NFFC Auction playoffs

GOD Loves You
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NFFC Auction playoffs

Post by GOD Loves You » Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:15 am

Congrats on the 4th.....are you sure you don't want another overemotional offspring?? :D We have four too, three are girls, 4..2..and 5 months. Can't wait until they are teenagers!

Eddie, et al, the spelling had nothing to do with anything on the mb's, it was on weber's blog. I guess it's the educator/parent in me, but I just think if one wants to be taken seriously, regarding their thoughts on players, the players names should be spelled correctly. If one is making rankings on their own "site," I'd expect to see correct spelling....sorry, I'm just a stickler for things that are right.

I'm originally from the backwoods in Ohio, people there butcher the English language everyday. My mother and I used to get some good laughs out of the folks, "It don't matter, cause I seen it, supposeBly. Hearing people say, "wah-lah" instead of "voila" still "bothers me."

Would anyone buy a mag called, "The Fantusee Sporets Maguzean" or would you think less of ESPN if they listed a team as the Dalus Cowboz? You can use weber's profession, would people be knocking on his door if he stated he was a "Criminole Lawyour, speshuleyesing in Dyoueyes?" Would you go to a "Medecall Dockter" who is going to send you to the "Farmuhsee"?

To be blunt, you should somewhat care about spelling. Along with grammar and punctuation, spelling is the building block of our language. Our country is already on the downward spiral, do we need to have a lackadaisical attitude as it happens?

To be honest, it's quite scary seeing some of the misspelled words in print from numerous places. My son is attending public school for the first time this year, (he's 12)....SCAAAARRRRYYY, wow, really scary....thankfully he gets taught correct info at home, if not, McDonald's awaits. Anyways, a teacher sent home a paper with people to research, Mohammed Ali was one of the people, as was Dan Moreno......hmmm, from a teacher, and spelled incorrectly. People could say, who cares? Well, I do, these people are supposed to be educating our kids and they cannot spell very well know names correctly. It really is disheartening and scary, considering many rely solely on the school system to educate. Eh, enough of my tangent.

Weber, I actually agree with your selection of certain players based upon your opponents. I, too, will play a safer player due to the opponent, or be a little crazy and play a less safe player because I need upside to contend with the opponent.....makes sense when playing H2H.

I will say, you can get "lucky" in auctions as well. In the Mag Auction, the one Russ somehow won , people were nominating players for $1, fully knowing they were $20+++, $30+++ players, so to speed things up, I and a few others would bump up the prices close to the players level.....well, someone nominated Thomas Jones for $1 or $2 and wanting to finish the auction before the following day, I increased the bid to $18. I assumed Jones would go for $20 or so......crickets, watching that clock count down SUCKED....I didn't want T.J. but the clock expired and I was "stuck" with him. Through my mistake I was stuck with the #8 RB for the season. :cool:

And yes, Big Mike, it is hard to see intent and tone in black and white. I'm one of the more "like to have fun people" but I know for sure my bluntness is taken as smugness. I've reread my own postings and have thought, "man that seemed harsh," when it really wasn't meant to be.

Carpay D-m ;)

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NFFC Auction playoffs

Post by Eddiejag » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:39 am

Look's like where all getting along.Webber congrads on a healthy baby and lets hope for a boy.Spelling isnt my strong point but my kids showed daddy the google in the right hand corner that now helps big time.Everyone good luck in your fantasy playoffs.
In my home league we had nine guys playing and i had the 6th pick and watched 5 quarterbacks go right in a row so i decided to wait them out.Coming down the end of the draft there was only two of us who still needed a qb and my opponenet blinked first and took McNabb which left me Warner.Sometimes you need a little luck if he left me Donavan i would probably be done but now im in 2nd place and get another game out of Warner. Gotta love it.
NFBC (NY) auction league champion!

He who steps to me in 2005, you better realize you dont have enough jive..... TURKEY!

Posts: 1805
Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:00 pm

NFFC Auction playoffs

Post by sportsbettingman » Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:02 am

The google tool bar has a spell check, but I didn't like it, so I just downloaded this...

Works like a charm.
"The first man what makes a move can count amongst 'is treasure a ball from this pistol."

~Long John Silver

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