NFFC Side Challenge Games Will Be Available In 2020

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Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
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NFFC Side Challenge Games Will Be Available In 2020

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:02 am

So I'll give credit where credit is due. KJ Duke has been influential through the last 17 years of providing advice and suggestions to improve and expand our high-stakes offerings. He's like a financial whiz or something!! ;) Through the years, he has given me some ideas that were already out there in the industry and through some conversations about them we've created some new contests or rules in baseball and football.

One of those examples involves the Draft Champions contests we run. He told me about Ant Sports about 12 years ago and how Draft 'n Hold leagues were becoming more popular even with inferior software. That led to us improving the format and creating the NFBC and NFFC Draft Champions leagues, which are now industry stalwarts.

KJ and Todd Zola also helped us develop the scoring for Cutline Best Ball Baseball, the industry's first optimal scoring baseball format. That eventually led to Cutline football as KJ liked that "cutline" survivor format.

He also posted late last year about adding Side Challenge games to the NFBC and NFFC, allowing owners with existing teams the chance to win more prize money among friends in similar contests. I always liked this idea as other contests have it as well, but I wanted us to control the software rather than hire a third party partner to do it. I took the idea to our IT department in the Fall and we began to explore the possibilities of offering this.

And I'm happy to report that I think we have the system ready to go now, but we still need your help with this. So here's the general idea:

** With any of our national contests (and even individual leagues), any owner could create a Side Challenge contest and create a separate set of national rankings. This Side Challenge Contest would include separate prize money that will be awarded to the top teams. So for instance, if KJ created an NFFC Primetime Side Challenge, anyone with an existing team could put in whatever the price determined in advance was. Let's say it was $100 or $200, anyone would see the Side Challenge symbol on their My Teams page and enter before or after they have drafted to be part of this additional national game.

** The NFBC will pay 90 percent of entry fees to the top players. We will have a sliding scale for how deep we pay down, such as Top 3 for 10 teams or less, Top 4 for 20 teams or less, etc. Those parameters haven't been finalized yet, but you get my point. Since a customer is creating this game, the payout will be based on the final number of entrants based on a pre-described percentage for 1st place, 2nd place, etc. If we got 200 teams at $200 each, we'd have $36,000 in prizes (90% of $40,000) to give out to the top teams. First place would likely be in the $18,000 range and then secondary prizes would account for the remaining $18,000.

** This Side Challenge can be for the Primetime, but someone could also create one for the Online Championship, Draft Champions, Solo Shot, Classic, Online Auction Championship or any other national contest. Again, that person would determine the entry fee for the Side Challenge and people would have to join from their My Teams page before Opening Day.

** There's no additional FAAB work, drafting or starting lineup work to be done. And while you might think the same people would win the Side Challenge who win the national contest, that's not necessarily true. The top teams in the national contest may not have entered, or one owner may have chosen one of his multiple teams to compete in the Side Challenge Contest and that team didn't turn out to be his best team. We might have some surprising winners in these Side Challenge games as the stat categories will have different leaders.

Anyway, it was a good idea when KJ suggested it on the Message Boards and our IT team liked the challenge of putting this together. We're not the first company to do this, but we think we can make this very easy to jump into and at an affordable price. And it might be worth the price of admission to watch your teams in a second set of national standings for that same team. Oh, and there's more prize money you could win, too.

Once we have this completely finalized we can post a step-by-step process in how this works and how you can enter a Side Challenge Contest. We also will discuss how someone can first set one of these up. It's still a work in progress, but we're so close we thought we'd solicit some feedback and advice.

Okay, thanks again to KJ and thanks to anyone who can give us feedback. We look forward to adding this soon and getting things rolling. Thanks all and good luck.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Posts: 71
Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:04 pm

Re: NFFC Side Challenge Games Will Be Available In 2020

Post by pjoner » Fri Feb 28, 2020 8:14 am

Love it!

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Side Challenge Games Will Be Available In 2020

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu May 21, 2020 7:46 am

Okay, the software is completed for NFFC Side Challenge Games for 2020. Let's wait until we know we have a football season before creating a whole bunch of leagues, but let's get you familiar with the software in the meantime.

Under My Teams, pull down to Side Challenge.

Click on Side Challenge Lobby.

There are no contests there now, but you can create one by clicking on the green "Create Side Challenge" button.

All of these contests will be set up by you, the paying customers. You set the parameters of any Side Challenge you want to create and when you enter a contest you are agreeing to the terms set up by a fellow NFFC owner.

Once you click on "Create Side Challenge" then click on the baseball icon for an NFFC contest. There you can name a Side Challenge Contest and make it Private or Public. You can enter ONLY ONE OF YOUR TEAMS for any Side Challenge. So if you create a 100-team NFFC Cutline Side Challenge Contest, you pick the one Cutline team you want for this contest, so pick the right one.

The person who creates the Side Challenge decides if this is a public or private contest. A public contest has to state the number of entries and if it doesn't sell out everyone is refunded. So if KJ creates the 100-team Cutline Side Challenge, all prizes are based on 100 teams and it goes off if it sells out. If it doesn't sell out, everyone would get their entries refunded and anyone could create another Side Challenge with 50 teams or whatever the right number is. But all public leagues -- which allows anyone to join from the Side Challenge Lobby -- must sell out to go off.

The Private league is also created by an NFFC owner and the number of max entries is determined by that owner. Again, ONLY ONE TEAM PER OWNER. That owner also stipulates how long the contest is set for (it can be a weekly Side Challenge, monthly, season-long, whatever he chooses), what the entry fee is and how many places the contest will pay out. That's determined by the individual who creates the Side Challenge.

To enter a Side Challenge, owners need to get the private promo code from that owner to enter. A max number of teams is entered by the creator of the league, but prizes can be resized if teams fall short of the goal. Every owner would have a prize breakdown on the number of teams up to the max level and would have easy access to a refund at any time before the start of this Side Challenge, knowing how many teams are in the contest. Both private and public leagues will have easy access to join and easy access to ask for a refund.

No more than ONE TEAM PER OWNER for any Side Challenge. You can certainly enter different teams in different Side Challenges, but each side contest will have no multiple team ownership. Also, residents of certain states that are eligible to play in the NFFC and NFBC will be ineligible to play in the Side Contests. I'll list those states soon.

Please don't create any Side Challenges at this point, but hopefully once we have a more certain start to the season we can add some fun to your existing teams. All payouts are 90 percent of the prize pool, so plan accordingly. Thanks all and enjoy.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: NFFC Side Challenge Games Will Be Available In 2020

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu May 21, 2020 7:46 am

The Side Challenge Contest software now allows more payout options for owners who set up this contests. You can now set these up for payouts of anywhere from winner-take-all to Pay Top 10 and everything inbetween.

We have set up the payout percentages for each option so that it's easier and quicker for someone to set up a Side Challenge Contest. Each of these will have 90 percent payouts at these percentages:

· Winner-take-all

· Top 2 as 70%, 30%

· Top 3 as 60-30-10

· Top 4 as 50-25-15-10

· Top 5 as 50-25-12-8-5

· Top 6 as 50-25-12-7-4-2

· Top 7 as 50-22-12-6-4-3-2

· Top 8 as 50-20-10-6-5-4-3-2

· Top 9 as 50-20-9-6-5-4-3-2-1

· Top 10 as 45-19-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Hope this helps. Good luck everyone.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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