ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by Raiders » Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:59 am

Originally posted by FI$HER:
Billy Boy....

FI$HER is a combo platter of two first cousins, myself and the good ole' doc Ryan FI$HER. Our partnership was formed in 2002 in the inagural year of WCOFF. We proceeded to have most points in our division in 2002 & 2004. In 2004, I personally teamed up with another gent for the NFFC, and we did not have the same chemistry that my cousin and I had in WCOFF.

In 2005, FI$HER decided to take our fantasy football franchise exclusively to NFFC because we were sick and tired of the gheyness of the WCOFF owner. In that year, we had most points in our NFFC division and made the champ round. In 2006, we had the same results, champ round, and had a nice run until we ran into the wall known as Rob B (even though we had the winning roster,just not the winning starting roster).

2007 was a down year for FI$HER. It started out with Andre the Giant getting hurt after Week 3 of domination and us posting a 4-0 record. Everything went to the crapper with further injuries.

In 2008, same results as 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2006....FI$HER surpassed the regular season mark and posted a team record of 1800+ points (This with 3RR and a walking cane LT2).

First and foremost, I would like to give props to my Cuz , Dr. FI$HER ....because he is the greatest fantasy football drafter on the planet....hands down. He deserves recognition and this is without taking away anything from your accomplishments.

Last but not least, can you do a running tally to see who has the most points during 2005, 2006 , 2007 and 2008 at the end of the season. Their may be a new sheriff in town, and his name is Reggie Hammond :cool: 2004 NFFC NEW DADDY ~ Halle
2007 NFFC NEW DADDY ~ Gabrielle

You need to have a son to win it all. :D Last time I saw someone with a Favre jersey on, he stood 6'4 350lbs., I like the pic on the boards better. :D


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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by BillyWaz » Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:02 am

Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JohnZ:
[qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by BillyWaz:
[qb] [QUOTE]Everyone doesn't want to count their "bad year(s)", but when they have one or two "great years", that is their skill???? :confused:

Bottom line each year not counting injuries, whether you had a partner or not, whether you were in the right "frame of mind", who was in your league, etc. is DID YOU GET IT DONE, OR DIDN'T YOU?

The rest is just smoke and mirrors, as the points and $$$ earned doesn't lie. ;)

P.S John, Nice job cashing in 3 of 5 seasons, as I know that puts you well ahead of many here! :D ...actually if you count this year as TWO years - and you arguably should as thre are TWO Main's being played (the NFFC & NBC) then The Humble & Brillaint Serpent would also indeed qualify and be a ca$her in 3 out of 5 years too!...thanks much for the kudos here Billy...hehehe...SNAKE
[/QUOTE]Agreed, but I think you realize that if you count this year as TWO, then it would be 3 of 6 for cashing, yes?

[/QUOTE]...uhm, no - 3 out of 5 actually...thanks much...SNAKE
[/QUOTE]Get over the "I had a partner" schtick, as we all know from your 5-6 posts a day where you talk about YOURSELF and your success this year, that had you been successful in 2004, then you would have DEFINITELY "counted it".

You can't count this as 2 "cashes", but only count it as one year.

For me, it is all about "the year". Did I make more than invested? Not sure how you justify two events in the SAME year, as two separate years, but I imagine if you failed to win $$ in both events next year, I can pretty much guarantee you would only count that as one. ;)

That all being said, this year looks to make up for your 4 previous years where you lost $$$, and dare I say that this year will (or already has) put you in the black overall?

Well done! :D

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by BillyWaz » Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:03 am

All right since logic and reason are not part of your "equation". Look at it EACH YEAR and did you MAKE MORE THAN YOU INVESTED?

Yes or No only NO EXCUSES...

2004- NO
2005- NO
2006- NO
2007- NO
2008- YES

Amazing how it looks when the data ISN'T manipulated, eh?

So you have made a profit 20% of the time.

Which again, is not horrible, as it puts you ahead of most, and you could actually BE AHEAD (in the big picture) by years end.

Kudos to you, Glenn! :D

I'm done, twist it around any way you like.

Good Luck! :D

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by TradeStar28 » Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:29 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
All right since logic and reason are not part of your "equation". Look at it EACH YEAR and did you MAKE MORE THAN YOU INVESTED?

Yes or No only NO EXCUSES...

2004- NO
2005- NO
2006- NO
2007- NO
2008- YES

Amazing how it looks when the data ISN'T manipulated, eh?

So you have made a profit 20% of the time.

Which again, is not horrible, as it puts you ahead of most, and you could actually BE AHEAD (in the big picture) by years end.

Kudos to you, Glenn! :D

I'm done, twist it around any way you like.

Good Luck! :D So lets say $nake wins one championship ...100 grand, and he cashed out in only 20% of the 5 years.....20% by your definition is not a good fantasy football player? Shouldn't overall earnings be the benchmark of success?
2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by TradeStar28 » Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:49 am

Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by FI$HER:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
All right since logic and reason are not part of your "equation". Look at it EACH YEAR and did you MAKE MORE THAN YOU INVESTED?

Yes or No only NO EXCUSES...

2004- NO
2005- NO
2006- NO
2007- NO
2008- YES

Amazing how it looks when the data ISN'T manipulated, eh?

So you have made a profit 20% of the time.

Which again, is not horrible, as it puts you ahead of most, and you could actually BE AHEAD (in the big picture) by years end.

Kudos to you, Glenn! :D

I'm done, twist it around any way you like.

Good Luck! :D So lets say $nake wins one championship ...100 grand, and he cashed out in only 20% of the 5 years.....20% by your definition is not a good fantasy football player? Shouldn't overall earnings be the benchmark of success?
[/QUOTE]...yep, about being a Twister of Info man - Mr. Mis-Spewing Manipulator Billyboy himself...hehehe...SNAKE
[/QUOTE]$nake, you tell Billy boy that if he wants some "TWISTER" then he could go eat it from this place -

Or he can pull the Twister out of the toy closet -

Or if he wants to see the cows and pickup trucks flying around .....then simply go to the local Blockbuster and rent it -

But no one should go into "Twister" mode to downplay fantasy football success.

[ December 03, 2008, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: FI$HER ]
2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by BillyWaz » Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:11 am

Originally posted by FI$HER:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
All right since logic and reason are not part of your "equation". Look at it EACH YEAR and did you MAKE MORE THAN YOU INVESTED?

Yes or No only NO EXCUSES...

2004- NO
2005- NO
2006- NO
2007- NO
2008- YES

Amazing how it looks when the data ISN'T manipulated, eh?

So you have made a profit 20% of the time.

Which again, is not horrible, as it puts you ahead of most, and you could actually BE AHEAD (in the big picture) by years end.

Kudos to you, Glenn! :D

I'm done, twist it around any way you like.

Good Luck! :D So lets say $nake wins one championship ...100 grand, and he cashed out in only 20% of the 5 years.....20% by your definition is not a good fantasy football player? Shouldn't overall earnings be the benchmark of success?
[/QUOTE]No, I agree Fi$her that $$$ is the ultimate measure of success. I think you missed when I DID give credit to Glenn that he will more than likely push his way into the black all in one season and that he will be ahead of MOST when it comes to winning $$$..

However, your boy Glenn has refuted NUMEROUS times that $$ is the measure of success. However since you said this and he is making some $$$$, I am sure that he will change his words. :rolleyes:

[ December 03, 2008, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by TradeStar28 » Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:19 am

Billy, Glenn is not "my boy". Actually no one here is my boy. I do have 2 daughters, and they are my girls....but they have no relation to this conversation.

To imply that someone is "your boy" places them at a lower level of intelligence and places them beneath you as a person. ie : a lackey, a fool, etc.

Please do not make me google some Maya quotes :D

[ December 03, 2008, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: FI$HER ]
2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

Captain Hook
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ZMan v. BWaz - Who is your $ on?

Post by Captain Hook » Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:32 am

.....yet another thread into the abyss

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