ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Gordon Gekko
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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:42 am

Originally posted by FI$HER:
I am wondering if this tactic was done by someone outside the "Chum-chum" club, how much praise it would get? I am guessing it would be the complete opposite and would be called unethical you'd be wrong :D
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by ultimatefs » Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:03 pm

Do you pass on taking shots when they are offered at the Wynn?
Jules is a Dirt bag and makes my luck.

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by BillyWaz » Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:18 pm

Originally posted by KJ Duke:
quote:Originally posted by FI$HER:
I am wondering if this tactic was done by someone outside the "Chum-chum" club, how much praise it would get? I am guessing it would be the complete opposite and would be called unethical I'm not sure who is in or out of the Club to which you speak Fish, but I think it's good strategy no matter who does it - especially considering Bwazz can lock up a playoff spot this week with a W.

And the strategy really is to lock out the guys still in the running - KOQ, myself (longshot), and one or two others, shouldn't make a bit of difference to Zman himself, he's already eliminated.
[/QUOTE]Like you KJ, I am not exactly sure who is in this mysterious "chum chum club". :confused:

That all being said, I figured I would chime in here, as I am the person "in question".

Most already said this, but this is a contest, and the object IS to win. We aren't playing in a $50 local league for a $300 grand prize, there is A LOT more to win here.

With that in mind, I am going to do everything that I can to 1) score as many points as possible, and 2) to TRY and secure a win.

Obviously #1 is more in my control, but when #2 presents itself, I think you have to take advantage. That is what happened here, and with the way things can change so quickly (especially with the competition in LV4), I am going to do ANYTHING I can WITHIN THE RULES to help myself win/get in the playoffs.

Unfortunately, KJ isn't correct, as I can't secure a playoff spot with a win (unless Mr. Bill would lose), but it would get me one step closer! :D With KOQ, KJ, and Scottish Raiders up next, I could lose all 3. I want wins whenever I can get them, as ANYTHING can happen.

Fi$her questioned about this move being unethical. That is a fair question, and the way I look at ethics, was if it happened to me, would I handle it the EXACT same way? If someone were to "block" me I would be the first to applaud them. This is a game, and if someone can outsmart me/out think me/ outmanuever me, etc. I have nothing but respect for them.

Now Fi$her, you posted I believe back in week 5 that you were upset that a guy in your league started a few bye week players and other "questionable" moves against a competitor in your league. You were upset (and had every right to be), and even went as far as to ask Greg if he could make a "ruling" on this.

Now I ask you this.... if YOU were playing that guy who started guys on bye weeks, etc. would you have still made that post to Greg???

After all, that would be the ETHICAL thing to do. ;)

If someone blocks me, again, I will be the FIRST to applaud them. It is nothing against Rob (I have only met him once and he seemed like a great guy!), it is a contest, and quite honestly if others could do the same to me and didn't, I would no longer consider the NFFC 14 teamer to be the toughest and most competitive league I play in EACH year! :D

[ November 07, 2008, 06:21 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by TradeStar28 » Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:54 pm

I was only kidding...

Good move by Billy....I figured that the Message forum has been dead lately....

But I do remember this being a huge discussion in 2002 in wcoff...some people were really opposed to the FA player blocks
2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

King of Queens
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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by King of Queens » Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:59 pm

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Unfortunately, KJ isn't correct, as I can't secure a playoff spot with a win (unless Mr. Bill would lose), but it would get me one step closer! :D With KOQ, KJ, and Scottish Raiders up next, I could lose all 3. I want wins whenever I can get them, as ANYTHING can happen. As we discussed, it's possible that you could win this week AND Mr. Bill loses (thus building a 3 game lead), but you don't make the playoffs:

(1) I win my last 4 games (including our H2H matchup next week), outscoring you by an average of 17 points per week starting this week.

(2) You defeat the Headless Z-Man ;) in Week 10. You then pull an '86 Jets and lose your last 3 games in horrific fashion.

(3) You put up crappy totals and fall to 32nd place overall.

Now, there are a few other possibilities out there, but ALL of these things would have to happen for you not to make it. With that said, it's looking very good for a Hammerheads/BillyWaz league playoffs. Glad to see you're not resting on your laurels :D

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by Quahogs » Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:31 pm

J-Lo got back but Billy got QUARTERbacks ! Yeah baby. I'm pretty sure Billy dreams of the latter rather than the former come this time of year

Robert Zarzycki
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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by Robert Zarzycki » Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:36 am

There is absolutely nothing unethical about Billy's move. I applaud him and anyone else that executes creative and ethical ways within the rules to advance further in this game. -z-
Robert Zarzycki
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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by Sollan » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:56 am

So how did these leagues turn out?
I doubt anybody won both.
Did someone at least win money in both?

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by TradeStar28 » Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:07 am

Originally posted by Sollan:
So how did these leagues turn out?
I doubt anybody won both.
Did someone at least win money in both? I think in all the confusion that everyone just realized that neither of them is the best ....and in dramatic & climatic Hollywood ending, it seems that none other than the humble one, who preaches both peace & harmony from Labor Day till Christmas Day, a serpent has risen to the top, a Super hero for the game of fantasy football....

and his name is $nake
2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by Raiders » Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:22 am

Now we all know what happens when the #1 from 1966 team plays the #1 from 2008, was there ever any question?

Who is this Snake you talk about?


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