Is It Twue???

larry schechter
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Is It Twue???

Post by larry schechter » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:31 am

Greg or Tom, is it true that the same owner who dropped MSW also owns a second team in the same league? If so, it sure sounds like an attempt at collusion rather than a mistake.
Perhaps there should be a rule against owning more
than 1 team in the same league.
What happens when they play each other? If one team has a much better shot at making the playoffs, the other team will start their scrubs that week.

Greg Ambrosius
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Is It Twue???

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:36 am

Originally posted by Silver and Black:
I love that Greg and Tom go out of their way to help someone who has made an error. I think that is always the way to go but in this case it sounds like the owner did not make a mistake. It sounds like the owner mismanaged their team and was rewarded.

I will grant Tom's wish and go away. This is my last post. Rob, thanks for your points on this matter, but I have handled cuts of this nature similarly since 2004. I'm giving the guy the benefit of the doubt that he was unfamiliar with the software, set it up wrong and always meant to cut Hardesty ahead of Mike Sims-Walker. If you feel we were wrong in making this exchange after talking with him, that is your opinion. But Hardesty seems like the logical cut here and MSW doesn't.

We could have just pulled MSW out of the pool, but after talking with this owner we felt the logical move was to help him with this cut. He got the free agent he wanted, he just set up his cuts wrong. And we corrected it for him.

When a veteran NFFC owner cut the wrong Steve Smith a few years back, we interceded. Last week when an NFBC owner cut Brian Wilson, we interceded. Again, our options were to correct an error by this owner or take MSW totally out of the free agent pool. Either way, nobody in this league was getting MSW.

We handle these situations differently than other contests. You know that. Again, if it's your opinion we handled this wrong, that's your opinion. We have helped owners before and in an obvious case like this one we'll continue to jump in and make the right move.

Thanks Champ for your opinions. Always welcome here.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Greg Ambrosius
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Is It Twue???

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:40 am

Originally posted by RedRyder:
No comment on the ruling, I'm on vacation. I really don't have a lean on it.

But, I will say, Rob Benetti is a class act and good for the NFFC. He has represented his Championship well for you folks. He didn't deserve the snide comment. Let's all realize that anyone who ventures onto these message boards must have thick skin, Snake-like skin, almost. Rob is being opinionated here and he has a right to his opinion. I'm not sure why he would make a last comment and leave when he feels strongly about his opinion. That doesn't sound like the Rob I know. But if so, that's his decision.

We made a commissioner's decision and we'll follow this league and team closely going forward. I think that's what everyone wants; a commissioner that isn't afraid to make the tough decisions. I'm certainly not afraid to debate this with an intelligent owner like Rob. I doubt he's afraid to call me and discuss this or anything else, too.

Feel free to continue posting Rob. We can take it.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

larry schechter
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Is It Twue???

Post by larry schechter » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:42 am

Unless I completely misread earlier posts, it appears the owner did want to cut MSW as well as Hardesty. He had two separate bid lists, did he not?

It wasn't a mistake that he intended to cut Hardesty instead of MSW, he intended to cut both of them, did he not?

Greg Ambrosius
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Is It Twue???

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:42 am

Originally posted by GK:
...I am also NOW OFFICIALLY DONE POSTING HERE AS IS ROB - that is it for me here...carrry on folks and have fun as it should be ALL about what we ALL love and are SO passionate about here - FF! ...peace and harmony to all!...GK We will hold you to this. Good luck the rest of the season Glenn and hopefully you will hold true to your word here.
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Greg Ambrosius
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Is It Twue???

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:46 am

Originally posted by larry schechter:
Greg or Tom, is it true that the same owner who dropped MSW also owns a second team in the same league? If so, it sure sounds like an attempt at collusion rather than a mistake.
Perhaps there should be a rule against owning more
than 1 team in the same league.
What happens when they play each other? If one team has a much better shot at making the playoffs, the other team will start their scrubs that week. Larry, we had this conversation when leagues were formed. They have the last name, that's all we know. Do we ban all teams with last names? Do we ban all CDM customers that know each other from being in the same contest or league? Do we ban those who share pre-season notes from the same league?

It's not too hard to watch for collusion in any league and it's easy to stop. If there are silly cuts here or anywhere else we have the right to pull that player out of the free agent pool. They can damage their team all they want, but that doesn't mean we have to leave those top free agents in the pool. But in the end, it just damages that league and possibly the national contest. So we try to keep the integrity of the overall contest and the league our top priority.

The guy cut Hardesty and meant to have MSW lower on his cut list. Life goes on and we'll watch all cuts as closely as we've always done in the NFFC.
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Greg Ambrosius
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Is It Twue???

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:49 am

Originally posted by larry schechter:
Unless I completely misread earlier posts, it appears the owner did want to cut MSW as well as Hardesty. He had two separate bid lists, did he not?

It wasn't a mistake that he intended to cut Hardesty instead of MSW, he intended to cut both of them, did he not? It looks like he was trying to pick up three players. He got one. And Hardesty should have been his top cut for each of these if he knew how to set it up right. I think you would agree.
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Ted's Cracked Head
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Is It Twue???

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:10 am

I should not have posted that Tom wanted me to go away. I apologize for posting that and stirring up another can of worms.

I greatly respect Greg and Tom and their decision making process. I know that they ONLY want what is best for the industry and players. They work tirelessly to provide a product that meets and exceeds the needs of the HS fantasy community.

If I take a break and am not around for a while it is because it is in my best interest. I need to start studying a little more for next years Classic and Primetime where in 2010, I am again going to be a donor. Why more people don't flock to Chicago for a shot at being in my league boggles my mind.
My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

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Tom Kessenich
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Is It Twue???

Post by Tom Kessenich » Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:16 am

Rob, no apology necessary. My post wasn't meant to be hurtful as I've told you and my apologies if it came across that way. You know Greg and I have always thought very highly of you and that will never change. Nothing wrong with taking a break. That's good for the soul. But you're one of our most valued members of the NFFC family so hopefully you will always be around.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
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