Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

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Tom Kessenich
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Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:55 am

Here are the leaders in our national contests heading into Championship Week. Good luck everyone. :)

Nelson Sousa (521.4 points)

RotoWire Online Championship
John Rundle (535.68 points)

Draft Champions
Adam Mignano (3,032.15 points)

Silver Bullet
Joe Lostrangio (505.34 points)

Online Auction Championship
Brian Miller (516.92 points)

Football Challenge Roto
Blake Hahn (3,185.5 points)

Football Challenge Points
JD Canada (5,458.25 points)

NFFC 25/50
Joe Passaro (3,089.1 points)
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Tom Kessenich
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Re: Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:57 am

Nelson Sousa has moved into the top spot of the Primetime with $250,000 on the line and only ONE WEEK LEFT to play in the NFFC season. Robert Rose is in second and Jody Ryan is in third. Here are the Top 100 teams in the standings heading into Week 17:

Rank Owner Team League Draft Pos Overall Pts
1 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 19 NFFC Primetime New York 9/3 @ 1:00 pm ET #3840 12 521.4
2 Robert Rose Soldierfish NFFC Primetime Online 9/7 @ 4:00 pm ET #4231 4 508.88
3 Jody Ryan Ryan Jefferson Jones & Allen 3 NFFC Primetime New York 9/2 @ 6:00 pm ET #3932 3 503.17
4 Chris Liss Liss NFFC Primetime Online 9/7 @ 4:00 pm ET #4348 7 496.29
5 Matthew Korn Korn NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/9 @ 4:00 pm PT #4358 6 493.2
6 Kimra Schleicher Schleicher NFFC Primetime Online 9/8 @ 1:00 pm ET #4264 10 491.26
7 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams IV NFFC Primetime Online 8/23 @ 10:00 pm ET #3341 11 491.12
8 Wayne Ellis Coltsfan NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 4:00 pm PT #4346 3 491.07
9 John Pierce Fat Frankie Inc PT1 NFFC Primetime Online 8/24 @ 7:00 pm ET #3640 9 489.9
10 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams VII NFFC Primetime Online 8/20 @ 9:00 pm ET #3252 3 484.61
11 Randy Mechels Top Gun & Roses NFFC Primetime Online 9/6 @ 8:00 pm ET #4120 3 483.8
12 Joseph DiGalbo DiGalbo NFFC Primetime Online 9/7 @ 11:00 pm ET #4390 3 483.63
13 Matthew Bayley One Got Through NFFC Primetime Online 9/7 @ 8:00 pm ET #4129 2 483.56
14 Eddie Gillis Respect the Cowboy Star 2 NFFC Primetime Online 9/9 @ 8:00 pm ET #4466 2 481.1
15 Jason sumner Prime 7 NFFC Primetime Online 9/10 @ 10:00 pm ET #4577 5 480.95
16 david feinberg Team Sack NFFC Primetime Online 8/31 @ 7:00 pm ET #3973 4 479.73
17 Michael Bell Prime Wolfpack NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 4:00 pm PT #4525 10 479.33
18 Jason sumner Prime 3 NFFC Primetime Online 9/1 @ 10:00 pm ET #4078 3 478.95
19 Jack Mardesich Mardesich NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/8 @ 12:00 pm PT #4316 4 477.43
20 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams V NFFC Primetime Online 9/1 @ 10:00 pm ET #4078 2 476.9
21 Anthony Lange Lange NFFC Primetime New York 9/3 @ 1:00 pm ET #3840 5 474.01
22 Frank Marcos 4th and 19 NFFC Primetime Online 8/29 @ 10:00 pm ET #3896 4 473.17
23 Joel Kendall Lampin NFFC Primetime Online 9/10 @ 7:00 pm ET #4537 9 470.92
24 David Winkler Threat Level Midnight NFFC Primetime Online 9/6 @ 9:00 pm ET #4298 3 469.43
25 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 18 NFFC Primetime Online 9/3 @ 1:00 pm ET #4030 12 468.6
26 Matthew Bayley Huckleberry NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 4:00 pm PT #4525 2 466.46
27 SETH KAHLER KAHLER 4 NFFC Primetime Online 9/2 @ 6:00 pm ET #4012 3 465.71
28 Kyle Hillesheim Hillesheim1 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 1:00 pm PT #4387 3 463.56
29 Vlad Sedler RotoGut NFFC Primetime Online 8/26 @ 8:00 pm ET #3672 11 463.15
30 Ian Hubbard Hubbard NFFC Primetime Online 9/10 @ 7:00 pm ET #4537 4 462.92
31 matt modica pt 9.2 NFFC Primetime Online 9/2 @ 6:00 pm ET #4012 10 462.03
32 Simon Simonian Unitard Wearing Shockers NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 10:00 am PT #4336 8 461.76
33 JOSHUA DOMBROWSKI Dombrowski Bros NFFC Primetime Online 9/8 @ 4:00 pm ET #4066 8 460.98
34 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 33 NFFC Primetime Online 9/7 @ 9:00 pm ET #4148 11 460.54
35 Jeff Erickson Erickson NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (1) 9/3 @ 10:00 am PT #3907 3 460.53
36 John D`Izzia D`Izzia NFFC Primetime Online 9/7 @ 10:00 pm ET #4112 10 460.11
37 Mike Weber Weber NFFC Primetime Online 9/3 @ 10:00 pm ET #4099 5 460.01
38 Jeff Pretzer Primo 02 NFFC Primetime Online 8/30 @ 10:00 pm ET #3778 2 456.69
39 David Martino MarissChris PT1 NFFC Primetime Online 9/6 @ 10:00 pm ET #4119 3 456.3
40 JP C O U S I N S NFFC Primetime New York 9/2 @ 6:00 pm ET #3932 10 456.25
41 Scott keikoan Dallas NFFC Primetime Online 9/11 @ 9:00 am ET #4246 11 455.47
42 Mike Weber Webslingers 22' NFFC Primetime Online 8/28 @ 10:00 pm ET #3524 3 453.33
43 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams NFFC Primetime Online 9/10 @ 5:00 pm ET #4569 3 453.23
44 Paul Spiteri Mile High Club Primetime 2 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/8 @ 12:00 pm PT #4316 8 453.13
45 Philip Brubaker Terminators A2 NFFC Primetime Online 9/7 @ 8:00 pm ET #4129 8 453.06
46 Kimra Schleicher Schleicher NFFC Primetime Online 9/5 @ 10:00 pm ET #4027 8 453.01
47 Adam Kleeberg Kleeberg PT 1 NFFC Primetime Online 8/28 @ 8:00 pm ET #3784 8 452.99
48 Pat Chamberlain Nasty Prime NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/9 @ 10:00 am PT #4195 6 452.72
49 David Rimel Rimel NFFC Primetime Online 9/5 @ 2:00 pm ET #4203 9 452.49
50 Nina Dulacki Birdie Time NFFC Primetime Online 9/8 @ 4:00 pm ET #4066 10 452.29
51 Glenn Schroter King of Queens NFFC Primetime Online 9/5 @ 7:00 pm ET #4318 7 451.69
52 MARK GILKEY GILKEY NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/7 @ 8:00 pm PT #4116 7 451.55
53 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams II NFFC Primetime Online 9/6 @ 10:00 pm ET #4119 11 451.44
54 Lawrence Schechter Air Lar NFFC Primetime Online 9/10 @ 1:00 pm ET #4378 5 451.42
55 Clark Olson Flying Spaghetti Monsters NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 10:00 am PT #4335 6 451.31
56 Scott keikoan Buffalo NFFC Primetime Online 8/21 @ 9:00 pm ET #3161 7 450.46
57 MARK FIERER FIERER NFFC Primetime Online 8/24 @ 7:00 pm ET #3640 4 450.37
58 Marc Winokur Sweat Calf NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/8 @ 2:00 pm PT #4182 9 450.03
59 Joseph DiGalbo DiGalbo NFFC Primetime New York 9/3 @ 4:00 pm ET #3841 12 449.74
60 Oliver Dawoud Miss New Booty NFFC Primetime Online 9/6 @ 9:00 pm ET #4400 11 448.49
61 Peter Berall Philbys Prime - 1 NFFC Primetime Online 9/1 @ 8:00 pm ET #3798 5 446.73
62 Matthew Bayley Last Full Measure NFFC Primetime Online 9/11 @ 9:00 am ET #4246 3 446.7
63 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams VIII NFFC Primetime Online 9/4 @ 10:00 pm ET #4011 1 446.26
64 Alan Narz BigLeagueCards NFFC Primetime Online 9/4 @ 8:00 pm ET #4178 4 445.76
65 Ofir Ventura Ventura NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 10:00 am PT #4337 12 444.26
66 MARK FIERER FIERER NFFC Primetime Online 8/22 @ 7:00 pm ET #3501 7 444.22
67 Dan Worthington JD Cube1 NFFC Primetime Online 8/28 @ 10:00 pm ET #3524 8 443.76
68 Michael Edelman Incredible Hulking Us LV6 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 7:00 pm PT #4228 1 443.75
69 Louis Weber WEBS PT 3 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/9 @ 10:00 am PT #4195 11 443.07
70 John Pausma JP PT4 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 1:00 pm PT #4387 11 442.97
71 TIMOTHY TAIEB PRIMETIME NFFC Primetime Online 9/9 @ 10:00 pm ET #4515 8 442.79
72 Thomas Deering Diego Bros NFFC Primetime Online 9/8 @ 5:00 pm ET #4209 6 442.39
73 Matthew Bredin Young Lions NFFC Primetime Online 9/3 @ 10:00 pm ET #4099 3 441.83
74 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 34 NFFC Primetime Online 9/7 @ 10:00 pm ET #4112 3 441.74
75 Douglas Gruber Dougs Dawgs 2 NFFC Primetime Online 9/4 @ 9:00 pm ET #4026 7 441.49
76 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 3 NFFC Primetime Online 8/22 @ 7:00 pm ET #3501 11 441.48
77 chris corcoran theillmessiah pt-2 NFFC Primetime Online 9/5 @ 7:00 pm ET #4318 9 441.12
78 Henry Muto Cobras NFFC Primetime Online 9/9 @ 5:00 pm ET #4527 11 440.03
79 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams X NFFC Primetime Online 9/8 @ 5:00 pm ET #4209 8 439.82
80 Dennis Verducci Knock on Wood 3 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 10:00 am PT #4334 3 439.81
81 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams VI NFFC Primetime Online 8/25 @ 8:00 pm ET #3704 2 439.7
82 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams XII NFFC Primetime Online 9/10 @ 10:00 pm ET #4577 8 439.65
83 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 23 NFFC Primetime Online 9/4 @ 9:00 pm ET #4026 10 439.57
84 Brad Petri Frying Pan Inc 2 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 7:00 pm PT #4228 2 439.23
85 Jason sumner Prime 5 NFFC Primetime Online 9/7 @ 8:00 pm ET #4128 2 438.82
86 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 26 NFFC Primetime Online 9/5 @ 7:00 pm ET #4028 6 438.5
87 Rashad Cobb Cobb Nation 30 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 10:00 am PT #4334 6 437.6
88 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams III NFFC Primetime Online 8/21 @ 9:00 pm ET #3161 1 437.51
89 Michael Edelman Incredible Hulking Us LV5 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 4:00 pm PT #4525 9 437.03
90 Dominic Mignano Iron Mike Tyson NFFC Primetime New York 9/3 @ 4:00 pm ET #3841 6 436.13
91 James Milkowski The Grand Illusion P.T. 2 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 4:00 pm PT #4346 4 436.07
92 Michael O'Brien Cheddarheads PT6 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 1:00 pm PT #4386 10 435.23
93 Danny Mueller Lombardi Time J NFFC Primetime Online 8/31 @ 10:00 pm ET #3971 7 435.15
94 Paul Spiteri Mile High Club Primetime 3 NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/8 @ 2:00 pm PT #4182 10 434.91
95 john rozek The Champs NFFC Primetime Online 9/10 @ 1:00 pm ET #4378 7 434.54
96 Scott Stauffer Out of the Shadows V NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 10:00 am PT #4335 1 434.29
97 Mike Santos Coyote Miscreants NFFC Primetime Online 8/28 @ 10:00 pm ET #3524 6 434.28
98 Bradley Shairson Shairson NFFC Primetime Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 10:00 am PT #4336 11 434.03
99 Billy Wasosky FF GURU OLP2 - BWAZ NFFC Primetime Online 8/29 @ 8:00 pm ET #3793 8 433.62
100 Clark Olson Flying Spaghetti Monsters NFFC Primetime Online 8/31 @ 10:00 pm ET #3971 4 433.34
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Tom Kessenich
Posts: 30294
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:59 am

John Rundle has the top spot in the RotoWire Online Championship with Week 17 just two days away. Ryan Winn is in second while Brett Giglio is in third. Here are the Top 200 teams in the overall standings heading into the final week of the NFFC season:

Rank Owner Team League Draft Pos Overall Pts
1 John Rundle Townies Rotowire Online Championship #3408 3 535.68
2 Ryan Winn Winning Ugly 2 Rotowire Online Championship #4136 6 524.24
3 Brett Giglio Giglio Rotowire Online Championship #2887 3 522.08
4 Mike Schlissberg Yellow Stickers and Red Ducks2 Rotowire Online Championship #4247 3 520.21
5 Will Hobbs RO43 1 8 16 Rotowire Online Championship #3209 1 517.79
6 Scott Wieland Soupdogs Rotowire Online Championship #3706 6 513.93
7 Wayne Ellis Coltsfan Rotowire Online Championship #3383 9 512.69
8 Curtis Hirsch Fairways & Greens OC VII Rotowire Online Championship #2563 8 511.63
9 Robert Sigle Sigle_RotoOnline16 Rotowire Online Championship #3742 2 510.59
10 Harvey Cohen Cohen Rotowire Online Championship #4493 5 509.32
11 Chris Fernquist Fernquist Rotowire Online Championship #4580 3 508.99
12 Zachary Waxman Waxman Rotowire Online Championship #3009 10 508.46
13 Ron Egli Sweet Briar Creek Rotowire Online Championship #2332 9 505.8
14 Joe Kalinowski Bayside Tigers 2 Rotowire Online Championship #4491 6 503.07
15 Bradley Willis Four-Con Conclusion Rotowire Online Championship #518 6 500.86
16 LEE MUSKEWITZ MuskyZipper10 Rotowire Online Championship #4549 7 500.02
17 MICHAEL PORRECA MP1 Rotowire Online Championship #4218 4 498.45
18 John Riccio Longjohns OC3 Rotowire Online Championship #3233 6 498
19 MICHAEL KROGER Golf4life99 Rotowire Online Championship #3970 5 496.41
20 Jordan Ramirez ElGreatRambino I Rotowire Online Championship #972 7 496.04
21 BRANDON SIMS SIMS Rotowire Online Championship #4251 10 496.01
21 James Harrison Mild Dumpster Fire 9 Rotowire Online Championship #1692 9 496.01
23 Thomas Knox Foolish Pleasure Rotowire Online Championship #3583 11 495.86
24 MIKE KUZMA KUZMA9 Rotowire Online Championship #2213 2 495.61
25 ZACHARY KING KING Rotowire Online Championship #3983 3 494.58
26 Robert Sigle Sigle_RotoOnlineZ Rotowire Online Championship #3307 3 494.36
27 Ron Stewart SHREK 1 Rotowire Online Championship #4531 4 493.81
28 Dominic Mignano American Pharoah Rotowire Online Championship #2444 11 491.7
29 Eric Lundquist GCEL Sports 5 Rotowire Online Championship #4541 4 490.91
30 ERIC JESSELL JESSELL Rotowire Online Championship #4520 6 488.71
31 Tom Zarogiannos Catch Us If You Can Rotowire Online Championship #4081 3 486.47
32 Gary Foster Foster Rotowire Online Championship #3994 4 486.06
33 Steve Shumway Rakkasans 1 Rotowire Online Championship #1274 3 485.61
34 Don Medlam TopGunsDC3 Rotowire Online Championship #1731 5 484.51
35 Eric Jensen Fistercuffs OC4 Rotowire Online Championship #938 10 484.05
36 Duke Viveros MANKIND NATION Rotowire Online Championship #2098 6 483.95
37 Duke Viveros MANKIND NATION Rotowire Online Championship #3720 3 483.54
38 Duke Viveros MANKIND NATION Rotowire Online Championship #1559 6 483.1
39 Kristopher Carroll ROC-6 Rotowire Online Championship #2167 6 482.53
40 Michael Cole ALABAMA ABANDONED Rotowire Online Championship #2213 3 482.4
41 DUSTIN SEIDMAN SEIDMAN Rotowire Online Championship #4059 2 482.39
42 Theo Gremminger Gremminger-Williamson Rotowire Online Championship #464 3 482.04
43 RYAN CURRIER RippleEffect Rotowire Online Championship #4491 3 482.03
44 Guillaume Lalonde Lalonde Rotowire Online Championship #3795 4 481.66
45 Ronald Householder Householder Rotowire Online Championship #2407 12 480.85
46 GEORGE LOVE love Rotowire Online Championship #3876 1 480.76
47 Kevin Proctor Throwbacks 8 Rotowire Online Championship #4144 1 480.7
48 Marc Meltzer Two84Gators&Sons Online3 Rotowire Online Championship #4225 6 480.58
49 Nelson Sousa The Franchise Rotowire Online Championship #694 4 480.26
50 Adam Smith Oak Town Hoosiers Rotowire Online Championship #3552 8 480.08
51 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 59 Rotowire Online Championship #2861 12 479.79
52 Chris Vettraino We Suck Again! Rotowire Online Championship #4087 5 479.49
53 Eddie Gillis Googly Eyes EJ 4 Rotowire Online Championship #3642 3 479.48
54 Kimra Schleicher Schleicher Rotowire Online Championship #3214 5 479.41
55 Kendell Banks Banks Rotowire Online Championship #4144 6 478.99
56 PHILLIP DESALVO DESALVO2 Rotowire Online Championship #2879 2 478.92
57 Bill Cook StarfishMN Rotowire Online Championship #2979 3 478.7
58 YI WANG Muslim Picard Rotowire Online Championship #4551 9 478.65
59 Ray Pelleane The pylon sniffers Rotowire Online Championship #694 6 478.53
60 Dan Leonard DL ROC 24 Rotowire Online Championship #4320 5 478.06
61 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 87 Rotowire Online Championship #3439 11 477.73
62 Tj Tooz Rough Justice OC1 Rotowire Online Championship #2626 2 477.6
63 Dale Swihart BEAT THE BEAST Rotowire Online Championship #1419 4 477.07
64 Kyle Denny Denny Rotowire Online Championship #4287 2 476.86
65 Ron Stewart The King of New York Rotowire Online Championship #3699 6 476.73
66 john rozek The Champs Rotowire Online Championship #1658 12 476.6
67 MICHAEL SOSNOWSKI MSos-2 Rotowire Online Championship #2161 6 476.56
68 robert cramutola ROC-16 Rotowire Online Championship #2905 2 476.4
69 william Vittone Triple VVV Rotowire Online Championship #3795 6 476.33
70 Jim Christie Lunatic Fringe OLC I Rotowire Online Championship #2251 7 476.3
71 Thomas Knox Spend a Buck Rotowire Online Championship #2231 7 476.26
72 Kevin Barnaby Scruf1118 Rotowire Online Championship #1627 7 476.23
73 Ryan Turner Turner Rotowire Online Championship #1758 7 475.43
74 Michael Sosnowski MSos-31-withEJCH Rotowire Online Championship #3781 5 475.32
75 Daniel Rinaldi Gameday3 Rotowire Online Championship #3924 8 475.29
76 Ron Kraus Kraus Rotowire Online Championship #3740 5 475.09
77 Josh Drisko Drisko Rotowire Online Championship #2438 3 475.07
78 ZACHARY KING KING Rotowire Online Championship #4531 5 475
79 Mattias Fulkerson Madman Mundt Rotowire Online Championship #4482 8 474.78
80 John Wong No Name Rotowire Online Championship #4477 5 474.32
81 Karen Angone Angone1 Rotowire Online Championship #4297 7 474.25
82 Carlos Perez The South Onterio Cream Rotowire Online Championship #2135 7 473.27
83 JORDAN MAZZARA Mazz Rotowire Online Championship #3946 4 473.21
84 Jayson Pope Circle the Wagons Rotowire Online Championship #3386 3 473.19
85 Dale Swihart GABESTER Rotowire Online Championship #2636 7 473.06
86 Jonathan Kent Pinball Wizards Rotowire Online Championship #4198 3 472.9
87 Jon Dowdy RUFFIANS Rotowire Online Championship #3889 1 472.76
88 Alexander Grace Grace Rotowire Online Championship #4102 4 472.55
89 Rick Needy Needy Rotowire Online Championship #4570 7 472.09
90 john rozek The Champs Rotowire Online Championship #2139 7 471.45
91 Tim Eichten Ike Rotowire Online Championship #3268 4 471.44
92 john rozek The Champs Rotowire Online Championship #783 11 471.32
93 Kyle Franky BX Bomber 3 Rotowire Online Championship #4237 8 471.09
93 Nathan Heisler HSLR Rotowire Online Championship #3879 7 471.09
95 Robert Sigle Sigle_RotoOnline17 Rotowire Online Championship #3766 6 471
96 billy nathan fLyErS42o Rotowire Online Championship #4059 4 470.95
97 Andrew Lu Cosmo Ghost Donkeys Rotowire Online Championship #3448 1 470.88
98 john rozek The Champs Rotowire Online Championship #2364 8 470.83
99 Terry Wells Wells Rotowire Online Championship #4290 6 470.62
100 Stephen Bennette Bennette Rotowire Online Championship #4501 5 470.42
101 Thomas Kay Darkstar Dragons Rotowire Online Championship #972 9 470.26
102 Greg Lathrop Blitzzz zzz Rotowire Online Championship #4588 2 469.79
103 MICHAEL SIMMONS Highlanders Rotowire Online Championship #3877 5 469.52
104 Robert Sigle Sigle_RotoOnline7 Rotowire Online Championship #3342 6 469.49
105 john rozek The Champs Rotowire Online Championship #2004 7 469.33
106 Eric Jensen Fistercuffs OC12 Rotowire Online Championship #1627 5 468.85
107 Christopher Vaccaro GST OLC9 Rotowire Online Championship #2332 10 468.66
108 Dominic Mignano Assault Rotowire Online Championship #3409 9 468.44
109 Mike Labas Toe Jam Football Rotowire Online Championship #4482 6 467.81
110 DUANE SCHMOYER LOOT TAKERS 4 Rotowire Online Championship #2362 11 467.59
111 Wayne Ellis Coltsfan Rotowire Online Championship #2979 9 467.56
112 Steven Merrifield Steven Squared Rotowire Online Championship #464 6 467.49
113 Frank Mammola Blackhand OL3 Rotowire Online Championship #2603 7 467.44
114 Robert Sigle Sigle_RotoOnline3 Rotowire Online Championship #2701 7 467.34
115 Jodicus Prosser Late Night Boredom Rotowire Online Championship #2965 6 467.31
116 Brett Giglio Giglio Rotowire Online Championship #3129 10 467.19
117 JESSE HUDSON Beaver Ball 3 Rotowire Online Championship #3409 8 466.78
118 Daniel Goolsby Goolsby Cohen Rotowire Online Championship #3956 8 466.52
119 Chris Kirby Kirby Rotowire Online Championship #3421 7 465.98
120 KEVIN KIRVES GOOMBAAH Rotowire Online Championship #4414 10 464.57
121 Dominic Mignano Seattle Slew Rotowire Online Championship #2471 10 464.45
122 Robert Sigle Sigle_RotoOnline22 Rotowire Online Championship #4238 6 464.33
123 Jeremy La Tour Longshothero23 Rotowire Online Championship #3352 10 464.28
124 JAMES WILSON The Nati Ninja* Roto 3 Rotowire Online Championship #1600 5 464.18
125 Hugo Nolet Nolet Rotowire Online Championship #4081 4 464.11
126 Dominic Mignano Beau Monde Rotowire Online Championship #3791 9 463.88
127 jeremy lyons Sir Purr All Stars 7.0 Rotowire Online Championship #4217 7 463.78
128 Daniel Clark Blood Sweat & Beers Rotowire Online Championship #3396 7 463.75
129 Mike Sanda Sandman & Ralph 2 Rotowire Online Championship #3448 10 463.54
130 Duke Viveros MANKIND NATION Rotowire Online Championship #1584 9 463.48
131 Joe Kalinowski Bayside Tigers 4 Rotowire Online Championship #4538 12 463.45
132 Ronald Householder Householder Rotowire Online Championship #2824 4 463.38
133 Mike Sanda Sandman 18 Rotowire Online Championship #2563 9 463.36
134 Mike Sanda Sandman 26 Rotowire Online Championship #3171 9 463.04
135 Scott keikoan Berriman Rotowire Online Championship #3129 9 462.99
136 John Hemberger Scuderia Ferrari Rotowire Online Championship #2993 2 462.97
137 Dan Leonard DL ROC 16 Rotowire Online Championship #3421 10 462.87
138 James Harrison Fat Drunk & Stupid 5 Rotowire Online Championship #1677 9 462.64
139 Scott Cohen Screaming Ducks 2 Rotowire Online Championship #3953 7 462.53
140 Stephen Ranaghan ESR1OC Rotowire Online Championship #4100 8 462.09
141 Anthony Mayhan Whiskey Priest IV Rotowire Online Championship #3730 9 462.08
142 Jason Anthony Booms OC IX Rotowire Online Championship #3766 11 462.03
143 Ryan Turner Turner Rotowire Online Championship #1667 2 461.99
144 Nelson Sousa The Franchise 30 Rotowire Online Championship #2161 7 461.95
145 Bradley Willis Bengal Ball Rotowire Online Championship #2556 4 461.82
146 Vlad Sedler Gut OC VII Rotowire Online Championship #2671 11 461.78
147 James Harrison Projected to finish 11th x6 Rotowire Online Championship #2645 3 461.69
148 william hare PiranHas Sunset IV Rotowire Online Championship #757 5 461.04
149 Jason Trzcinka JT OC2 Rotowire Online Championship #1855 7 460.83
150 Tim Eichten Ike Rotowire Online Championship #1292 7 460.8
151 Dan Williamson Over-Hyped Sleeper OC2 Rotowire Online Championship #4561 6 460.62
152 Dante Roccasecca Dumpster Fire2 Rotowire Online Championship #3042 6 460.51
153 Jack Haan The Chosen OC 1 Rotowire Online Championship #1172 7 460.4
154 DEREK KAPPES dkappes Rotowire Online Championship #2098 9 460.29
155 Duke Viveros MANKIND NATION Rotowire Online Championship #1389 4 460.06
156 Will Hobbs RO32 3 7 24 Rotowire Online Championship #2139 3 459.9
157 Dominic Mignano Street Sense Rotowire Online Championship #4469 10 459.68
158 Clint Stealey Livewires Rotowire Online Championship #4414 9 459.51
159 Adam Greenberg Alsancak Rotowire Online Championship #4574 5 459.22
160 Tony Notaro Moola for Julia 2 Rotowire Online Championship #2391 5 459.14
161 James Tracy Live and Let Die Rotowire Online Championship #3669 3 458.85
162 Christopher Vaccaro GST OLC3 Rotowire Online Championship #1774 9 458.63
163 Richard Woodward Mad Dawgs Rotowire Online Championship #1996 8 458.51
164 Michael Cole ALABAMA ABANDONED Rotowire Online Championship #2742 5 458.46
165 LEE MUSKEWITZ MuskyZipper4 Rotowire Online Championship #3530 8 458.33
166 Nicholi Knutson Daniel Bateman Rotowire Online Championship #1841 1 458.28
167 Danny Mueller Mueller Rotowire Online Championship #2198 6 458.19
168 Thomas Greenwald Valhalla of Decadence OC1 Rotowire Online Championship #3730 4 457.88
169 derrick stoudymire The Last Draftbender 1901 Rotowire Online Championship #4061 6 457.84
170 Matthew Shepherd MORONS 9 Rotowire Online Championship #2556 11 457.83
171 Ken Gill Gill Rotowire Online Championship #2939 2 457.81
172 Kellen Arneson Arneson Rotowire Online Championship #4541 11 457.61
173 derrick stoudymire The Last Draftbender 1812 Rotowire Online Championship #2910 11 457.33
174 winston guest The Mar-A-Lardo Mole Rotowire Online Championship #2955 9 457.26
175 Jared Daniels Street Profits!!! Rotowire Online Championship #2968 2 457.1
176 DAVID HEROUX Tigers Rotowire Online Championship #3791 6 457.09
177 Christopher Surawski BillsMafia Rotowire Online Championship #3814 2 456.84
178 Eric Parker Parker Rotowire Online Championship #3953 4 456.75
179 Will Sisco Sisco Rotowire Online Championship #4477 10 456.61
180 John Riccio Longjohns OC1 Rotowire Online Championship #2444 5 456.58
181 Patrick Schaeffer Schaeffer Rotowire Online Championship #3994 9 456.29
182 Kristopher Carroll ROC-10 Rotowire Online Championship #4522 1 456.26
183 Bradley Shairson Uncle Chance's Pancakes Rotowire Online Championship #4185 9 456.25
184 robert cramutola ROC-8 Rotowire Online Championship #2054 9 456.24
185 Spencer Sharp Sharp Rotowire Online Championship #2607 7 456.19
186 Michael Sosnowski MSos-33 Rotowire Online Championship #3939 4 456.05
187 Eric Heberlig 4th and 26 Rotowire Online Championship #4103 3 456.01
188 Matthew Shepherd 3 MORONS Rotowire Online Championship #3220 8 455.94
189 Kimra Schleicher Schleicher Rotowire Online Championship #3421 3 455.87
190 John Riccio Longjohns OC2 Rotowire Online Championship #2561 6 455.59
191 john rozek The Champs Rotowire Online Championship #1043 3 455.47
192 Daniel Prepas Prepas Rotowire Online Championship #2896 3 455.4
193 James Tracy As Tears Go By Rotowire Online Championship #3916 2 455.19
194 Tyler Johnson Johnson Rotowire Online Championship #4421 5 454.84
195 Robert Sigle Sigle_RotoOnline12 Rotowire Online Championship #3603 2 454.76
196 Joey Brown Dilly Dilly OC 2 Rotowire Online Championship #3184 5 454.71
197 Robert Sigle Sigle_RotoOnline21 Rotowire Online Championship #4184 7 454.68
198 Aaron Ploshnick Ploshnick Rotowire Online Championship #2495 9 454.48
199 Christopher Vaccaro GST OLC15 Rotowire Online Championship #2861 11 454.47
200 Michael Sosnowski KJTeam-1Msos-9 Rotowire Online Championship #2824 5 454.42
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Tom Kessenich
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Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:05 am

Adam Mignano has moved back into the lead in the Draft Champions after Week 16. Frank Greenridge is in second while Andy Saxton is now in third place. Here are the Top 200 teams in the standings heading into Week 17:

Rank Owner Team League Draft Pos Overall Pts
1 Adam Mignano Night Gathers $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4317 5 3,032.15
2 Frank Greenidge Greenidge $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3163 10 3,028.10
3 Andy Saxton Saxton DC 5 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3317 5 3,021.95
4 Kevin Wheeler Wheeler $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3444 6 3,013.65
5 Alexander Resch Resch $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4353 3 3,006.15
6 Krin Kay Nice Suit $400 Best Ball Draft Championship #2130 1 2,970.85
7 robert cramutola DC-1 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1471 7 2,970.30
8 Darren Newberry Ithaca Bombers 21 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3786 2 2,960.35
9 Chris Marvin Winter is Coming 1 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1283 12 2,951.75
10 J.R. Walsh Walsh $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4585 10 2,949.75
11 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2758 11 2,946.40
12 Chris Marvin Hurricane $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2087 3 2,944.75
13 Wade Ellis TallCorn Cobras IV $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2758 8 2,944.45
14 Chris Eibl Eibl $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1034 7 2,943.65
15 Scott Wieland Soupdogs $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3538 4 2,941.55
16 Aaron Jones Jones $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4002 3 2,938.25
17 Matthew Falkow Roster Wizards $400 Best Ball Draft Championship #3208 9 2,935.60
18 Tom Stevens Limited Information $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2374 7 2,935.20
19 derrick stoudymire The Last Draftbender 312 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #190 4 2,934.15
20 Ryan Lease Lease $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4553 11 2,931.50
21 Parnelli Baker Mixon Bowl $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #520 11 2,930.25
22 Robert Goldman Gold Man DC1 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2039 8 2,926.10
23 JOSEPH GOTT GOTT $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1094 12 2,925.60
24 DONALD SOUTHARD Lambeau Leapers BB I $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3206 7 2,924.30
25 Brian Edwards @NotBrianEdwards DC8 7.18 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1937 3 2,922.40
26 Peyton Dearborn Dearborn $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3306 8 2,921.90
27 Frank Mammola Blackhand 150 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #301 9 2,920.45
28 Jeff O'Dell O'Dell 901L $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4076 3 2,919.50
29 Bill Cook StarfishMN $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1551 12 2,917.00
29 Artemus Ham Browne-Ham $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3612 4 2,917.00
31 Ken Seeger Seeger $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3632 3 2,911.85
32 Darren Newberry Ithaca Bombers 1 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1551 9 2,906.75
33 Joe Iaboni The Three Stooges $400 Best Ball Draft Championship #2695 10 2,905.05
34 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #710 4 2,903.35
35 Aaron Jones Jones $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3369 8 2,902.05
36 Andy Saxton Saxton DC 2 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2830 6 2,900.55
37 Darren Newberry Ithaca Bombers 8 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2493 12 2,899.40
38 Chris Eibl Eibl $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #339 8 2,896.45
39 Kyle Tebelman The London System $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4020 1 2,892.55
40 David Hinkel Mob Ghosts $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4255 4 2,890.75
41 Darren Newberry Ithaca Bombers 3 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1840 5 2,889.10
42 Jeff Odell ODell 226 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #77 12 2,888.50
43 Billy Wasosky DC Assassin 10 - BWAZ $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1126 10 2,888.05
44 Parnelli Baker Apolo Creed $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1385 6 2,886.15
45 Parnelli Baker The Joker $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3334 5 2,884.20
46 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3506 3 2,883.60
47 WILLIAM LOW Ohio Thunder $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4389 4 2,883.25
48 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1821 3 2,882.30
49 Chris Eibl Rex Grossman 4Real $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #951 9 2,881.05
50 Richard Polan RAPVII $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4092 12 2,880.70
51 Matthew Greene Pitter Patter $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3884 6 2,878.05
52 Negie Marucci III Marucci III $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4255 12 2,875.60
53 Bill Cook StarfishMN $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3760 8 2,874.35
54 jared stein stein $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4307 10 2,874.25
55 Adrian Quintana 42 BFGs $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #130 7 2,873.80
56 wilson moy dont blow a Gaskin $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #375 11 2,872.00
57 Jeff O'Dell O'Dell 816L $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3206 3 2,871.25
58 Jason sumner sumner $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3204 1 2,871.05
59 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1919 7 2,870.10
60 Dean Nicholson Lion Bastards $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4307 5 2,866.45
61 Kevin Hudson Hud BB-6 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3779 6 2,864.40
62 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2115 6 2,863.00
63 Matt Newman Newman $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2954 10 2,860.05
64 Parnelli Baker Baker $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1713 11 2,859.10
65 Gary Fisher Fisher $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3335 6 2,857.30
66 KENNETH BAGDONAS BAGDONAS $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2830 10 2,856.00
67 Andrew Lu Imperial Palace VIPs $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1131 10 2,855.85
68 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3392 3 2,854.70
69 Chris Eibl Eibl $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1426 4 2,854.20
70 Terry Simmons 6pkabs $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2803 2 2,854.15
71 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3574 10 2,850.60
72 Joseph Dieffenbach Movin Da Chainz $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3867 10 2,850.20
73 William Meetze Meetze $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3434 10 2,849.50
74 Kwandell Dyer Waddling down the Hill $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2890 2 2,849.30
75 Joe Kruk Kruk $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4186 5 2,844.90
76 Mark Srebro Srebro $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3867 4 2,844.80
77 Christopher Volo Volo $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3613 11 2,844.60
78 John Wong No Name $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3957 3 2,843.90
79 Joe Passaro EASY GOER $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1088 7 2,843.30
80 Christopher Daughtry Daughtry $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2341 5 2,843.10
81 Wayne Ellis Coltsfan $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2048 9 2,843.00
82 Wayne Ellis Coltsfan $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2925 4 2,841.60
83 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2548 4 2,840.80
84 Jordan Epping Jordy's DC $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #633 8 2,840.55
85 Kevin Wheeler Wheeler $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3654 10 2,840.35
86 Aaron Jones Jones $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4186 11 2,839.70
87 Frank Matsko BB5 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2553 10 2,839.20
88 Russell Reisner Balco Prairie Dogs XXVI $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3613 10 2,838.35
89 JEFFREY MOORE MOORE $400 Best Ball Draft Championship #4054 10 2,838.15
90 David Webber DWsRaiders 26 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1385 3 2,837.95
91 Mike Santos Santos $400 Best Ball Draft Championship #2432 2 2,837.35
92 Andrew Lu Average Joes $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1678 9 2,837.30
93 Chris Eibl Rex Grossman $400 Best Ball Draft Championship #2695 3 2,835.35
94 Matt McClure McClure $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3163 12 2,834.45
95 Matthew Pella Pella $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #939 12 2,832.70
96 Darren Newberry Ithaca Bombers 23 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3906 6 2,832.35
97 Paul Spradling Magicspirit $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #190 12 2,832.30
97 Chris Gomes Mr. 305 FUPA $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2530 7 2,832.30
99 Philip Glukhovsky Glukhovsky $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1186 2 2,832.15
100 Steven Merrifield Chase.LF Eagles Dolphins Jets $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1968 7 2,832.10
101 William freeman freeman $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4092 5 2,831.30
102 scott woltemath woltemath $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2411 8 2,830.50
103 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $400 Best Ball Draft Championship #3662 4 2,830.05
104 Gerard Ciccone Ciccone $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3394 12 2,829.90
105 Aaron Jones Jones $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2890 10 2,828.60
106 GREGORY YOUNGBERG Smash1239 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4283 12 2,827.60
107 Philip Glukhovsky Glukhovsky $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1070 7 2,825.95
108 Tj Tooz Rough Justice BB7 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3676 11 2,824.90
109 Kenneth Morita Mean Machine BB29 75 HEN PMKC* $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3626 11 2,823.25
110 Michael Opalski Opalski $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3306 4 2,822.60
111 Billy Wasosky DC Assassin 17 - BWAZ $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2149 2 2,822.10
112 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1821 9 2,821.65
113 Alan Nhgo Nhgo $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2003 9 2,821.45
114 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3354 11 2,820.80
115 Tony Albertino Albertino $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3261 11 2,820.25
116 Frank Mammola Blackhand 150 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #483 2 2,820.10
117 David Webber DWsRaiders 4 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #91 4 2,819.90
118 Daniel Seeberger Seek Therapy $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4092 8 2,819.15
119 Timothy Krebs Krebs $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3616 3 2,818.95
120 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4536 11 2,818.75
121 Mark Szatkowski Skiballin $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1219 10 2,818.70
122 Brian Edwards @NotBrianEdwards DC1 6.13 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1186 11 2,818.35
123 Matt Hallstrom Tuddy Time 1 BestBallChamp150 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2473 11 2,817.90
124 Aaron Jones Jones $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2642 7 2,817.75
125 Daniel Seeberger Cheat 2 Win $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4114 10 2,817.00
126 Rod Lurie Hunter's Rangers $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1448 3 2,816.75
127 Jeff O'Dell O'Dell 606 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1070 1 2,816.15
128 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3434 12 2,816.05
129 Tyler Miller Miller $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4096 6 2,815.80
130 Jack Kitchen Lets Go Brandon! $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1708 3 2,815.60
131 Neal Compton Fordham Baldies11 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4487 9 2,814.50
132 David Webber DWsRaiders 32 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1769 2 2,814.20
133 Justin Silverstein Blue Bombers $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2925 2 2,813.55
134 Michael Pennywark This Dingo Ate Your Baby! $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2225 7 2,812.40
135 Mike Santos Santos $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #229 7 2,811.35
136 Nate Anderson Tim McGraw $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #731 4 2,810.25
137 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $400 Best Ball Draft Championship #3208 5 2,809.75
138 zachary peterson peterson $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2274 2 2,809.65
139 Frank Mammola Blackhand 150 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #179 3 2,808.70
140 Daniel Degrasse Degrasse $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3646 8 2,808.50
141 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3306 2 2,808.10
142 Mark Szatkowski Skiballin $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #520 10 2,808.00
143 Darren Emma The Chosen Ones DC5 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1063 12 2,807.45
144 Aaron Jones Jones $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1461 12 2,807.30
145 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3452 6 2,806.75
146 Biplab Mandal Bipcoin $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1539 3 2,805.55
147 Jeff Clampitt Clampitt $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #115 10 2,805.25
148 Jon Besancon Bashed a Bloke $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4307 12 2,805.15
149 Aaron Jones Jones $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1713 7 2,803.00
150 Jeff O'Dell O'Dell 813L $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2925 12 2,802.55
151 Kenneth Enfield Enfield $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4283 5 2,799.85
152 Bryan Daniels Daniels $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3452 8 2,799.75
153 Robert Bruno Bruno $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2977 4 2,799.35
154 Kirk LeValley LeValley $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3010 11 2,798.20
155 Jeff Odell ODell 305 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #130 12 2,797.60
156 Grant Barrick Barrick BB6 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4018 12 2,796.40
157 Michael Pennywark This Dingo Ate Your Baby!! $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2592 6 2,795.75
158 Jeff Odell ODell 418 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #454 6 2,795.60
159 Steve Fleckner Boukner DC 1 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2589 8 2,795.40
160 Craig Trowbridge Trowbridge $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3555 5 2,794.55
161 Tim Sansome Sansome DC.11 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2523 5 2,793.75
162 Tj Tooz Rough Justice BB2 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2461 9 2,793.65
163 Matthew Ramon MOFONGO POSSE DC1 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3729 12 2,792.35
164 Ted Neff Neff $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2003 10 2,792.05
165 Andrew Miller Kickoff22 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #648 6 2,791.55
166 Matthew Wills Wills DC 9 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1910 11 2,791.45
167 Matthew Shepherd DRAFTAHOLICS ANONYMOUS $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2665 6 2,790.95
168 Alexander Grace Grace $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #807 11 2,790.80
169 Kris Negus Negus $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4411 4 2,790.65
170 john rozek rozek $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #807 3 2,790.45
171 David Webber DWsRaiders 29 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1616 2 2,790.35
172 Frank Mammola Blackhand 150 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #315 11 2,790.15
172 Ryan Markowitz BB-1 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #856 3 2,790.15
174 John Bosch Bosch $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2852 8 2,789.70
175 William Marcus SumoManStuffYou $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3693 2 2,789.30
176 Jeff O'Dell O'Dell 818L $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3286 7 2,788.85
176 Robert Giese Giese $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2523 10 2,788.85
178 Darren Newberry Ithaca Bombers 11 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2792 6 2,788.70
179 Michael Zucca Zucca DC1 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #23 12 2,788.50
180 Andrew Lu Yvonnies Flea Flickers $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4435 10 2,788.00
181 KENNETH BAGDONAS BAGDONAS $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4296 12 2,787.55
182 Wayne Ellis Coltsfan $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1461 3 2,787.45
183 Aaron Hornyak Hornyak $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2523 4 2,787.10
184 James Harrison DC3 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #580 10 2,786.35
185 Matt Hallstrom Ball Don't Lie 3 - BBC150 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2453 6 2,785.80
186 Craig Clarke Buff-hello-wings 155-73 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1687 12 2,785.60
187 Devin Heesch Heesch $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4508 9 2,785.50
188 Parnelli Baker Mr T $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1298 2 2,785.15
189 Marc Perlmutter Slipstitches2 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1919 8 2,784.85
190 Eric Meza KM11 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2453 11 2,784.60
191 Alexander Grace Grace $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #1219 4 2,784.35
192 Alexander Grace Grace $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #609 4 2,784.10
193 Scott Lewis TheFantasyAce $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2300 2 2,783.75
193 David Webber DWsRaiders 37 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2427 2 2,783.75
195 Bryan Doyle Brother D $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3335 2 2,783.35
196 Frederick Burnham The Fantasy Land $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #2606 8 2,783.20
197 Mark Hartsfield LateDraft $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #4468 7 2,782.70
198 Biplab Mandal Bipcoin $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #856 12 2,782.45
199 shawn nolan SHADY13 $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3746 9 2,782.35
200 wes jones Jessicas Boyfriend $150 Best Ball Draft Championship #3136 3 2,782.05
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Tom Kessenich
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Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:07 am

Joe Lostrangio is our new leader in the Silver Bullet as we move into the final week of the NFFC season. David Rimel is in second place while Nick Franklin is now in third. Here are all the teams in the Championship Round heading into Week 17:

Rank Owner Team League Draft Pos Overall Pts
1 Joe Lostrangio D1E 4 D1S Silver Bullet Online 9/3 @ 7:00 pm ET #3905 6 505.34
2 David Rimel The Real IC Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/9 @ 1:00 pm PT #4269 9 493.47
3 Nick Franklin Franklin Silver Bullet New York 9/3 @ 7:00 pm ET #3964 6 481.2
4 Steve Grejtak Grejtak Silver Bullet Online 9/3 @ 10:00 pm ET #4137 11 479.15
5 Derek Anderson Lumpys Losers Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 1:00 pm PT #4271 4 476.73
6 Joseph Reagor Brady is the Loat 5 Silver Bullet Online 8/31 @ 9:00 pm ET #4003 4 472.36
7 Scott Waggener Waggener Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 1:00 pm PT #4271 3 471.09
8 Aaron Jones Jones Silver Bullet Online 9/9 @ 10:00 pm ET #4267 4 469.13
9 JP C O U S I N S Silver Bullet Online 9/6 @ 9:00 pm ET #4015 9 465.36
10 stephen fiore My Girlfriend Teaches Pilates Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/9 @ 7:00 pm PT #4270 3 463.91
11 Don Lacknett Lacknett Silver Bullet Online 9/6 @ 9:00 pm ET #4015 2 462.16
12 Kyle Brinkmann JK ALL THE WAY SILVER Silver Bullet Online 9/5 @ 8:00 pm ET #4363 3 460.31
13 Biplab Mandal Bipcoin Silver Bullet New York 9/3 @ 7:00 pm ET #3964 5 455.02
14 Michael Fonte Filler Silver Bullet Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/9 @ 7:00 pm PT #4270 4 449.77
15 Kristopher Carroll UnNatural Act-SB Silver Bullet Las Vegas (1) 9/3 @ 4:00 pm PT #3914 5 448.55
16 JOSHUA KATZ KATZ Silver Bullet Online 9/3 @ 10:00 pm ET #4137 5 447.86
17 john spurlock spurlock Silver Bullet Las Vegas (1) 9/3 @ 4:00 pm PT #3914 11 446.94
18 James Milkowski The Grand Illusion SilvrBullet Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 1:00 pm PT #4271 12 445.79
19 William Dandridge Purple Reign Silver Bullet Online 8/27 @ 9:00 pm ET #3614 4 444.71
20 Lane McVey McVey Silver Bullet Online 9/10 @ 1:00 pm ET #4486 4 443.45
21 Douglas Gruber Dougs Dawgs Silver Bullet Online 9/9 @ 10:00 pm ET #4267 6 440.83
22 Graham Dawick Lunkers Silver Bullet Online 8/31 @ 9:00 pm ET #4003 11 439.3
23 Chris Birchby Birchby Silver Bullet Online 8/31 @ 9:00 pm ET #4003 1 438.17
24 John Bosch Bosch Silver Bullet Online 9/7 @ 10:00 pm ET #4440 9 437.21
25 Brian Owens Owens Silver Bullet Online 9/7 @ 10:00 pm ET #4440 11 434.99
26 Wayne Ellis Coltsfan Silver Bullet Las Vegas (1) 9/3 @ 4:00 pm PT #3914 3 434.73
27 Silas Dain FatKidFromCanada Silver Bullet Online 9/8 @ 5:00 pm ET #4163 8 434.37
28 Danny Bronski Stagger Lee Silver Bullet Online 9/2 @ 11:00 pm ET #4121 8 433.84
29 Curtis Hirsch Fairways & Green Silver Silver Bullet Online 9/2 @ 11:00 pm ET #4121 10 433.7
30 Matthew Shepherd SILVER MORONS Silver Bullet Online 9/3 @ 10:00 pm ET #4137 6 433.26
31 Joseph DiGalbo DiGalbo Silver Bullet New York 9/3 @ 7:00 pm ET #3964 7 431.99
32 Mark Deming LOB Silver Bullet Online 8/30 @ 9:00 pm ET #3981 5 427.51
33 Pat Chamberlain Nasty Silver Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/9 @ 1:00 pm PT #4269 6 425.33
34 Michael Secor LoanSharx Silver Bullet Online 9/10 @ 9:00 pm ET #4565 5 423.46
35 Jeremy Wilck THE ICON Silver Bullet Online 9/5 @ 8:00 pm ET #4363 9 423.33
36 Jim Will Dead money Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/10 @ 1:00 pm PT #4271 6 421.91
37 John D`Izzia D`Izzia Silver Bullet Online 9/9 @ 10:00 pm ET #4267 7 421.38
38 Dominic Mignano Destiny is All Silver Bullet Online 9/4 @ 9:00 pm ET #4260 8 418.72
39 Brian Spears Rage Against The League SB Silver Bullet Online 9/5 @ 8:00 pm ET #4363 6 418.48
40 Ramon Valentin Dr Jerah Jones Whisky & Botox Silver Bullet New York 9/3 @ 7:00 pm ET #3964 4 416.85
41 TRAVIS STIFTER STIFTER Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/9 @ 7:00 pm PT #4270 5 416.41
42 P McD McD Silver Bullet Online 9/8 @ 5:00 pm ET #4163 10 416.05
43 Daniel Baker Baker Silver Bullet Online 8/29 @ 10:00 pm ET #3911 5 415.65
44 chris corcoran theillmessiah silver Silver Bullet Online 9/4 @ 9:00 pm ET #4260 3 414.78
45 Jeffrey Kozlowski Kozlowski Silver Bullet Online 9/10 @ 9:00 pm ET #4565 4 412.39
46 Randy Mechels Top Gun & Roses Silver Bullet Online 9/3 @ 7:00 pm ET #3905 4 409.8
47 Kurt Uhler Uhler Silver Bullet Online 9/10 @ 1:00 pm ET #4486 9 408.98
48 Douglas Romanowski Romanowski Silver Bullet Online 8/27 @ 9:00 pm ET #3614 12 408.07
49 Dan Jewett Shooter! Silver Bullet Las Vegas (2) 9/9 @ 1:00 pm PT #4269 3 402.34
50 Michael Catalano Bangerzz Silver Bullet Online 9/7 @ 10:00 pm ET #4440 4 399.61
51 Nina Dulacki Birdie Time Silver Bullet Online 9/6 @ 9:00 pm ET #4015 10 397.46
52 Kyle Pantalone Pantalone Silver Bullet Online 9/10 @ 1:00 pm ET #4486 8 396.83
53 Oliver Dawoud Miss New Booty Silver Bullet Online 9/10 @ 9:00 pm ET #4565 9 393.51
54 Justin Kueber Kueber Silver Bullet Online 8/30 @ 9:00 pm ET #3981 6 388.75
55 David Webb jason bourne silver Silver Bullet Online 8/29 @ 10:00 pm ET #3911 12 384
56 DAVID MAKOUS Bobby Ross Silver Bullet Online 9/2 @ 11:00 pm ET #4121 7 383.43
57 frank nunes nunes Silver Bullet Online 9/3 @ 7:00 pm ET #3905 3 379.21
58 Mike Sanda Sandman Silver Bullet Online 9/8 @ 5:00 pm ET #4163 2 377.55
59 Michael Zucca Zucca Silver Bullet Online 8/27 @ 9:00 pm ET #3614 11 375.75
60 James Wimmers Riverbottom Nightmares Silver Bullet Online 8/29 @ 10:00 pm ET #3911 9 356.81
61 John Pathe Truck1223 Silver Bullet Online 8/30 @ 9:00 pm ET #3981 9 349.01
62 Corey Parson Parson Silver Bullet Online 9/4 @ 9:00 pm ET #4260 10 335.3
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Tom Kessenich
Posts: 30294
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:09 am

Brian Miller has the lead in the Online Auction Championship with only one week left to play in the NFFC season. Jim Christie is in second while Mike Goodrich is in third. Here are the Top 50 teams in the standings heading into Week 17:

Rank Owner Team League Overall Pts
1 Brian Miller Miller $150 OLAC - FAAB #3747 516.92
2 Jim Christie Luny OLAC I $150 OLAC - FAAB #2384 509.7
3 mike goodrich goodrich $150 OLAC - FAAB #4506 504.72
4 john spurlock auct2 $150 OLAC - FAAB #1467 494.88
5 Mike Meadows Ekeler and Conner $150 OLAC - FAAB #2666 488.88
6 Chris Blasi CrawBla8 $150 OLAC - FAAB #2975 487.9
7 Jason Steeves Steeves $150 OLAC - FAAB #2546 487.38
8 Jordan Mohs Mohs $150 OLAC - FAAB #1625 487.34
9 Chris Blasi CrawBla10 $150 OLAC - FAAB #3773 484.34
10 Graig Crawford Mile High Mofos $150 OLAC - FAAB #1198 481.29
11 Zachary Waxman Waxman $150 OLAC - FAAB #3108 477.22
12 Joe Nowak We Dem Boyz $250 OLAC - FAAB #3446 476.02
13 Roger Gonzalez Sideline Sage $150 OLAC - FAAB #2666 475.09
14 Aaron Smith Smith $150 OLAC - FAAB #1467 472.48
15 Zachary Waxman Waxman $150 OLAC - FAAB #3637 472.26
16 Jeff Clampitt Clampitt $150 OLAC - FAAB #4074 471.7
17 Brandon Kamerman Kamerman $150 OLAC - FAAB #2924 471.33
18 Michael Zucca Zucca AU9 $250 OLAC - FAAB #3847 467.84
19 John Noeske Last One $150 OLAC - FAAB #3747 466.17
20 Kirk Norton Cee Dee Lamb Chase GOAT $150 OLAC - FAAB #2638 465.98
21 STATHI FLOOR FLOOR 'SKIN $150 OLAC - FAAB #4312 465.26
22 scott woltemath woltemath $150 OLAC - FAAB #2264 464.58
23 Ryan Aday Rayland Givens $150 OLAC - FAAB #4432 463.64
24 Neal Orr Sleepy Mommas $150 OLAC - FAAB #4432 463.41
25 Roger Gonzalez Sideline Sage $150 OLAC - FAAB #2027 461.83
26 Todd Rones Team terrible $150 OLAC - FAAB #3523 461.59
27 Timothy Sullivan Sullivan $150 OLAC - FAAB #2027 460.94
28 Eric Macaluso Lockett In My Pocket $150 OLAC - FAAB #4312 460.84
29 John Leal johnnysam $150 OLAC - FAAB #2177 460.81
30 Matthew Shepherd CHEEZDAWGZ $150 OLAC - FAAB #2540 459.5
31 Andy Saxton Saxton OLAC 6 $150 OLAC - FAAB #3475 458.78
32 Jordan Mohs Mohs $150 OLAC - FAAB #2264 455.85
33 Dale Morgan Morgan $150 OLAC - FAAB #4453 455.61
34 Brian Patterson Madness $150 OLAC - FAAB #2091 452.73
36 Tom Stevens No Talent Ass Clowns $150 OLAC - FAAB #3167 451.8
37 Stephen Diggle Diggle $150 OLAC - FAAB #4409 451.49
39 Zachary Waxman Waxman $150 OLAC - FAAB #3806 449.38
40 Graig Crawford Mile High Mofoz $150 OLAC - FAAB #3568 449.3
41 Michael Zucca Zucca AU5 $150 OLAC - FAAB #1882 449.24
42 Robert Morelli Morelli $150 OLAC - FAAB #4074 448.94
43 TIMOTHY KRUSE U R what your record says U R $150 OLAC - FAAB #4301 448.86
44 Zachary Waxman Waxman $150 OLAC - FAAB #1198 448.64
45 Brandon taylor taylor $150 OLAC - FAAB #3422 447.83
46 John Riccio Longjohns A8 $150 OLAC - FAAB #3108 447.3
47 Jordan Mohs Mohs $150 OLAC - FAAB #3475 447.04
48 Sheldon Curtis GimmeSheldo $150 OLAC - FAAB #4172 446.65
49 william hare PiranHas The Confluence IV $150 OLAC - FAAB #4453 445.26
50 LEE MUSKEWITZ MuskyZipperOLAC1 $150 OLAC - FAAB #2924 444.82
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Tom Kessenich
Posts: 30294
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:11 am

Blake Hahn continues to lead the way in the Football Challenge Roto contest after Week 16. Aaron Hornyak has the next two teams in the standings and seven teams in the Top 15. Here's a look at the Top 200 teams in the standings heading into Week 17:

Rank Owner Team League Overall Pts
1 Blake Hahn OrMuAngels Football Challenge - Roto #4584 3,185.50
2 Aaron Hornyak KCC Football Challenge - Roto #3375 3,142.50
3 Aaron Hornyak rrave Football Challenge - Roto #3432 3,114.00
4 Michael Thompson H2P Football Challenge - Roto #1496 3,094.00
5 Blake Hahn OrMuAngels II Football Challenge - Roto #4591 3,049.00
6 Bob Catsiroumpas FC Roto3 Football Challenge - Roto #3266 3,028.50
7 Aaron Hornyak Seahorse Football Challenge - Roto #3072 3,020.00
8 Aaron Hornyak Moldy Football Challenge - Roto #3650 2,995.00
9 Aaron Hornyak Two Step Football Challenge - Roto #3266 2,958.00
10 Aaron Hornyak DAL Football Challenge - Roto #4311 2,954.50
11 Tawney Lambert Lamblasters Football Challenge - Roto #3903 2,895.50
12 Aaron Hornyak Chives Football Challenge - Roto #3823 2,831.00
13 Keith Bayles NORTH DALLAS FORTY Football Challenge - Roto #4563 2,827.50
14 George Tsamis Batchagaloop Football Challenge - Roto #3903 2,812.00
15 George Tsamis Googs Football Challenge - Roto #4010 2,810.50
16 Thomas Lacks Zor's Outlaws Football Challenge - Roto #4533 2,807.50
17 Chris Maugeri Hells Angels Football Challenge - Roto #1496 2,791.00
18 Bob Catsiroumpas FC Roto1 Football Challenge - Roto #2760 2,786.00
19 Ross Bampton TSUNAMI Football Challenge - Roto #3375 2,781.00
20 Joe Manzinger Steagles Football Challenge - Roto #3823 2,779.50
21 ANTHONY BRAV Tiger Knight Football Challenge - Roto #3903 2,778.00
22 Shaun Reeb the reverend Football Challenge - Roto #2141 2,753.50
22 Aaron Hornyak Cornfield Sailors Football Challenge - Roto #4595 2,753.50
24 Aaron Hornyak PARC2 Football Challenge - Roto #1368 2,749.00
25 Macy Zajdel OSA Football Challenge - Roto #1149 2,724.50
25 Macy Zajdel ASO Football Challenge - Roto #1302 2,724.50
27 Bob Catsiroumpas FC Roto2 Football Challenge - Roto #3375 2,711.00
28 Jean-Claude Constant JMDTUFF Football Challenge - Roto #4584 2,698.00
28 Jean-Claude Constant JMDTUFF2 Football Challenge - Roto #4591 2,698.00
30 Blake Hahn OrMuAngels I Football Challenge - Roto #4563 2,697.50
31 Fred Spinder FIRST LOVE Football Challenge - Roto #3432 2,673.00
32 Richard Mcatee Mcatee Football Challenge - Roto #3823 2,669.50
33 James Sawkins Relentless Football Challenge - Roto #3903 2,666.00
34 Aaron Hornyak PHI Football Challenge - Roto #1517 2,660.00
35 Christopher Pease Chargers Football Challenge - Roto #2141 2,657.00
36 Anton Tsypkin Tsypkin Football Challenge - Roto #1149 2,640.50
37 Jeff Foster PLAY it ALL NIGHT LONG Football Challenge - Roto #4010 2,632.50
38 Greg Antine Oyoyo Football Challenge - Roto #4563 2,618.00
39 david lagattuta lagattuta Football Challenge - Roto #4438 2,608.00
40 Aaron Hornyak PARYRA Football Challenge - Roto #3903 2,598.50
41 Ralph Shapiro H. Salamanca Football Challenge - Roto #3266 2,597.50
42 Chad Faul Personal Fauls Football Challenge - Roto #1302 2,597.00
43 Patrick Bush Cobra Football Challenge - Roto #2760 2,594.00
44 Aaron Hornyak Kool-Aid Man Football Challenge - Roto #3494 2,584.50
45 Rachel Butler 4th and 20 Football Challenge - Roto #3432 2,583.50
46 Keith Wilk Wilk Football Challenge - Roto #3375 2,570.50
47 Stephen Grubbs Grubbs Football Challenge - Roto #4499 2,561.00
48 Keith Dunham AKAS2 Football Challenge - Roto #4183 2,555.50
49 Fred Grams Faith N Grace Ambassadors Football Challenge - Roto #3432 2,544.00
50 Keith Dunham AKAS Football Challenge - Roto #4010 2,540.00
51 Blaine Perra BOSS III Football Challenge - Roto #1517 2,531.00
52 Ralph Shapiro Racket Football Challenge - Roto #3072 2,529.50
53 Douglas Gruber Dougs Dawgs Football Challenge - Roto #3266 2,527.00
53 Douglas Gruber Dougs Dawgs FC Football Challenge - Roto #3072 2,527.00
55 Jeff Caywood K-wood's Krushers II Football Challenge - Roto #3823 2,522.50
56 Daniel Warner Warner Football Challenge - Roto #4563 2,518.00
57 kevin ketcherside ketcherside Football Challenge - Roto #4499 2,515.50
58 RICHARD HERBST HERBST Football Challenge - Roto #4595 2,514.50
59 James O'Connor O'Connor Football Challenge - Roto #1517 2,511.00
60 Craig Alme Dakotaboys Football Challenge - Roto #1508 2,510.50
60 Craig Alme Dakotaboys Football Challenge - Roto #1472 2,510.50
60 Craig Alme Dakotaboys Football Challenge - Roto #1446 2,510.50
63 BRIANNA HOVEY The Herd Football Challenge - Roto #1149 2,509.50
64 George Tsamis Cougs Football Challenge - Roto #4595 2,499.50
65 George Tsamis Kiki Football Challenge - Roto #4183 2,499.00
66 Shaun Reeb the reverend II Football Challenge - Roto #2480 2,494.50
67 david marcus marcus Football Challenge - Roto #4183 2,493.50
68 Sean Nugent Geddyrulz Football Challenge - Roto #4523 2,471.50
69 Daniel Kobold South Park Cows Football Challenge - Roto #3072 2,468.00
70 VINCENT DEMARCO DEMARCO Football Challenge - Roto #3494 2,464.50
71 Buddy Everett The Jack Attack I Football Challenge - Roto #3072 2,459.50
72 Joe Manzinger Monongahela Football Challenge - Roto #3494 2,459.00
73 Michael Birkett Charcs Lark Football Challenge - Roto #4438 2,455.00
74 Aaron Hornyak Charpa Football Challenge - Roto #4591 2,451.50
75 Aaron Hornyak Air Raid Football Challenge - Roto #2480 2,451.00
76 Stephen Bice B B Cars Football Challenge - Roto #4563 2,449.00
77 Leonard McElhannon McElhannon Football Challenge - Roto #1472 2,443.00
78 Byron Washington USMC II Football Challenge - Roto #4595 2,437.50
79 Steve Zottu Bradford Maulers Football Challenge - Roto #2480 2,437.00
80 Robert Olson Olson Football Challenge - Roto #2480 2,436.50
81 Joe Manzinger Ohio Football Challenge - Roto #3650 2,433.50
82 Bruce Charbonneau Nick and Joe Football Challenge - Roto #1368 2,430.00
83 jason bossaer bossaer Football Challenge - Roto #2141 2,427.50
84 Stephen Savino Duck Tales Football Challenge - Roto #4523 2,406.00
85 Craig Derby Cool like Cartman Football Challenge - Roto #1508 2,394.50
86 Aaron Hornyak Bucco Football Challenge - Roto #2141 2,376.00
87 Tom Rypel Rypel Football Challenge - Roto #1517 2,372.00
87 Tom Rypel Rypel Football Challenge - Roto #1496 2,372.00
89 Bob Fruchter Fruchter Football Challenge - Roto #3072 2,368.00
90 Anthony Unterreiner I Loves Me Some Peyton Football Challenge - Roto #4311 2,367.50
91 steve sanders Dunk Like a Pro Football Challenge - Roto #4183 2,366.00
92 Joseph Pursglove Pursglove Football Challenge - Roto #1517 2,360.50
93 Robert Manning Manning Football Challenge - Roto #4499 2,359.00
94 Brian Loar MR. GREEN JEANS Football Challenge - Roto #3432 2,357.50
95 Elliot Kite STL-Parrothead Football Challenge - Roto #4523 2,355.00
96 Matthew Shepherd HIGHLY INTELLIGENT MORONS Football Challenge - Roto #4523 2,350.50
97 Michael Stock Chief Illini Football Challenge - Roto #4563 2,346.50
98 Claude Akins A-Aron Football Challenge - Roto #4010 2,345.00
99 Aaron Hornyak CIN Football Challenge - Roto #4499 2,340.50
100 patrick Sylvester Sylvester Football Challenge - Roto #4499 2,338.00
101 Jeff Palm Palm Sunday Football Challenge - Roto #3903 2,337.50
102 Jeff Simmons Simmons Football Challenge - Roto #1472 2,336.50
103 Blaine Perra Bossman Football Challenge - Roto #1446 2,328.00
104 Charlie Schramm Schramm Football Challenge - Roto #4595 2,319.50
105 MICHELE TURPIN Pandas Football Challenge - Roto #4533 2,318.00
106 John Smochinsky Smochinsky Football Challenge - Roto #1472 2,314.50
107 Daniel Warner Warner Football Challenge - Roto #1149 2,308.00
108 John Hinck Hinck Football Challenge - Roto #3266 2,299.50
109 stephen coleman coleman Football Challenge - Roto #4523 2,291.50
110 Bill Sindoni Sindoni Football Challenge - Roto #1149 2,284.00
111 Kurt Klebba Klebba Football Challenge - Roto #2760 2,279.00
112 Joe Manzinger Allegheny Football Challenge - Roto #3432 2,277.00
113 Jeff Foster AINT that PRETTY at ALL Football Challenge - Roto #4499 2,275.50
114 Rob Burns ReIGNisKNG Football Challenge - Roto #4584 2,271.00
114 Charles Cholewczynski Polish Warriors Football Challenge - Roto #4183 2,271.00
116 THOMAS BAMFORD ballbusters Football Challenge - Roto #4584 2,265.00
117 ME Hodge Hodge Podge Football Challenge - Roto #3650 2,258.50
118 Dexter Pernell Crazy Horse Football Challenge - Roto #3432 2,254.50
119 Ralph Shapiro Us and Them Football Challenge - Roto #2760 2,253.00
120 Douglas Keilholz EDGE Football Challenge - Roto #1368 2,249.50
120 Blaine Perra Canadian Geese III Football Challenge - Roto #1472 2,249.50
122 Samuel Pursglove Sam's Steelers A Football Challenge - Roto #1472 2,247.00
123 George Henderson Henderson Football Challenge - Roto #1517 2,242.00
123 Jeff Caywood K-wood's Krushers Football Challenge - Roto #3650 2,242.00
125 Justin Eleff Quebec Dirigeables Football Challenge - Roto #4591 2,236.50
125 John Minner Minners Winners Football Challenge - Roto #3494 2,236.50
127 Chris Tegtmeyer Tegtmeyer Football Challenge - Roto #2480 2,236.00
128 Richard Rinaldo Pearls & Swine Football Challenge - Roto #3432 2,233.50
129 Brian Schmidt Schmidt Happens Football Challenge - Roto #3903 2,226.00
130 Brent Dewald Say OW Football Challenge - Roto #4533 2,223.50
131 David Ingraham del mar highlanders Football Challenge - Roto #1508 2,223.00
132 Blaine Perra BOSS II Football Challenge - Roto #1496 2,222.50
133 Tim Wolf GridIron KnightZ Football Challenge - Roto #1496 2,213.00
134 Joseph Tomaro Tomaro Football Challenge - Roto #2141 2,203.00
135 Blaine Perra Canadian Geese II Football Challenge - Roto #1508 2,199.50
136 Ryan Rever Reversal Football Challenge - Roto #4591 2,197.00
136 Ryan Rever Reversal Jr. Football Challenge - Roto #4595 2,197.00
138 Jameson Painter Painter Football Challenge - Roto #4584 2,192.00
139 Jack Pan Pan Football Challenge - Roto #1472 2,191.50
140 Blaine Perra BOSS Football Challenge - Roto #1302 2,189.50
141 Guy Stillings Roster Reruns Football Challenge - Roto #4010 2,189.00
142 Mark Hilts Quickdraw Football Challenge - Roto #1472 2,180.50
143 Blaine Perra Bossman II Football Challenge - Roto #2141 2,175.50
144 Jack Carneiro Go Chargers Go... Football Challenge - Roto #4595 2,174.00
145 Larry DeLuca GrandSlam Football Challenge - Roto #3432 2,168.00
146 Blaine Perra Bossman III Football Challenge - Roto #1368 2,164.50
147 Darin McLean DMac Football Challenge - Roto #1302 2,163.00
147 Darin McLean DMac2 Football Challenge - Roto #1496 2,163.00
147 Darin McLean DMac3 Football Challenge - Roto #1517 2,163.00
150 Aaron Hornyak Gumbo Football Challenge - Roto #4533 2,160.50
151 Dennis Massa Kylie Wyote I Football Challenge - Roto #1446 2,158.50
152 Richard Colyear Colyear Football Challenge - Roto #4584 2,156.50
153 Bruce Anderson Anderson Football Challenge - Roto #4584 2,138.50
154 Dudley Craig Eddies Picks Football Challenge - Roto #3432 2,137.50
155 JOHN BARBER Big Blue Football Challenge - Roto #1446 2,128.50
156 Paul Falete Blitz2322 Football Challenge - Roto #1517 2,123.50
157 JEFFREY KEILHOLZ UNDER THE RADAR Football Challenge - Roto #2141 2,115.50
158 Gerald Ryan Ryan Football Challenge - Roto #1302 2,114.50
159 Mark Nistor Mud Football Challenge - Roto #1302 2,112.50
160 Bill Hand Hair Gel For Mary Football Challenge - Roto #3375 2,109.00
161 Carrington Price GooBucksss Football Challenge - Roto #4591 2,107.50
162 RICKY ROMANS ROMANS Football Challenge - Roto #4438 2,104.50
163 Keith Wilk Wilk Football Challenge - Roto #4563 2,104.00
164 Fred Ritenour Jimmy Norton Football Challenge - Roto #1149 2,090.50
165 Matthew Gordon Steal My Sunshine Football Challenge - Roto #4499 2,080.50
166 Michael Kosmoski Ampipe Football Challenge - Roto #2141 2,067.50
167 Roger Orlando Orlando 11 Football Challenge - Roto #1496 2,065.50
167 Bob Bassuk I LIKE EM CHUNKY Football Challenge - Roto #3903 2,065.50
167 Jeremy Ander Meat and Lost Bones Football Challenge - Roto #1508 2,065.50
170 Ralph Shapiro Inertia Football Challenge - Roto #3375 2,062.00
171 Tim Bills Sur Steelhead Football Challenge - Roto #4183 2,058.00
172 james hyler hyler Football Challenge - Roto #4438 2,057.00
173 Marvin Angell Grandpa Marv Rocks Football Challenge - Roto #3375 2,055.50
174 Robert S Slingblade Football Challenge - Roto #4523 2,051.00
175 Terry Martin RAISE THE BLACK Football Challenge - Roto #3494 2,049.00
176 James Holecko James Gang Football Challenge - Roto #3494 2,046.00
177 Samuel Pursglove Sam's Steelers B Football Challenge - Roto #1446 2,045.00
178 WILLIAM HYNES HYNES Football Challenge - Roto #4438 2,044.50
179 Craig Hann Hann Football Challenge - Roto #4523 2,043.00
180 Steve Mirabito Livewire Football Challenge - Roto #1496 2,025.00
181 jason bossaer bossaer Football Challenge - Roto #1472 2,020.50
182 Kevin Dallas The Power of Rings Football Challenge - Roto #4591 2,018.50
183 Stephen Sax Sax Football Challenge - Roto #3072 2,018.00
184 Joseph Pursglove Pursglove Football Challenge - Roto #1508 2,006.50
185 William Hudock Giantphins Football Challenge - Roto #2760 2,001.00
186 Robin Fujii Something's Brewin' Football Challenge - Roto #3432 1,997.50
187 Greg Giese Fondy FURY Football Challenge - Roto #1446 1,997.00
188 Robert Hacker Fourth Wretch Football Challenge - Roto #4438 1,991.50
189 GREGORY SMOCHINSKY SMOCHINSKY Football Challenge - Roto #4010 1,977.00
190 Trent Brace Brace Football Challenge - Roto #4595 1,975.00
191 Fred Rhew Ruecru Football Challenge - Roto #4010 1,969.50
192 Daniel Richardson Rancid Tuna Football Challenge - Roto #3650 1,968.50
192 Richard Colyear Colyear Football Challenge - Roto #4591 1,968.50
194 Jim Christie Lunatic Fringe Football Challenge - Roto #1368 1,965.00
194 Brian McIntosh Remember the Titans Football Challenge - Roto #3650 1,965.00
196 Aaron Gantick Ramrod Football Challenge - Roto #4438 1,964.00
197 Steve Elbaum SPEEDWASH 1 Football Challenge - Roto #3823 1,962.50
197 Steve Elbaum SPEEDWASH 2 Football Challenge - Roto #3650 1,962.50
197 james hyler hyler Football Challenge - Roto #4533 1,962.50
200 Dennis Mccoy Mccoy Football Challenge - Roto #1302 1,962.00
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Tom Kessenich
Posts: 30294
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:13 am

JD Canada has moved back into the lead in the Football Challenge Points contest with Week 17 about to begin on Thursday. Corey Koening is in second while Erica Lee is in third. Here are the Top 200 teams in the contest after Week 16:

Rank Owner Team League Overall Pts
1 JD Canada Pigskin Picasso Football Challenge - Points #4593 5,458.25
2 Corey Koenig Koenig Football Challenge - Points #1233 5,443.20
3 ERICA LEE LEE Football Challenge - Points #4559 5,436.00
4 BRENT PACE Ghost of Kyiv Football Challenge - Points #2145 5,428.40
5 Chris Geddes Geddes Football Challenge - Points #4369 5,425.30
6 Chris Geddes Geddes Football Challenge - Points #3216 5,402.60
7 Kirk Viviano Quick kick Football Challenge - Points #2031 5,392.00
8 Bob Catsiroumpas CDM pts 2 Football Challenge - Points #1335 5,373.70
9 John McIlvain Arctic Freeze I Football Challenge - Points #3323 5,368.65
10 David Webber DWsChallenge3 Football Challenge - Points #1481 5,363.75
11 Dean Little The Last Samurai Football Challenge - Points #4143 5,356.90
12 Chris Geddes Geddes Football Challenge - Points #2989 5,351.30
13 MATTHEW DEVNEY MyFianceeThinksThisIsAWaste Football Challenge - Points #4587 5,347.70
13 RANDALL DEVNEY DEVNEY Football Challenge - Points #4597 5,347.70
15 Brian Paschen Paschen Football Challenge - Points #4505 5,343.70
16 Don Lacknett Lacknett Football Challenge - Points #1481 5,340.70
17 David Webber DWsChallenge2 Football Challenge - Points #1431 5,335.65
18 Martin Jeppsen Mikalodean's Football Challenge - Points #1518 5,333.55
19 Jeff Caywood K-wood's Krushers II Football Challenge - Points #3750 5,330.55
20 Derrill Hanson 4th and Goal Football Challenge - Points #2794 5,330.35
21 Gary Bunch Leftys Losers Football Challenge - Points #4427 5,328.35
22 Christopher Keel BTK The Cupp of Fantasy Football Challenge - Points #1233 5,325.25
23 Dean Little Jerry Maguire Football Challenge - Points #4006 5,324.95
24 Timothy Sullivan Sullivan Football Challenge - Points #2794 5,323.30
25 Dean Little Top Gun - Maverick Football Challenge - Points #4254 5,320.00
26 Peter Walsh Teamero Uno Football Challenge - Points #2794 5,317.20
27 Mike Murr Murr Football Challenge - Points #2145 5,316.85
28 Chris Geddes Geddes Football Challenge - Points #2794 5,313.70
29 Robert Wilson Wilson Football Challenge - Points #2031 5,313.55
30 John McIlvain Seadogs III Football Challenge - Points #3558 5,312.90
31 Peter Walsh Teamero Dos Football Challenge - Points #2989 5,311.45
32 Mark Daniels WARHAWKS Football Challenge - Points #3750 5,310.55
33 Dean Little Rain Man Football Challenge - Points #4427 5,308.35
34 BRENT PACE Hawks Football Challenge - Points #2031 5,306.80
35 Frank Fortini Jr 50 Yard Line Football Challenge - Points #3478 5,304.95
36 DAVE SHORES SHORES Football Challenge - Points #3558 5,304.90
37 Bob Catsiroumpas CDM pts 1 Football Challenge - Points #2462 5,303.75
38 Jeff Caywood K-wood's Krushers Football Challenge - Points #3558 5,303.50
39 Erik Larson Larson Football Challenge - Points #4006 5,303.15
40 Bob Catsiroumpas CDM pts 3 Football Challenge - Points #1458 5,302.60
41 Brian Paschen Paschen Football Challenge - Points #4143 5,300.70
42 Jeffrey Paskorz harwick Football Challenge - Points #1458 5,296.85
43 John McIlvain Arctic Freeze III Football Challenge - Points #3216 5,293.45
44 BRIAN DEVNEY THE Fighting Amish Football Challenge - Points #4593 5,291.10
45 David Warner DreamOn Football Challenge - Points #2462 5,290.00
46 John Gallagher Gallagher Football Challenge - Points #1062 5,289.25
47 Mike Murr Murr Football Challenge - Points #4427 5,287.05
48 william tyrer Kingfishers Football Challenge - Points #3873 5,284.75
49 patrick tucker tucker Football Challenge - Points #4369 5,278.25
50 Peter Walsh Teamero Tres Football Challenge - Points #3216 5,277.45
51 John McIlvain Mighty Ducks II Football Challenge - Points #1518 5,277.30
52 David Webber DWsChallenge1 Football Challenge - Points #1062 5,270.60
53 Brian Harris STANGRYK Football Challenge - Points #4597 5,265.50
54 Kirk Viviano Deep threat Football Challenge - Points #1518 5,264.85
55 Brian Hunter Unstoppable Clown Show Football Challenge - Points #4484 5,263.65
56 Brian Harris STANG99 Football Challenge - Points #3216 5,263.50
57 Stephen Sax Sax Football Challenge - Points #3478 5,260.70
57 Barry Koyama Barrycudas Football Challenge - Points #1335 5,260.70
59 TODD WINTERS WINTERS Football Challenge - Points #3376 5,259.10
60 Tony Forte WHAT Football Challenge - Points #3376 5,255.40
61 James Randle Beelzabubba 22 Football Challenge - Points #1505 5,252.75
62 John McIlvain Arctic Freeze II Football Challenge - Points #3376 5,250.25
63 Martin Jeppsen Crabby Abby's Football Challenge - Points #1505 5,249.95
64 Kirk Viviano Three and out Football Challenge - Points #1505 5,248.15
65 Bob Catsiroumpas CDM pts 6 Football Challenge - Points #2145 5,248.05
66 Michael Kosmoski Ampipe 200 Football Challenge - Points #2794 5,247.80
67 Kyle Estes Estes Football Challenge - Points #4484 5,247.00
68 Adam Balbach ANB-BEB Football Challenge - Points #4505 5,244.40
69 Michael Thompson H2P Football Challenge - Points #4559 5,242.10
70 MALCOLM MEIKLE ABOUT TIME Football Challenge - Points #1233 5,239.30
71 Chris Mills DCGunslinger Football Challenge - Points #4505 5,237.40
72 frank anglin anglin Football Challenge - Points #4484 5,236.60
73 Henry Williams Williams Football Challenge - Points #1233 5,236.50
74 Chris Geddes Geddes Football Challenge - Points #4427 5,233.90
75 Jeff Jurney Jurney Football Challenge - Points #2031 5,232.40
75 Jeff Jurney Jurney Football Challenge - Points #1518 5,232.40
75 Jeff Jurney Jurney Football Challenge - Points #2145 5,232.40
78 Kevin Knight Rum Runners Football Challenge - Points #1431 5,231.50
79 Joey Markowski Project II Football Challenge - Points #3323 5,229.20
80 Daren Eliason Eliason CDM Football Challenge - Points #1481 5,227.45
81 Christopher Keel BTK the Brady of Fantasy Football Challenge - Points #1062 5,227.35
82 Stephen Riley FLPATS Football Challenge - Points #4593 5,226.65
83 Craig Koenig King Brother1 Football Challenge - Points #1062 5,226.20
84 john codington CODSSQUAD 1 Football Challenge - Points #2462 5,222.65
85 JOSEPH ASTRAMSKAS MHS RB 30 Football Challenge - Points #1431 5,222.40
86 Michael Fuerstman Fuerstman Football Challenge - Points #1062 5,215.10
87 Shane Brabazon Brabazon Football Challenge - Points #4597 5,214.90
88 Charlie Schramm Schramm Football Challenge - Points #4505 5,214.55
89 Chris Mills DCGunslinger2 Football Challenge - Points #4484 5,213.75
90 Gurinder Luddu Luddu Football Challenge - Points #1458 5,213.15
91 Brian Harris STANG92 Football Challenge - Points #2462 5,210.95
92 Norton Rimer RunSh3 Football Challenge - Points #4559 5,210.80
93 Ken Nedley Bad Dream Team Football Challenge - Points #4427 5,209.00
94 BRYAN WACHTER Catch my 22 Football Challenge - Points #4427 5,207.00
95 Scott Zeidman Jason Football challenge Football Challenge - Points #3873 5,206.45
96 Jeffrey Hawks The Golden Bird Football Challenge - Points #4587 5,204.30
97 Terrell Martin Martin Football Challenge - Points #3478 5,201.65
97 Terrell Martin Martin Football Challenge - Points #3750 5,201.65
97 Terrell Martin Martin Football Challenge - Points #3558 5,201.65
100 Ed Crawford Crawford Football Challenge - Points #1505 5,198.95
101 John McIlvain Seadogs II Football Challenge - Points #4143 5,197.50
102 Norton Rimer RunSh2 Football Challenge - Points #4369 5,196.20
103 John Rasmussen Razmanian Devils Football Challenge - Points #4254 5,195.65
104 Dominic Parrillo Living Legends Football Challenge - Points #1518 5,193.65
105 Tom Brown Scooby Snacks Football Challenge - Points #4587 5,191.45
106 GARY LEHNHART Braveharts FCP2 Football Challenge - Points #4559 5,191.40
107 DAN LOSEY DLO PRO 1 Football Challenge - Points #1062 5,190.10
108 Norton Rimer RunSh1 Football Challenge - Points #3323 5,189.35
109 Alex Shaw San Juan Grays Football Challenge - Points #4006 5,188.35
109 Alex Shaw Pagosa Grays Football Challenge - Points #3323 5,188.35
109 Alex Shaw Mustang Grays Football Challenge - Points #2462 5,188.35
112 Brian Harris STANG91 Football Challenge - Points #2031 5,183.30
113 William Walker Shot In The Dark Football Challenge - Points #4143 5,182.05
114 Raymond Tarkowski Tarkowski Football Challenge - Points #1505 5,181.35
115 Terry Attebery sadhawkfan Football Challenge - Points #2794 5,179.45
116 Brian Harris STANG98 Football Challenge - Points #2989 5,177.85
117 Joseph Jacobs Hudsons Hounds Football Challenge - Points #4505 5,177.75
118 Mike Rush TCMR Football Football Challenge - Points #4484 5,170.70
119 Dean Little Collateral Football Challenge - Points #3376 5,169.40
120 Jeff Foster Nodding at Stupid Things Football Challenge - Points #2031 5,168.50
121 BRYAN WACHTER Insta Gators Football Challenge - Points #4369 5,166.10
122 Bob Catsiroumpas CDM pts 5 Football Challenge - Points #3323 5,164.35
123 Garrie Morris Crabcakes and Football Football Challenge - Points #1458 5,164.25
123 Holger Euringer Jax Walloons4 Football Challenge - Points #4427 5,164.25
125 Jeff Thomas Thomas Football Challenge - Points #4006 5,164.10
126 Joseph Cintolo Rugged Individuals Football Challenge - Points #2145 5,163.75
127 Chris Maugeri Hells Angels Football Challenge - Points #1481 5,160.90
128 David D. Kheel Kheel Football Challenge - Points #4597 5,159.65
129 Walter Coley THE SABOTEURS Football Challenge - Points #1062 5,158.60
130 william tyrer White eyed vireos Football Challenge - Points #4484 5,158.40
131 Tim Jackson Jackson Football Challenge - Points #4369 5,155.50
132 Bryan Schell Schell yeah! Football Challenge - Points #3750 5,155.40
133 Mark Kaplan Kaplan Football Challenge - Points #2989 5,154.10
134 John McIlvain Mighty Ducks III Football Challenge - Points #2145 5,153.85
135 Brad Wiegand Wiegy Football Challenge - Points #3376 5,151.95
136 Ricky Smith Maddies Renegades 11 Football Challenge - Points #2462 5,151.40
137 Mike Rush Oz Warriors 1 Football Challenge - Points #4427 5,150.65
138 Robert Riemer Riemer Football Challenge - Points #4597 5,150.40
139 Martin Jeppsen Aumsville Raiders Football Challenge - Points #1481 5,148.85
140 John McIlvain Seadogs I Football Challenge - Points #3873 5,148.15
141 Jacques Bingham Bingham Football Challenge - Points #3478 5,140.25
142 Alan Ginoza Ginoza Football Challenge - Points #4587 5,139.55
143 Karen Wolf Wolf Football Challenge - Points #4254 5,139.45
144 Patrick Duchscherer Duchscherer Football Challenge - Points #4587 5,139.35
145 Ray Ralston Ralston Football Challenge - Points #1458 5,138.20
146 Jason Whitesel Whiteselmania2 Football Challenge - Points #1233 5,137.70
147 ed redding Monsters Inc Football Challenge - Points #3478 5,136.30
148 John Darby Hurts when I Pitts Football Challenge - Points #1431 5,134.45
149 Blaine Perra Black Jack II Football Challenge - Points #1335 5,134.25
150 Larry Horhota Phantoms Browns1 Football Challenge - Points #2794 5,132.40
151 Charity Sanchez StrkeOutQTSXVI Football Challenge - Points #3558 5,131.65
152 Thomas Gillis WIRE2WIRE Football Challenge - Points #3478 5,129.50
153 Michael Parker Parker Football Challenge - Points #1518 5,126.50
154 Bruce Pinto MRRACETRACK Football Challenge - Points #4006 5,126.20
155 Blaine Perra BlackJack 4 Football Challenge - Points #1233 5,124.75
156 frank anglin anglin Football Challenge - Points #1505 5,124.45
157 Gerald Robertson Robbies Football Challenge - Points #2794 5,123.35
158 Steve Shelly Who Cares Football Challenge - Points #1335 5,123.00
158 Fred Ritenour Jimmy Norton Football Challenge - Points #3558 5,123.00
160 Les Pratt Pratt Football Challenge - Points #4593 5,121.50
161 Matthew Shepherd HIGHLY INTELLIGENT MORONS Football Challenge - Points #4559 5,121.20
162 GUY NORCOTT Purple Nasty Football Challenge - Points #4143 5,120.50
163 Larry Horhota Phantoms Browns2 Football Challenge - Points #4597 5,120.20
164 Geoff Periard Ravenous Squids Football Challenge - Points #2462 5,120.10
165 Charlie Stamos Revenge Is Best Served Cold Football Challenge - Points #3750 5,120.05
166 robert schmit Rented Mules Football Challenge - Points #3750 5,118.25
167 Biplab Mandal Bipcoin Football Challenge - Points #3376 5,118.05
168 John Ziemer Ziemer Football Challenge - Points #1458 5,113.50
169 Robert Naegele They are who wethoughttheywere Football Challenge - Points #2989 5,113.30
170 BRUCE Weintraub Kick Parker Ass Football Challenge - Points #1481 5,112.50
171 Milt Williams Williams Football Challenge - Points #4597 5,110.35
172 Scott Lonker Lonker Football Challenge - Points #1335 5,109.85
173 Jose Parapar Three Amigos 11 Football Challenge - Points #4587 5,109.25
174 Jeff Smith Smitty99 Football Challenge - Points #3323 5,108.35
175 Michael Thompson H2P- Football Challenge - Points #2145 5,108.30
176 DAN LOSEY DLO PRO 2 Football Challenge - Points #1233 5,107.25
177 Brian Cohen Caribou Football Challenge - Points #1062 5,106.05
177 Brian Cohen Gazelles Football Challenge - Points #1431 5,106.05
179 JONATHAN SHAPIRO Clubber Lang Football Challenge - Points #3478 5,105.75
180 Charlie Stamos Fusion Is On Fire Football Challenge - Points #3558 5,104.15
181 JARED GOULD GOULD Football Challenge - Points #4484 5,103.25
182 Joe Cain Cain Football Challenge - Points #4593 5,102.55
183 David Martin Ride The Lightning Football Challenge - Points #4559 5,101.80
184 Dean Little Risky Business Football Challenge - Points #4369 5,101.00
185 Zach Ritzer Doom Football Challenge - Points #2031 5,098.30
186 John McIlvain Mighty Ducks I Football Challenge - Points #2031 5,098.00
187 Michael Meli CDM Painkillers Football Challenge - Points #4484 5,097.05
188 Brian Harris STANG93 Football Challenge - Points #2145 5,097.00
189 Bill Pfaff Pfaff Football Challenge - Points #1481 5,096.90
190 William Hunt Circle the Wagons Football Challenge - Points #1518 5,096.30
191 Blaine Perra Black Jack Football Challenge - Points #1431 5,094.70
192 Trent Brace Brace Football Challenge - Points #3376 5,093.25
193 Harry Zierler ZFBall 2022 Football Challenge - Points #4505 5,093.10
194 David Holmes Ledgers3 Football Challenge - Points #4559 5,092.30
195 steven m sargent sargent Football Challenge - Points #4484 5,090.45
196 Michael Reed BabyBigGuys Football Challenge - Points #1458 5,088.90
197 Larry Emery Keeters Warriors Football Challenge - Points #1458 5,088.50
198 Blaine Perra BlackJack 3 Football Challenge - Points #1458 5,086.20
199 Anthony Cifelli MOM and DAD Football Challenge - Points #3323 5,082.95
200 Mark Boettcher Paper Lion Football Challenge - Points #1431 5,082.85
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Tom Kessenich
Posts: 30294
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:16 am

Joe Passaro continues to hold down the No. 1 spot in the standings in the NFFC 25/50 contest with only one week to go in the NFFC season. Sam Isfan is in second while James Quinlan is in third. The top team in the overall standings at the end of the season will win a FREE entry into the 2023 Primetime. Here are the Top 200 teams in the standings after Week 16:

Rank Owner Team League Draft Pos Overall Pts
1 Joe Passaro Passaro NFFC 25 #2024 4 3,089.10
2 SAM ISFAN Demon Cleaner NFFC 25 #4091 4 3,020.00
3 James Quinlan Quinlan NFFC 25 #1659 11 3,019.40
4 Derek Anderson Lumpys Losers NFFC 50 #1465 5 3,017.95
5 Kris Negus Negus NFFC 25 #2131 4 3,017.35
6 Jason Weiler Lake of the Ozarks NFFC 25 #3500 5 3,009.95
7 Jimmy Stewart Strong Retaliation NFFC 50 #2844 8 2,999.10
8 Nick Webber 49er Red NFFC 25 #1193 6 2,987.30
9 William Bastian Bastian NFFC 25 #3572 9 2,985.95
10 Joe Passaro SWING PASS NFFC 25 #656 8 2,984.45
11 Ed Brown Brown NFFC 25 #4232 3 2,981.50
12 Ben Novak Jack Lambert NFFC 25 #3447 6 2,961.20
13 Mike Sanda Sandman & Ralph 14 NFFC 25 #1668 7 2,951.20
14 Joe Passaro FLAMING ARROWS NFFC 25 #3288 4 2,938.80
15 David Webber Red Zone 4 NFFC 50 #383 5 2,938.60
16 Jacob Carson Carson NFFC 25 #1972 2 2,934.50
17 Brian Phillips XO Manowar NFFC 25 #3822 9 2,921.65
18 Jeff Matthews Matthews NFFC 25 #2445 9 2,915.90
19 Scott Gordon Gordon 88 NFFC 25 #2734 8 2,910.75
20 Brian Snell Snell NFFC 25 #3217 9 2,908.55
21 Robert Blackman Double Bs I NFFC 25 #2978 5 2,905.50
22 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 50 #1001 5 2,904.35
23 JOSEPH GATES GATES NFFC 50 #2700 2 2,903.75
24 Richard Woodward Big Boppers 18 NFFC 25 #1400 3 2,898.55
25 Michael Miller Maulersz NFFC 25 #3608 2 2,898.05
26 Derek Anderson Lumpys Losers NFFC 50 #2355 4 2,897.20
27 Scott Watry Watry5 NFFC 50 #2999 3 2,893.80
28 Joel Beck This one John NFFC 50 #4303 6 2,892.50
29 David Webber Red Zone 5 NFFC 50 #432 4 2,889.95
30 Ryan Markowitz 25-4 NFFC 25 #1205 10 2,886.35
31 Alan Finkelstein Finkelstein NFFC 25 #3099 9 2,879.95
32 Chris Gillman Sabretooth 25 48 NFFC 25 #3927 9 2,877.35
33 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 50 #324 2 2,876.75
34 Michael Quackenbush Quack NFFC 25 #4564 5 2,874.15
35 Jack Kitchen Lets Go Brandon! NFFC 25 #1554 8 2,868.15
36 Smirlock Daniel Smirlock Dreamhome Heartaches NFFC 25 #4393 11 2,866.95
37 DANIEL SCHMIDT SCHMIDT NFFC 50 #2700 7 2,865.10
38 Timothy Manning Manning NFFC 25 #1776 6 2,864.95
39 Richard Williams BigWills Bombers 1 NFFC 25 #2945 8 2,864.85
40 MATTHEW NELSON NELSON NFFC 25 #4424 9 2,862.50
41 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 50 #2889 2 2,859.75
42 Marc Barron Trouble in Paradise NFFC 25 #4014 5 2,859.35
43 William Bastian Bastian NFFC 25 #4355 2 2,857.95
44 Eugene Garner Garner NFFC 25 #3649 1 2,857.65
45 James Goldberg Goldberg 25 NFFC 25 #2082 11 2,856.75
46 Jason Funkhouser New England Machine 50 NFFC 50 #4037 4 2,856.70
47 Ralph Palmieri Sandman & Ralph 8 NFFC 25 #1030 6 2,856.50
48 Derek Anderson Lumpys Losers NFFC 50 #1843 4 2,856.45
49 Nate Anderson Furio Giunta NFFC 25 #2885 10 2,855.60
50 Nick Webber Montana 2 50 NFFC 50 #1106 3 2,853.60
51 Michael Plotkowski Plotkowski NFFC 25 #919 4 2,853.15
52 Tim Wallach Wallach NFFC 25 #1080 3 2,851.20
53 tod scalf scalf NFFC 25 #1607 10 2,850.75
54 Robert Blackman Double Bs IV NFFC 25 #3691 7 2,850.05
55 Steven Veneziano sr Veneziano sr NFFC 50 #4371 2 2,848.25
56 Bryan Swarberg Swarberg NFFC 25 #2489 4 2,847.95
57 Andrew Miller Draft22 NFFC 25 #358 7 2,847.60
58 andrew sherman saints-fins NFFC 25 #3447 9 2,847.45
59 David Webber GoDeep 17 NFFC 25 #502 4 2,845.85
60 Caleb Blum Blum NFFC 25 #4257 8 2,844.15
61 Jordie Fry Fry NFFC 50 #3835 11 2,841.25
62 Austin Mashaw SloppySloth NFFC 25 #4513 8 2,840.55
63 James Ravenel Come Helaire or High Water NFFC 25 #3189 12 2,840.05
64 Tom Stevens Clubber Lang NFFC 50 #3686 2 2,839.75
65 JASON NADEL First Down First Down NFFC 25 #4347 6 2,839.50
66 Rod Lurie Lurie NFFC 25 #2193 6 2,839.40
67 Paul Spradling Highlander NFFC 50 #173 11 2,838.05
68 Frank Ferreira Hurtsogood NFFC 25 #2662 12 2,837.55
69 Zachary Waxman Waxman NFFC 25 #2093 5 2,836.20
70 Joe Passaro LAMBEAU FIELD NFFC 25 #3458 3 2,835.95
71 Michael Thompson Thompson NFFC 25 #3723 6 2,835.90
72 MARK FIERER FIERER NFFC 25 #85 6 2,833.70
73 Mike Sanda Sandman 6 NFFC 25 #240 2 2,832.30
74 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 25 #662 5 2,831.95
75 Andrew Case Case NFFC 25 #3671 3 2,831.75
76 SCOTT PRUDEN Jersey Shore Hanmerheads11 NFFC 25 #2880 3 2,831.20
77 Matthew Wills Wills BB 20 NFFC 25 #2226 2 2,829.75
78 Kyle Kamachi RubbyDubs NFFC 25 #3232 6 2,828.90
79 Dave Sandel Bell Cows NFFC 25 #2460 11 2,825.75
80 MUSHTAQ GUNJA GUNJA NFFC 50 #3853 6 2,825.65
81 Zachary Waxman Waxman NFFC 25 #1587 5 2,825.25
82 Cody Drager Drager NFFC 25 #3698 12 2,824.60
83 David Webber GoDeep 11 NFFC 25 #343 3 2,824.30
84 Henry Cuevas Rams Nation II NFFC 25 #1912 3 2,824.20
85 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 50 #2006 2 2,824.00
86 Joseph Garner MEGA TB STACK NFFC 25 #2754 3 2,823.35
87 john spurlock spurlock NFFC 25 #1606 3 2,822.60
88 Chad Tabler Fantasy Bonanza 1 NFFC 50 #738 3 2,821.85
89 Stephen Navetta Navetta NFFC 50 #283 5 2,820.70
90 Joe Passaro 4TH QUARTER FLOYD NFFC 25 #934 6 2,819.55
91 Mike Santos Santos NFFC 50 #324 5 2,819.05
92 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 25 #2412 9 2,817.70
93 Paul Conrad Conrad NFFC 25 #3349 9 2,816.55
94 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 25 #1080 9 2,816.05
95 Peter DeRogatis DeRogatis NFFC 50 #2513 10 2,815.05
97 J Robert Steele BIG BLUE WRECKING CREW NFFC 50 #4382 2 2,813.50
98 brian shaw Greasy Lake Public Access NFFC 25 #2080 4 2,812.45
99 Jim Christie Luny 25 IV NFFC 25 #2050 8 2,812.15
100 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 25 #2116 11 2,809.75
101 Stu Wilson Mars 19 NFFC 25 #232 11 2,809.55
102 Mike Sanda Sandman 1 NFFC 25 #16 2 2,808.65
102 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 50 #3282 10 2,808.65
102 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 25 #830 10 2,808.65
105 Austin Mashaw SloppySloth NFFC 25 #4443 6 2,808.45
106 Ted Baehman Baehman NFFC 25 #3250 10 2,808.10
107 tod scalf scalf NFFC 25 #699 6 2,807.95
108 Jim Brennan Brennan NFFC 25 #4132 8 2,807.80
109 Jeremy Muir Train Wreck NFFC 25 #3792 10 2,807.35
110 Joe Passaro FRED BILETNIKOFF 25 NFFC 50 #3749 3 2,807.25
111 William Bastian Bastian NFFC 25 #4504 5 2,807.05
112 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 25 #1030 2 2,804.80
113 ANDY VUONG The Taunt III NFFC 25 #3293 9 2,804.00
114 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 25 #1140 9 2,803.90
115 Dennis Spink Spink NFFC 25 #2378 10 2,803.85
116 Jason Weiler The Landing NFFC 25 #1987 1 2,802.95
117 Cody Fehrenbach goodboyralph NFFC 50 #4240 6 2,802.50
118 William Carr Carr NFFC 25 #3634 4 2,801.55
119 Derek Anderson Lumpys Losers NFFC 50 #2513 3 2,800.55
120 Ken Manlick Manlick NFFC 25 #4281 4 2,800.20
121 Stavros Lazos Lazos NFFC 25 #3339 2 2,798.90
122 Joe Passaro STRAY CATS NFFC 25 #2572 5 2,797.25
123 ROGER COLEMAN COLEMAN NFFC 25 #2734 3 2,796.05
124 Ronald Bennett Bennett NFFC 25 #4319 3 2,795.45
125 Mark Nistor Mud Pigs IIl NFFC 25 #1366 4 2,794.35
125 Richard Woodward Big Boppers 37 NFFC 25 #3572 2 2,794.35
127 James Kieke Kieke NFFC 25 #2705 7 2,793.85
128 Andrew Miller Renegades NFFC 25 #2981 6 2,793.55
129 austin greco Greco50-3 NFFC 50 #2765 7 2,791.45
130 Walter Velosky The Dramatics NFFC 25 #232 7 2,791.15
131 JOSEPH HAYDOCK HAYDOCK NFFC 50 #3298 3 2,790.70
132 Eric Trznadel Trznadel NFFC 25 #2877 10 2,790.35
133 Mark Swartz Remember The Titans 6 NFFC 25 #1262 11 2,790.25
134 Matt Roseman Roseman NFFC 25 #413 5 2,789.95
135 Patrick Smith Cin or Saints NFFC 25 #4483 2 2,789.55
136 Chris Gillman Sabretooth 25 greedy NFFC 25 #1972 6 2,789.30
137 James Marchbanks Marchbanks NFFC 25 #4443 11 2,788.35
138 KYLE SACHRISON What's Cookin' Good lookin' NFFC 25 #4314 10 2,788.15
139 Mike Sanda Sandman 26 NFFC 25 #1376 12 2,787.85
140 JARED FREEMAN FREEMAN NFFC 25 #3986 4 2,787.35
141 Keith Willingham KW 50-4 NFFC 50 #4303 5 2,787.25
142 Jimmy Stewart Reckless Abandon NFFC 25 #2877 12 2,787.00
143 Nathaniel Van Heest Van Heest NFFC 25 #3986 5 2,786.25
144 Spencer Thurmond It Is Your Birthday. NFFC 25 #3537 12 2,786.15
145 Kevin Day 4 - JJ & Chubb NFFC 25 #1570 4 2,786.05
146 Gregg Sturtevant Sturtevant NFFC 50 #2178 3 2,785.55
147 Derek Anderson Lumpys Losers NFFC 50 #1106 7 2,785.45
148 Scott Watry Watry3 NFFC 25 #1679 1 2,784.25
149 Douglas Romanowski Romanowski NFFC 25 #2682 4 2,783.50
150 William Kelly Ivy Inn NFFC 25 #3349 5 2,783.00
151 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 25 #746 10 2,782.20
152 Patrick rennick Moosest NFFC 50 #4037 11 2,782.00
153 Lucas Biery Bestball One NFFC 25 #3232 4 2,781.90
154 Troy Harris Empty Endzoners NFFC 50 #3686 12 2,781.10
155 Marc Winokur Too Tall Jones 17 NFFC 25 #3414 11 2,780.70
156 Kristopher Carroll 25-2 NFFC 25 #746 7 2,780.55
156 Andrew Lu 21 Boogie Nights NFFC 50 #3092 9 2,780.55
158 STEVE NUNES Necessary Roughness NFFC 25 #2625 9 2,779.60
159 Jonathan McDevitt Fumble Die 2 NFFC 50 #2006 3 2,779.20
160 Joe Bartel Bartel NFFC 50 #2513 11 2,778.30
161 Joe Passaro BOOBIE MILES NFFC 25 #1912 5 2,778.15
162 Wesley Clement Clement NFFC 25 #802 1 2,777.55
163 Tom Stevens 50 Best Ball 2 NFFC 50 #2889 8 2,777.30
164 Jim Brennan Brennan NFFC 25 #3830 11 2,776.70
165 joel mills mills NFFC 25 #1550 8 2,776.60
166 Kirk Norton KNIGHTS 50 1 NFFC 50 #2294 6 2,776.30
167 Mark Olson Olson NFFC 25 #2904 10 2,775.85
168 Derek Anderson Lumpys Losers NFFC 50 #3853 12 2,775.65
169 Andrew Miller voms11 NFFC 25 #413 10 2,775.15
170 Gaetan Therrien Gaetz 1 NFFC 25 #3471 5 2,774.75
171 Jeremy Fisher Fish NFFC 25 #2959 3 2,774.65
172 Collin Bell Bell06 NFFC 25 #191 6 2,774.05
173 Henry Williams Williams NFFC 25 #446 5 2,773.55
174 Darren Emma The Chosen Ones DC25-4 NFFC 25 #1807 9 2,773.35
175 Jim Christie Luny 25 II NFFC 25 #1700 10 2,773.25
176 Joe Passaro PASS CATCHER NFFC 25 #815 2 2,773.10
177 HOLLY SIMS SIMS NFFC 25 #4319 12 2,772.85
178 MUSHTAQ GUNJA GUNJA NFFC 50 #3826 10 2,772.45
179 Dave Taylor Taylor NFFC 25 #1755 3 2,772.30
180 Zachary Waxman Waxman NFFC 25 #1226 5 2,772.05
181 Derek Anderson Lumpys Losers NFFC 50 #2685 12 2,771.65
182 David Webber GoDeep 24 NFFC 25 #802 6 2,771.40
183 Andrew Miller ajmil1 NFFC 25 #2978 4 2,771.00
184 Les Dinsmore Dinsmore NFFC 25 #3874 12 2,770.90
185 STEVE NUNES The Replacements NFFC 25 #2489 8 2,770.25
186 Dennis Spink Spink NFFC 25 #4118 7 2,769.50
187 Michael Moleski Moleski NFFC 50 #2765 9 2,768.65
188 Jason Weiler Opening Day Deux NFFC 25 #4513 2 2,767.95
189 Jimmy Stewart Peace Of Mind NFFC 50 #2765 11 2,767.25
190 Michael Cohen Cohen NFFC 25 #3250 4 2,767.20
191 Sheldon McNeill McNeill NFFC 50 #4303 4 2,767.05
192 Michael Miller Maulersz NFFC 25 #4393 2 2,766.85
193 Demetrios Arvanitis May The Force Be With ....Me NFFC 50 #1106 8 2,766.50
194 ERICH SCHMITT SCHMITT NFFC 25 #2705 11 2,766.40
195 Kenneth Morita Mean Machine NF25-13 79 MIX JB NFFC 25 #1941 8 2,766.10
196 Brian Reed JENNYBEAR VII NFFC 50 #4187 6 2,766.00
197 MICHIEAL TURNEY The Hilltoppers NFFC 25 #2826 6 2,765.85
198 DANIEL RHODES RHODES NFFC 25 #2559 9 2,765.70
199 Lance Lawson Survive and Advance NFFC 25 #3986 8 2,765.10
200 Benjamin Cunningham Cunningham NFFC 25 #3529 4 2,764.70
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm

Re: Who Is Leading The NFFC After Week 16?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:21 am

It was a low scoring week for everyone in the Championship Round of the NFFC Platinum League in Week 16 except for Paul Jager, who now has a 37.66 point lead over Chad Schroeder with one week to go. Paul's team scored 152.50 points in Week 16, while the three other teams scored less than 112 points each. Paul now has the inside track to the $125,000 league prize and the title as we'll pay the Top 3 teams in the playoff. Chad won $20,000 during the regular season for the best h2h record, while Paul won $20,000 during the regular season for most points. Mike Santos is currently in third place, 15.47 points behind Chad. Good luck everyone during this final week. Here's the current standings:

NFFC Platinum League Championship Round Standings Through Week 16:
1 Paul Jager Jager 438.30
2 Chad Schroeder Cocktails & Dreams 400.64
3 Mike Santos Coyote Miscreants 20K 385.17
4 Steven Lucinski Jalen Horts 357.46
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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