out the new draft software, pick some winning teams and have something else to root for each week going forward.

Payouts will be consistent for each format. In the 5-team format, it will be winner-take-all at 85% payback. So in a $25 league, 1st place will earn $106. In a $100 league, 1st place earns $425. In the 10-team format, we'll pay 7x for 1st place ($175 in a $25 league) and 1.5x for 2nd place ($37.50 in that instance). For a $100 league, 1st place is $700 and 2nd place is $150. Payments will go directly to your NFFC Player Accounts that will be set up shortly.

Again, with 10 good owners you can do this in 30 minutes or less. It's a fun way to get together, enjoy the DFS format and WIN SOME EXTRA MONEY!! It's also another way to enjoy the drafting format and to enjoy each week of football action.

Now, we're going to set up some practice leagues starting tomorrow and anyone who would like to try those out can do so tomorrow. We'll offer Sit 'n Go's tomorrow morning FOR FREE and we'll pay the winner of each 5-team league a $25 credit on and every winner of a 10-team league a $50 credit. All we ask for is your input on the contest, the format, the draft room, the DFS Draft concept. And then next week if all looks good we'll roll this out with pay leagues.

Who doesn't like to draft? If we do this right, we'll all be drafting throughout the rest of the football season. And then we'll figure this out for basketball, baseball and yes maybe even hockey going forward. Wow, wouldn't that be fun?

Look for the link to the free drafts tomorrow morning and enjoy. Thanks all and we're excited for this new offering and other new offerings to come.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
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Re: NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Sep 30, 2017 9:16 am


We have set up some FREE Daily Draft games for this weekend at, all of them Sunday-only slates. These one-day contests will contain players from only the Sunday games, so draft accordingly. We will give a $25 credit to our daily contests to anyone who wins the 5-Team Contests and a $50 credit to our daily contests to anyone who wins the 10-Team Contests. Again, these are FREE, so enjoy.

Here's where you can find the Countdown Lobby for these Daily Drafts:

We have a 5-Team Sit 'n Go draft set up that will start as soon as we have 5 teams entered in that one. If you sign up for that one, be ready to draft within an hour, maybe even minutes. The draft order will appear in the draft room and we'll get going in minutes after the draft fills. That draft will take 20 minutes or less as 5 owners draft 9 players each. Easy enough.

We will add a 10-Team Sit 'n Go shortly. Look for that over the weekend. Those will also fill within an hour or two after you sign up, so be ready to draft. If it takes longer to fill than you'd like there is a link on the lobby page that will allow you to cancel out of that league. So it's easy to back out before the league fills.

All is ask is that you provide feedback to me via email at [email protected]. I'm looking for:

* Feedback on the new online draft room
* Feedback on the 9-team Daily Draft format
* Feedback on the ease of drafting; hopefully some will do this on their phone and give us feedback about that
* Feedback on whether it's fun to draft on a weekly basis
* Feedback on any tech improvements you'd like to see
* Feedback on anything you saw or learned here

In the new online draft room, each of those windows are expandable, so if you want the Que smaller and the Draft History bigger you can expand those windows. If you don't want to see the picks in the Chat, you can eliminate those by clicking a button in that window. You can expand or contract your Team Roster window. The draft board pops out into a separate window, so again look for that. If you have any trouble with anything there is a Live Chat Roll in the Countdown Lobby and we'll be there to help today.

We have some set Draft Times today as well if you'd like to join us tonight for some 5 and 10-team drafts. They are at 9 pm ET and 10 pm ET. Sign up for those now and just come into the Draft Room just before the start time and we'll get you into a quick, fun draft. The 10-teamers take 30-40 minutes, tops.

Then sit back, watch the Live Scoring and WIN!! It's as easy as that.

We'll fill several leagues and await the feedback. Get in early if you want to see the new online draft room and test this format out because I'm not sure how many leagues we'll run. We're looking for feedback on the online draft room and the game concept, so let's get in as many drafters as we can today and tomorrow. Sound good?

Thanks all and best of luck. This should be fun today.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Sep 30, 2017 10:49 am

Nice job all in the first testing contests. My first 5-Teamer completed in 13 minutes. Anyone else want to jump into a league and test out the software? Oh, and win some FREE prizes?
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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Re: NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:03 pm

Greg Ambrosius wrote:Nice job all in the first testing contests. My first 5-Teamer completed in 13 minutes. Anyone else want to jump into a league and test out the software? Oh, and win some FREE prizes?
This is great, Greg!

The ones that fill immediately, are they slow drafts or if you are the last person to enter, should you be ready to go?

How are the previous owners that signed up notified that the draft is beginning?

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
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Re: NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:48 pm

BillyWaz wrote:
Greg Ambrosius wrote:Nice job all in the first testing contests. My first 5-Teamer completed in 13 minutes. Anyone else want to jump into a league and test out the software? Oh, and win some FREE prizes?
This is great, Greg!

The ones that fill immediately, are they slow drafts or if you are the last person to enter, should you be ready to go?

How are the previous owners that signed up notified that the draft is beginning?
Thanks Billy. I know you are a DRAFT ADDICT, so I apologize for this new drug!! :lol:

Correct, Sit 'n Go's are 1 minute per pick as soon as they fill. An email goes out to each owner when the league is filled and it starts 5 minutes after that. We're trying to do more to tell you the league is filled, so maybe a Text alert is needed too, along with something on your team page from the Countdown Lobby. We'll be discussing that part on Monday, but yes alerting you that the league is full and getting you in the Draft Room within 5 minutes is our priority after today's testings.

And yes, if you are the last owner to fill the league, be ready to draft. It's starting 5 minutes later.

We've gotten great feedback already from the full leagues and will make some tweaks on Monday. But I think the feedback overall has been positive to the concept. And why? BECAUSE EVERYONE LOVES TO DRAFT!!

A one week contest with drafts starting over each week seems like fun. We'll get the alerts figured out for sure.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Posts: 66
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Re: NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by hankstr56 » Sun Oct 01, 2017 5:09 pm

Sweet! Looks like I'm going to get a win and I didn't see the email until Saturday afternoon. I think I may have to try this again. :D

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:20 am

Thanks once again to everyone who helped test out the NFFC Daily Draft software this weekend. I was looking for like 15-20 leagues and 50-100 owners to check it out, but the response far exceeded expectations. I think we may have had 150+ leagues in a 24-hour period. I'm not kidding.

All of the winners should have had their winnings deposited already in their Player Accounts. You can use that money to play in our Daily DFS contests starting this week. Keep winning and you may have enough to pay for 2018 NFFC or NFBC. Good luck all and enjoy.

We now have the slated schedule of contests set for Week 5 and we'll be ready to launch this shortly. We will debut the Daily DFS this week with a slate of Sunday-only contests. We can certainly add Thursday-Monday contests in the future, but until we really establish this platform let's go with Sunday-only contests for Week 5.

What we will begin offering are $10, $25 and $50 Sit 'n Go's at the 5-team and 10-team levels. These drafts will start once they fill and they will likely be done in less than 15 minutes for the 5-teamers and 30 minutes for the 10-teamers. I'm sure most of these will fill on Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. We will also be offering $25 and $50 scheduled drafts at the 5-team and 10-team levels. Those will likely be set up at 8, 9 and 10 pm ET and you can sign up well in advance for those and know they are full by that night. We can tweak the schedule once we see which ones are most popular, but for this week the schedule will be just for 10-teamers as follows:

NFFC Daily Draft Scheduled Drafts:

Friday, Oct. 6th at 9 pm ET ($25 and $50)
Saturday, Oct. 7th at 8 pm ET ($25 and $50)
Saturday, Oct. 7th at 10 pm ET ($25, $50 and $100)

Okay, here are the payouts for each level, each paying 85%:

$10 NFFC Daily Draft League:
$42.50 for 1st in 5-teamer

$70 for 1st in 10-teamer
$15 for 2nd in 10-teamer

$25 NFFC Daily Draft League:

$106 for 1st in 5-teamer

$175 for 1st in 10-teamer
$37.50 for 2nd in 10-teamer

$50 NFFC Daily Draft League:

$212.50 for 1st in 5-teamer

$350 for 1st in 10-teamer
$75 for 2nd in 10-teamer

NFFC $100 Daily Draft League:

$425 for 1st in 5-teamer

$700 for 1st in 10-teamer
$150 for 1st in 10-teamer

Okay, look for more details later today. Here we go!! :D
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
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Re: NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:39 am

We asked for feedback from those folks who tested the software last week and without posting names here are some of the comments:

** Ok I just did one. What the hell did you just do? This is fantasy football on crack!! This format is insane. Flows well, and great.

** Man, what a fun drafting day! Had so much fun with the drafting format. I have had much more fun than my usual Fanduel betting spree. Very user friendly. Glad you didn't put any kicker in there. Format is perfect.

** Man... so much fun! If you go steady with this, I'm just cancelling my Fanduel account!

** Drafted both on my laptop and iPhone. I switched from laptop to iPhone on the same draft while going to the garage to get a beer and had no problem doing so. Went smoothly. At one point, I had two drafts had the same time on my phone and when i switched from one to another on Safari, I had a "You are not connected" message everytime I switched. It was there for like half a second and it didnt bother me that much but just to let you know.

Other feedback will help us with showcasing where the Draft Room is, cleaning up the issues on a Note 5, making a clearer alert when the league is full and making it obvious where you need to enter the Draft Room, and software suggestions. We had several folks draft on a phone and got helpful suggestions there to make it an even better experience. Look for all of these improvements this week.

Thanks all and good luck this week.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
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Re: NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:46 am

A couple of extra points for this week's Daily Drafts:

** Once a league fills - Sit 'n Go or Scheduled Draft - there will be a green bar on every page including the Countdown Lobby that alerts you to enter that Draft Room. It will be a green bar that lists the name of the draft you are in and advises you to click it and go into the Draft Room. It will be hard to miss it, which is a big upgrade.

** By clicking on that contest link in the Countdown Lobby, you can see the names of the players already entered. So if someone you want to compete against (or don't want to compete against) is already signed up and there's one spot left, you will be able to know that. Players are listed by their usernames and this will actually pop up into a new window.

** One very nice feature is the Pre-Draft Rankings. You can actually rank your top 90 players and more in this software before you sign up for a single league and then import your rankings into every single draft going forward. This will make drafting multiple teams so, so easy. Check it out.

** Problems to the Note 5 device have been solved, so you shouldn't have any trouble going forward.

Hope that helps. Look for the slate of contests later today.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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Re: NFFC To Offer Daily DFS Drafts And Leagues

Post by boutrous11 » Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:04 pm

Hey Greg, I would think that having a bunch of Sunday morning time slots would be popular. Noon (est) Sunday is primetime for me.

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