Mid-July BBDS league

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Mid-July BBDS league

Post by RiFF » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:27 pm

Originally posted by King of Queens:
It works like FAAB. Your highest bids are considered first. If you have the highest bid, you get that pick. I've never used the FAAB on this site; but on all the sites I've used it, you ranked your choices. That is, for example, your 1st choice is to Waive player ABC and want to pick up player DEF and your bid is $100. Your 2nd bid is to waive the same player ABC and pick up player XYZ and you bid $300. Although your 2nd choice is the highest bid, if you win your 1st choice, the 2nd is ignored because your 1st choice for player ABC was accepted. So you get player DEF for $100. even though you were willing to pay $300. for player XYZ.

I didn't see BBDS working any differently; that is, what is your 1st choice, determined in this case by KDS. If your KDS 1st choice is pick #3 and you are the highest bidder at $840. your remaining choices are ignored even though one or more of those choices may have a higher bid value, such as $900. for pick #1. In this case, pick #1 would go to the 2nd highest bidder, because you stepped out of the bidding once you were highest bidder on your 1st choice (#3).

So,I didn't see it having to do with which draft position you placed the highest bid, but which draft position you had both the highest bid amount and highest KDS.

If it works the other way, that is, your highest numerical bid takes precedent (in my example $900. for position #1) over KDS; I suppose thats OK, it just wasn't the way I thought it worked.

GOD Loves You
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Mid-July BBDS league

Post by GOD Loves You » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:34 pm

I'm somewhat confused, why would anyone want to bid more on their 2nd preference, opposed to their first? :confused:

Would you go to an actual auction and say, I want that Van Gogh painting more than any other , but I am going to bid more on the Dali?

The only rationale I can come up with is you see more of a return from your lower bid, but if this is the case, why not make it the one with the highest bid??

Could you explain?

Route Collectors
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Mid-July BBDS league

Post by Route Collectors » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:54 pm

Originally posted by AMERICA:
IF ANOTHER BBD LEAGUE IS PLANNED, I WOULD MUCH LIKE TO PLAY. CALL IT THE BROKEBACK CLASSIC. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, SNAKE, BILLY, AND ROUTE HAVE TO BE PARTICIPANTS. If you and I were in the same league it would be called the BROKETEETH CLASSIC.....oh yeah that's right....you're too much of a anal lapping pu*sy boy to show up in the same room with me aren't you!

You really should move on and leave me out of your predictable posts a$$ wipe. :mad:

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Mid-July BBDS league

Post by RiFF » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:59 pm

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
I'm somewhat confused, why would anyone want to bid more on their 2nd preference, opposed to their first? :confused:

Would you go to an actual auction and say, I want that Van Gogh painting more than any other , but I am going to bid more on the Dali?

The only rationale I can come up with is you see more of a return from your lower bid, but if this is the case, why not make it the one with the highest bid??

Could you explain? Sure, in my example, my perferred choice is draft pick #3. My 2nd choice is draft pick #1. Although I may prefer draft choice #3, it would be my assumption, in this case, to win pick #3 that I could bid less for it than pick #1. BUT, conversely, to the extent I didn't win pick #3, I would also assume that I would have to bid MORE for my 2nd choice, pick #1, than I did for my 1st choice, pick #3, in order to win that bid.

So in my example I bid $840. on pick #3, which is my 1st choice in KDS, with the hope of winning that pick; but if someone bids more, let's say $850. for pick #3; I now go to my next choice, pick #1, which, to win, I assume I will have to bid more than I did for pick #3, even though pick #1 it is my 2nd choice. And so I bid $900. for pick #1. You could logically ask why not bid $900. for pick #3 if that's your 1st choice...and I would say I'm attempting to get as much value as I can for my FA dollars. And of course this is all hypothetical, but it certainly could occur. I suspect it would more likely occur with later picks than early picks.

Posts: 1444
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Mid-July BBDS league

Post by RiFF » Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:38 pm

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
I'm somewhat confused, why would anyone want to bid more on their 2nd preference, opposed to their first? :confused:

Would you go to an actual auction and say, I want that Van Gogh painting more than any other , but I am going to bid more on the Dali?

The only rationale I can come up with is you see more of a return from your lower bid, but if this is the case, why not make it the one with the highest bid??

Could you explain? Looking at my previous answer, I realize I didn't explain my rationale fully. If FA dollars were not involved, I very well may prefer pick #1 over pick #3. But then the question becomes would you prefer pick #1 with $100.FA dollars or pick #3 with $160. FA dollars. These were the numbers in my example, which may not have been a large enough spread to really reflect my intended meaning.

Using another example; would you prefer pick #1 with $100. FA dollars or pick #3 with $350. FA dollars. Although I may want pick #1 more than pick #3; when including FA dollars, I may feel pick #3 with $350 FA dollars gives me more value than pick #1 with $100. FA dollars. Hope that helps explain it better.

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Mid-July BBDS league

Post by moyer1313 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:49 pm


I assumed that it worked the way RiFF is explaining it. If it does not, then could you, please, give an official answer/example.

Thank you,
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Gordon Gekko
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Mid-July BBDS league

Post by Gordon Gekko » Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:58 pm

Originally posted by RiFF:
I've never used the FAAB on this site; but on all the sites I've used it, you ranked your choices. That is, for example, your 1st choice is to Waive player ABC and want to pick up player DEF and your bid is $100. Your 2nd bid is to waive the same player ABC and pick up player XYZ and you bid $300. Although your 2nd choice is the highest bid, if you win your 1st choice, the 2nd is ignored because your 1st choice for player ABC was accepted. you must play in a bizarro league.

Originally posted by RiFF:
If it works the other way, that is, your highest numerical bid takes precedent (in my example $900. for position #1) over KDS; I suppose thats OK, it just wasn't the way I thought it worked. bids are in descending order.

An example of an owner’s BBDS hierarchy:
Draft Slot 1 $475
Draft Slot 2 $475
Draft Slot 3 $225
Draft Slot 8 $150
Draft Slot 7 $150
Draft Slot 4 $100
Draft Slot 5 $75
Draft Slot 6 $75
Draft Slot 9 $50
Draft Slot 10 $40
Draft Slot 14 $25
Draft Slot 13 $5

Another example:
Draft Slot 2 $50
Draft Slot 3 $50
Draft Slot 7 $40
Draft Slot 8 $25
Draft Slot 1 $10

Yet another example:
Draft Slot 1 $950
Draft Slot 2 $900
Draft Slot 3 $500

A final example:
Draft Slot 14 $40
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Mid-July BBDS league

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:46 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by RiFF:
I've never used the FAAB on this site; but on all the sites I've used it, you ranked your choices. That is, for example, your 1st choice is to Waive player ABC and want to pick up player DEF and your bid is $100. Your 2nd bid is to waive the same player ABC and pick up player XYZ and you bid $300. Although your 2nd choice is the highest bid, if you win your 1st choice, the 2nd is ignored because your 1st choice for player ABC was accepted. you must play in a bizarro league.

Originally posted by RiFF:
If it works the other way, that is, your highest numerical bid takes precedent (in my example $900. for position #1) over KDS; I suppose thats OK, it just wasn't the way I thought it worked. bids are in descending order.

An example of an owner’s BBDS hierarchy:
Draft Slot 1 $475
Draft Slot 2 $475
Draft Slot 3 $225
Draft Slot 8 $150
Draft Slot 7 $150
Draft Slot 4 $100
Draft Slot 5 $75
Draft Slot 6 $75
Draft Slot 9 $50
Draft Slot 10 $40
Draft Slot 14 $25
Draft Slot 13 $5

Another example:
Draft Slot 2 $50
Draft Slot 3 $50
Draft Slot 7 $40
Draft Slot 8 $25
Draft Slot 1 $10

Yet another example:
Draft Slot 1 $950
Draft Slot 2 $900
Draft Slot 3 $500

A final example:
Draft Slot 14 $40
[/QUOTE]Gekko says it all right here, BUT I do understand Riff's rationale.

If Riff (for example) loved pick #8 more than any other, knowing that picks #1-3 are the most desired, then he certainly wouldn't want to be bid #1-3 money KNOWING he can get #8 for MUCH less.

I think what RIff would need to do is put in a bid for #8 FIRST for say $60 (purely hypothetical), and then follow suit, with #1-3 in descending order knowing full well that his <60 bid won't be enough to get #1-3.

In other words, put your MOST desired spot FIRST and rank from there.

Pretty much what Gekko said, but a different voice. :D

Happy 4th to everyone!

Posts: 1444
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Mid-July BBDS league

Post by RiFF » Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:31 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by RiFF:
I've never used the FAAB on this site; but on all the sites I've used it, you ranked your choices. That is, for example, your 1st choice is to Waive player ABC and want to pick up player DEF and your bid is $100. Your 2nd bid is to waive the same player ABC and pick up player XYZ and you bid $300. Although your 2nd choice is the highest bid, if you win your 1st choice, the 2nd is ignored because your 1st choice for player ABC was accepted. you must play in a bizarro league.

Originally posted by RiFF:
If it works the other way, that is, your highest numerical bid takes precedent (in my example $900. for position #1) over KDS; I suppose thats OK, it just wasn't the way I thought it worked. bids are in descending order.

An example of an owner’s BBDS hierarchy:
Draft Slot 1 $475
Draft Slot 2 $475
Draft Slot 3 $225
Draft Slot 8 $150
Draft Slot 7 $150
Draft Slot 4 $100
Draft Slot 5 $75
Draft Slot 6 $75
Draft Slot 9 $50
Draft Slot 10 $40
Draft Slot 14 $25
Draft Slot 13 $5

Another example:
Draft Slot 2 $50
Draft Slot 3 $50
Draft Slot 7 $40
Draft Slot 8 $25
Draft Slot 1 $10

Yet another example:
Draft Slot 1 $950
Draft Slot 2 $900
Draft Slot 3 $500

A final example:
Draft Slot 14 $40
[/QUOTE]First, I do not believe the leagues I participated in are/were bizarro; in fact I will be surprised to find FAAB actually working any differently here. Its certainly possible you have chosen not to use it in this way, but again, I suspect it is an option.

Second the way you describe BBDS working, is as I said in an earlier post, OK I suppose; it just is limited in what it provides. Adding additional flexibility to a good idea seems to benefit the idea not diminish its usefulness. Your elementary described implementation isn't bad, its just more limited than incorporating a KDS application into it.

For example, in your first example you list:

Slot 1: $475
Slot 2: $475
Slot 3: $225
Slot 8: $150 etc. etc.

In this example if I was high bidder on both Slot 1 and Slot 3, It might be my preference to be awarded Slot 3 because it gives me both a favorable draft Slot, in addition to maintaining a higher level of FA dollars. So if this example incorporated a KDS method and my ranking was 3-1-6- etc. etc., although my highest bid
($475) was for the first 2 slots, my actual winning bid was for slot 3 because that was my first choice in the KDS option.

I do not view adding the KDS option to BBDS as being much different than what occurred this year; that is, adding the KDS option to the random selection in the Main Event.

As I said earlier, your method is OK, just as pure random selection is Ok, it is just less flexible than incorporating the KDS feature. :rolleyes:

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