Fantasy Player Protection

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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by peyton2004 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:23 am

Guys -

Sorry to upset everyone this morning. I know the guys that set up the site and told them I would help get the message out thru some chat rooms and blogs. This is the first year the service was online as the they use to offer the idea through private leagues.

I apologized to Greg and I apologize to all of you. I think it is a cool idea but it appears you don't. Sorry and you won't hear anymore about it from me.

King of Queens
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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by King of Queens » Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:41 am

Originally posted by peyton2004:
Guys -

Sorry to upset everyone this morning. I know the guys that set up the site and told them I would help get the message out thru some chat rooms and blogs. This is the first year the service was online as the they use to offer the idea through private leagues.

I apologized to Greg and I apologize to all of you. I think it is a cool idea but it appears you don't. Sorry and you won't hear anymore about it from me.
JC No problem. You got the message out and loud and clear.

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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by Dyv » Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:06 am

Originally posted by peyton2004:
Guys -

Sorry to upset everyone this morning. I know the guys that set up the site and told them I would help get the message out thru some chat rooms and blogs. This is the first year the service was online as the they use to offer the idea through private leagues.

I apologized to Greg and I apologize to all of you. I think it is a cool idea but it appears you don't. Sorry and you won't hear anymore about it from me.
JC Really, who are the guys that set up the site? Why don't you share their names, email info and phone numbers? I have some blogger and chat rooms that would like that info.
The Wonderful thing about Dyv's is I'm the only one!

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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by peyton2004 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:22 am

It appears that you are still bitter so feel free to email the guys and complain to them.

Adam - [email protected]
Justin - [email protected]
Brian - [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by kjduke » Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:03 am

Originally posted by peyton2004:
It appears that you are still bitter so feel free to email the guys and complain to them.

Adam - [email protected]
Justin - [email protected]
Brian - [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] We're not bitter at you per se, we're bitter at all spammers. Spammers have taken over from the "long-distance-company call-you-at-home" as most annoying, unwanted people who waste your time. Do yourself a favor and find a different way to make a buck, people will like you a lot more.

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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by dgamblnman » Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:56 am

It is a felony in accordance to federal law CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-187, S. 877). It is a felony. You cannot send unsolicited email, you cannot gather information to use for spam (gathering email addresses).

For those who say its no big beal, mailing lists are sold all the time illegally, along with further spam from the company. So there is no telling where your email may end up.

Walla Walla
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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by Walla Walla » Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:02 am

ah big beal!!!!

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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by Dyv » Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:07 am


Thank you for the email and we take your message very seriously. All of us at FPP understand that our reputation is paramount to our success...especially with the unique service we offer this year and the unique services we plan on offering in the future.

We have several guys around the country who were given marketing materials and asked to "spread the word". Our directions were obviously not clear enough because we have no intention of "running a shadowy website looking to bilk people". If that is the message being sent...we have failed.

I will personally get in contact with each of the guys and explain that the short term goals of getting the message out MUST NOT interfere with the long term goals of creating a trustworthy firm.

Thank you for the message and this is a learning experience for which you can be sure we will improve.

Do you have the name of the person who posted the notes?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Message board postings
From: "Dave Cushard" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, August 26, 2005 1:10 pm
To: <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>

Hi, I would like to inform you of an occurence where someone who 'knows you' has gone beyond posting a note on a message board and has, instead, gone the extra step of posting a private message to each person he could find on the message board soliciting we all try your website services.

I'm not sure if this is a mistake on his part due to lack of direction, being overzealous or if you have authorized this kind of behavior but I find being solicited in this manner to be inappropriate.

Please advise if this is your intention to run as a shadowy website looking to bilk people or if you are trying to build a good reputation in the fantasy games industry. Let me assure you these techniques are noticeable and may NOT have the desired effect.


The Wonderful thing about Dyv's is I'm the only one!

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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by chillsports » Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:59 am


If I am not too late to play you leaderboard genii, point me in the right general direction.

Most of my email is unsolicited, going and coming. But I like it when people send me emails. I dont have to talk to my volleyball then.

King of Queens
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Fantasy Player Protection

Post by King of Queens » Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:57 pm

Dyv, nice work. I was planning on writing FPP a love note this evening, but you beat me to the punch. Good job in "spreading the word."

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