Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

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Team Canada
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Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

Post by Team Canada » Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:09 am

Gotta keep pumping Toronto.
Greg and Tom think out of the American box!
Does wcoff or any other contest come top Canada...no
Be the first and the best I'm telling you there absolutely is a market there!
My suggetion to Greg and Tom is go to the bills regular season game there check out the city and get a feel for how much we LOVE the NFL. I would bet at least a quarter of fans at bills games in buffalo are canadians and it would be way more but we all like different teams cause when there isn't one in your city you pick one somwhere along the way.
At the bills steelers preseason game there were a TON of canadian steeler fans I know at least 15 guy's who watch every game with a terrible towel around there neck! And it's like that with many teams...
Check it out guy's come to Canada be international be the BEST YOU CAN BE :D

I would like to see atlantic city over NY but your right don't do both it makes no economical sense!
2008 double playoffs!!

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Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

Post by Dr. FI$HER » Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:18 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
...ISHO Florida is the RIGHT state but it's simply that the NFFC has chosen the WRONG cities in Tampa and Orlando...you should give it one more try next year with the RIGHT city being either Miami or Fort Lauderdale and the signup list should rise considerably...SNAKE For once I agree with the humble serpeant! :D

I know I could fill one league alone down here in S. Florida.

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Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

Post by BillyWaz » Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:38 am

Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
It's going to be very difficult for us to leave New York. It has been our No. 1 city in terms of teams twice in our first five years. I don't think we'll be leaving NY anytime soon. And again with Atlantic City, would that be a way to increase our participation numbers or would it simply give our New York participants somewhere else to go? That's a very important question when looking at Atlantic City. I don't think Atlantic City is the answer. Since NYC has been your best city twice, I agree you can't pull out of there.

If you ADDED Atlantic City as a 4th, your numbers in NYC would go down.

From someone who is about equal distances from both (about a 5.5-6 hour drive), there are pros and cons to each.


-Easily accesible by train or air
-There ARE things to do other than gambling


- If you drive, you pay your kid's tuition for parking.
- Hotels/food etc. are much more expensive than AC.


- Gambling


- Have you ever been outside of a casino in AC? One word..... DEPRESSING! :(

- Tough to get to by air, as AC is not a major airport.

I would stay with NY, and look to expand. Sounds like Atlanta, Memphis, Miami, and Toronto are the ones that have been mentioned.

Atlanta- Is easily accessible by air, and is a mjor city with Buckhead as a draw.

Memphis- Has gambling 1/2 hour away (Tunica), and Beale Street is VERY MUCH like New Orleans.

Miami- I have never been there, but I do love a good Cuban sandwich! :D

Toronto- Used to live 3.5 hours away, and it is a beautiful city. Just to clarify, you would need a passport to draft there now...eh? ;)

I think all of these cities make more sense than another city in the northeast that is close to NYC (i.e AC or Foxwood).

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Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

Post by Eddiejag » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:01 am

Greg have you guy's given Toronto thought.I agree with team Canada that they will fill up some leagues.I know my cousins and friends in Canada love the NFFC they get your magazines out there.The only promblem is its tougher to get in now , my mom wasnt let in a week ago because of no passport.Passports are a pain in the ass to get and i dont have one.I also thing they go for big money.That would be thje only downfall, why all of a sudden you canucks have to makeit so hard to get in.Plus your dollar is worth more, loved the old days when you gave them 500 dollars and get back 750.Those were the days.
NFBC (NY) auction league champion!

He who steps to me in 2005, you better realize you dont have enough jive..... TURKEY!

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Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

Post by TOMDOG » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:05 am

Only want to comment on the break.

I am sure that had i drafted in vegas,it would not be an issue,and i speak from experience here,its usually where i draft.
I did the NFFC and NBC from NYC,and enjoyed everything except the time between drafts,its too long,please shorten it there.Without a room to go to in the city,its just a bit tiring getting through the whole day,at least for me,i am old.
The ballroom was dark also,with deep blue walls,fooling me into thinking it was nightime always.I do prefer a brighter room.
The company,facilitators,atmosphere,Tom,and everything else was GREAT.

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Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

Post by Quahogs » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:22 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:

- If you drive, you pay your kid's tuition for parking.
56th between 8th and 9th (close to 8th). 10-15 minute walk $16 for the day.

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Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

Post by TOMDOG » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:42 am

Originally posted by Quahogs:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:

- If you drive, you pay your kid's tuition for parking.
56th between 8th and 9th (close to 8th). 10-15 minute walk $16 for the day.
[/QUOTE]I overnighted near the meadowlands in Jersey,and took a bus in from there,6.50 round trip to the bus station on 42nd,then walked up the theater district to 52nd.Very reasonable i thought.I actually REALLY enjoyed that,but the wait between drafts still sucks.

Greg Ambrosius
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Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:49 am

Originally posted by TOMDOG:
quote:Originally posted by Quahogs:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:

- If you drive, you pay your kid's tuition for parking.
56th between 8th and 9th (close to 8th). 10-15 minute walk $16 for the day.
[/QUOTE]I overnighted near the meadowlands in Jersey,and took a bus in from there,6.50 round trip to the bus station on 42nd,then walked up the theater district to 52nd.Very reasonable i thought.I actually REALLY enjoyed that,but the wait between drafts still sucks.
[/QUOTE]Note to Tom Kessenich: Find a lady of the night for TomDog next year and give him the keys to your room between drafts. :D
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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Looking For Feedback On Main Event Doubleheader

Post by BillyWaz » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:59 am

Originally posted by Quahogs:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:

- If you drive, you pay your kid's tuition for parking.
56th between 8th and 9th (close to 8th). 10-15 minute walk $16 for the day.
[/QUOTE]Good to know Q. I think I paid $43 for the day four years ago around Times Square.

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