NFFC Entry Fee?

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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by TradeStar28 » Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:45 pm


Rest assured that ...FI$HER... will not mind the bump up to $1500 and we will still take 2 teams off your hands at the higher price point next year


[ December 08, 2006, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: FISHER ]
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Sound Advice
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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by Sound Advice » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:28 pm

GG - Please sumbit yourself for drug testing in the morning. Have you ever wondered how many of the 20 million fantasy players have won $100,000? You have lost touch with the average player.

The average player is scraping together their entry fee. They are the ones whos opinions matter most. Because they are the overwelming majority.
Drop it down to $1,000 next year and it will fill completely.
Cap it at 1,000 teams the year after.

Thousands and thousands of newer players are considering high stakes every year. $1,500 is too much to lure the newbies.

As far as prize distribution goes:
I'm for an increase (to $6,000) for first in league. And everything else staying about the same. Any additional funds to be distributed should be to increase league payouts.

If league 1 cost $1,600 had an overall payout of 200,000 -
And league 2 was $1,000 and had a $100,000 overall payout, but they were identical in league payout, more players would play in league 2. By far.

King of Queens
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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by King of Queens » Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:22 pm

I guess the big debate is whether extra money should go towards league prizes or overall prizes. From the responses in this thread, it seems that reaching a consensus would be next to impossible.

Jersey Dawg
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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by Jersey Dawg » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:30 pm

I do both leagues, as many here do. I also throw my hat into a few satellite leagues in both games. I've had some luck in my leagues, both good luck and bad luck. I've never come close to winning the grand prize as most of us have not. Given that reality, it is nice to pay your money in and at least have a fair shot at getting a decent check back in the mail for doing well in your league. Then, you have your "get hot at the right time" chance of winning the big money as an added bonus.

$100,000 or $125,000; not much of a real difference. Either way you are holding your breath until the last second of the last game and jumping up and down if you end up in first. Every year only a handful will have that shot on week 16. For the vast majority we're looking to justify our entry fee with prize money won at the end of week 13.

That said, if the entry fee is increased I think the first thing to do is raise the league money. Raising the Grand Prize should be a function of gathering in more teams, not more entry fee. Getting substantially less than your entry fee for finishing 3rd in a league of 14 is not good for business.

Just my opinion. $50 more to pay $500 more to 3rd place is a great start.


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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by wayne123 » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:44 pm

I would pay more, but I would like to see the money spent on prizes within the league. I really don't understand why we cannot have "playoff" games in the league at the same time we are having the three game overall competition. Why does the league play have to end so soon?

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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by BLACKHAND » Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:09 pm

I think GG hit it perfect !! great idea !!

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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by gerard » Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:47 pm

hi greg
to get more people i think you will need to up the 100,000 that is what you try to promote the most when someone goes on the website
nffc is 1250.00 to win 100,000
wcoff is 1600.00 or 1700.00 to win 200,000
i think that is the big issue becauce most people will only see this on both websites i don't think they will get to the detailes of league money vs. over all prize money
for the people all ready in this event they will want to see more money go to the league money but i don't think that will bring in more new people at the same time if you increase to 1500.00 you don't want to loose any of your core base
gerard sambola

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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by TURBOUGH » Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:07 am

Originally posted by Bigger MO:
I agree with Gekko. Average fans don't spend $1,250 on fantasy football, let alone $1,500. The clientelle you are seeking won't be bothered with the extra $250. But when does it get to be too much? I still think that co-manager money should go back into the league payouts. JMO

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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by TURBOUGH » Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:07 am

Originally posted by Bigger MO:
I agree with Gekko. Average fans don't spend $1,250 on fantasy football, let alone $1,500. The clientelle you are seeking won't be bothered with the extra $250. But when does it get to be too much? I still think that co-manager money should go back into the league payouts. JMO

Gordon Gekko
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NFFC Entry Fee?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:40 am

options if we increase to $1,500. based on 322 owners. additional entries would increase Championship Playoff prizes

Championship Playoff Increases
1st - Leave at $100,000
2nd - Add $5,000 making it $20,000
3rd - Add $4,500 making it $12,000
4th - Add $3,500 making it $6,000
5th - Add $1,750 making it $3,000
6th - Add $1,750 making it $3,000
7th - Add $250 making it $1,500
8th - Add $250 making it $1,500
9th - Add $1,500 making it $1,500
Individual League Increases
1st - Add $1,000 making it $6,000
2nd - Add $500 making it $3,000
3rd - Add $500 making it $1,000

Championship Playoff Increases
1st - Add $25,000 making it $125,000
2nd - Add $5,000 making it $20,000
Individual League Increases
1st - Add $1,000 making it $6,000
2nd - Add $500 making it $3,000

[ December 09, 2006, 06:44 AM: Message edited by: Gordon Gekko ]
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